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11454525 No.11454525 [Reply] [Original]

>In the last few years, many scholars of medieval studies have discussed another topic: the far right’s fascination with their discipline. Deeply concerned, they have called on their colleagues to push back against white supremacists’ use of imagery, rhetoric, and symbols from the Middle Ages, and to diversify a field that they say is predominantly white and male. They also seek to expand the discipline’s scope beyond Western Europe.


The ongoing insurgency in medieval studies has me deeply worried.
I hope my beloved ancient philosophy can remain aloof from the culture wars.

>> No.11454540

What the fuck women existed in medieval times? Fuck that

>> No.11454550

i noticed there was some fucking weird shit going on in my medieval modules desu, had a lecture about chaucer being an anti semite and a lot more focus on womanhood and gender politics

>> No.11454554

shut the fuck up and read your gay books nerd

>> No.11454556
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>> No.11454561


>What the fuck women existed in medieval times? Fuck that

Should I take this as a veiled critique? I'm fine with academic interest in marginal and peripheral figures. It is the prospect of Medieval Studies becoming a mere handmaid to ever-widening cultural crusades that disturbs me.

>> No.11454576

no one really gives a fuck

i am in medieval studies and EVERY real scholar in the field is joking about how a handful of crazy SJWs are trying so hard to turn SJW shit into a "thing", led by one literally histrionic woman

it's because there are a lot of women in medieval studies. most of them are normal but a few have the SJW mental illness and can't be happy unless they are pathetically begging for attention. it doesnt hurt that it gets them more attention than their bad scholarship ever did lol

just ignore it and it will go away. real medievalists, the people who sustain the field, are all people who are autistic or ascetic enough to spend their entire lives real scholarship... the ones who want to write easy "queer theory" lit crit will simply never be listened to, never get jobs, never be more than a very small minority. no one is going to hire them over the real scholars, and they will slowly go away

tempest in a teapot, and the more you give attention to these histrionic attention seekers the more you play into their hands

>> No.11454584


>including Jewish spouses

Just fuck my point up senpai

>> No.11454614

This is what everyone believes until it happens to them. I do, however, agree that this is a cultural moment that will pass like all others. Remember in the 80s and 90s when people wrote and read Derrida into everything and class was the all defining lense of analysis?? I hardly do either but back then I'm sure it looked like it would never end.

>> No.11454616
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>i noticed there was some fucking weird shit going on in my medieval modules desu

The old guard are making a stand of silent defiance in the face of these all-consuming intellectual fashions. There would be much more calculated opprobrium if these heroic scholars defended their discipline in the open. I truly wish them the best. Subordinating a discipline to ideology is always ruinous.

>> No.11454633


I hope you are right though I worry that ideological appoints could do untold damage.

>> No.11454634

Most academic studies of western culture exist to separate western peoples from their heritage and leave the vulnerable to the constant barrage progressive messaging experienced by all today.

They’re a special brand of evil.

>> No.11454658


>there seems to be a bias against, or lack of interest in, sessions that are self-critical of medieval studies, or focused on the politics of the field in the present, especially relative to issues of decoloniality, globalization, and anti-racism.

>there seems to be a bias against, or lack of interest in

>or lack of interest in

These people want certain perspectives to dominate interest be damned. It's abhorrent.

>> No.11454850

why does these kind of people always act like a virus?

>> No.11454918

Been a while since I've seen that, snagged.

It's important, that makes jews think a non jew is "in".

>> No.11454924

Jews? Because all they know how to do is destroy. They can't build anything, which is why they have to live in others' nations.

>> No.11454934

Reminder that 15 years ago the few people that knew about it insisted that proto-MeToo would never be a real problem.
And now? Welcome to the club, bitches.

>> No.11454953

the far right? idk, but they ruin every moment of history they touch

>> No.11454954

Not to hijack the thread, but Chaucer is objectively awful. Why does anyone ever study Chaucer?
You might as well talk about dumb shit like gender politics with Chaucer, because it's not like there's any actual quality in there to talk about.

>> No.11454955

>Tfw dated and art-hoe for like 6 months
>She was dumb as fuck but liked to pretend she was smart
>Asked me to tutor her in history, math(beginner college algebra), and chemistry
>When I did sit down and try to explain shit to her, she complained that I was being too "mansplainy"
Holy fuck these thots, lads.

>> No.11454966

>just ignore it and it will go away

This was the solution to SJWs like 5 years ago but all these dumb /pol/ motherfuckers have to keep whining about them.

>> No.11454978
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>dating a girl you don't respect and can't have a conversation with for 6 months

It must be hard being this intelligent

>> No.11454980


so glad to be out. fuck these cunts.

>> No.11454995


>> No.11455002

Because their goal is the domination of all discourses and social environments. Their strategy causes them to behave just like a virus.

>> No.11455008
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>to diversify a field that they say is predominantly white and male
Satan's clapping his hands.

>> No.11455018

This thread sure is /lit/ related

>> No.11455041

You're being incredibly naive. Entire fields of study (e.g. anthropology) absolutely have been completely suborned by these people.

You're wrong that they will never be listened to or get jobs. The "attention" that they garner with their 'bad scholarship" is part of their strategy for doing that.

