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File: 44 KB, 578x605, ouroborous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11477467 No.11477467 [Reply] [Original]

the ouroborous is a great symbol it suggests everything, consciousness as recursion, the unity of the whole, cycles of nature, the closure of being, the self-identity of God, etc.

any books that go into this stuff at a high level?

>> No.11477476

no but I can name a few metal albums that do...

btw realizing that extreme metal completes western philosophy is the final blackpill

>> No.11477482

there's a wordpress site i found once that's just actually very advanced philosophical essays on black metal and christology and shit that's some of the best stuff ive ever read

>> No.11477497

You remind me of those weak faggot who read about synchronicity when they were 15 and started to see meaningful coincidences everywhere. You can project literally everything on all kinds of symbols and people will go YEAH MAN IT'S LIKE PRIMORDIAL MAN GENETIC MEMORY MAN

>> No.11477611

Jung does; the Princeton Jung volumes all have fantastic bibliographies too. Also Eliade. Just google both authors along with the word uroborus (or however /you want to spell it) and youll be on your way

>> No.11477622

Don't just tease us like that.

>> No.11477624

>what I don't understand must be the forced interpretation of a naïve teenager

fuck iff

>> No.11477629

i used to have freaky ass dreams of this thing just floating in my room as a child before i even knew what it was

>> No.11477635

Send it over.

Also, post some black metal.

>> No.11477641

langan fagging again

>> No.11477648

I lost it unfortunately, one of the essays was about Christ's cry of "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" on the Cross related to metaphysical interpretations of the color black, on the off chance someone knows what I'm talking about. it was fire

>> No.11477667

http://www.anus.com (American Nihilist Underground Society)

>> No.11477673
File: 20 KB, 324x499, 2632DC9D-1AC7-42CC-89B5-BCA28EBD8469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11477675

lel i found this website when i was in highschool once. im 27 now for reference. no idea how the heck i ended up there

>> No.11477678
File: 111 KB, 800x392, 62BD848D-09F2-4E87-A5E3-BE0154BDC695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11477684


The OG

>> No.11477707
File: 37 KB, 778x778, world run by imbicels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero Books. The true sign of "quality content".

>> No.11477727


>> No.11477732

And who publishes your work?

>> No.11477737
File: 21 KB, 200x200, C47229FB-F964-4A2C-8723-3BBAFE3BD907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone watched too much FMA before bed.

>> No.11477741
File: 40 KB, 331x499, 08C604B8-3CA6-45D1-989E-5CA535B6212E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a good starting point as well.

>> No.11477757

yes, the CTMU

>> No.11477760

already read it. yes its based

>> No.11477802

anus were at their best when they were being practically the only voice on the internet that was meaningfully connecting the phenomenon of death and black metal into the larger socio-cultural-historical tapestry of the late 20th c. That is to say, when they were actually talking about music. They fell under that archetype of connecting metal to Romanticism, western art music, Nietzschean ideals, etc etc. but were unique in doing it somewhat meaningfully, at least relative to other metalheads that think a power metal band covering some arrangement of a Bach fugue lends metal credibility. It's been downhill since the rebrand though, and the stormfront sentiment that had always brewed under the surface is virtually realized now.

>> No.11477831

Goedel, Escher, Bach & I Am A Strange Loop sorta go into this

>> No.11477875

my diary desu

>> No.11477891

damn who'd have thought the best symbol is a snake succin it self

>> No.11478984

how the fuck is it a great symbol? if you saw that thing on the street you'd stamp it good!!! life's way better than a fugly snake that invites funny catdog paradoxes (how does it shit? what does it do when it gets to the end? etc.)

>> No.11479018


>> No.11479032

Unironically Finnegans Wake

>> No.11479058

That reminded me of Heinlein

Any recommendations for mind-fuck time travel things?

>> No.11479124

Why the fuck should it be something that has to work the same way living beings do, how fucking stupid are you? You're the one who needs to get stomped if anything because your mind is worthless.

>> No.11479127

>"haha what's on anus.com"

>> No.11479131

Archetype of the collective subconscious.

>> No.11479138

Anus is DMU and DMU is run by a literal, unironic, retard. If you're interested in trad larpers taking metal way too seriously then try this https://praefuscusferrum.com and Old Disgruntled Bastard. I think both sites are shit but the whole "metal intellectualism phenomenon" is amusing in its own cringey way.

>> No.11479140

You wanna fuck your dad.

>> No.11479154

based freudian ghost

>> No.11479188

it's a snake

>> No.11479402
File: 218 KB, 500x700, 7c2f2f0b3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.11479483

Wisdom is a stasis: Knowledge is like the 'snake of eternity', constantly eating itself and never finishing.

More bathos: connexity of all our bloody selves to Ego is a nightmare commanded by the overlooked, unobeyed latencies of return, essential for re-union.

Ego expands by that which evokes mutual effluxes; therefore look for the Theocentric in the Egocentric.

