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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.48 MB, 2087x2783, IMG_20180715_142231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11466584 No.11466584 [Reply] [Original]

post what you're reading RIGHT NOW

>> No.11466599
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>> No.11466601

based and redpilled

>> No.11466604

The Sociopath Next Door. Overall it's pretty good, but I hate how she keeps blowing smoke up the ass of every "normal reader". Like no sorry hun, but normal people can do evil stuff too.

>> No.11466615
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How long have you been transitioning anon? Couldn't fit your hormones in the photo?

>> No.11466643
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>> No.11466659
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>> No.11466675
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>> No.11466708
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The scientists noted that as people age, the risk of dying continues to increase. However, once you reach age 105, the risk of dying stops increasing. The scientists said once you hit 105, you basically have a 50/50 chance of reaching your next birthday. Therefore hypothetically since your chances of dying are no longer increasing, you could possibly just continue catching lucky breaks and beating the odds for many years after turning 105.

>> No.11466726

I'm reading The Master and Margarita on my phone. Fantastic.

>> No.11467245
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I can see why the guy sold well.

>> No.11467316
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>> No.11467325
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I'm pirating scum

>> No.11467331
File: 77 KB, 421x640, 95661FB6-AFE9-433B-852E-4C6E8E5F5313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for, bros?

>> No.11467341

I'm about to read pic related. Any idea how the fuck I start? I have listened to the Socratic dialogues in audiobook format, so I don't think I really digested them well, but at the same time I just want to start reading Aristotle. Should I just bite the bullet, and read some of the dialogues more legit?

>> No.11467347
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Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.11467357
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>that pic...them supps.....that book

wat da fuk wur u finking, sun?

>> No.11467776

growth of the soil
fuck pictures

>> No.11469045
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>> No.11469079

the book is about how men and women are different and how gender cannot be changed, imagine talking about a book you know nothing about

>> No.11469102
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is obviously talking about all of the other shit on the table genius

>> No.11469111

you mean all the body building supplements? the stuff for putting on and maintaining muscle mass? do trannies usually want to bulk up genius?

>> No.11469124
File: 3 KB, 101x125, 1444476447857s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to take a joke lmao.

>> No.11469129

>I was only pretending to be stupid
mate I was joking as well stop being so upset and learn to take a joke

>> No.11469244

>putting your suplements in the picture to show you lift
May as well put your gun and your katana by that point

>> No.11469277

> spending money on placebo supplements
> reading hardline gender-essentialist book
lmaoing at you are life
at least please tell me you're not a peterson worshipper

>> No.11469286

O-ok OP, n-no need to get angry
War and Peace

>> No.11469314

>Taking pointless kike pills.

BCAAs do absolutely fuck all to build muscle.

>> No.11469318

Actually bite the bullet if you want to read Aristotle. You will gain absolutely nothing from trying to read and understand his incomprehensible garbage.

>> No.11469333

I finished it yesterday, it was pretty good.

>> No.11469669
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>> No.11469694
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It's good.

>> No.11469760

Which translation?

>> No.11469779
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Thanks to the Anon who recommended this to me. It's excellent so far.

>> No.11469832
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Multiple things because I can't bear to read one genre for an extended period of time.

>> No.11469835
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>> No.11469850
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>> No.11469854

Augustus by John Williams. I read Stoner and loved it so I felt like continuing with Williams.

>> No.11469910

If this isn't bait, how is the book, OP? Could be an interesting subject to read about.

Nearly finished The Idiot, only got 40 pages left.

>> No.11469933

Dr. Jim B. Tuckers "life before life". Scientific research into reincarnation. Interesting stuff.

>> No.11469955

i'd imagine women becoming men might sometimes

>> No.11469956

nice cover, dude

I really want to read this, it sounds so cosy. Steinbeck is usually really comfy anyway but Steinbeck taking a road trip with his dog sounds even better.

>> No.11469991
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>> No.11470084

I did the same and I ended up liking Augustus even more. Enjoy Anon.

Thinking about reading this next after the many references in Houellebecq's Submission. I have the same edition. What do you think so far? What would you compare it to?

