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File: 16 KB, 220x345, Ramakrishna_Franz_Dvorak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11475525 No.11475525 [Reply] [Original]

Want to have a mystical ecstasy to see reality as it truly is? Dont waste time reading books or practicing spiritual methods, Ramakrishna has a better way:

>one day, he saw (next to each other?) excrement, rice, and vegetables: "suddenly, my soul left my body and, like a flame, touched everything: the excrement and urine were tasted. It was then revealed to me that everything is one, that there is no difference at all"

>> No.11475571

high dose of shrooms or dmt

>> No.11475629

Oneness is literally death. Reality is dualism, so get your hippie dippie medieval poo in the loo shit out of here


>> No.11476922

>the excrement and urine were tasted
Laughed a bit too hard there. Is this a joke?

>> No.11477256

lol yeah, i did hesitate when translating that. i could've used a 1st person as in 'i tasted...' but i preferred the literal translation (from french). and no its not a joke... that was my reaction too when i read it for the first time.

>> No.11477395

Smoke a lot of weed

>> No.11477403

it is only death from the perspective of duality

>> No.11477419

Duality implies division. Division implies that there is something which is being divided. That something must possess less divisions than what follows, and since duality is the most basic kind of division that something which is being divided is necessarily One. Sorry, but you can't even have duality with presupposing a unity prior to it. Literally not possible. Unity is implicit in any theory of duality by definition.

>> No.11477422

>can't even have duality with presupposing
without presupposing*

>> No.11477426
File: 44 KB, 578x605, ouroborous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet this unity is thematizable only from the perspective of duality, unity is only thinkable as unity within duality

>> No.11477444

Absolute unity is not thinkable but our thought can (and does) suggest its necessity. Thought is dual (thinker-thought) so it can never completely identify with absolute unity. Nevertheless we can infer its reality.

>> No.11477453
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouroborous2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thought can infer its unthought then it must that unthought thinking itself, or the unthought just is (the act of) thinking

>> No.11477485

Sentiment is unthought. Intellection of absolute unity is supra-thought, not unthought. All thought is dependent on supra-thought as a virtual background, making that background active is the object of "spirituality". Supra-thought contains thought as one of its possibilities of expression.

>> No.11477549
File: 34 KB, 640x360, 88ac3af8-ee3a-43eb-8493-94ac2d5683c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond, i was enjoying this

>> No.11477574
File: 88 KB, 630x630, 1531690676759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thought can think its ground then the ground is nothing but the thinking of itself

>> No.11477589

It can't think it, as I've already noted. It can only suggest it. To reach absolute unity you must transcend thought.

>> No.11477615

absolute transcendence is compromised by our being able to think it, we know something of the noumenal background of thought precisely by it being noumenal, thought is the Nothing digesting itself, it just is the movement of assimilating its groundlessness to its self-identical ideality, which is exactly what philosophy is

>> No.11477627

damn bruh u trippin me out

>> No.11477640
File: 34 KB, 500x305, 6ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew how deep the rabbit hole really goes

>> No.11477761

Our society militates against spirituality. Most current gurus are charlatan fakes or genuine but corrupted to the dark side. If you actually are to experience the unthought and behave in accordance with it the thinking society would kill you. Think the Grand Inquisitor...

>> No.11477767

>Dont waste time reading books
I for one know that I stopped reading there

>> No.11478226

Child you are on to something

Guys isn't it weird that thinking is a nothing that is somehow something, vice versa

>> No.11478954

you guys don't know what you're talking about

>> No.11478957


thought is not "a" nothing. nothings don't feel like anything

>> No.11479028

This is too esoteric a topic for /lit/. Ramakrishna was a practitioner of tantra, which some say predates even Hinduism. But that is not all, as Ramakrishna also practiced Advaita, or non-dualism (He is known to have practiced all religions at one point or another). Combining the two can explain his statement. In tantra, ehixh is a science of energy, physical attributes are only secondary to pure energy, which is uniform. Aghora, or the left hand path, a part of tantra, deliberately refers to and makes use of excrement and other things deemed foul to drive this point that physical forms are meaningless. For him to say tasted means that his soul penetrated the outer form to see that the underlying essence or energy between excrement or food is the same.

>> No.11479051
File: 7 KB, 246x205, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Indian and realise how ignorant these white bois are

>> No.11479661

You literally can not think it, you can't even conceive of the absolute of anything let alone of any transcendent principle, though you can think of the necessity of it which is wholly different.
That which transcends the finite is "Infinite", "ineffable", "inconceivable", it's in the name you dummy.

>> No.11479669

Why is he using his wiping hand to hold the chess pieces?

