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File: 432 KB, 731x428, Maximalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11468095 No.11468095 [Reply] [Original]

Any good maximalist literature not on pic related?

>> No.11468144

palinuro of mexico by fernando del paso
terra nostra carlos fuentes
the gold bug variations by richard powers
the bible

>> No.11468477
File: 3.02 MB, 400x241, Klove_team.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like maximalist music and movies, will I like these books?

>> No.11468493
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maximalist genrefic

>> No.11468590

I will never understand how people still see something in Don DeLillo novels. I've tried many times and they're just bad.

>> No.11468598

Just fucking read them and find out.

>> No.11468644

Did you like this? What's it about?

>> No.11468647

Angles of Repose by Wallace Stevens
Stones of Summer by Dow Mossman

>> No.11469370

Does 2666 even belong there? It's just big.

>> No.11469457
File: 50 KB, 420x675, 9781623562915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody asks this every thread. go read the book that solidified the term and find out.

>> No.11469469


>> No.11469554

Why isn't Ulysses on there?

What are your favorite maximalist movies?

>> No.11469600

Wolf of Wall Street, John wick 2, mission impossible ghost protocol and rogue nation, Man from U.N.C.L.E, the hunger games catching fire, Incredibles 1 (2 was shit), la la Land, and drive.

>> No.11469613

"It is an aesthetically hybrid genre that developed in the United States in the early 1970s and then spread to Europe at the beginning of the twenty-first century"

Ulysses is the foundations.

>> No.11469642

The Apes of God by Wyndham Lewis

>> No.11469647

How are they maximalist? I was under the impression maximalism in film was more along the lines of Sion Sono & Seijun Suzuki's post 1980 movies.

>> No.11469663

No, why would I?

>> No.11469668

I think you may have been 'trolled'.

>> No.11469674

Explain how they are maximalist though

>> No.11469683

Well you obviously haven't read it yourself, otherwise if seeing this question bothers you every thread you would explain why it is Maximalist.

>> No.11469689

Virginia Woolf desu
To the Light house could have been 50 pages.

>> No.11469693

shhhh he doesn't really anything about films

>> No.11469702

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11469710

The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon

>> No.11469716

Why would I do your homework for you kiddo?

>> No.11469848

Only gonna do a couple of these movies because they're a lot and I don't have time. Basically, the definition for maximalism is more is more. Wolf of Wall Street is over the top and ridiculous with the lengths it will go to to make you laugh. The stuff they do in it seem larger than life and highly idealistic. It's filled with many different characters, settings, schemes, and gags to make the movie as enjoyable as possible. Look at the other movies I listed. Do they not also stuff their movies to create an enjoyable and satisfactory experience? Do they all not have qualities that would many times be associated with what is known as maximalist?

The mission impossibles have Tom cruise scaling skyscrapers, chasing people on motorcycles, and almost killing himself to deliver some of the best action movies of the 21st century. The stakes are high, the movies are jam packed with stunts, themes, and colors in attempts to deliver fast paced, adrenaline pumping escapades to the movie goer. Hollywood nowadays goes to extreme lengths to stand out from all the other blockbusters that are released almost on a weekly basis. Maximalist movies like these are a response to the current Zeitgeist.
Never said I was a movie connoisseur.

>> No.11469885

Nice rebuttal. Smooth.

>> No.11469887

Kindly ones

>> No.11469923

Dude it's so simple!

>> No.11469927

Inherent Vice

>> No.11470027
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>> No.11470504


>> No.11471081

>Maximilist means more

Brain not found.

>> No.11471107

Stegner, not Stevens; Angle, not Angles

>> No.11471124

neal stephenson

>> No.11471177


>> No.11471179


>> No.11471188

The Holy Mountain, 2001: A Space Odyssey,

>> No.11471200

You Bright And Risen Angels, The Royal Family, Seven Dreams

>> No.11471202

Lmfao, try /tv/

>> No.11471208

isn't THM just a long surrealist indie film?
it's great though

>> No.11471210

>the hunger games catching fire

Wolf of Wall Street is pure kino

>> No.11471219

What is maximalism? Just Pomo doorstoppers?