If God personalizes our deficiencies, then, we thus personify his?

Subject understanding object by 'as if' may become, with courage, an ingressive emotional experience giving mutual expression.

>> No.11479775
File: 12 KB, 200x204, kekule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pynchon does a bit on Kekulé's Dream in Gravity's Rainbow but its only a page or so.

>> No.11479830

jesus christ, I can see your unwashed shoulder-length hair from here. your type is insufferable.

>> No.11479855

The Hero With a Thousand Faces covers this pretty extensively

>> No.11479974
File: 1.39 MB, 1500x1500, Cynic-Uroboric-Forms-The-Complete-Demo-Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Album version
Remastered demo version before they started using the vocoder

Self is universe
Not separate, the state before
The fall into
Self consciousness

Nothing is himself
Everything is world

Primordial egg returns
Consciousness unborn
Pre-personal perfection
Bliss's scree yet untorn
Uroboric forms

Find itself as a separate entity
An ego germ is just beginning to be

Wherever there is other, there is fear

Birth, primal paradise
No gap distance or separation
Between self and environment
Unconditional omnipotence

>> No.11479982
File: 19 KB, 315x315, Gojira_-_The_Way_of_All_Flesh_-_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Serpent of light, movement of the soul
Crawling stately along the spine
Mighty phoenix from the ashes rises
Firebird cycle of life, regenerate the cell

Life burns fierce, reduced to ashes
Resurrection from the flame, ageless process
Quest for absolution, out of bounds introspect
Self-consuming womb, ever present, meet no end

It seems like I always knew this
Since I'm a child I can feel it
My inner light everlasting
Revolving within a circle

Extended wings I'm flying
Over the valleys and plains
The curve of space I'm leaving
Death is just an illusion

Oroborus symbol of eternal life
Dig a tunnel for light through ignorant walls
I'm counting the days but I'm dying
Grow up with impatience, I'm falling down

On the peaks of radiant mountains
This truth is growing before me
My attention fixed on the silence
Rediscover life while I'm breathing

Designing the shape of material
Frozen icon distant reminder
Mankind has forgotten the gateways
By the mouth of the serpent regenerate

>> No.11479983

Nice one

>> No.11480003


>> No.11480019
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, twilightofthethundergod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There comes Fenris' twin
His jaws are open wide
The serpent rises from the waves

Jormungandr twists and turns
Mighty in his wrath
The eyes are full of primal hate

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Vingtor rise to face
The snake with hammer high
At the edge of the world

Bolts of lightning fills the air
as Mjölnir does it's work
the dreadfull serpent roars in pain

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Mighty Thor grips the snake
Firmly by its tongue
Lifts his hammer high to strike
Soon his work is done
Vingtor sends the giant snake
Bleeding to the depth
Twilight of the thundergod
Ragnarök awaits
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

>> No.11480034

Bruh I LOVE Uroboric Forms

>> No.11480042

I had never heard the demo version before I posted it just now. I'm looking around for more ouroboric metal songs and found that even Suicide Silence has one, but I won't post it cause it's shit.

>> No.11480049


>> No.11480062
File: 47 KB, 440x440, 308443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The orders passed, as news breaks out
Officials have declared:
"The diplomatic strain was not resolved
And once again the peace talks failed."
As head of state puts pen to paper
A clearance to attack a new frontier
The nation marvels
As the war machine kicks into gear
Mobilization of grim assets
The power of fire and steel
Escorted by an entourage of experts
Their one objective is to kill
Ear piercing harmonies of grating metal
The deployment has begun -
Commencement of offensive operations
The enemies shall topple one by one
Truth in the hands
Of the righteous authorities
The rise of the just
All targets locked and ready
Opponent lurks in unfamiliar terrain
The triggers click and set off the inferno
Of yet another bloody, merciless campaign
The earth accepts discarded matter -
The ash, the blood, the sweat
The fragments of the fallen stay behind
Awaiting their days of lament
No price is too unreasonable
When honour is at stake
Blood weighs as much as water
To those who don't grieve at the wake
The war machine advances
As the money fuels the hungry fire
The power in the hands of those
Who clench the power to conspire
Blood on the hands of corrupt authorities
The demise of the truth
Miscreant at the helm
The truth will always find a place to hide
In the cracks of deceptive formalities
While reliable sources rely on rewards
In exchange for distorted realities

>> No.11480112

In Maya's grip,
Transforms verity...

>> No.11480123

>Suicide Silence has one, but I won't post it cause it's shit.
i stopped following them some time ago. the song is garbage indeed... just wow...