>> No.11480110

maybe he is trying a new wiping method

>> No.11481048

One of many secrets held in the Poopanishads

>> No.11481280

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.11481298

It was a funny post

>> No.11481308

maybe for a teenager

>> No.11481321

Ya. Wtf. Insulting ARYAN religion is so bluepilled and not based. Only a teenager would make such a careless joke. Probably a negro as well. If only we had a Traditional society that allowed us to be open klan members.

>> No.11481391

toilet humor is immature and does not belong on /lit/ regardless of context

>> No.11481406


>> No.11481536

It's not mere toilet humour you uncultured swine, the poo-in-loo Indian is a meme for gentlemen and connoisseurs.

>> No.11481564

lel you are a funny guy. but the unfun guy there has a point. not strong enough tho as to actually make you argue about it. poopanishads might be silly but it passes as a reference to the wiping thing in india.

>> No.11481707

I can think my inability to access it, its ineffability, I can think thought's groundless ground, which means it is only ineffable for consciousness, in-itself it is ________.

>> No.11481721

I feel like you just said the quote in the OP again but in a different, slightly longer and more Latinate way.

>> No.11481724

If you want to experience it, you'll have to get into mysticism, consciousness work, emotional development, devotions, etc.

It's very possible, but it'll require you to work for it

>> No.11481739

im just making a point about what i have to be think groundlessness. mysticism is the self-registration of the void

>> No.11481747

thank you for this. I opened up the video above and within five seconds of the guy talking just shut it off and thought..."he's wrong".

>> No.11481752


>> No.11481771

>there can be no non-dual perception of reality
Stopped caring right there. I’ve already experienced it, why listen to some idiot philosopher tell me that what I experienced can’t be experienced?

>> No.11481796

>I've experienced

I know what you're trying to say but you haven't experienced it all the way, until death anyways, which is what finally pops the bubble of reflexion

>> No.11481825

>I can think my inability to access it
Yes exactly, the referent of your thought is only ever on finitude; you never think it itself, so on what basis are you ever thinking "the groundless ground" rather than the necessity of it?

>> No.11481856

the infinite is dependent on finitude to be thought (as the infinite, the ineffable, etc.). this is its conditionality.

what is not dependent on us to think it is literally unthinkable, so unthinkable I can't even gesture at it in any way, it's absolutely nil, even these sentences are nothing to it, which means if thought can't actually gesture at some absolute transcendence without marring it with the very act, then it must mean we ourselves must be this 0 because it is only in thought anything can be disclosed

>> No.11482104

>the infinite is dependent on finitude to be thought
The infinite is never thought.

We can gesture at it, by gesturing away from every thing. It is never marred by our gesture because our gesture is only ever directed at that which it is not.

"The absolute can not be thought so thought must be the absolute"
I'm not following this line of logic here

>> No.11482147

>"The absolute can not be thought so thought must be the absolute"

take the hegel pill

>> No.11482148

I believe he is talking a Dualistic logic of Nondualism. Self and Universe are capable of reuniting in Monism. You seem to be problematizing this with a third term, Self, Universe, AND the Outside. Very Landian. No?

>> No.11482581

Yeah, yeah there’s no experiencer properly and it’s not really it. Probably true.

>> No.11483479

If you experienced it because in it you disappear and your current existence...

>> No.11483595
File: 44 KB, 250x247, F6B4E0A5-F610-4BB7-9D41-157A02BC0F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will recount for thee this sermon (logos) too, O Tat, that thou may’st cease to be without the mysteries of the God beyond all name. And mark thou well how That which to the many seems unmanifest, will grow most manifest for thee.

Now were It manifest, It would not be. For all that is made manifest is subject to becoming, for it hath been made manifest. But the Unmanifest for ever is, for It doth not desire to be made manifest. It ever is, and maketh manifest all other things.

Being Himself unmanifest, as ever being and ever making-manifest, Himself is not made

manifest. God is not made Himself; by thinking-manifest, He thinketh all things manifest.

Now “thinking-manifest” deals with things made alone, for thinking-manifest is nothing else than making.

He, then, alone who is not made, ’tis clear, is both beyond all power of thinking-manifest, and is unmanifest.

And as He thinketh all things manifest, He manifests through all things and in all, and most of all in whatsoever things He wills to manifest.

Do thou, then, Tat, my son, pray first unto our Lord and Father, the One-and-Only One, from whom the One doth come, to show His mercy unto thee, in order that thou mayest have the power to catch a thought of this so mighty God, one single beam of Him to shine into thy thinking. For thought alone “sees” the Unmanifest, in that it is itself unmanifest.

If, then, thou hast the power, He will, Tat, manifest to thy mind’s eyes. The Lord begrudgeth not Himself to anything, but manifests Himself through the whole world.

Thou hast the power of taking thought, of seeing it and grasping it in thy own “hands,” and gazing face to face upon God’s Image. But

if what is within thee even is unmanifest to thee, how, then, shall He Himself who is within thy self be manifest for thee by means of [outer] eyes?