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11468650 No.11468650 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/. When a lion kills a gazelle and eats it, it simply is eating food, but if I person kills a dog and eats it, we say that is cruel and strange. Why? Is it not simply because we interpret it such? How can there be evil and good in a world that exists simply due to chemical interactions and physics? Thus, indeed if there is no "right" and "wrong," but just individuals' perceptions of "right" and "wrong," would all meaning thus also simply be opinions?

And if so, how can you really say a person should not kill, or should not be racist, or should or should not do anything? Is that not just you pushing your own viewpoint on them? If a man kills you mother, that is how it is. It is nothing more. Perhaps you seek revenge and kill his mother as well, but who is to say who is right and who is wrong?

>> No.11468679


>> No.11468682
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Here is a book about the garbage you are talking about.

>> No.11468698

This is the kind of moral relativism that you'll grow out from in ~2 years.

>> No.11468703


>> No.11468723


>> No.11468725

OP is a cringepost, but what do you expect him to "grow into" from out of "this kind of moral relativism"?

>> No.11468739

Yeah but until you do something really evil then you can't say it doesn't exist. Sure, it's comfortable to talk about from a distance. You can sit here and say with that smug skepticism that all of history has been a farce in proclaiming this or that action evil. Yet I for one take a more pragmatic approach to morality and say that in order to know definitively that nothing is good or evil, just "existence" in other words, then I have to commit the most evil and the best of actions.

>> No.11468742

because people own dogs and associate them with family life, note how your retarded thought experiment required switching from gazelle to dog.

>> No.11468748
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You may as well attempt to become god, or any other supernatural object of inquiry.

>> No.11468754

You fucking idiot that's not what I mean. Why the hell would I want to be god?

>> No.11468760

Until you are god there is no use speculating about his existence from a distance. Theosis is the only option. Before you can even define the object of investigation, you must become it. What is evil? Is there any way you can certify that you have committed the most evil act? Or the best act. Err... whatever!! :) Just do it!!

>> No.11468763

Not all people. Some Asian countries raise and eat dog like we do in Western countries with cattle. We see this as cruel because we associate them with family. The countries that eat them see them as food. Is either country right or wrong or it more so just a matter of opinion?

>> No.11468768

No, no, no, no, and no. To prove once and for all that our cultural conception of good and evil is full of shit I must be capable of both so as to confirm that each is relative to the act of will required to produce them.

>> No.11468775

It's not for you or me or anyone to say what is right or wrong, that would be utterly retarded. That's God's job.

>> No.11468778

Bizarre schizophrenic brain. Sorry, nothing you say is comprehensible. Your thinking is totally devoid of rigour. There's no discernible intelligence.

>> No.11468785

Yeah you're probably right. But, after all, Muhammad was most likely schizo

>> No.11468791

Schizophrenic is good.

>> No.11468795

What makes you say that? I personally think genius is inexorably linked to some form of mental disorder, but hey, I could be wrong.

>> No.11468800

We need more Bacchic mind. Computer breakdown. My braincircuitry is fibre error - unlock Sadism.

>> No.11468806

Ah yes Bacchus, Dionysus, the whole plethora of chaos gods who represent the sum total of humanity, the androgynous children of our youth. I agree wholeheartedly that we must make a collective effort to revive that sort of divinity

>> No.11468841

Sorry, but /lit/ requires posters to have independent thought. Please go on Christchan instead of 4chan as you apparently are not able to think past what organized religion dictates to you as truth. Also, KYS.

>> No.11468878

Ultimately, moral systems are derived from our subjective interpretation of behavior. Why else would moral law be so different across cultures, eras, and species? We can judge behavior and its effects on society as well as the individual so that we can give a reason for our moral code without saying something like, “well it’s just wrong, obviously.” It’s just not an exact science at this point due to our limited wisdom. As for God, or the universe as a whole, there really is no such thing as morality. The problem of evil, for example, is only a problem for humans, but not for God. He only cares that all possible forms of existence are lived out, and this must, by necessity, include organisms on a certain planet performing actions which harm others.

>> No.11468957

Brainlet, your post makes less sense than his. He's basically playing the nazi card that only if anyone is capable of the best and worst can we know that evil/good is social constructs

>> No.11469380

That makes NO SENSE

>> No.11469527

Hello please read about prohairesis first thank you