>> No.11480142
File: 39 KB, 220x217, D94C06D8-1DFB-4F01-98A8-BFEA6E734501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Orgy of silence
Conspiracy of peace
Only the sound
Of the cold northern breeze
Twinsun sink fading
Behind the black lake
Asleep is the mountains
Yet the night is awake
Strange is the night
Now black stars rise
And many moons circle
Through silent the night
Along the black mountainside scattered
By the campfires awaiting the dawn
Two times a hundred men in battles
Tried by the steel in the arrow axe and the sword
By battle worn hunger torn awaitening
For the sun to break through the cold haze
And for the banners of Ebal to appear
On the hill in the suns first warm rays
The elder among the men looked deep into
The fire and spoke loud with pride
Tomorrow is a fine day to die
Now the morning advance from far east
Now the sun breaks through dust clouds and haze
Now a forest of spears appears on the hill
And steel shines bright in the suns first rays

>> No.11480161
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let the wounded in a world
They're rotting in the world
Infection and cancer
Are burnt in the world

The sickness is spreading
And threatens to kill
The need for a cure
To restore it

No bound for glory - No small minded sheep
No media whores - No dishonest wimps
No life made of comfort - No ...
No talking for money - No radio waves
No forces of lies - No need to speak
No swolling their egos - just satanic gree

Let the wounded in a world
They're rotting in the world
Infection and cancer
Are burnt in the world

The sickness is spreading
And threatens to kill
The need for a cure
To restore it

The needle of life proudly arise
Leaving behind only he who divines
The music we hate with fear as it's core
Chaos inscribed in every chord

>> No.11480224

I never understood that song, probably because I don't know what "verity" means and I only kind of remember what Maya is, if they're speaking about the Hindu idea.
I actually liked some of their stuff with the old vocalist, and I liked some of All Shall Perish's stuff a lot when it was coming out, but the guy from All Shall Perish is really weird in Suicide Silence's context.

Actually the guitarist from All Shall Perish was great and made the band more than anyone.

>> No.11480403

Verity is truth. In vino veritas, no? Maya is the veil of illusion, causes you to mistake the coiled rope for a snake....

>> No.11480523

really makes me think

>> No.11482167


>> No.11482176
File: 999 KB, 280x210, waluigi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11482185

sounds based, what's he talk about?

>> No.11482668
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tumblr_oxbiybnC7O1vimae8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11482691

Absolutely neglected

>> No.11482700
File: 24 KB, 270x370, The_Worm_Ouroboros_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11482796 [DELETED] 

dont wanna trigger the filters


<reply>the internet's MKULTRA origins. The Macy conferences project DARPA... 1967-1969 were the last real years, everything since then has been a simulation
#/<comment> WHAT IS HEXEN2

>> No.11483061

ha! pleb

>> No.11483075

so this is land's latest plan to shill fanged noumena? weak

>> No.11483088

No I am larping that i have schizophrenia to try and make contact with another human being through this channel

>> No.11483184

you could also say something coherent and interesting...

>> No.11483283

Prison School

>> No.11483296

That yuri scene drained my balls btw

>> No.11484748

Jung's padawan

>> No.11485391


>> No.11486154
File: 24 KB, 569x435, victorshawouroboros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote this poem about ouroboros yesterday but ouroboros is probably the most obnoxious thing i can think of the write about, so i'm interested if you guys think this works out or if i just love the taste of cum

>> No.11486161


>> No.11486196

Not reading that trite shite

>> No.11486234 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 1680x1680, christ_pantocrator_hagia_sophia_1680x1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moreover, the circle is the ultimate illustration of the relation between freedom of and equality, namely their synthesis. Freedom is only free inasmuch as it is equal and equality if only equal inasmuch as it is free.

>> No.11486241
File: 380 KB, 1680x1680, christ_pantocrator_hagia_sophia_1680x1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moreover, the circle is the ultimate illustration of the relation between freedom of and equality, namely their synthesis. Freedom is only free inasmuch as it is equal and equality is only equal inasmuch as it is free.

>> No.11486330

>consciousness as recursion, the unity of the whole, cycles of nature, the closure of being
Yeah but how does it devolp? How does change, adaptation, feeling come about from a snake eating itself? Nothing new can happen to that snake.
It's a poop symbol desulestly. The symbol you are looking for is the based triad of Charles Sanders Peirce.
>the self-identity of God
Lol what does this even mean? God identifies itself in a senseless vacuum because magic and shit? Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11486515

Just to clarify the symbol of the orboass is not analogous to any of the things you said it is except for maybe "the self identity of god" which is nonsense to me and certainly not pragmatically grounded, so maybe a snake eating itself is analogous to that.
>consciousness as recursion,
The historical nature of consciousness and recursion in general is dependent on change, the ability to grow and expand over time. This better symbolized as a snake laying eggs than a snake eating itself, lol.
>the unity of the whole
More like the discontinuity of the whole*dabs*
>cycles of nature
Maybe you should learn the science behind cycles in nature, like phenology. This will help you understand dynamic systems.
>the closure of being
If a being is closed it can't go anywhere, sounds like death to me.
Why the triad is good is because it symbolizes the triadic relation of firstness secondness and thirdness that is necessary for all this change to take place