The reason the "real scholars" are joking about the "crazy SJWs" instead of, you know, ensuring that they're excluded and publicly denounced is a sign that you and yours are going to do nothing whatsoever as they take over your discipline.

>> No.11455060

>The old guard are making a stand of silent defiance in the face of these all-consuming intellectual fashions

"I'm not a cuck -- I don't jack off while I sit in the corner watching these people fuck up my life's work!"

>> No.11455070

a*Nglos love rhyming poems

>> No.11455092
File: 52 KB, 850x400, 605164-quote-the-hope-of-a-new-politics-does-not-lie-in-formulating-a-left-wing-reply-to-the-right-it-lies-in-christopher-lasch-108261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh culture of narcissism, managerial liberalism and the therapeutic state smhh. it's got less to do with 'postmodernism'(after all, foucault burroughs and deleuze were based edgelords who just wanted to drop acid and fuck underage algerian boys) and more with the mimetic dynamics of social media, the way mass organisations are run (rawls ftw), low attention spans, and the ready availability of right wing boogeymen that can be used to shut off all nuance. the left has become purely reactive, doubly reactive, because conservativism, having lost anything worth conserving, has withered down to a ceaseless performative ownage of 'the libs'. pop social justice can't conceptualise the subject as anything more than a state of injury, a patient whose 'self esteem' must be restored at all costs. really, it's a more insidious way of promoting psychological and ideological uniformity, no longer political but managerial and post political.

>> No.11455095

These people are trying to make historical studies more obnoxiously insular and turning everything into minority representation while the far right people the article is scared of are all on youtube talking about viking magic and stabbing watermelons with a much bigger audience.

>> No.11455109

>Chaucer is objectively awful

>> No.11455115

what's wrong with empathy and basic human decency?

>> No.11455114

>herpaderp medieval fart jokes!

>> No.11455142

>will simply never be listened to, never get jobs, never be more than a very small minority. no one is going to hire them over the real scholars, and they will slowly go away
How naive. These people always set themselves up for more and more.Their job will never be "done", the inclusion swell up until the corpse is completely rotten.

>> No.11455145

gud post

>> No.11455146

just try to empathize with marginalised folks for once, it ain't that hard you know. maybe you are used to being comfortable.

>> No.11455149

>empathy and basic human decency

What has social justice to do with historical scholarship?

>> No.11455160

when 'historical scholarship' matters more to you than the actual fucking survival of marginalised folks, gee maybe, I don't know, you might have some serious self questioning to do.

>> No.11455165

>but managerial
It's funny how many people (mainly women) out there who's dream it is to be a manager, or work in HR.

They did a poll in my country where they asked young people what they wanted to work with, all the top jobs for young girls was seriously in administration. Like what the fuck, how dull.

>> No.11455166

>talking about viking magic and stabbing watermelons with a much bigger audience.

This is a good point. Ideally, a true academic medievalist would be able to do shit like read old manuscripts about Norse alchemy or swordsmanship in the original, investigate their intellectual and textual history, publish his conclusions in a lucid manner, etc. This is really hard and even harder to do without a patron like a university paying you to pursue it full time.

Maybe this guy wouldn't be all the charismatic. But, he would be producing new work, preserving history for a new generation, etc. Some guy who reads his translations and commentaries, then makes videos doesn't threaten the academic's job or status no matter how many people watch it. If anything they're mutually supporting each other.

Unfortunately, if your skillset is queer theory, you're basically in the same situation as the the youtube guy: you're stuck using the work of actual, objective experts as a secondary source. You're competing with the youtube guy directly. And nobody likes your bullshit; meanwhile, you're crowding out limited resources to train and retain actual experts.

>> No.11455180

Nothing can be wrong with them since they're such empty phrases.

>> No.11455195
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yeah marginalized folks are really having trouble surviving right now, we should abandon every other form of human endeavor in order to keep niggers as fat and happy as physically possible.

>> No.11455198

>it's basic empathy and basic human decency to shoehorn my own identity in to the discipline
And you know damn well that these people are not very polite while doing it, and also always try to undermine everything else. But politeness does not matter, what matters is that they always act like the "white patriarchy" suppress the "unknown" POC-history. Yet they never come out with work that highlight anything important that actually have been lost in the "marginal".
It's just attacks.

>> No.11455203

Now kiss!

>> No.11455211

lmao what the fuck are you talking about you histrionic faggot

>> No.11455222

>when 'historical scholarship' matters more to you than the actual fucking survival of marginalised folks

I'd say the survival of the human race is even more important, but I still don't think professors in the humanities should make humanity's survival a priority of theirs. Is this weird?

>> No.11455230

>Like what the fuck, how dull.

At best dull.

>> No.11455233

i also don't see how the work of humanities profs really affects the survival of marginalized people at all. what a stretch.

>> No.11455243

>Dude fuck those stupid minorities for their affirmative action and complaining about how whites are over-represented in media and politics

Deal with it, if you’re gonna be a scientific racist and refer to IQ tests showing whites have higher average IQ than blacks, then you also have to deal with the fact that East Asians and Jews have higher average IQs than whites.

>> No.11455248

Again, do you think they're 13000% smarter? Lmao fuck off retard

>> No.11455255

Whites need to start focusing on ourselves. "Marginalized" (brown?) people are not our fucking problem except in terms of how we should begin sending them back to their countries so they cease destroying ours.