>> No.11471222


>> No.11471233

it's true though

>> No.11471263
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>"In thearts,maximalism, a reaction againstminimalism, is an esthetic of excess and redundancy. The philosophy can be summarized as "more is more", contrasting with the minimalist motto "less is more"[1]"

>> No.11471264

Maybe. Would you consider Magnolia or Pulp Fiction as maximalist films?

>> No.11471266

/tv/ sucks, they just hate everything.

>> No.11471267

fantasy and shit and stuff

>> No.11471767
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>> No.11471775

Seijun Suzuki's Taisho Trilogy,
Absolutely. This anon knows.

It's not a easy watch per se, but it more than deserves your attention.

>> No.11471937

Not all of us are brainlets

>> No.11471954

Postmodern, for sure. Maximalist - to some degree, maybe. Enter the Void is something I'd call maximalist without hesitation.

>> No.11471959

What's some good maximalist music?

>> No.11473012

Kanye Wets- My beautiful dark twisted Fantasy

Everything everything- get to heaven

>> No.11473128

I found it odd that the book includes White Teeth (not a remarkably maximalist book) and some obscure foreign work over more obvious examples

>> No.11473133

Alfred Schnittke

>> No.11473236

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Tame Impala (in that it's pretty meticulously made by 1 guy)

>> No.11473240

Lil Pump

>> No.11473271
File: 46 KB, 384x346, 46_yo_boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Maximalism means more
> it actually means More is more

>> No.11473275

that's a good movie

>> No.11473287

imagine the smell

>> No.11473297

I'm already sneezing just by seeing that image.

>> No.11473346

What are you trying to say?

>> No.11473525

Does Maximalism *have* to be postmodern? If so the only recs I can think of would be Arno Schmidt and maybe Vollman. But I think older works like Tristram Shandy, The Manuscript Found In Saragossa, Jerusalem Delivered, and even maybe The Ambassadors would fit the criteria, at least as predecessors.

>> No.11473545

Magnolia is absolutely a maximalist film

>> No.11473547

lil ugly mane

>> No.11474431

I agree with White Teeth being a poor example in the book, it's in there to talk about the shift to Europe I think.
2005 Dopo Cristo is a really good example too but being not in English it throws people off. It mostly gets it's maximalist features from the fact it's written by 4 authors in collaboration, each with a lot of freedom.

It's defined as that. Vollmann is maximalist imo, everything prior is like building blocks for the foundations. The book discusses how Gaddis is like a turning point for the definition.
Schmidt I would only say Bottom's Dream is anything close to maximalist, his strictly first person narration technique goes against the core principal of maximalist literature, I still consider him a late modernist in his earlier writings which usually either discuss wartime/postwar Germany or use a Romantic era storytelling frame for him to apply his prose forms. Prose forms. Only prose form 3 makes it close with the footnoting and insertion of full lit crit sections into the text, but he's just trying to transplant Finnegans Wake Joyce into dialog.

>> No.11474457

*Everything prior to postmodernism is the foundations, that is. I phrased that confusingly.

>> No.11474460

Brian Ferneyhough and New Complexity in general

>> No.11474760


>> No.11474867

so big books

>> No.11474871

>Tame Impala (in that it's pretty meticulously made by 1 guy)

>> No.11474882

Clarence Clarity - No Now

>> No.11474991

William T. Vollmann and Alberto Laiseca with Los Sorias. I bet u fuckers try and read it.

>> No.11475085

Going by this graphic I understand maximalism as "all the books /lit/ has never convinced me to read"

>> No.11475111

Found the pleb.

>> No.11475559


>> No.11475862

Seiobo There Below, Laszlo Krasznahorkai.

>> No.11476678


You know why they did it

>> No.11477723


>> No.11477998

Yeah it's just Kevin Parker who composes/records everything
All the books I've read up there are fantastic

>> No.11478076


>> No.11478967

which of these are worth reading?

>> No.11479297

All of them, Letters is an hard choice though.