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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 970x545, harry-potter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11467315 No.11467315 [Reply] [Original]

And accept that its unanimous acclaim and popularity is deserved?

>inb4 Harold Bloom
Harold Bloom is a sullen reactionary and considered a joke among serious readers of literary criticism.

>> No.11467436

>unanimous acclaim and popularity
doesn't exist
doesn't mean anything

>> No.11467444

There is also unanimous agreement that a McDonald’s cheeseburger tastes good

>> No.11467449
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anonymous /lit/ friends and I came to the unanimous agreement that OP is a little faggot who is still a huge Harry Potty fanboi!

>> No.11467453

Actually, I don’t like McDonald’s cheeseburgers. They smell weird to me
McNuggets are my weakness though

>> No.11467502

what about Shakespeare?

>> No.11467509

>unanimous agreement
>I don’t like McDonald’s cheeseburgers

>I don't

>> No.11467515

the movies ruined harry potter for me because they made the fact that these kids were British undeniable and i hate the British

their voices changed in my head to stupid little british kid voices and fuck that, im not giving the british time in my head

>> No.11467532

He isn't unanimously liked.

>> No.11467646

Wrong. We agree that they're alright for the price though

>> No.11467657
File: 10 KB, 404x300, NeilThumbsUpGorsuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a McDonald's thread. Carry on anons.

>> No.11467668

Harry Potter is shit

>> No.11467670

can i just say this? whatever you think of the franchise; whatever your thoughts are on the series; whatever your opinions, feelings, thoughts, and biases are on the author, i think at least, with all due respect, and with your permission, that the third movie in the series is one of the best artistic accomplishments in my lifetime; it has a uniqueness that sets it apart from the rest of the movies in the series; it's slow, it takes its time; the actors are cute in their respective age; the music is heartbreakingly beautiful; and i think the music really gives it that atmosphere, that really gives it that phenomenal atmosphere; it's lovely, and it adds to the kind of creepiness of the movie; not only creepy, but with a taste of triumph and a little flourish of joy; and when the music gets sentimental and sorrowful we really feel harry pull it together; he really wraps up the package with his sullen, serious faces; with budding solemnity; and with growing passion; and that's the word, really; it's the most passionate movie of the series, and you see it in the acting, the music, and the flow; in the atmosphere and the ambience; i think the music really conveys that beautiful touch of scenery

thanks for listening; have a good one

>> No.11467700

literary criticism is considered a joke among serious readers

>> No.11467705

>not a single prithee

>> No.11467707

in comparing food to literature you've revealed that you don't understand either

>> No.11467827
File: 23 KB, 283x430, 9781589893009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only coincidence?

>> No.11467861

McDonald's is bomb, pussy.

>> No.11467875


the new fresh beef quarter pounder is fucking amazing, unironically one of the best burgers i've ever had

>> No.11467883

>unanimous acclaim and popularity
>considered a joke among serious readers of literary criticism

Your literary taste is formed around popular opinion. Embarrassing.

>> No.11467892

it does tho

>> No.11468040
File: 28 KB, 540x405, NeilBrofistGorsuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, thanks man, I'll have to give it a try next time I'm out.

>> No.11468156

The movies were better.

>> No.11468500

is there more of a story to this? when i search it it comes up in articles calling it a cash in/rip off but it was published a decade before harry potter?

>> No.11468505

Just because I realize that it's shit for me doesn't mean I have to delude myself into pretending that it doesn't taste good you goddamn pretentious piece of shit.

>> No.11468512

They’re okay for what they are, just like how Harry Potter is pretty good for YA fiction. Any praise beyond that is giving it to much credit

>> No.11468527

WEAK! Watch more movies, you absolute enemy of cinema.

>> No.11468548

Cinema is gay, people just waving around trakovsky like he’s Jesus of movies.

>> No.11468593

that’s just surface /tv/