>> No.11455265


>> No.11455297

Because women desire prestige and status within society, and that is why most of them seek power, instead of more of them seeking power to have the means to express their will through society. This isn't a problem with them, but you can see this manifest in the style of leadership many women in positions of power have.

>> No.11455308


>Someone on the fringes of societal acceptance gets beaten in a bar brawl.
>Blame some cloistered prof who spends his days contemplating Boethian theodicy for not doing enough.


>> No.11455313


Prestige sensitivity explains a lot of what we've been seeing. Taking a correct stand on fashionable issues means aligning yourself with power. Ambitious young academics do it almost unconsciously.

>> No.11455329

Oh yes, because you need to be the exact percent smarter in IQ points as you are proportionally over-represented in one company. Very mathematical, nice.

Poor blacks have a culture of violence, sex, drug abuse, and anti-intellectualism. Jews have a culture of solidarity, nepotism, discipline, and book-learning. Regardless of how they came to develop these cultures, it’s clear Jewish culture and morality is more conducive to success. Anti-semitism is so funny, it most shows the white person’s bias when it’s a white person being anti-Semitic. “Haha, dumb minorities are less successful and intelligent than me! Sorry, guess you should work harder!” “HEY HOW COME THIS MINORITY IS MORE INTELLIGENT AND SUCCESSFUL THAN ME!! REEEEE!!”

>> No.11455339

I don't know about jews but asians have a cheating culture built-in, especially the chinese and seeing how shitty their lives are and the inexistent contribution and innovation they brought to the world beside child slave labour I'd say it's correct to identify them as nigger tier, on the other hand a great deal of important scientists are jews, same for media owners and bankers so gotta give it to them.

>> No.11455345

Yeah, good point I guess, for sure.

>> No.11455352

t. Jew
Obviously, no one is denying they have a culture that enables this sort of thing, a Jew does not hire based on merit, do they? But they're a minority regardless, whites aren't, because duh, it's their country (although they soon might be). I didn't even read the rest of this conjecture.

Jews are something like 14,000% more likely to win a Nobel. Utterly hilarious. Definitely nothing going on there, no no no!

>> No.11455365

Let's be honest here, there is not that many far-right people in the world to scare so many academics, this is just a excuse by far-left intellectuals (who there are great numbers of) to purge anyone in the academia who is to the right of Lavrenty Beria.

>> No.11455371

>Jewish culture and morality is more conducive to success
Do you know anything about jewish culture? It's the least moral culture on the planet.

>> No.11455379


Interestingly, Asians sometimes justify their rampant academic cheating on the grounds that it levels the playing-field and routes around systemic corruption.

>> No.11455386
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even though i personally lean to the left, I've been interested in the works of paleoconservatives like Sam Francis and Paul Gottfried, who took after Lasch's and Burnham's analysis of the managerial class. inveterate pessimists, the paleocons foresaw the eventual reaction to managerialism, an uprising of 'middle american radicals', would end up being incoherent and counterproductive. One would have to be delusional to believe Trump is actually 'saving the republic' or somehow putting 'political correctness gone mad' under check. What the Trump administration is doing is 'disrupting' the republic and making way for the panopticon technocracy incubated under the watch of the Obama administration.Maybe that's why Rene Girard's #1 fan Peter Thiel went all out on Trump. The organs of journalism, the executive and judicial branches, academia, the security state, the military and the tech industry are not actually working at counterpurposes or even opposed to each other: they are synthesising new emergent forms of governance and population management for the 21st century. It's really a monkey's paw situation for all established political factions: your wildest dreams come true in the most nightmarish way possible. get ready for neoreaction with HR characteristics. It's a question of sitting down and seriously asking yourself who you are and what you were meant to do. Academic communication channels are obsolescing quickly.


>> No.11455387

That's just an excuse, their society is hypercompetitive to the point of being degrading to live in so they have to take every opportunity to beat their "opponents".

>> No.11455388

That's the point, though. Being amoral is conductive to success.

Jews don't even see gentiles as human beings, they have no moral qualms about swindling them, no moral qualms about being blatantly nepotistic, etc.

>> No.11455390

>this is just a excuse by far-left intellectuals (who there are great numbers of) to purge anyone in the academia who is to the right of Lavrenty Beria.

Misappropriation as casus belli then? I don't think this line is as persuasive as they think it is. In our world of 'mythbusting', it's pretty much a given that historical realities get grossly distorted.

>> No.11455395

Judaism is all about cheating the goyim. They have books dedicated to justifying in every possible way you could imagine how it's okay to cheat non kikes. Talmud in a nutshell.

>> No.11455402

It has worked in every other field they tried, I don't see how it could fail on Medieval Studies.

>> No.11455411

That has not led to their "success" though. It is the reason for their constant expulsions and inability to build anything on their own, and will continue to have diminishing returns as the information age exposes them further.

>> No.11455414

>making way for the panopticon technocracy

I have to say, this is something I hadn't really considered. Disturbing if true.

>> No.11455422

This but unironically, w*men are gay as hell

>> No.11455435

Do you think businesses should be controlled by a meritocracy? What would be the governing authority there? Are you advocating a state-controlled planned economy?

