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11448884 No.11448884 [Reply] [Original]

What books do you recommend reading to a future lawyer?

>> No.11448887

As a lawyer you would likely be interested in the works of the sophists.

>> No.11448896

No lawyer is complete without his copy of hypersphere

>> No.11448897

Read Nick Land's blog

>> No.11448901

You mean philosophy of law?

>> No.11448904

the Talmud

>> No.11448906
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>> No.11448907

I tried to contribute to the best novel of the 21st century, but retards deleted my contribution so the book is shit.

>> No.11448909

The Talmud

>> No.11448913


>> No.11448917


>> No.11448919

I would've recommended a philosophy of law book that I really liked, but instead I shall recommend that you not post jezebels on here.

>> No.11448927

I agree with the don't post jezebels thing but now I want to know the book.

>> No.11448928

I'm sorry elijah but your gods are wrong

>> No.11448951
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Start with the Hart

>> No.11448955
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Always go with haygull

>> No.11448964
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Get squawkin' with Dworkin

>> No.11448978
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Eh, fine. Pic related. It can get a bit continental at times, but for the most part it's accessible and deals mostly with American authors within the domain of law (despite what the might suggest).

>> No.11448982

* what the title might suggest

>> No.11450217


>> No.11450297

Read some analytic philosophy. Get a good book on logic/reason and argument. That will serve you far better as a lawyer than muh Greeks and muh continentals.

>> No.11450310

I think law/jurisprudence needs to be reformed quite frankly and administered au gratis. Get people in there who actually administer justice in a speedy manner and stop fucking around with the elongated times of litigation and summons.

The only reason why the death penalty isn’t feasible is because of death row waiting time. Cut that shot out

>> No.11451297


>> No.11451298


>> No.11451338

fuck you jezebelposter

>> No.11451397

Just limit the appeals.
Fuck the ACLU while we're at it.

>> No.11451425



good thing OP didn't post one.

>> No.11451442
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Being this salty at lawyers.

>> No.11451478

The Epistemology of Cement Shoes on the Seafloor

>> No.11451528

Small chuckle.

>> No.11451581
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>> No.11451810

Hans Kelsen and Norberto Bobbio are my favorite juridic authors.

>> No.11453301


>> No.11453309
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y'all jezebelposters are killing my man wojak

>> No.11453318
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>> No.11453455
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Read some Scalia man.

>> No.11453472

>tfw unironically paying $300k on law school to give myself a chance of becoming a beta provider for one of these knd of women in 15 years when they are old and used up

I know its wrong but its the only path that leads to hope

>> No.11453476 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11453490

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.11453493 [DELETED] 

>reading a fascist's writings

back to /pol/

>> No.11453500
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*snap* Such shitty bait

>> No.11453558
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Read Roberto, utilise Unger.

>> No.11453609

op here
In my country most universities are free and the most prestigious also

>> No.11453614

Which country?

>> No.11453640

What law school?

>> No.11453865


>> No.11453997

Who is this sæmon dæmon?

>> No.11455573

So what Law School?

>> No.11455756

>I think law/jurisprudence needs to be reformed quite frankly and administered au gratis. Get people in there who actually administer justice in a speedy manner and stop fucking around with the elongated times of litigation and summons.

From Priscus's account of visiting the court of Attila

He considered his new life among the Scythians better than his old life among the Romans. . . the condition of the subjects in time of peace is far more grievous than the evils of war . . . because the laws are practically not valid against all classes. A transgressor who belongs to the wealthy classes is not punished for his injustice, while a poor man, who does not understand business, undergoes the legal penalty, that is if he does not depart this life before the trial, so long is the course of lawsuits protracted, and so much money is expended on them. The climax of the misery is to have to pay in order to obtain justice. For no one will give a court to the injured man unless he pay a sum of money to the judge and the judge's clerks."

>> No.11455764

In reply to this attack on the Empire, I asked him to be good enough to listen with patience to the other side of the question. "The creators of the Roman republic," I said, "who were wise and good men, in order to prevent things from being done at haphazard made one class of men guardians of the laws .... To those who protect the interests of the litigants a sum of money is paid by the latter, just as a payment is made by the farmers to the soldiers. Is it not fair to support him who assists and requite him for his kindness? .... Those who spend money on a suit and lose it in the end cannot fairly put it down to anything but the injustice of their case. And as to the long time spent on lawsuits, that is due to concern for justice, that judges may not fail in passing correct judgments, by having to give sentence offhand; it is better that they should reflect, and conclude the case more tardily, than that by judging in a hurry they should both injure man and transgress against the Deity, the institutor of justice....

