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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 400x400, v7t45Wil_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11462833 No.11462833 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start?

>> No.11462836

check the garbage bin

>> No.11462837


>> No.11462838


>> No.11462840

the greeks desu

>> No.11462841
File: 511 KB, 511x448, Cereal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to admit he's got a point.

>> No.11462853
File: 168 KB, 500x522, TrumpReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By going back to plebbit.

>> No.11462870

Cheerios don't give you STDs

>> No.11462904

A mountain with goats.

>> No.11462911
File: 331 KB, 1223x1541, rrLe319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462956
File: 45 KB, 542x676, john green ships rey and chewbacca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Turtles All the Way Down is the only remotely good thing that John Green has ever written, and even that contains a scene like this.

>> No.11462965

I always felt that unlike say Rowling or King, if he actually tried he could put together a somewhat decent novel. But he is so terrified of failing that he continues to write drivel for teenagers. At least Rowling tried to write a real novel once. It sucked, but she tried.

>> No.11462966

skip john green completely but check out the mountain goats theyre not the worst

>> No.11462974


>> No.11462975

they're just nmh for retards

>> No.11463019

What makes you think that? Honestly, Green is the type of person who watches TED talks and browses Reddit unironically. He's well-read, but not deep or original in his thinking. This is why the only stuff he can produce is YA fiction.

And say what you will about Kind or Rowling, they at least have worlds inside of them. I imagine Green's inner world is exactly like the regular world, except everyone talks like they're posting on /r/im14andverysmart while holding unlit cigarettes in their mouths.

>> No.11463067

>Green is the type of person who watches TED talks and browses Reddit unironically.
This is what I mean by that. These are the characteristics of a person who is hindered from his potential purely through cowardice. King and Rowling may have worlds inside them and they may be creative people or whatever, but that does not make them good writers at all. Perhaps entertaining, but if anything it makes them more likely to write something lowbrow. I see them hindered by their own ability. Green on the other hand just refuses to be honest. Hemingway once said something like, "All you need to do is write one true sentence," and I think it characterizes an idea of which the antithesis is present in an author such as Green or BEE and their ilk and is why they will all be forgotten ten years after their deaths, their legacy only remaining in the vapid films they allowed to be made of their work.

>> No.11463087
File: 300 KB, 523x625, jauj greeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the most hated person of /lit/ and /his/ combined?

>> No.11463122

Eating food is literally necessary to stay alive. To equate the food you eat to the people you sleep with first requires that sex is as necessary as sustenance. For him to so casually make this point is a side effect of the degenerative, sex-fueled society we inhabit.

>> No.11463161

>hasn't read up on telegony and micrchimerism
not gonna make it

>> No.11463164

Based John Green usurping all the ho-ish teenage poon

>> No.11463183

Found the incel

>> No.11463202

the microchimerism isn’t real, show me even one study that’s been cited in the last 3 years that indicates that it is. I agree with the sentiment but 2D:4D and microchimerism are fucking retarded notions

>> No.11463223

fourth post best post

>> No.11463225

>she was a drizzle, and I was a Hurricane

>> No.11463230

Micrchimerism hasn't been demonstrated to be true in humans for sexual partners, that doesn't mean it has been disproven at all though. Telegony was demonstarted in a species of fly a few years ago and since telegony by definition works through non-genetic mechanism, we can't immediately assume that it isn't the case for humans. The more convincing arguments for me are the more metaphysical and spiritual but I'm not going to go into that if we're having a scientific conversation

>> No.11463231

Found the woman

>> No.11463235

I want to beat the shit out of him so badly.


>> No.11463254

I really liked his history series.

>> No.11463358

Hey, Girl
I just wanted you to know...

>> No.11463388

how does it not matter? people can be riddled with STDs and weird shit. you don't know what the fuck they've been doing.
I'm not even a conservative but the idea of sleeping with anyone who's been with ~100 people should make anyone sane gag.