>> No.11455437

>It has worked in every other field they tried

Sociology is well known for its rigid leftist orthodoxy.

Would you say the sociologists congealed around the specter of 'nazi' misappropriation of sociological ideas?

An intriguing hypothesis.

>> No.11455446

How many Jewish religious/cultural texts have you read, exactly? Care to cite some sources?

>> No.11455458

Off the board, kike.

>> No.11455502

They just congealed around the desire to intellectually defeat fascism and received support by the governments trying to defeat it militarily.

>> No.11455512

it's been in the works for a long time now. people talk about 'neoliberalism' like it was a purely political imposition from above, when it really is a host of inseparable economic, technological, social and even psychological developments that can be traced back to WWII think tanks, the ESALEN institute, Stewart Brand's networking efforts, etc. etc. Lasch is remembered as a critic of the 60s, but maybe the only way out is through the same 60s acid zeitgeist that brought us to our current predicament.



>> No.11455542
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>Are you advocating a state-controlled planned economy?

N-no.. haha

>> No.11455555
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>Sociologists are a bulwark against fascism
Wow .. really makes me think

>> No.11455593
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>get ready for neoreaction with HR characteristics

>> No.11455642

Nigger who do you think took those peoples out of their countries in the first place? It baffles me how the faggots most willing to preserve history are also the ones most willing to ignore it.

>> No.11455653
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Are you seriously telling me the chinese didn't contribute with anything to humanity?

>> No.11455658

thank you
it's all devolving into "scoring points" and that's what disturbs me more than anything
I'm not afraid of some extremist nightmare because the other side (whichever side loses) is going to fight hard against it, what worries me is the lack of anyone caring about the deeper issues and objectivity any more, and just focused on the fucking narrative

>> No.11455669

So what? Nobody cares because brown people aren't important. We owe no penance to you.

>> No.11455676
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they really DO ruin everything /:

>> No.11455679

If you don't owe penance you have to deal with them anyway because some inbred aristocrat in the 15th century released immigrants upon you. Maybe move to a less colonizing country.

>> No.11455693

The only thoughts whites need devote to mud people concerns the ways in which they will be sent back to their countries.

>> No.11455724

And communism.

>> No.11455757

Why would you use the N word? That's racist. We all know that you're not a black person, niggers don't read.

>> No.11455820

>most people have jobs because that's how you make money
>what the job is secondary
>managers make good money
not sure what's mysterious about this

>> No.11455955

It's about their interests, not just the money.

>> No.11455985

I mean you're literally sleeping with someone who likes dick

>> No.11456006

This has been going on forever though and it's not necessarily bad practice. Antisemitism in particular received obviously biased coverage (funny how bankers are never evil when we're talking about a time when they were almost exclusively Jewish, eh?). The role of women and attitudes stemming from a Greek preference for theory over science which the church inherited were actually interesting.

I don't know enough about the Islamic World to say one way or the other, but I got the sense that there was a lot of revisionism. We learn all about how tolerant and progressive the Jizya was (but for some reason forced conversions during the reconquista were barbaric), the Europeans are portrayed as aggressive colonialists during the crusades whereas the Arabic invasions are essenially looked over, Al-Andulus is a paradise for Jews and women and Christians just had to go ruin it, etc.

This was actually a course on Medieval Europe and more than half of it was spent discussing the Eastern half so that every lecture could include something about Muslims. England and the Nordic countries barely factored into it until the latter half of the course.

>> No.11456020

>it's because there are a lot of women in medieval studies.
I noticed this too. My class was literally 90% women and filled throughout the semester. It seems like a quintessentially guy thing, is it more because of women reading fantasy fiction? I watched a documentary a few months ago where the presenter was talking about how she would have loved to be born a Spartan because of all the muscular dudes. Similar principle apply?

>> No.11456039
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wtf. I search for Medieval Studies graduation and it's all grills.

>> No.11456054

>Nobody cares because brown people aren't important.
sans brown people the US would fall apart

>> No.11456067

You must be retarded or joking.

>> No.11456074

Unironically, inquiry is more important than they are.

>> No.11456089

Part of it might be that women can study whatever they want because there are no societal expectations
I would love to major in history but I feel like I'm supposed to provide for a family and so on at soem point so I'm in STEM and want to kill myself
Totally open to it just being my fault though, just feel like as a man I can't go to art school for six years and then get married to someone who will provide for us, or at least that if I did do that I would feel very ashamed for cultural reasons

>> No.11456091

Holy shit where is this from? Source please?

>> No.11456097

Enjoy losing a chunk off your workforce

>> No.11456100

Blond professor on the left is a fuckin QT. I wonder if she would lecture me on north European subsistence patterns while we had sex.

>> No.11456108


Are you asking about the screenshot?
I took it from here:


>> No.11456111

Nm she's married ._.

>Totally open to it just being my fault though, just feel like as a man I can't go to art school for six years and then get married to someone who will provide for us, or at least that if I did do that I would feel very ashamed for cultural reasons
Yeah, that's true. I'm getting into my mid-twenties and a few of the more conservative girls have married off already. Most of them didn't finish school (at denominational Christian colleges), they just go there as a pretense to meet someone to marry.

>> No.11456125

White people and countries don't need brown people, they need us. That's why they're squatting in our nations to begin with.