My interlocutor shed tears, and confessed that the laws and constitution of the Romans were fair, but deplored that the governors, not possessing the spirit of former generations, were ruining the State."


>> No.11456266

Your sister.

>> No.11456897


>> No.11456948

The Trial, The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.11456975
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>> No.11457071

Crime and punishment

>> No.11457340

I believe in you, anon. You will become the beta you've always wanted to be, and take care of a washed up qt art hoe.

>> No.11458376

>no Indian law school in the top 50 world rankings

Anon please.

>> No.11458410

If it means anything, I got into a pretty damn good medical school, realized that it was just a trade job for very intelligent people (ex. someone making high-level decisions at a pharm company saves 10X more lives per year than a physician), and I am now applying to law school this cycle (I'm in my mid 20s). If you are having issues with women, the tough facts are that you should be messing around with women, either loosely or in a relationship, throughout schooling - not following completion. I made that mistake in thought throughout undergrad so "I could get into medical school, and find a great girl later". Did some self analysis/hating, got myself into shape (/fit/ helped), and made an effort with women. The two need not be mutually exclusive. I hope that sincerely helps.

>> No.11458414


>> No.11458491

Can we please stop talking about gay talmudism and discuss this jezabel? For starters, is she a virgin?

>> No.11458577

Lawer is a field concerns mostly of Moral philosophy. Books about Buddhism should be best for you, since it's, in some aspect, religious moral philosophy, and a moral system, not only for people who is in a society, but also to the universe. When you are familiar with the universal rules of morality, specific cases in a specific system should be easy.

>> No.11458610

it's all trash don't do it anon

>> No.11458634

It isn't all trash, do it anon!

>> No.11459035


>> No.11459321

Read Thomas Hobbes,.

>> No.11460125

My legal philosophy essentials:
At least Republic and Laws by Plato.
Ethica, Politica and Rhetorica by Aristotle.
Augustines City of God for the foundation of natural law. Grotius, Hobbes, Lock and Rousseau for the basics of modern political thought. Austin, Hart, Dworkin are the core of legal philosophy. Tom Tyler & Nils Christie to get a clear concept of the procedural vs restorative criminal justice theories.

>> No.11460164


>> No.11460218
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>> No.11461671

Tell us more about Tyler, Nils, and Christie?

>> No.11461719

For a future lawyer? Aristotle's Organon (a set of treatises on reasoning, argument, and kinds of knowledge), and his rhetoric. Plato's dialogue, The Laws, would also be interesting to look at with the question of what Law is in mind (supplement with the commentaries of Al-Farabi, Strauss, and Benardete). Look into Aquinas's Summa Theologicae for a phenomenal example of how to develop objections and responses to said objections (regardless of where you stand religiously).

>> No.11462033

Carl Schmitt.

>> No.11462539

t. Couldn't get into law school.

>> No.11463275


>> No.11463394

anon I can't find the sauce anywhere. If you give it to mew I will recc some obscure law books from my country

>> No.11463531

Plato's The Laws
Cicero's On Obligations
Read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

Basically this >>11460125 anon is correct.

If you're an American, actually read the Constitution carefully, as well as the Federalist Papers in full. Also this nigga right here >>11453455

>> No.11463606
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And finish with the Finnis

>> No.11463627

Getting into -a- law school is nothing. There are literally hundreds of shit-tier schools that take LSAT scores below 160.

>> No.11463893

Not OP but can you please tell us about those obscure law books from your country? Which country by the way?

>> No.11464354

John Rawls.

>> No.11464583

My diary, desu.

>> No.11464599


>> No.11464647

Nils Christie is the founder of the victimology subdiscipline of criminology and of the modern restorative justice movement. The restorative justice movement is one of the most effective lobbying groups effecting policy change in criminal and civil justice today. Their core beliefs are that victims deserve more rights and that the legal system should be primarily focussed on nullifying the effects of a crime. This theory is slowly but radically changing legal systems across the world.

Tom Tyler is a legal philosopher who defends classical legal principles like the presumption of innocence against modern critics like Christie in their own language. He usses a lot of criminological research for instance. His type of legal philosophers are sometimes called procedural justice advocates.

Tyler and Christie are great legal philosophers to study together because the debate between them is becoming more and more relevant. But they also illustrate how legal philosophy is turning into an evidence based discipline.

