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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 112 KB, 790x444, philo587343d5c46188fe6d8b457a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11467007 No.11467007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11468202

Good shit.

>> No.11468345

I contributed.

>> No.11468354

Is benis in bagina an analytic a priori truth or a synthetic a posteriori truth?

>> No.11468401

depends on how big is the benis

>> No.11468441
File: 121 KB, 716x214, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking pretty good so far

>> No.11468522


>> No.11468577

Good to hear.

>> No.11468615
File: 134 KB, 1166x482, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality content abounds

>> No.11468629

This is going to be the longest zine every written

>> No.11468641
File: 497 KB, 2130x3200, 1531574135590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone like my story about the guy who shits burgers
I feel like I should add more but I dont know where to take it

>> No.11468776
File: 60 KB, 800x600, good girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11468836

Ya it's a good prose poetry piece.

>> No.11468876

Read some more philosophy, and maybe you could make it more philosophical.

>> No.11468911

What's your favorite part of the document thus far?

>> No.11468915
File: 72 KB, 599x600, 1531260239989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part where he asked questions about pee and stuff and gets answers

>> No.11468923

People from the doc post more stuff like this in the thread.

>> No.11468929
File: 9 KB, 795x71, anon on anime girls pooping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11468994

Big if true.

>> No.11469025

Why is seeing the only valid observation? Poor blind people, they live in fantasy.

>> No.11469031

just use my diary desu

>> No.11469055

Law of Kings made me laugh more than it should have. It's just plain, clean nonsense.

>> No.11469256

r8 my intervening religious comment

>> No.11469485


>> No.11469523

this is fun

>> No.11469635

Is there anything in there worth reading? I'm not going to read through all that shit.

>> No.11469657

Write something instead then ass

>> No.11469962


>> No.11469963

Link to the peterson doc

>> No.11470014


>> No.11470017


>> No.11470044


>> No.11470053

Why what?

>> No.11470414
File: 179 KB, 2401x2401, lan38715625._UY2401_SS2401_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone here buy this? How was the quality?

>> No.11470689

It was nice. Well worth the $4.95 or whatever

>> No.11470704

>Karl “Skid” Marx
made me kek

>> No.11470861


>> No.11470935

Try bumping with bits from the book

>> No.11470992
File: 313 KB, 674x685, oswaldick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11471039

who thee fuck invited (((/his/)))?

>> No.11471117

Yeah, the /his/ content is actually annoying

>> No.11471125


It's beautiful. Contributed.

>> No.11471126

/his/ literally just hijacked your /lit/ project and is calling it its own. What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.11471140


>> No.11471143

Fight! I'm not gonna let (((them))) win damnit!

>> No.11471180

Some bastard deleted some pages. All my work on the philosophy of dabbing is gone.

>> No.11471190

Yea, the summerfags came.

>> No.11471191

Dabbing is not cute anime girls or traps. Fuck off.

>> No.11471243

Abort this shit. Abandon all hope of getting something good out of this.

>> No.11471269

Log in and look under file > version history.

>> No.11471325

OP, if you're around, please delete this file so that no one may touch it.
I'm officially sick of having to constantly shift around the document and correct "mistakes" made by underage posters from /v/.

>> No.11471350


>> No.11471360

I have it. Pretty good quality and the anon in charge priced it as low as he could without losing money so it was a great deal.

>> No.11472181

Can we salvage it?

>> No.11472549

Not true

>> No.11472557

Oh shit this got really bad really fast

Jesus everything got fucked up

>> No.11472775

Is there anything good in this pile of shit?

>> No.11474050

It gets better at the end.

>> No.11474160

I saved a copy for myself early, since these open projects always eventually drown in shit as word of mouth spreads. Will check for it later.

>> No.11474167

Good point, I shall do the same. I can't let all my hard work on Pitbull's philosophy of time go to waste.

>> No.11474194

I'd actually read this if it were less disjointed. There are a few interesting segments here, but you can't just dump everything into a text file and call it a treatise.

>> No.11474233

Is someone going to edit this and remove all of the /his/ bullshit?

>> No.11474237

>Nick Land was an academic philosopher who actually didn't write that much of note, but had some... Innovative methods. He and some students and lecturers at the Cybernetic Culture Research Lab "investigated" things on the line between techno music, rave, continental philosophy, internet, postmodernism. Fun fact: one of the best dubstep DJs, Kode9, was there. The common idea is that he quite literally went insane over drug abuse and, after getting help, moved to China with some acolytes and now writes feudalist, racist bullshit online. He's more of a legend than a true academic Philosopher, didn't publish that much but was in the 90ies influential with rave culture theories.
KEK! /lit/ BTFO!