>> No.11456132
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It keeps happening

>> No.11456135

Get out of the STEM meme before you do kill yourself brother.

>> No.11456181

Do you even bell curve? The higher the IQ requirement the greater the disparity. This is a comparison of elites, not plebs.

>> No.11456192

that’s not ancient philosophy and medieval europeans contributed so little to our understanding of philosophy and science that you can completely skip over that period without missing anything between Galileo and Archimedes. The lie on the rw that the Gothic was this high culture of invention and inquiry is totally unfounded. It took Arabs and Italians and THEN Dutch and Germans till the 1450’s to bring culture back into sync with antiquity. There is nothing interesting or special about the devolved state of life europeans subsisted in without the help of Meds and Muzzies. Sorry :^)

>> No.11456199

you would have to force millions of whites into near slave labor wages, the exact kind mexicans work, to makeup for the loss of some 50-75 million workers. You stupid whigger

>> No.11456229

Wages for whites would go up, idiot. You realize that this brown squat labor thing is a very new phenomenon, don't you? Things would just go back to normal and be much better if nonwhites were removed.

>> No.11456232

there's a couple incels there as well

>> No.11456233

I'm not against discussing smaller groups or highlighting important part of history that gets overlooked, my problem is the way in which a lot of my fellow history majors wish to implement it. Firstly, a lot of them are in fact only concerned with exposure of their culture and it can make their work suffer. While it's not as bad as people who are obsessed with the great men of the west, it is something that can narrow narratives dangerously. Iris Chang let her personal crusade against Japan cloud her judgement and her death estimations were way off, which lead Nanking deniers to use her as proof the accepted numbers are ridiculous. On top of that they often argue that those not in a group should be forced to study it but not become academics of it, ie a white person should take black history but not become an expert on something like Nigerian history unless they are black themselves. This is not good for these fields of study or understanding. This is even worse for queer history, as it requires a person to be "out" about their private life to educate others in LGBT history. I know this from personal experience as a gay man who prefers to keep that stuff to myself in public. I do want these fields to expand, but I don't want it to be treated like an ideological front that might stunt the field.

>> No.11456251

>wages for whites would go up
no they wouldn’t, companies would leave the US and the job market would contract, there would be a labor shortage and politicians would herd whites into barely subsistence wage jobs. you don’t understand economics at all. and a massive pool of migrant labor and slave wage white labor isn’t new we’ve had this system since the 1920’s it just accelerated in the mid 20th century. There is an army necessary to actually man the fields and infrastructure, all brutal, low wage, thankless labor, someone has to do it. I pick you and your family :)
>things would be back to normal
back to the dust bowl?
>as a gay man
how does it feel being subhuman and expendable? tick tock

>> No.11456267

This is why I still come to 4chan. Such humor can seldom be found elsewhere, least of all on sites like reddit. It's so fucking clever and hilarious. Well done.

>> No.11456274

thanks for the gold kind sir! i tip my hat to you!

>> No.11456286

jesus dude thanks for these links

>> No.11456296

You're retarded. Not paying squatamalens scraps would cause prices and wages to rise.

But short term economics doesn't even matter, it's about protecting the racial future of whites and taking back white homelands. Whatever short-term hiccups may arise from deporting shitskins are minor and can be worked through.

>> No.11456303

Was at the Getty a few months ago and they had an exhibit on racism and anti-semitism in Medieval manuscripts.

>> No.11456320

>b-but knights used MUH soap

>> No.11456345
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Never their fault, is it.

>> No.11456372

>A spokeswoman for Western Michigan, Paula M. Davis, said that the congress uses “an anonymous review panel” to consider proposed sessions, a practice she said is common for academic conferences.
>“It helps us provide a candid and forthright review while also ensuring collegiality among all scholars involved,” she said by email. When the Medieval Institute receives the letter, she said, it will give the concerns “due and thorough consideration and then respond.”

In other words, the calls for transparency are meant to bring an end to an established system of anonymous review meant to ensure honest appraisals without fear of reprisal or hurt feelings.

>> No.11456376

then the interest becomes how to defend the source of money. i've seriously never met anybody who works in administration who is truly devoted to the science of administering as a personal cause, they just want 1) want the paycheck and 2) to be just competent enough not to get fired

>> No.11456383
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>the Europeans are portrayed as aggressive colonialists during the crusades whereas the Arabic invasions are essenially looked over, Al-Andulus is a paradise for Jews and women and Christians just had to go ruin it

that's the general line i remember from most of my middle school/highschool textbooks. I'm sure the people who wrote those books had good intentions, and the socioeconomic incentives were there as well. but I also feel like this bland bureaucratic framing blinds us to the true uncanny power of history and keeps us trapped within the same horizon.


>> No.11456405

Who cares? There are no implications to this. Why get all wigged out over something so irrelevant.
Also, kill yourself.

>> No.11456427


Why are you so mad?

>> No.11456602
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>Thiel notes that Girard, Strauss, and Schmitt, despite various differences, share a conviction that “the whole issue of human violence has been whitewashed away by the Enlightenment.”

>Facebook first spread by word of mouth, and it’s about word of mouth, so it’s doubly mimetic,’ he said. ‘Social media proved to be more important than it looked, because it’s about our natures.'” On the basis of such statements, business analyst and Thiel admirer Arnaud Auger has gone so far as to call Girard “the godfather of the ‘like’ button.”