>> No.11470088

OP confirmed for massive faggot.
Probably a repressed tranny

>> No.11470103
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I don't think I'm appreciating or understanding this properly. It seems like borderline incoherent rambling to me. I might be a brainlet

>> No.11470105
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>> No.11470124

The Silmarillion

Beren and Luthien is fucking LIT. I love the poetic irony of Morgoth revelling in his malice causing him to lose a Silmaril. Shame the stand-alone book is a jumble of manuscripts, would have loved a more fleshed-out version like Children of Húrin.

>> No.11470150
File: 2.82 MB, 2551x3769, nrvor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Greg Johnson draws upon the ideas of the European New Right to promote a new approach to White Nationalist politics in North America. New Right vs. Old Right collects 32 essays in which Dr. Johnson sets out his vision of White Nationalist “metapolitics” and distinguishes it from Fascism and National Socialism (the “Old Right”), as well as conservatism and classical liberalism (the “Phony Right”).

Dr. Johnson rejects the Old Right’s party politics, totalitarianism, imperialism, and genocide in favor of the metapolitical project of constructing a hegemonic White Nationalist consciousness within a pluralistic society. He argues that White Nationalists are too dependent on the model of hierarchical organizations and need also to work on creating resilient lateral networks. He offers New Rightist answers to a number of disputed questions within the White Nationalist community, including white culpability for our decline, Hitler and National Socialism, the Jewish question, the holocaust, the role of women, Christianity vs. paganism, and the relationships of populism, elitism, and democracy. He sets out some basic principles for creating a growing, resilient, networked movement. Finally, he criticizes distractions and dead-ends like “mainstreaming,” conservatism, “premature” populism, and political violence.

It's good.

>> No.11470227

>Not debolsillo

La cagastes.

>> No.11470319
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Good shit.

>> No.11470326

>Wants pluralism
>Classifies classical liberalism as phony right


>> No.11470345
File: 38 KB, 330x499, 51zaHpJ8y8L._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rereading this

>> No.11470369

He explains what he means by pluralism in this essay:

"What should be our message? Among other things, that whites are a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests. That we live in a world in which there are real ethnic conflicts. That it is right for whites to take our own side in these ethnic conflicts. That multicultural, multiracial societies make ethnic conflict and hatred inevitable. That ethnic conflict can best be ended by the creation of ethnically homogeneous homelands for all peoples. That it is an existential imperative—a matter of life and death—for whites to create or preserve ethnically homogeneous homelands for ourselves by any means necessary.

Our goal should not be merely to make this the common sense of the political right, but the common sense of the whole political spectrum—of the whole culture—so that no matter what political party wins election, our people will never again have to fear for our survival. We do not need to move people in the right direction along the political spectrum. We need to move the whole spectrum in the white direction.

Our goal need not be a right wing, one party state, but a pluralistic society in which we are still arguing about feminism, abortion, environmentalism, etc. But the arguments will all be among white people, and no white group will be able to ally itself with non-whites to gain the upper hand against other members of our extended racial family.

That is real power, total power, but “soft” power: white cultural and political hegemony. And there is nothing sinister about it. It is what existed in America before the rise of today’s Jewish hegemony."


>> No.11470390
File: 25 KB, 324x500, murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started reading pic related, what am I in for?

>> No.11470425

Expect the first two books to move rather fast. It's actually pretty good in the beginning and middle books, but the end book literally just drags out the middle one to the point where you feel like you're reading the same chapters over and over again. The entire ending is then stuffed into like two chapters, along with many unanswered questions(although I heard that leaving cliffhangers is murakami's style, but I cant confirm since I haven't read any of his other works yet). Don't let this stop you from reading it though, cause if you want to get an idea of how he writes, then you'll certainly know it at the end of 1,600 pages. Going to read his other reputed better works at a later point.

>> No.11470461

man and his symbols - jung

>> No.11470479

An interesting look at the mythology and legends of the Brittonic Celts .
A ridiculous amount of words that are impossible to pronounce unless you know Welsh..

>> No.11470496

>random philosopher or Dosto to impress other anons

>> No.11470570

well done but could've been a bit more subtle

>> No.11470580

I basically live in a an ethnostate in Europe (99% white) so the whole thing is meaningless to me desu.

>> No.11470592

I finished reading Picture of Dorian Gray. Thinking of Stoner or The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.11470596
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>> No.11470647

Which one? I need to move sometime.

>> No.11470654
File: 3.91 MB, 4624x2608, DSC_0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading stuff that's actually good.