>> No.11474420

Lets go through it and remove everything that is careless shitposting without any "merit".


>> No.11474424

The Pitbull image has to stay. Whoever posted it inspired me into contributing.

>> No.11474425

twas good 1 days ago, alas, some nigga should restart a new google page with the previous document

>> No.11474428

Most of the stuff at the bottom is very good. (((/his/))) hasn't got the brains to scroll down so far. it's uncontaminated.

>> No.11474542 [DELETED] 


>> No.11474550


>> No.11474564 [DELETED] 


>> No.11474567

Is any of it good?

>> No.11474581 [DELETED] 

yes my darling

>> No.11474586

Which parts? The stuff at the start is not so good.

>> No.11474593 [DELETED] 

all of it my sweet poop love

>> No.11474623

a rat getting dickapitated isn't funny dude

>> No.11474632

its non-empirical meaning its synehtic a posteriori

>> No.11474639
File: 21 KB, 300x316, 1531243360381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone made this

>> No.11474644 [DELETED] 

wtf is this cancer

>> No.11474653


>> No.11474654

you cut the last 2 sections

>> No.11474661 [DELETED] 

Yet another vicotry for /his/, will /lit/ ever learn?

>> No.11474697 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 312x238, 006cxPuGgw1ey9vm9qu9eg308o06mu0y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11474704

the resident nine year old, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.11474708
File: 13 KB, 396x263, 1523541725691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11474717 [DELETED] 


>> No.11474792


90% of the images. If it's lit or associated with relevent text then its fine.

Anything that doesn't look like part of a philosophical treatise. Retardedness is fine, as long as it's written in psuedo-academic prose. Anyone even remotely lit will have put effort at some point into effectively style and sentence construction and it should easily show. If it's just someone banging swear words and memes it can safely be binned, there's plenty of that on the internet already.

Basically anything that's art should stay. We're shitposting, but we want quality shitposting.

>> No.11474869

Anything that immediately sticks out?

>> No.11474904

It's so weird to think the people who wrote that also post here.

How come /lit/ posts are all shitty one liners, yet people on there actually bother to expound their ideas?

>> No.11474915

a hope of it getting published.

>> No.11474930
File: 3.78 MB, 4256x2832, 3d13fdec9c0606f820d47aa44a1e2259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we turn to the law. Ah, but what exactly is the law, but a miserable pile of secrets. An array of rules and regulations compiled in places too difficult to access by the common man, that once, if accessed, could barely be read or comprehended. But it does not end there. We then continue to the common law, which is not common to the common man. This provides context to the contextless drivel perpetuated by the inherently broken law making system. "Who would you have make the laws?" one would ask. But the true question is the background to which any man would make the law. Would a lawyer without context simply be an indoctrinated mercenary? With all the education $300,000 of debt or daddy money could pay for it is truly a disappointment to see so many of these educated be so uneducated. So we go back to who would make the laws? These are the men who make the laws. The uneducated educated, elected by the common folk, who understand little the work done by anyone in power. So then what laws come from this? Only those ascribed personal gain by those who make them. Ethical guidelines of natural law and morality only become facades for those to make what law they want the law of their jurisdiction. For who would challenge it but another self righteous selfish uneducated educated man. To fight this system one becomes the system. It is a better use of time to watch Mamma Mia on repeat until you scream the name of ABBA as the bullet ricochets around in your skull then it is to combat the powers that be, lest you become one yourself.

>> No.11475009


No fear of critical response, I'd wager.

>> No.11475076

What would be the ideal paper size for the document if we wanted to publish it?

>> No.11475116

8.5 x 14.0 in

>> No.11475318
File: 55 KB, 680x433, pitbull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As renowned singer-songwriter Pitbull correctly observed in his elaborately crafted musical piece “Back in Time”,

>“Not worth the back of my mind
>But to understand the future
>we have to go back in time
>Baby, oh baby”

What does Pitbull express with such a statement? Does he simply allude to the theme of time travel present in the third installment of the “Men in Black” saga? I would argue to the contrary. Pitbull is making an ontological argument. We can only know Being truly and fully when we become acutely aware of history and how it shapes ourselves.
On a similar note, Leo Strauss relates to us the following opinion of Rupprecht, the deposed Crown Prince of Bavaria:

>“Some people say that the wheel of history cannot be turned back. This is an error.”

