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11469393 No.11469393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the end goal of cultural Marxism?

>> No.11469418

This is bate but I'll bite. There isn't one. what you see on college campuses is just idiotic kids forming the same weird social bonds they always do just with a political facade and some Googled international theory. And diversity capitalism is literally just trying to expand markets and sell you more individualized carp.

The thing you right wingers never mention tho is the rise of actual Marxism and soft populist socialism. And thos have end goals.

>> No.11469430

In the dialectic of enlightenment Adorno rails against the cultural phenomenon idiots call "cultural marxism". It's caused by capitalism and the comodification of culture, absolutely nothing Marxist about it

>> No.11469447

Not OP but you don't seem to answer the question of where all these fanatical leftist policies and movements came from. The truth is that these leftist movements had their own agenda that the capitalist elite saw a great business venture in. So they promoted and supported these leftists until the leftists are now contending with the capitalist elite. Most of them don't care about the politicians, media etc that have their own agenda as long as they keeping making them money with these leftists policies.

>> No.11469458

Your conflating 'Leftist' with Marxist tho. There's money to be made from cheap immigrant labor and selling hormones to trans ppl but just because it seems left doesn't mean it has shit to do with Marxism. The only things Marx wants for the individual is freedom you don't find anything about diversity or pure egalitarianism in Marx

>> No.11469460

Not all those on the left are "cultural marxists" but they definitely exists as neomarxist assfucking tranny molotov throwing antifa anarcho-gomunism.

>> No.11469467

Where the fuck did i conflate marxism with leftism? All I said waz simply it reducing the madness of modern western culture to da big bag capitalist alone is retarded.

>> No.11469475

Neo Marxist is a buzz word for people that don't want to deal with Karl Marx. You wont find diversity or pure equality in marx. The kind of people your talking about would exist with out Marxism they just gravitate to thinkers that are 5 steps removed from anything Marx actually said bc it was easy for them to understand. Anyone can get intersectional theory it's harder to talk about the labor theory of value or dialectics. These kids do not repreaent an actual ideological force that has goals

>> No.11469478

Alright, I'm not a Marxist, nor a university activist, nor a socialist or an anarchist or anything like that. I find most of these sorts of people to be somewhat immature and they usually smell bad.

With that being said, I find it really fucking weird that the very obvious goals of trying to reduce and end things like discrimination, racial prejudice, etc. seems to be such a foreign and confronting to concept to so many people.

Are the current LGBTQIAXYZ123+ witch hunts truly productive towards this goal? Probably not. Are most of the current anti-oppression movements overladen with too much arcane and incomprehensible language that only bored, middle-class college students could ever decipher? Most likely. Does that mean that the concept of not wanting gay people to treated horribly because of their sexual preferences or not wanting black people to feel like their own society is actively against them is somehow corrupt or misguided? Not in the least. It's a genuinely noble intention; no human being should suffer unjustly just because the social dynamics of the time treat them as sub-human.

People are too quick to forget how much progress has actually been made. Being racist is now a dirty word, when just 50 years ago it would've been seen as normal. Gay people are now able to be open about their identities, without risking being ostracised by society, their friends, and even their families.

Is this situation perfect? No. Is there hypocrisy among the people advocating for ends to oppression? Yes, of course. Does that mean we need to give up on our attempts to create a less hateful society just because some blue-haired lesbian called all men rapists on twitter? No. That's just ego being offended, and if one is willing to be honest with themselves, they'd admit that there's a lot of really shitty situations for a whole lot of people that really don't have to be that way.

>> No.11469489

You're talking about leftists like it has a relation to Marxism, leftists came from the enlightenment itself, the thing Marx does is not to say that all the problems in the world are capitalistic but that to progress we must negate the negative and destructive parts of capitalism

>> No.11469496

>Neo Marxist is a buzz word for people that don't want to deal with Karl Marx.
Or the self-designation of Laclau and Mouffe in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy.
>These kids do not repreaent an actual ideological force that has goals
Why is it so hard for you faggots to explicitly state who do you think gives the orders to the professors of said kids? Are you guys sure it's not the same political party you happen to vote?

>> No.11469499

So you deny there are groups that embrace marxist economic and political policies but also want state enforced homosexuality?

>> No.11469513

Thos people are already 3 steps removed from Marx and a take down of them and there kind would not stand as a refutation of anything Marx did or said, he must be delt with directly witch is something people like Peterson never do. Who is giving them orders? They are 20 y/o nihilist with nothing to do but pretend they are going to make a revolution they are not an actual political force

>> No.11469518

>You're talking about leftists like it has a relation to Marxism
I was simply stating that the leftist ideals and policies came from leftists who capitalists just exploites.

>leftists came from the enlightenment itself
French Revolution*

>the thing Marx does is not to say that all the problems in the world are capitalistic but that to progress we must negate the negative and destructive parts of capitalism
I never said otherwise, I was simply correcting you that it is not a result of capitalism alone.

>> No.11469520

I deny that state enforced anything is far from what Marx would have advocated.

>> No.11469531

Where do the French revolution come from?

When did I say all the worlds problems were because of capitalism?

>> No.11469538

Yeah after everybody was brainwashed by the state, it of course will naturally dissolved itself, then everybody will be free.

>> No.11469541
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>Who is giving them orders?
The professor. Who gives money to the professor? Who prints the books? Will the real marxists please stand up, or continue to deny there is anything beyond adolescential rebellion, and pretend it's just nihilism, as if nihilists and overgrown teens could possibly organize any activity whatsoever? Where is your economical analysis of this aspect of late capitalism, o great marxist theorist?