>> No.11470671

Well guess what pal I was joking too when I said I was joking so ha

>> No.11470672
File: 45 KB, 1500x1000, What_Matters_Red-Background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit sucks so fucking bad, basically the only good part was when he talks about how andy grove used okrs to save intel (they actually used to get most of they revenue from dram, but the japs flooded the market with cheap shit so they had to turn on a dime to cpu sales) that was rad, but then the rest of it just these eye rolling silicon valley founder myth stories with a variety of annoying privileged assholes who obviously work super hard and are relatively smart but every time i hear "so to test our idea we raised about 30 grand from friends and relatives" im like fuck this bullshit

>> No.11470760
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Loving it so far

>> No.11470794
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12 simple rules

>> No.11470834

>not the ugly and cheap edition
t. poorfag

>> No.11470892

La mejor edicion es la de Catedra, maldito pleb

>> No.11470937
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Reading this one right now. It's a pretty recent translation (2000). I'm very much enjoying it, though some of the shorter dialogues feel like exercises in the same thing, ie Socrates dismantling his interlocutors' definitions. About to tackle the Symposium.

>> No.11470997
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Boy, the scene in the cab had me dying

>> No.11471035

Enjoy your liver complications from overconsumption of all those non-approved supplements my dude

>> No.11471063

for real like how beta do u have to be to take testosterone supplements, i mean i can see if ur like 55 or something, but give me a break, ur balls should make all the testosterone u need u damn f2m tranny fuck

>> No.11471095

what's with the gay covers?

>> No.11471451
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You sound like you're menstruating.

>> No.11471462
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>> No.11471464
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>> No.11471469


>> No.11471472

Noice. Have you read any other Mishima, anon?

>> No.11471536
File: 1.57 MB, 4134x1728, Reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a Cat, Natsume Soseki
Reading this on Kindle. This book is great, but a little long-winded. While it's consistently funny, and it's takedown of intellectuals, pseuds, Soseki himself, artists, and western-fetishizing Japanese aristocracy of the early 20th century is still relevant and hilarious, I felt like it got its point across without needing to be 550 pages long. It's also pretty dense, so it's a slow 550 pages.

>The Lost World, Michael Crichton
I like to use audiobooks for genreshit. This book is pretty fun. I hear it's better than the movie, so I'm looking forward to when it really gets going. I hope it avoids the first novel's pacing issues (pointless post-finish line Velociraptor egg hunt).

>> No.11471568

my first venture into him, been meaning to for a while

>> No.11471577

>I am a Cat
Been meaning to read more Soseki myself as I've only ever read Kokoro (which was excellent). But 550 pages does sound a little long.

>> No.11471595

I've just finished reading deaf souls by Gogol about 10 minutes ago.

I now need to choose between the following:

The social contract
Short stories by Tolstoy
Short stories by Gogol

Please help brothers

>> No.11471599

Dead souls not deaf souls in case anyone is going to make a joke

>> No.11471628

I love Soseki. Kokoro is a beautiful novel. I'm an idiot and thought this was a novella, but I was very wrong.

I still recommend it, but alot if it is spent reiterating similar points. The long-winded conversations are almost Proust-esque in content and length, but instead of them being earnest discussions of arts and culture, these moments are generally intended to reveal the characters and their pursuits as comically foolish.

Funny stuff, but after 30 pages of conversation of the subject of someone's bald spot it gets a little too long winded. The book is composed of three volumes; perhaps it would be best to do a volume, then take a break and read something else. This is how it was published, and overall may be a palatable way of experiencing it.

>> No.11471813


>> No.11471978

Sounds like a smart plan, thanks.

>> No.11471983

Peter Handke is so good

>> No.11472030
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Just started this today and finished the first book

>> No.11472060
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Read 'A Game of Thrones' a few months ago, then some tough shit, now relaxing with this tome.

>> No.11472194
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>> No.11472454


>> No.11472457
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>> No.11472464
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Page 51

>> No.11472769

This post.

>> No.11472788

Not him but they look cute anon. You do like cute things, d-do you ? :3

>> No.11472900
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Of course I do! Nice dubs btw.

>> No.11472936

The narrator was shit and an unlikable incel. That's the point. Dosto's worst book IMO

>> No.11472943

fucking triggered lol

>> No.11472948

Ashbery's Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror.