If we compare this with the thesis of Pitbull, we should not arrive at the commonplace conclusion, that “those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it”. In fact both Pitbull and Crown Prince Rupprecht are arguing for a very different analysis. In order to understand the future we simply have to repeat the past. To transcend postmodernism we have to regress into premodernism by undoing time. Humanity has to act in such a way as to memetically redirect the flow of Hegelian progress against itself. Such is the true rebellion of the Übermensch, the temptation of existing, the Sisyphean task. We have to transform the current historical synthesis into its previous thesis by confronting it with an antithesis specifically crafted for such a purpose.
What does that mean policy-wise? To undo globalisation and the paramountcy of neoliberalism, we have to rebuild the Berlin Wall and re-establish a socialist world power. To undo that socialist world power, we have to introduce a new Hitler, kill the Jews again, lose one world war, crash the economy once more, re-establish white terror, lose another world war, et cetera, et cetera. We have to inversely reenact history to such a degree until we arrive at the French Revolution, that infamous beast. Once we overcome this Whore of Babylon, we will have reintroduced the Ancien Régime and with it ius primae noctis. As the aristocrats who spearheaded this development, we will necessarily be enthroned as the new rulers of such a world. Consequently, we will have unlimited concubines, mistresses, harem slaves and waifus.

>> No.11475323
File: 70 KB, 559x836, tointelligent2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great thing about this project is, that it will be extremely funny. As Karl Marx said in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon:

>“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”

Hence, no further justification for this project is required. Doing it “for teh lulz” and “hearty keks” is in itself a sufficient end. Nonetheless, moral implications have to be discussed. In accordance with Greater Good Theory, the suffering of some of humanity is acceptable if it prevents the suffering of all of humanity in the long run. The reintroduction of violence into the system is morally justified, as it aims to ritualistically undo the violence which happened in the first place. Additionally, as has been amply demonstrated by /pol/, Hitler∉ Wrong. From this follows Hitler ⊆ Right. Therefore, bringing Hitler back is not a bad thing.

>> No.11475437

The best one so far.

>> No.11475459

How can you get to add to it?

>> No.11475473

/his/ started shitting up the document, so OP deactivated open participation

>> No.11475834

Oh shit someone deleted my favorite part I think

>> No.11475848

which part?

>> No.11475856

When will it be considered finished and fit for publication?

>> No.11475861

When (((/his/))) stops deleting everything and posting gifs of them torturing mice.

>> No.11475871

If you're the OP, maybe we could post things in this thread and you'll add them without allowing edits from anonymous users

>> No.11475877

Cool! Let's do that!

>> No.11475880

Put the instruction on the doc maybe

>> No.11475979

Anyone here want to be added as editors?

>> No.11476087

I wrote the Pitbull stuff as L.C. Rama. Would be nice if I could add to it.

>> No.11476112

>L.C. Rama
The name didn't work. I think i need an email or somthin'

>> No.11476156

(pls add to doc)

Reacting on the Internet
or Why the (You) economy creates constructive debate

Anonymity and ephemerality, these are the two pillars upon which imageboard culture is born and built. There is, however, an often overlooked third ingredient and that is the reply system.

One of the most crucial trait of modern social media is that it allows to express an opinion without forming one. Enjoyed the latest fappable pic from Sarah Snyder? Click the like button. Spotted a dude t-shirt in the room of your favourite ASMR qt? Hit the dislike. Facebook even introduced a range of emotes to replace the tried and tested thumbs up icon. What this allows for is reaction without substance. One cannot and does not have to justify a Like, it does not invite further discussion because it cannot be replied to. A Like is not a qualitative reaction but a quantitative metric, the only thing that matters is the number of upvotes versus downvotes, and the balance decides the verdict on what is on offer.

On an imageboard there is an engagement metric, much like on social media: the number of replies. Crucially though this only indicates that the post has elicited reactions, not how it is perceived. Replying means forming an opinion, writing it down to express it and thus, engaging with it beyond one’s immediate feeling. Numerous Likes, particularly on platforms where there is no dislike option, only means the publication has been enjoyed by many. On the contrary, even one single (You) signifies the post has spawned a discussion, whether an appraisement, a development or a rebuttal, it means the original opinion is worthy of scrutiny. This fosters an online debate akin to real-life discussions.

