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/lit/ - Literature

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11471737 No.11471737 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my thrift store purchase. Whole stack was under $15.

>> No.11471748

Depends on what you were aiming for in the first place. Wiesel is always a bad choice. The other ones seem fine, especially if you're really going to use the Norton Anthology as an introduction before delving into the authors that you find interesting in there.

>> No.11471750

A solid collection of fictional works

>> No.11471757

>Wiesel is always a bad choice
So edgy man lol, awesome!

>> No.11471762

>Holocost trash from a known fabricator

Literally "it was real in my mind"

>> No.11471763

Ha nice zinger dude! You’re so unique! Praise Kek am I right! Hahah

>> No.11471764

I'd hardly call it literature. If you've never read any Holocaust books then sure, get it, read it, and don't bother reading anything of the sort ever again since it's not necessary. Same thing with To Kill a Mockingbird and books on American racism. Once you've read one you've basically read them all.

>> No.11471765

Now read em tho

>> No.11471771



>> No.11471777

Haha triggered! Cool lingo man! Sweet vibe to you! Kino post! Haha

>> No.11471799


>> No.11471949

and will you actually read any of this garbage?

>> No.11472140

no it’s for the girls

>> No.11472236

To Kill a Mockingbird is about a lot more than American racism

>> No.11472245

You got ripped off my man. 4 paperbacks, a hardcover, and a children's book should run you more than $6. Also why bother buying one of those Norton anthologies? You aren't gonna read it

>> No.11472249

Kys jewboy

>> No.11472264

He's on a roll! Someone stop this madman! The irony is going to fry his brain at this rate!

>> No.11472273


>> No.11473026

I could pick this stack up for $2.50 at a library book sale. OP must live in a city.

>> No.11473142

you did very very well, don't listen to these morons. you can go on ebay or amazon and sell that norton anthology to some english lit student for much more than you bought it for.

>> No.11473628

OP here. The books were actually $8.00. I forgot I bought a pair of sexy jeans.

>> No.11473809
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This stack was under $12 you absolute dick sucker

>> No.11473812


>> No.11473815

slightly less shit
is everyone itt a redditor

>> No.11473845
File: 620 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180717_014912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never reach my thrift power level.
Yesterday I managed to buy the complete 54 volume set of Great Books of the Western World from Encyclopaedia Britannica, plus 51 other assorted books, comics, and DVDs / Blu-Rays.
For all of this I paid only R$50 or just under US$13.
I've made many other similar low cost purchases of books, to the point where I have amassed a collection of about 4000 books, which I am currently creating a catalogue of so that I may sell most of them and keep the best ones.

Good luck to all you /lit/bros with your purchases.

>> No.11473872


>> No.11473906
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>> No.11474638
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All my purchases from the last 45 days.

>> No.11475028

Is The Lime Twig good?

>> No.11475040

Haha! Summerfag amirite!? You’re OG lit man you would know! Haha. Been here ten years! Summerfags are the worst hahah! Not as cool as me, that’s for sure! Hahah. Jeez laweeze

>> No.11475070

Truly patrician.
Problem is, you're rich, so it's easy for you to just order a bunch of new books and wait at home for them to arrive.
You'll have to read them all to become a true patrician anon.

>> No.11475733

I've been enjoying Cancer Ward. It's nice to have something to look forward to.

>> No.11475758
File: 106 KB, 750x924, 1531612244157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, congrats! Not one of those books looks read! Please proceed to go fuck yourself.

>> No.11475803

You are correct, they go in the to-read pile.

>> No.11475838

It's cute that your mommy let's you spend all that money on books.

>> No.11475859

If you knew anything about the author or literature, you would rescind. She bashed her head against the wall for a year, and the editor scrapped together enough to have a couple weak arcs about nothing to sideshow the trial, which in fact had very little nuance to it.
Read up on the facts surrounding George Zimmerman's acquittal if you want a better story that overlaps the subject of To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.11475868

lol 6 gorillion/10

>> No.11475886
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My thrift store score from today. $3.50

>> No.11475972
File: 124 KB, 1280x960, month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more money

>> No.11475993

Not everyone on this website is a broke NEET.

>> No.11476444

No. Some people actually earn their own money and spend it responsibly.

>> No.11476448

Please tell me you've read Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Spinoza before diving into Kant and Hegel.

>> No.11476466

>Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Spinoza
Sure. Not so much of Locke, though.

>> No.11476467

>buying books at all
lmao, grandpas

>> No.11476591

That's exactly right.

>> No.11476853

its nice ur mom lets u use her pc

>> No.11477068

Fucking hell. How much did all of that cost?
You have a lot of great books in there, so you better actually read them and not just let them sit there on the shelf.

>> No.11477232

Stack threads are for new purchases you fucking nigger. Obviously he hasn't read any of them

>> No.11477245

Nigga you reading like a 14 year old
High school freshman nigga lmfao fuck you nigga there is no excuse for this

>> No.11477268

Yes it's extremely good. Hawkes is a master at making something terrible and violent seem beautiful. His prose is great and you feel dread and anxiety the entire way through.

>> No.11477484

jesus christ kid stop

>> No.11477601


Kinda sad so many nice books are now in the collection of a psued.

>> No.11477934

What do you mean?

>> No.11477961

I just can't stand the idea of buying stuff secondhand. Even though it's immensely cheaper, it just feels dirty to me.

>> No.11478918

around $500 total. most are from a danish bookseller that was having a flash sale where all english language books were around 50% off, so I kinda went wild and ordered most of everything I had on my wishlist.

Don't worry, I read everything I buy, eventually.

>> No.11478919

Same, I buy everything new because of that.

>> No.11479047

A step towards feeling the surface. Nothing I would've touched in my years of infancy, but surely the direction you face is right one.

>> No.11479784

It ain't right

>> No.11479818

I don't understand this at all.
What do you mean dirty?
Can you express your feeling of dirtiness more clearly?
Is there something specific that you imagine, or is it more intuitive?

>> No.11479829

I don't like the idea of someone else's greasy hands having touched every single page or if they might have sneezed into the book or if the book was stored in a smelly room or a dirty backpack.

Same reasons why I would never buy secondhand clothing.

>> No.11479872

you are morons, truly.

>> No.11480500


>> No.11480536

Thoroughly approve.
Op-shops are my primary source of books

>> No.11480556

nice try, mr grosshands

>> No.11480754


>> No.11481155

Look at all the creamy, acid free paper in that stack. Mmm mmm.

>> No.11481181
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$25 friends

the Nietzsche is twilight of the idols btw

>> No.11481217

you are probably going to read like 5 books there and then you are going to buy another pile of books and you are gonna read 5 books from the new one and so on and so on

>> No.11481438

nah I'll read them all eventually (unless I die in a freak accident, or heart failure). I don't buy anything I don't plan on reading.

mmmm yes quite

>> No.11481496

>tfw used to buy books very often
>reading list was getting ridiculously big
>stopped buying, started borrowing from public library (few exceptions, obviously, still love having books)
>end up with a nice collection of books I really like
>finally finishing my to-read list
>now the vast majority of the book I own I have already read, as opposed to having read 20% of it a while back
feels damn good

>> No.11481559
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t. zoomer who doesn't read more than 20 pages a day

>> No.11481565

>reading a book about ISIS written by a jew

>> No.11481573
File: 236 KB, 1162x868, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 28 year boomer who still uses "wojak" "pepe"

>now those were memes

>> No.11481619

big brain detected

>> No.11481638
File: 52 KB, 800x800, 1517191512088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being proud of being a newfag

>> No.11482381

holy hell this guy is buying acid free paper like there is no tomorrow