>Girard’s account of mimeticism has significant theoretical advantages over Dawkins-derived meme theory, at least for anyone interested in making sense of the socio-political dimensions of technology. Meme theory tends to reify memes, separating them from the social contexts in which their circulation is embedded. Girard, in contrast, situates imitative behaviors within a general social theory of desire.

>“people tend to overestimate the likelihood or explanatory power of the convergence and cyclical theories. Accordingly, they probably underestimate the destruction and singularity theories,”

>Thiel invested in and promoted Facebook not simply because Girard’s theories led him to foresee the future profitability of the company, but because he saw social media as a mechanism for the containment and channeling of mimetic violence in the face of an ineffectual state.



>> No.11456623

Because politics has no place in literature. Nabokov was a hack but he was correct about that. So fuck off back to /pol/ with your political bait.

>> No.11456630

If any of you are really interested in Thiel, I highly recommend watching this video from 1996.


You get a look at then-current events through his eyes. Knowing what we know now makes it all weirdly captivating.

>> No.11456640

>Because politics has no place in literature

OP here. I agree.

Those fighting against recent trends want things to remain relatively unpolitical.

>> No.11456652

>Nabokov was a hack
Damn, who do you even like then?

>> No.11456674

But you’re lying and being a hypocrite. This is a literature board, and here you are participating in or at least injecting the “culture wars” into our discussion. Let academia and leftist humanities majors deal with university politics.
We’re William Stoner, not Hollis Lomax.

>> No.11456687

Politics is a part of everything, fucktard.

>> No.11456689

>>In the last few years, many scholars of medieval studies have discussed another topic: the far right’s fascination with their discipline.
I've seen as many if not more of them passionate about TRVE ROMANS, and primitive tribes of many sorts. The American frontier and weeb stuff gather some interest too, probably less so than medieval European history because that's a ridiculously huge category.
I strongly suspect the one writing this article have never set foot in a far right circle though.

>> No.11456700

You are incredibly stupid. Culture, politics, and literature are all entwined and incapable of being separated. Take this whiny uninformed bitch routine, bud.

>> No.11456751

Better than Shakespeare according to me and Ezra Pound, who have read both.

>> No.11456780

Everybody laughs it off until you can't publicly support a Republican without risking your job.

>> No.11456794

>everything is political
>hurr durr we’re literally all one
subtelize your mind you unremarkable 20 year old brainlet

>> No.11456816

Now that you’ve scraped by PHL 101 with a B-, I’d recommend a course in aesthetics, or possibly a lit theory course if you can handle it.

>> No.11456828

No it wouldn’t because the labor has been cheap forever, you have never been able to live comfortably off of picking fruit. Go baq to frogtwitter i am your superior and this is not a thunderdome where you can leverage status. You have no thoughts, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Whiggers get saren gas and flouride ok?

>> No.11456852
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And so, it's finally happening: the black demon of the Fourth Estate is turning its cold eye upon the medieval world in order to bend, contort and corrupt what was pure of it, to destroy the last remnants of the heroic from the memory of mankind and to pervert the last age of our dew-dappled and bold Tradition. This is a direct affront not just on our politics, but on Beauty itself, and Goodness with it. Prepare, friends. For the war is only beginning. The demon shall ever go unsated.

>> No.11456858

unironically based

>> No.11456872

I think it's just a couple goofy leftists taking all the "deus vult" posting too seriously.

>> No.11456882

You're going back, Pedro.

>> No.11456907

lol, 4th generation american with pale skin and europid pheno no one is doing anything to me pig snoutted lard ass brainlet

>> No.11456973

It's all about cheating everybody including their god they believe in.

>> No.11456992

I was inexperienced, the garbage tier pussy was like finding water in a desert at the time so I stayed until I realized my mistakes.

>> No.11457001

what if i told you the real jew is within you? you feel uncomfortable. the ironic distance you take from yourself is directly proportional to how much you hate yourself. all comedy is ultimately based on dehumanization: knowing you are a frightened animal with a brain too large for his own good. Laughter is little different from a cry of pain. the jew is a stand in, a scapegoat that substitutes for the universal convertibility of capital, its universal levelling power. If you think someone is out to get you, don't worry: they got to you a long time ago.

>> No.11457067

Notice how the jew tries to psychopathologize those who expose the negative actions off his tribe. This is a major reason for the jew's inability to grasp that his behavior is what causes the "antisemitism" he detests, because the jew automatically assumes such a reaction must stem from irrationality or the mental problems of "the other," as it would be impossible for it to be his own fault.

See, the jew is part of a brainwashed cult that teaches him that he is the center of the universe and that the goyim are his slaves. The jew literally cannot process the notion that he has been routinely hated and removed because he is a despicable creature. Deep, deep brainwashing over centuries at work here.

One must understand the psychology of the jewish rat in order to defeat it, and the above is an important lesson in that.

>> No.11457124

OP's picture is Medieval depictions of ancient scenes. The big drawing comes from the Old Testament.

