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/lit/ - Literature

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11477378 No.11477378 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why you like Joyce without mentioning his prose

>> No.11477389

Hes better than the writers you like that are worse than him

>> No.11477391

He wrote saucy letters

>> No.11477410

He still accurately describes the Irish and Catholic condition

>> No.11477411

He’s got like 6 different levels of freedom on his writing

>> No.11477425

His structuring abilities

>> No.11477432

He makes the mundane lifestyle feel extremely inviting and comforting

>> No.11477437

Encyclopedic knowledge displayed artfully beautifully

>> No.11477462

He makes really detailed and precise connections between the grand scale of the universe and the trivial and routine passings. Him and Shakespeare are mathematicians the way they blend philosophy, fiction, feels, and a clear enclycopedic knowledge especially of human emotion, motive, and the weirdly specific details of our thought and behavior obsevered over history.

>> No.11477475

As maximalist as Ulysses is, Joyce has a smaller output than most if not all minimalists which I really enjoy. Him and Salinger wrote exactly what they wanted it seems, which is incredible when it appears to me that writers either struggle to replicate a piece of brilliance or focus themselves.

>> No.11477483
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me likee his characters

>> No.11477489

He forever will and I love the Irish people for what they are I hope one day they rule the world

>> No.11477502
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>one day

>> No.11477531

He’s a goofball

>> No.11477534
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>implies they are Irish
>Refers to them in the third party

>> No.11477546

>get ready to take the green pill kek should have used joker font too

>> No.11477547
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it's the subversive irish way

>> No.11477638

I love Joyce

How does he structure his stories differently than other great authors?

>> No.11477664

Something something priest something something hell

I haven't read much Joyce, but the material I have read is pretty great at expressing the journey of man. I know this isn't a novel idea, and on his part it was intentional, but he is able to place that struggle into words in a way that I have yet to see from many other authors. He's not my favorite, but Portait definitely struck something when I read it. That even fear of internal agony isn't great enough a threat for us to sit back and do what is wanted from us.

>> No.11477671

*eternal not internal*

>> No.11477690

he has an incredible writing style

>> No.11477708
File: 73 KB, 289x241, 9F560D22-1395-4D61-9D9E-318BCC24C2E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Persecution complex and unending self pity?

>> No.11477832

My grandfather gifted me a leatherbound copy of Dubliners less than a month before his death. I read The Sisters and cried bitch tears knowing my family would soon talk about granddad the same way.

>> No.11477841
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tell me about it

>> No.11477857

Most of those presidents were hacks though but I guess no one really talksabout the not so successful conspiracies

>> No.11478120

Joyce is Spectacular, but maybe not too much beyond that

His heart is cold

He's a dandy

>> No.11478444

I like Joyce because Finnegans Wake encapsulates that feeling you get when you stand up too quickly from taking a nap and you pass out and fall back onto the couch and you "wake up" seconds later and you can't remember what just happened until you deduce that you must've stood up too fast and passed out because of the lack of blood and fell back onto the couch and that's why you forgot and that's what led you to wonder why did i fall back onto this couch was it a dream or not i dunno

>> No.11478470
File: 55 KB, 720x696, 638729638735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.11478509

That eyepatch picture is pretty dope

>> No.11478535

>His heart is cold
>He's a dandy
Dont you need to have read the dead to post here?

>> No.11478671

Where'd he go from there breh

Astral plane of language, left his heart behind