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/lit/ - Literature

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11475487 No.11475487 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read next? I only started properly reading in around 2016 in preparation for my own novel, and so far I've read:

>The Art of War
>Book of the new sun
>The Monk
>Bunch of Lovecraft
>Some Conan stories
>Pile of Poe stories
>The first Dragonlance book
>Just finished Dune today

That's pretty much it unless I'm forgetting something, id say Sword of the lictor was my favorite of them all and I loathed dragonlance but it was very short and it was very easy to flip through. It might be obvious what kind of books I tend to gravitate towards but have no clue how to actually search for what I might want to read

>> No.11475545
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>> No.11475575

So you started reading properly in 2016 and this is all you've read so far?

>> No.11475606

Am I reading too quickly? I started seriosuly reading the end of last year, around November and I've read:

>War and peace
>Anna Karenina
>The Adolescent
>The Brothers Karamazov
> The Idiot
> Crime and Punnishment
>Dead souls
>The Leopard
>The Cossacks
>Notes from Underground
>Conquerors - Rojer Crowley
>City of Fortune - Roger Crowley
>Constantinople - Roger Crowley
>Empires of the sea - Roger Crowley
>Island - Huxley
>The doors of perception and heaven and hell - Huxley

I felt like I've slacken'd my pace a little as well.

>> No.11475613
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Pic related. No book shelf yet so I'm stacking them on an old book

>> No.11475626

I dont read 24/7, at one point I tried to have a book constantly under progress but its pretty forced if Im not actually interested in the book and will thus just drop it

Somehow forgot Moby Dick from the list so id imagine I forgot other books as well though

>> No.11475634
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I know, at first glance It might seem like I didn't even bother reading your list, after all, if I'm recommending something like this I must be some kind of historic novel junkie.

Nothing further for the truth, I mostly read exclusively fantasy and among all of them, (including the new sun series) this is the most entertaining book I've read in the last 3 years. You might be inclined to believe its written from an academic point of view (like I wrongfully did after It got recommended to me), but instead, the author lets Julian himself (and the philosophers that acted as his friends, teachers, and confidants, Libano and Prisco) do the job.

>> No.11475699

Sherlock Holmes

>> No.11475721

If you read Book of the Long Sun and enjoyed it, I'd proceed to URTH OF THE NEW SUN.

>> No.11475764

>I only started properly reading in around 2016 in preparation for my own novel

Nice :)

>> No.11475786
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okay, this is epic

>> No.11475797

do you like sci fi?

>> No.11475812
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>> No.11475813
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I dont really have a preference, the sci fi stories that I like (BOTNS, Dune etc) are pretty much the most gripping stuff out of what Ive read but at the same time I can instantly recognize that I like them for other reasons and the sci fi coverings are merely something that enhances them for me. I prefer stories with a heavy focus on a genuinely interesting and meaningful main character, especially with grander (like theological) themes.

>> No.11475830
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read nova by delany

>> No.11475835

Depends on what you mean when you say 'quickly', anon. Are we talking the actual reading speed, or how much you read each day or week? If it's the former, then I reckon you can read too fast, especially if comprehension suffers which it really does if you try speedreading for some reason. If it's the latter, then I admire your dedication and urge you to keep going - wish I could find the motivation to read more rather than waste time on this Bhutanese formula one forum.

>> No.11475888

Open the top 100 lit chart and pick at random

>> No.11475957

I don't try and speed read however I do set my self targets to read sometimes, not so I try and read quicker but so I spend more time reading.

I used to read an hour before work, during lunch and a few hours at home. But I've started getting to work an hour early and working through my Lunch so I've read a bit less.

I don't think I'm a fast reader, I know my reading speed has increased I was reading about 20 pages a hour but I now read around 30. Obliviously that changes depending on author and the difficulty or content of the pages and if there are notes I need to refer to.

>> No.11475973

I heard a lot of people say to reread the book of new sun. I might read it myself soon, what do you think of it?

>> No.11475981

Masterpiece of science fiction fantasy. Amazing literary achievement on its own. Remember to read Urth of the New Sun after it since it acts as an epilogue.

>> No.11475989

>in preparation for my own novel
What do you mean, anon? Are you also writing or just reading?

>> No.11476002

like fall of hyperion level of immediately read after? good to know

>> No.11476015

Writing, but back when I started working on the project I realized I should probably actually read first as well

>> No.11476017

Every sentence will mean something later on. For an example read the first and last sentences.

>> No.11476036

I don't want to hijack the thread but is the fifth head of cerebrus a good intro to wolfe before I commit to the book of new sun

>> No.11476085


If you read it less then through 3 or 4 times you absolutely didn't pick up on a whole level of things going on

>> No.11476127

Good thinking anon, how is the writing going? Keep it up

>> No.11476138

You can jump right in to botns but cerebrus is kinda like botns-lite.

>> No.11476258
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8k words of the current draft done, Id imagine the whole book is going to be somewhere in the 50-70k range

Ive always been a storyteller but only now that Im writing Im realizing that I have a somewhat natural talent and sense for it. Id say that the book is in an either never before seen genre or in such a niche subgenre that I simply havent any knowledge of examples of it

>> No.11476276

Yes, it is an excellent introduction to his work.

>> No.11476293

How were your first attempts at writing? Pretty hard I imagine, at least I remember they were for me when I started. Don't give up when the true obstacles will make you want to, just keep going, anon.

>> No.11476301
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>> No.11476308

Post an extract

>> No.11476339
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Pretty bad, but my first attempts at it were before I had spent the now two years of research on editing, story structures, character arcs, scene structures and anything imaginable from viewpoints to the use of adjectives or the tense

Id say my biggest problems relating to writing is something that I only very recently realized, the entirety of my writing so far, ever had basically been in "real-time" within the story and thus immediately hard to keep engaging. Allowing myself more and more (even tiny) timeskips is definitely something that aids with building something that flows well

None of it is translated yet, and although I could obviously translate a paragraph or two relatively quick, it would basically be your first draft translation and thus automatically inferior and misleading

>> No.11476347

when I was 12 I could read about 200 pages a day, easily. One time I finished 6 books in a week just to prove that I could. It's funny that prior to hitting 18 I've read thousands of books, but after that I doubt that I've finished more than 50, not counting audio books and graphic novels.

>> No.11476408

Well anon you need to read way, way more before you can think about writing your novel. Be patient and don't rush things.

>> No.11476411

That's a good pace. You're doing well.

>> No.11476412
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Wrong answer clown, and also the reason why you haven't actually been paid for writing anything

>> No.11476465

What language?

>> No.11476469
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>> No.11476816


>> No.11477481


>> No.11477505

Nice one, Spider-Man.