I want to die, I'm too much of a fucking maroon to understand this shit.

>> No.11473008

shithead get the fuck out over here and never come back

>> No.11473100

lol ur a faggot XD

>> No.11473103


I have that same edition. Very good. Was my favorite book for a while

>> No.11473124

>Cineteca Nacional. 40 años de historia (1974 - 2014)
A book on the history of the mexican national cinematheque

>> No.11473245
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Unironically this, saw the movie 3 weeks ago thought it was weird, but somewhat funny and actually ended up feeling sorry/sympathetic towards Bateman so I wanted to see if the book gave a more detailed view, but I'm just finding more questions.

What the hell is the tunnel Price ran down, what does it mean? And how come Montgomery has the card Paul Allen was supposed to give in the movie, but he's called Paul Owen?

>> No.11473316

Probably a dyel

>> No.11474145
File: 297 KB, 1276x2102, 81GWuCw+OML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the meme edition, plus the not-so-surprising "translated from the english".

>> No.11474278
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>> No.11474288
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>> No.11474434

That's just the first half, it's meant to be meandering, contradictory and incoherent as the Underground man is an introvert and a misanthrope who views himself as above everyone else, so that mixture of ego, hatred and awkwardness comes through his constant paradoxical monologuing.

The second half will likely win you over, just be patient with it, my dude.

>> No.11474484
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This meme.

>> No.11474497
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What a lady.
Reading this reminds me how much of the Greeks, the romanticists, and ‘’the psychologists’’ I ought to read considering this woman is constantly referencing works I’m unfamiliar with, loving it tho.

>> No.11474502

You’ve never had moments like that where you made incoherent ramblings like that to yourself?

>> No.11474509

Do you like it?

>> No.11474510

Fictions by Borges.

>> No.11474531
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>> No.11474535
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He is so fucking patrician holy shit

>> No.11474587

Russian one

>> No.11474614

>that cover
Is this book about reducing population by nuking Africa?

>> No.11474625


>> No.11474631
File: 41 KB, 258x386, 381E579F-6B1F-4115-A39D-5F63EBD84EA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to /lit/ and going through the starter kit.

>> No.11475286

It just feels like I went crazy and wrote this book.
I laughed a good amount of times, so far.

>> No.11475419

Sorting the order of power arises and subsides in species specific choices implying that culture is beyond mortal brightness and that sorting the order of power exists as positive marvel.
History teaches that hidden meaning unfolds into ephemeral facts, roughly speaking.
Which is why morality requires unique phenomena.

>> No.11475432
File: 55 KB, 324x499, 51oEjGD+juL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about every bit as good as I hoped

>> No.11475448

Just forget the movie. I mean, it's good and all, it's just that it tells a bit of it's own story. Just let Bateman be your guide through the sick world he lives in, follow him, try to look through his eyes and see all the violence, the vanity, the perversion, the fakeness, the meaninglessness and so on. Don't try to find a philosophical message or whatever, just take it for what it is. If you do that, you're in for a masterpiece.

>> No.11475456

Why is this so popular on /lit/?

>> No.11475854

based. Exiting the Vampire Castle is all I've read from him but it was excellent

>> No.11475864
File: 3 KB, 78x120, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am a history fag

>> No.11475873

Arabian Nights and I, Robot.

>> No.11475965
File: 17 KB, 354x500, mh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than I expected

>> No.11476736

kill yourself

>> No.11477078

Nice! :) just

>> No.11478445

but why, anon? aquaculture is interesting

>> No.11478464
File: 23 KB, 283x498, 41uqpdzU9hL._SX281_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished, very enjoyable book. Plan on reading Brave New World next

>> No.11478476

Very nice. My favorite book alongside Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.11478495

Just got done reading it last week. Part one is definitely a rambling mess, but the Underground Man states as much during it. It's really there to explain his fundamental beliefs, display his contradictory mindset, and set the stage for the second half of the story (which is actually written as a story instead of an essay). Just think of the Underground Man as a 19th century version of a modern day anon on 4chan. Deep down he's sentimental and filled with all these lofty dreams and fantasies but is so mired in cynicism that he can't help but spit bile at the very thought of having such thoughts. He also drops his spaghetti on multiple occasions.

>> No.11478530

Good book

>> No.11478542

I'm currently reading genealogy of morals by Nieztche.