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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 94 KB, 342x387, myfacewhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1145870 No.1145870 [Reply] [Original]

A sentence from Twilight:
>"The clouds still circled the sky, threatening to invade."

Mindfucks caused by bad writing thread.

>> No.1145894

Wouldn't an editor fix that?

>> No.1145909


You'd think, yeah.

>> No.1145911


Does it sound like an editor fixed it?

>> No.1145916

Twilight is a good book, you pleb. I see nothing wrong with that sentence either.

Just because a talented, modern woman has written a book enjoyed by millions of other women, it is automatically presumed to be bad.

You are all snobs.

>> No.1145918
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>> No.1145929 [DELETED] 

1/10, too obvious. Apply yourself!

>> No.1145933


1/10, too obvious. Apply yourself!

>> No.1145936

>nothing wrong with that sentence

It implies the clouds are outside the sky.

>> No.1146231

I honestly think the editor just gave up trying and didn't bother to change anything. Either that or that book looked like shit beforehand.

>> No.1146237

Well, even more shit.

>> No.1146246

As well as the obvious fuck up, I wouldn't use invade as an intransitive verb, but that's just me. Apparently it's OK.

>> No.1146299
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This is thesaurus abuse, just like the rest of twilight. Realistically speaking, what else do you expect from a book which is almost endless, ceaseless, unending, everlasting, eternal repetition of the same shit about some guys chest being sparkly. Incandescent is not a good way of describing something sparkly. However, since she can't write for shit, she ends up repeating herself constantly, and has to find more and more ridiculous adjectives to describe her preposterous characters.

>> No.1146401

What's another word for thesaurus?

>> No.1146403

>threatened to invade

Stephenie Meyer confirmed for watching Family Guy

>> No.1146410

Why do you guys constantly rag on books that are written for 12 year olds? It's not like any of you guys have actually read it. (neither have I)

Seriously, that shit boggles my mind.

>> No.1146415

>Twilight is a good book, you pleb

>I see nothing wrong with that sentence either.
You need more reading. Fail.

>Just because a talented
Epic fail

>modern woman
Meyer is a Mormon. Fail.

>has written a book enjoyed by millions of other women, it is automatically presumed to be bad.
Ad populum. Fail.

>You are all snobs.
Ad hominem. Fail.

Learn to troll, cutie.

>> No.1146424

>assuming the verb is directed at the sky
i see nothing wrong with this as long as we do not know the object of the thing, can we get the full context?

>> No.1146425

>Fail said six times
>Epic once
I hate you almost as much as I hate Twilight.

>> No.1146434

I've read it. I almost had a stroke.

>In the darkness he looked much more normal. Still pale, still dreamlike in his beauty, but no longer the fantastic sparkling creature of our sunlit afternoon.

>> No.1146446

Wow he must be pretty hot

>> No.1146498

"Pale" is not an attractive feature. Edward is so gross.

Captcha: Patterson nourne

>> No.1146581
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Most of the people I know wouldn't give a flying fuck about twilight if the fans weren't such complete and utter shitheads.

I'm an avid video gamer (PC master race with a splash of idort) and the shit on xboxrepublic pales in comparison to some of the stupidity I have heard from twilight fans. Anecdotal evidence incoming My ex was fucking assaulted by one of them for chatting with a friend of hers and calling the books shit, or perhaps cracking some joke about Edward. The details escape me at the moment, but regardless, she ended up in court because some group of 4 or 5 15 year old cunts thought it would be funny try and beat the shit out of someone for disliking their soft porno.

Maybe it's just my area, but the twilight fans here are fucking nuts.

>> No.1146589


>one ---->some

Can't fucking write today.

>> No.1146600

It's just four books written for teenage girls. Give it a rest.

>> No.1146623
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>> No.1146657
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>> No.1146667
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But then we wouldn't be literary snobs. What's the fun in that?

Monocle or remove thyself from the building.