>> No.11469546

I missworded that, Marx would have not advocated the state enforced anything he was concerned with freedom the state for Marx was to ensure protection against capitalist aggression once workers had taken power

>> No.11469551

Yes. But the left-right spectrum came from the revolution to be exact.

You did say that it is simply a result of capitalist consumerism and communication. Perhaps I misunderstood you, do you also agree many leftist ideas seeped into the consumerist culture of capitalism?

>> No.11469553

So, a state enforced something?

>> No.11469562

>Organize any activity

I think you overestimate how much work it is to have a protest or get a teacher to step down or to stick fight with Nazis this is all small shit.


So obviously people there is alot that goes into it but I think the main reason you have all this weird identity shit results for the specular society capitalism creates but you're right it's not the only reason

>> No.11469569

In this context the state doesn't act to enforce anything but to organize people against aggression. It becomes a kind of tool not a regulating force

>> No.11469586

You american fuckers have no idea how to use words to be fair.
In your language marxism, post modernism, left, socialis all means fuck all.
Every Marxist is a leftist you stupid fucks

>> No.11469590

Glad we can agree.

It enforces people to act against aggression. You said it yourself.

>> No.11469592

Fuck you I'm no leftists.

>> No.11469596

It's a tool to act against aggression theoreticaly they could chooses to let themselves die

>> No.11469598

FEMA camp gulags and the algorithm, wake up sheeple

>> No.11469599

>I think you overestimate how much work it is to have a protest or get a teacher to step down or to stick fight with Nazis this is all small shit.
Then why isn't your Vanguard Party getting the revolution going on, Mr. Lenin? If it's so easy and cheap, what are you penniless lazy bums waiting for? Gun control for civilians while police dogs get to wear ballistic helmets? Is the capitalism late yet? What are you cuckolds even waiting for?

>> No.11469604

I know. You guys just don't know how to use words. Everytime you says something it always means something else completely

>> No.11469605

It doesn't matter how you want to word it, it is still enforcing something. Marx was such a retard he actually thought that a state would willingly dismantle itself.

>> No.11469610

It is a stone set rolling, it has no definite goals - only chaos. Destruction of families, traditions and cultural heritage.

When the world is in rubbles, only those who have maintained their tradition (Mostly Jews in the west) will prevail victorious

>> No.11469636

Marx never really finished his examination of the state, out of all the things in the world all we have from him in a complete form is a study of the commodity. But I from my reading of Marx I think he has a different conception of the state then you do which comes out of hegal that being something like 'The state of things'

So things like protest are easy because they accomplish nothing, and I'm no leninist but if it were easy to do then yeah we would see more people try

Fuck you

>> No.11469778

>if it were easy
Since it's not, what are you waiting for?

>> No.11469818

The end goal of cultural Marxism is an impossible fact to describe because cultural Marxism does not exist for itself on in itself, that is to say it does no have its own stated purpose or any purpose at all contained within its own motive, but rather it exists subservient to and slaved to a much larger and deeper thought structure at work on the human psyche at various levels of influence, a thought structure that is at its base single a conscious personality. The idea is merely an extension of the will of a spirit that exists beyond ideologies or any human cognition. The end goal of Marxism is to primarily damn as many souls as possible and secondarily to cause as much earthly death, destruction, and suffering as possible. All other outcomes are mere byproducts, and the more efficiently the idea might accomplish its primary and secondary tasks the less such byproducts will be produced or paid attention to or considered. I think even the name Marxism might be misleading, as the thought system would gladly adopt any name or reformulate itself into any combination of words if it thought that doing so would allow it to spread its influence wider or carry out its tasks more effectively. It is the spirit of Cain.

>> No.11469837

>Rise of actuak Marxism
>Soft populism socialism
Now this is actually threatening, but basically comes down to MUH GIBS

>> No.11469866

Cultural Marxism's goal it to subvert power such that everyone can be less beholden to social determinism. Ultimately the goal is complete freedom from the individual, even going as far as rejecting any religious tradition or harsh upbringings with clearly defined rules and ethical mandates.

What it does good is that it promotes degeneracy, intellectual debate and diversity.

What it does wrong is that it fails to account that full freedom is the unfreedom to be unfree: or in other words, generate a society whose individuals are focused and vigorous rather than internally divided and separated into a million different bits of possible paths.

I stand by their goals nonetheless since the strong will always be strong and the weak will be more interesting.

>> No.11469871
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>> No.11469906

Yes, professors. Those poor careerist saps chasing tenure are also revolutionaries who want to overthrow the status quo and risk their comfy position within academia and potential six-figure salary. No, a lot of them are idiots and add a lot of flare to their lectures in an attempt to grab the attention of their students lest they drift off to social media and PornHub. When you go on Twitter and see these pink-haired harpies screeching about "intersectionality," "privilege," and what have you, there's an academic sense of the words, and a bastardization that gets filtered through a first year Cultural Studies course, and then further debased on social media. It's the new "cool" thing, because you get the join the right side of history, which provides a sense of purpose in an increasingly meaningless consumerist hellhole. Go, fight the evil oppression, but forget the fact that all of the "real" social movements are over, like fighting for black Civil Rights, gay marriage, etc.

Seems to me like it's coming from the same place as those assholes who post images of the Allied forces on D-Day and complain about contemporary men wearing makeup. The real battles are over. How do we find meaning and purpose today? Fetishize history?

>> No.11469915

if you think there aren't oppressed groups in the west still you are wrong monumentally

and even if so, humans have a biological tendency to discriminate minorities and for that reason the preservation of these academics and blue haired people is essential to the equality of mankind even if only as a regulatory system rather than an active revolutionary force

>> No.11469917

Easy there ted