>> No.11476172


>> No.11476185
File: 95 KB, 908x809, 1530465297946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren

>> No.11476218

it's this account:

alternatively, the e-mail I use for all the trash stuff is mn_schoenburg@yahoo.de

>> No.11476241


>> No.11476247

Page 20
in "whether understood as solely the structure of all the things that dwell withing"
If you'd be so kind, replace "of" with "or"

>> No.11476254


>> No.11476263


>> No.11476274

Top lad

>> No.11476289

Is gayness in any way connected to attraction to traps or are they two different attractions?
Are all gay people attracted to traps?
If no, how can you thus justify trap=gay - answer you cannot.

>> No.11476290
File: 405 KB, 863x1370, gnostic-pleroma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is become increasingly apparent, in the ebullience of the coursing will-to-knife-fight and its imminent protrusions, these blatantly hyper-real image coalescent emergent entities that rely entirely on the perspective prejudice of the predominately feminized ascendant class, the HYPNAGOGIC COWAN, that will itself is merely fuel. So, now, we need a propaedeutics of meme-speed, an empirically experienced measure of reality enforced by the onanistic hall-of-mirrors-within-mirrors that defines this oneiric document. Behold, as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Mishima are appropriated for the purposes of a new exegesis.

This new exegesis, though clothed in the judeo-christian boomerisms of Jordan Peterson, is not a product of the canon that it purports to represent, but rather, a product of the absolute masturbatory speed of an aggregate of thousands of rhizomatic, unbodied peoples- peoples become nations, nations become oppai mousepad manifestos- and so on and so on.

The apophatic darkness that makes up the haze of the mind is finally revealing its true intentions through a gestalt of trap internet registries. Images are just fuel-solutions for the conundrum of time-space.

Mine bitcoin, buy fanged noumena.

>> No.11476291

Any more people want to be added?
(you also get a responsebility of editing and tidying up the document (this also goes for you @L.C. Rama). Removing some of the "lesser" stuff. Only the top quality shitposting sould remain)

>> No.11476331

I'll be at it.

>> No.11476345

Are we actually gonna publish this or what?

>> No.11476361

how can i join the shitpost?

>> No.11476375

Yeah, just needs more «quality» content.
Email to an google connected account. Just make a throwaway one.

>> No.11476380

>doing this instead of getting a real job, like farming.

>> No.11476384

What account?

>> No.11476390

Your google account

>> No.11476410

why does our philosophy book read like our novels

>> No.11476471

Holy shit guys, that shit's legit. Have a bump.

>> No.11476476
File: 129 KB, 1296x730, thr_pitbull_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride the Canine: Another Reading of Pitbull

Recent contributions to the study of the thought of Pitbull have failed to grasp the true depth and tenor of his thought. Perhaps the most egregious misstep has been the failure to note the refinements and qualifications of his later thought-product without which we cannot truly come to grips with the implications of his ideas. Exemplary of this is his seminal work 'Timber':

>The bigger they are the harder they fall
>These biggidy boys are diggidy dogs
>End of the night it's going down

Pitbull is using the metaphor of the felling of lumber to advance what is an essentially Sorelian notion of the need for 'creative destruction' to rehabilitate society and renew the Weltgeist that is otherwise unable to break through the rotted and decaying structure of World History. Pitbull is invoking Kojeve with his disdainful diatribe towards the 'diggidy dogs' of today. Kojeve warns us that the end of history will bring about alongside it the end of Man as a Being of Action, who will be reduced in his contededness to being nothing more than dogs dozing in the warm glow of the sun.

Pitbull recognises that the only way to face down the End of History is to bring about its Abolition. Axe in hand, Pitbull demands we fight for the vitality of the human spirit. An oak rotted through to it's very core must be brought down, blow by blow. To try to talk of his ideology in the terms of today's paradigms is fundamentally misguided. Postmodernism and Premodernism alike are rejected, the Ancients and Moderns looked on with scorn equally in the quest for a new world. The Bastille must not be stormed, but blown to pieces. Rome must not be marched on, but trampled beneath our toes. The Pitbull stands athwart History, yelling 'Timber!' - for what he seeks is not the Day of the Dog, but the Hour of the Hound.

We, as shitposters, are the humble footsoldiers who will bring this about. Whilst small in isolation, our posts are akin to the toil of the Woodpecker, who whittles away at the tree again and again - as devoted to it's destruction as the mightiest of lumberjacks.

>> No.11476478

>Post a throwaway google account/gmail in the thread
Wouldn't it be better to just send a request to the owner?

>> No.11476525

I'll integrate this into the Pitbull saga.