>> No.11457154

>what if i told you
stopped reading there

>> No.11457166

t. idiot and virgin. In the first 18 lines Chaucer links pure natural animalistic Eros (wet springtime, flowers being “engendred,” birds calling to each other) with the human impulse to pilgrimage (than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages). Religion, he is saying, is somehow an expression of the more fundamental erotic desire. Freud will say something similar 700 years later. What Chaucer is up to is clear in the first tale (knight’s). He is thinking deeply about human love, religion, Christian virtue vs classical virtue, and the good human life. His characters are complete and brilliant portraits of different perspectives. The tales are meant to “requite” each other, as the storytellers compete for the best “sentence” (wisdom/moral). The story tells of a pilgrimage to a Christian shrine but there is an atheist (the epicurean frankeleyn) and a Jew—why are they there?? Chaucer is a madman and a philosopher

>> No.11457241
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yes and this mode of structuring thought and society has already achieved total dominance but it becomes worse when you consider the only way out will be moving forward into the next more terrible paradigm which is yet unimagined

>> No.11457243

>Open lit looking for some nice literature discussion, look at first thread on page 1
>Notice how the jew tries to psychopathologize those who expose the negative actions off his tribe.


>> No.11457275
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This is the patrician board, anon. Perhaps you aren't ready.

>> No.11457281

i made only a statement of wew, no judgment

>> No.11457285

>says that diversifying scholars of history is an “insurgency”
>wants it to remain “aloof from the culture wars”

Do you need further proof that ur retarded?

>> No.11457287

>ask classmates what they're researching
>male classmates are all researching fascinating, unique, or at least ambitious things
>woman: "Misogyny in Rome"
>woman: "Misogyny and Hamlet"
>woman: "The intersection of misogyny and periods in Hamlet"
>woman: "Women"
>woman: "Opinions about women having sex in Weimar newspapers"
>woman: "Women in the work of Robert Musil"
>woman: "Vagina"
>woman: "I have a vagina"
>woman: "I'm a woman btw. Vagina here"
>woman: "Sex and periods in gender"
>woman: "Woman perceptions of woman, ,vagina, cooters breasts woman period I'm on my period clitorises in the work of the band Oingo Boingo and Hamlet's Perception of Clitoris Vagina Gender Studies"
>woman: "Queering Gender in Medieval Manuscripts: Your period or MY period?"
>woman: "Misogyny, Periods, and You: Ernst Cassirer on Substance, Function, and My Gay Love Affair with Gender Studies"
>woman: "Women in 'Woman's Work': Gendering Gender in the Social Sciences"
>woman: "Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
>woman: "Gender"
>woman: "Sex and gender studies"
>woman: "Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"
>woman: "Einstein contra Bergson: Who rapes me more by having existed?"


>Finland took people out of brown countries

>> No.11457289


>> No.11457297

kevin macdonald own this board

>> No.11457299

Fair enough.

>> No.11457386

Come on faggots someone argue with me about Chaucer

>> No.11457401
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>> No.11457404


Based palindrome man

>> No.11458524
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meet me at caboolture traino faggot i like Chaucer

>> No.11458560

>just ignore it and it will go away
Also, this.

>> No.11458916

why are you mixing up facts and memes? mediaeval Europe really didn't have much effect on our understanding of things, it's called the dark ages for a reason

>> No.11458926

that's like saying science is a part of everything, it's only true until you really think about it
science can be applied to anything, but many things exist in the absence of science, and it's the same for politics
even a lot of things done by humans aren't tied to politics, unless you take some dumb overly broad view like "all social interactions are political" or "all art is political"

>> No.11458929

epic, bro

>> No.11458933

>what if i told you the real jew is within you?
my skeleton is Jewish?

>> No.11458937
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No wonder nerds rather do funny youtubevideos about swords and shit instead of having to deal with that.

>> No.11458940

>"Prostitution and Gender in Antebellum Calcutta"
that actually sounds pretty interesting
>"Tampons, pads, and ironclads: Stonewall Jackson and Freebleeding"

>> No.11459006

>muh dark age
maybe between the 5th century and charlemange but even so the eastern empire was still luminous. all and all its a shameless meme for brainlets or 14th centuriers mad about scholasticism (the middle ages were so ignorant they had universities)

>> No.11459019

I have dealt with these elite Jews. They shut down and sabotage competitors at an early stage (college, early career) especially if the person is highly intelligent and not Jewish. There is no hope.

>> No.11459022

Hence the reason smart goys seek out Jewish wives so they are at least tolerated because their children will be jewish...

>> No.11459031

sterling post

>> No.11459045

You're a brainlet if you think poetry is about thinking deeply, literally high school-tier

>> No.11459090
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It's totally your fault, don't worry.

>> No.11459093


>> No.11459119

>You're a brainlet if you think poetry is about thinking deeply
spoken like a true brainlet

>> No.11459124

enjoy high school

>> No.11459159
File: 16 KB, 223x209, 1fcd43a9d90d4c6893b6f83c818669a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll claim jews are evrywhere without any evidence

Oh yeah that sounds like a pretty jewish tactic to me. It's not like antisemits lied about this kind of thing in past either, they're perfectly trustworthy!

>> No.11459163

>lets ignore the proof he posted and scream waaaaaah antisemite for pointing out stats

noose yourself dumb fuck

>> No.11459196

>a list with no names and only claim is proof for /pol/ that jews is everywhere

For fuck sake there isn't even the year this was created because that way you people can probably reuse it all the time.