>> No.1146691
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Your top hat appears to have blown away by a foul breeze, good sir

This can only mean impending disaster for /lit/

>> No.1146711
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>> No.1146713
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blarg... wrong image the first time.

>> No.1146715

Amazing good sir


>> No.1146720

One of the main reasons I never picked up a book from the series after the first is simply how some people act. True or false, the accounts I've heard of pople beating each other up over "team Edward" or "team jacob" are just ridiculous. I actually refferred the first book to a friend when I read it, because I didn't find it that bad. Until she started calling me and yelling in my ear about the "exciting" parts of the book.

>> No.1146749

I have to read this shit for my YA fiction class.

Hold me /lit/. I'm scared.

>> No.1146913


The stories may be ridiculous, but it's not like you can discredit them, especially considering your experience.
>Until she started calling me and yelling in my ear about the "exciting" parts of the book.

I've seen more than a few ludicrous scenarios play out at bookstores and movie theaters. Suffice it to say that I will never go to see another movie on the opening week of a twilight release, or Harry Potter for that matter. That was one of the worst dates I've had.

The books are objectively terrible. However it's not like you can't grind through a book in a single session. They are fluff for the most part.


My biggest problem with them is that people don't acknowledge them for what they are. It's a shitty romance novel written by a mormon who has let her repressed sexual desires slip out. Now, lets be honest for a moment here. That isn't a problem. I just hate that people can't accept that its practically porn.

>> No.1146920
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Possibly something based on text size? Prehaps my monitor is simply delusional

>> No.1146924

>he quotes manually
>laughing girls.tiff

>> No.1146953

See Tybrax, this is how you troll. Much more effective than just posting a lot to slowly annoy the whole board.

>> No.1146999
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I do not. It must have gotten cropped when I reordered the posts via cut and paste.

For the record though, if someone has JavaScript disabled they have to do it manually. I've filtered out the majority of the scripting on the page but left that functionality intact.

Sage because I have now derailed this thread more than I would have if I was trying to troll.

>> No.1147204

me likey this book
it gets you laid very much

>> No.1147220

It does indeed. Although with the wrong type of women. Either idiots or jailbait fangirls

>> No.1147266


I took it the same way you might say "the turd circled the bowl," as in going around and around the inside. But then... what would they invade? The ground?

The only thing wrong with that sentence is that it's flowery bullshit that lends nothing to establishing the scene, or even a proper mood.

>> No.1147305

Hats not unbleached and not hats. In three years I can not wear a hat. I could not. Was. Will there be hats then since I was not and not Harvard then. Where the best of thought Father said clings like dead ivy vines upon old dead brick. Not Harvard then. Not to me, anyway. Again. Sadder than was. Again. Saddest of all. Again.

-William Faulkner

Wow, this modernism shit sucks. Why would anyone read this pretentious garbage instead of GRR Martin?

>> No.1147404

Just stop. Seriously, just fucking STOP now.

>> No.1147407


Because they're better than you fucking kike.

>> No.1147511


Just do it, when you discuss it go into detail about why other young adult fiction is far superior.

>> No.1147512

Because GRR Martin uses basic colors to describe every scene.

>> No.1147680

>people don't acknowledge them for what they are. It's a shitty romance novel written by a mormon who has let her repressed sexual desires slip out.

Wouldn't that be amazing if someone wrote a "biography" or perhaps some sort of published essay that was some kind of in-depth analysis of how fucked up Meyer really is, leading her to write this shit. Also perhaps her "repressed sexual desires" displayed in the text maybe is the reason why Twimoms and older Twilight readers cling to the book as they do. This is something that would be slightly interesting to do a psychological study on. At least more interesting than just shit-talking to books, which everyone has done over and over.

Psych major here. If I ever have an assigned report that can be related to this in my future studies, I will consider doing this.

>> No.1147732

And none of you took note that the OPs sentence had a comma splice; nice job asshats.
(ಠ_ృ) I'm taking my tophat elsewhere till you gents learn your grammar