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/lit/ - Literature

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1146319 No.1146319 [Reply] [Original]

I'm jumping ship on a little project I just started, but I was hoping someone would pick it up. It's a good vs. evil philosophy and politics chart

>> No.1146322


>> No.1146324


>> No.1146325


But Good and Evil are subjective...

I don't understand.

>> No.1146326

shut up faggot terrible troll asshole

>> No.1146327

only if you're a prick

but you do

>> No.1146329

objectivist dumbass spotted

>> No.1146331

How would Atlas Shrugged be evil? Wouldn't it be indifferent?

>> No.1146334

Fascism is good, Chomsky is fucking stupid and so is Nader.

>> No.1146345

i will never forgive nader for splitting the vote in 2000
and chomsky wants to ban porn
fuck them both
at least mao and hitler were charismatic and not monotone like nader

>> No.1146347


The socio-political philosophy behind it would generate a shitload of suffering for the sake of the glories of CAPITALIST SUPERMEN.

So yeah, evil.

>> No.1146358

I don't think that is the philosophy in the book.

>> No.1146361
File: 10 KB, 316x397, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you angry

>> No.1146363

Who the fuck has time to read the god damn book anyway? It's like 1200 pages.

>> No.1146365



Some effort was put into the pic, and I raged for about 5 seconds. Would rage again, preferably on a philosophy-related topic.

>> No.1146366


Not in so many words, obviously, but the implications of tolerating obscene disparities of wealth, and thus, freedom and quality of life in the name of preserving individualism are fairly elitist.

>> No.1146369

Seems pretty agreeable from what I read on the wiki page, except the idea of objective morals.

>> No.1146376
File: 4 KB, 249x199, reaction_trololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1146379

I was under the impression that it was pro individualism and against forced altruism. Doesn't seem that evil.

>> No.1146392

>implying evil is not subjective or really exists at all

>> No.1146400

OP is a 12-year old girl.

Or has the moral sensibilities of one, can't really tell.

>> No.1146421
File: 217 KB, 1130x900, 1284864682272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /lit/ from /new/ to escape Randroids
>Find thread refreshingly antithetical to Randroid threads of /new/
>Thread full of Randroids
>My face when Randroids everywhere

>> No.1146433

anon's a 17 year old who thinks inexperienced bullshit callousness = maturity

>> No.1146436

if you're a proponent of a philosophy that even considers the possibility of morals being consistent you need to drop philosophy as a whole because its obvious you are only getting out of it what you want to get out of it

>> No.1146442

I'm not familair with Nader, what vote are you referring to?

>> No.1146448

well at least you found a way to affirm your superiority right ?
this board is full of pseudo-intellectuals, with this comment, myself included

>> No.1146450

I thought autism was our excuse for being insufferable assholes.

Besides, the existence of morality has nothing to do with me being an asshole on the internet.

>> No.1146451


Nader split the liberal vote in Florida in 2000, thus spoiling the entire presidential election for Gore and giving us eight years of Dubya.

>> No.1146462

No actually Bush stole the election you dummyu

>> No.1146626
File: 115 KB, 600x665, reaction_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and chomsky wants to ban porn

>mfw this is actually true