You're a complet mong if you think this list is some kind of proof, or you're a liar trying to spread your propaganda. So you're either an inferior retard or a jew. Good job, buddy.

>> No.11459238

That's not what he meant you retard. The production and consumption of literature is a part of poitical economy and writers write about social and economic issues by using language at all. They are not just "words on a page" you colossal moron

>> No.11459239

go verify it yourself and stop expecting to be spoon fed everything in your pathetic life faggot

>> No.11459273

>Please trust me, goy.

No last time I checked the list of russian communist jewish leader it was litterally made up. And this list had names. I don't see why this one would be different.

>stop expecting to be spoonfed
Sorry for expecting an image exposing jews to source its claims.

>> No.11459277

>waaaaaaaaaah its fake even though i can verify it myself wahhhhhh
How are you goldman?

>> No.11459283

fuck off you fucking shitter and spam your null and void lists or infographs or ben garrison or whatever the fuck you have lying around in your bait folder somewhere else
>>11459273 called you out on being a shitposter and you've yet to prove otherwise. Again, fuck off.

>> No.11459287


>> No.11459289


>> No.11459315
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>> No.11459316


>> No.11459648

>no archive

>> No.11459651

It's the modern Chinese, not "asians".

>> No.11459658

>You're a brainlet if you think poetry is about thinking deeply, literally high school-tier

Please explain what the fuck you are on about?. I'm guessing you don't engage in difficult poetry at all.

>> No.11459889

Maybe more like the trappings of power; social power in a select set of environments (the university, the media), but little structural power to accomplish anything outside of their cloisters.

>> No.11459921

That's a strange use of Strauss. Strauss's contention is that the Enlightenment thinkers were all cognizant of the matter of human violence, which is why the grounded their new political science in self-interest instead of virtue as a more effective means of protecting society, but also philosophy in its new guise as a science meant to relieve man's estate. If anything, he'd say the ancients concealed the matter of human nature.

>> No.11459952

I'm still confused, why is this bad?

>> No.11460018

Why is it good?

>> No.11460024

Because they want to abuse scholarship to further their political agenda instead of engaging with it for it's own sake

>> No.11460393

>Are you advocating a state-controlled planned economy?
Yes, I am.

>> No.11460490

Off topic, but recently as I've come out of my autistic stage, I've noticed that almost invariably when a woman is mad at you this can easily be changed into being horny. Do people who go along with liberal social politics not realize this?

>> No.11460496

both of you are jews. Money shouldn't exist. Abstractions of power beyond physical and emotional force are morally wrong.

>> No.11460900

>the far right’s fascination with medieval studies
Literally what the actual fuck are they talking about?

>> No.11460929


Young men and women sometimes say Deus Vult. For this reason, the discipline must be purged of the elderly and replaced with an ideological cadre willingly to forcefully push through a massive re-education campaign aimed at young people on the Internet.

>> No.11460943
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People on the right think the Middle Ages are cool. This is seen as a massive problem by some.

>The western Middle Ages is going to remain attractive to white supremacists. Our solutions to this problem include explicitly signaling our rejection of racism and working harder to diversify the field, but also dethroning the very notion of the Middle Ages—mostly Christian, mostly located in western Europe, isolated from other peoples—itself.


>> No.11460948
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>when a woman is mad at you this can easily be changed into being horny

Can this be safely channelled?

>> No.11460970

>little structural power to accomplish anything outside of their cloisters

I think it's a bit more than that. These people are dedicating their lives to legitimizing elite causes. They may not exercise power directly, but they roam the corridors of power.

>> No.11460980

>I have dealt with these elite Jews
yeah I'm sure faggot

>> No.11461134

I think they'd love to, but consider how limited it really is, the kind of power they have. At the level of policy, the Right is currently in charge, and safely so at that. So these people can dominate Twitter, but can they win presidential elections, Senate elections? Can they formulate laws and policies without cutting each other's throats over the very ideals driving them? The intellectual Right (he'll, moderates and even other Leftists) are certainly upset by their losses in the Academy and media, but these people are driven primarily by image, of being the *kind* of person who would do [fill in the blank], without having to actually do the thing. Granted, they're not toothless, but they don't have as much cognizance of what their power actually amounts to, and how circumstantial it really is.

>> No.11461170


>> No.11461195
File: 39 KB, 645x773, D56EFACB-460F-40D5-AA1D-02C75181C323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expand medieval studies beyond medieval Europe
What did they mean by this?

>> No.11461201

there were monks that kept knowledge alive, but who added to it? what progress was made, even in Byzantium?

>> No.11461218

>claims to be crusading for truth
>can't even name the Jew
if it was anyone else your patheticness would be sad

>> No.11461234

I didn't, and no one else alive did. We bear no responsibility for the actions of our ancestors.

>> No.11461323

>claims to be crusading for truth
>expects to be spoonfed like a toddler

>> No.11461376

>hope my beloved ancient philosophy can remain aloof from the culture wars.
Just a matter of time until it happens. SJW's infiltrate everything. Soon your favorite ancient philosophy expert will be accused of sexual misconduct and be replaced with some rainbow haired she-twink.

>> No.11461471

Nobody said anything about that, samefag, and the economics of literature is different than the art of literature. Kys brainlet