>> No.11465512

not until i get source on my new wife

>> No.11465543

Ok, she said she'll message you on here if you post the recommendations for us.

>> No.11465872

Defensio Fidei Catholicae adversus Anglicanae sectae errores - Suárez

De potestate civili, Del Homicidio, De matrimonio - Vitoria

Much easier to find is Donoso Cortés (The biggest influence on Schmitt)

>> No.11465882
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>> No.11465924


Der Jude.

>> No.11465958

Plato's Republic and Laws.

>> No.11465972


Yes. it is a study of law. the oldest one

>> No.11465993
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Really Rabbi?

>> No.11466515

Thanks anon. Any other influences on Schmitt that you'd recommend?

>> No.11466518
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>> No.11466538
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t. Der jude

>> No.11466578

I guess De Maistre and Bonald

>> No.11467243

Awesome. Let me know if any other secondary readings come to mind.

>> No.11468065


>> No.11468124

STEMfag here thinking about going to law school to be a patent lawyer. Is it worth it lads?

>> No.11468131

know the enemy, or join him

>> No.11468215

I'm not sure about the end goal of becoming a patent lawyer, but yes go to law school. Tell us more about yourself maybe.

>> No.11468262

>Studying aerospace engineering
>gpa is pretty good right now 3.9+
>Good at writing, definitely above average compared to STEM desu

If law was an undergraduate degree I would have pursued it, but alas it isn't. Went into engineering because I'm good at math and science, I figure that mixing both engineering and law together would be a great fit for me.

>> No.11468318

Hm ok I'll try to pay more focus to this thread now but yeah it seems like it could be a good path. It'll get you out of the STEM meme trap a bit also.Never planned things out well myself.

>> No.11468472

Let me know if you got the sauce on this honey

>> No.11468544

what is the work of a lawyer? do you just make shit up and bend the law to save your client? you would think with written and standardised law code lawyers would be irrelevant in the majority of cases

>> No.11468917

Google is your friend brainlet

>> No.11469183

Yeah, but only if you have some more recommendations for me honey.

>> No.11470381

i'm pretty sure google would give a dishonest definition of the job.

>> No.11470393

Fear and Loathing in las vegas

>> No.11470539

Basically just do your fucking research mate.

>> No.11470797

at least tell me what thread you got that picture from

>> No.11470803

Read Stirner so that you may know all that you do in your career is a sham.

>> No.11470808
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>> No.11470984

She sent it to me right before I mad this thread sweetie.

>> No.11471182


>> No.11471194

Plato, presocratics and Aristotle

>> No.11471231


>> No.11471250

Literally read a whole law dictionary.
Also that girl is really cute.

>> No.11471260

But weren't they wrong about a lot.

>> No.11471278

The point is that you read them and find out by yourself why are they "wrong". Maybe it will even get you interested in later philosophy. The thing is that what most people have in mind when they think of "philosophy" is all in those authors. Contemporary philosophy is radically different.

>> No.11471374

Why is my wife sending you pictures?

>> No.11471977

Ask her and then report back to this thread. I'm interested in hearing what she tells you sweetie.

>> No.11472011

Hegel has absolutely no application to anything in the real world (unless you're just namedropping him to sound smarter like Marx/Engels). Don't waste your time; it's just gibberish.

>> No.11472537
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel is just gibberish
You're not going to make it anon.

>> No.11473434
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No thanks, I'm waited for the Norton Critical and Oxford editions of Sadler.

>> No.11474238

You're not going to make it.

>> No.11475146


>> No.11475348

Damn summer, this board moves to fast now.

>> No.11475392

get out summer fag

>> No.11475398
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I'm a regular here kid.

>> No.11475444


>> No.11476329

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.11476619

The Law - Bastiat

>> No.11477011

What's stopping you anon? ;)

>> No.11477054

You should get your moral philosophy on point.

>> No.11477059

crito, hobbes, Rousseau

>> No.11477182

petrarch's letter to posterity

>> No.11477524


>> No.11478028

cat seems fucking huge compared to the girl

>> No.11478042

Bertrand Russel's "The Problems of Philosophy" is a decent general introduction. I don't know anything you would particularly like based on being a lawyer, maybe philosophies of justice? In which case John Rawls is pretty much the most popular but he's boring as fuck to read.

>> No.11478911
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Ignore this post. Russel is awful. Pick up a few of the many other introductions to philosophy.