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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 650 KB, 1251x882, DIRECTORS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11459986 No.11459986 [Reply] [Original]

favourite film direcotrs of lit?

>> No.11459994

the guy who shot your mom's sex tape

>> No.11460002
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 1531251549828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that began at the very start of a completely new medium are more innovative than the ones 100 years later

>> No.11460017

bresson, trakovsky and bergman are the meme trilogy

>> No.11460030

I'm watching Salesman (1969). It's pretty good so far. What are you watchin' /lit/?

>> No.11460032

Such is the curse of modernity.

>> No.11460038

Godard of course. Tati is also really nice. Playtime is a fun and cozy movie

>> No.11460040

I’ve been really into Chris Marker lately

>> No.11460041

I like Tarantino exactly because he doesnt have any false pretensions about >muh im so deep, >muh artsy shots, >look at muh symbolism etc like most of the bores pictured above. Film is just a medium of action, of showing instead of thinking and introversion like lit. I feel like Tarantino knows this so instead of pseudo-deep platitudes he lets his characters talk about random stuff, instead of false subtlety he shows over the top violence etc. I appreciate this self-awareness and his while his films are not high pieces of art they are just fun, competently made entertainment - which is the best this medium has to offer

>> No.11460042

omg yes

>> No.11460045
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Who here /RoyAndersson/?

>> No.11460046

tarantino is everything bad in postmodernism

>> No.11460058

>Coppola but no Leone

>> No.11460063
File: 345 KB, 789x994, David_Wark_Griffith_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's DW Griffith

>> No.11460064

Wong Kar Wai

>> No.11460066

read at the end of the bar

>> No.11460069

yes, i would add him in GOD

>> No.11460071
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Mann should be average at least. He's better than Fincher and Wes.

>> No.11460072

Pretty good short film by him.

>> No.11460076

change Tarkovsky for Antonioni

>> No.11460078

>coppola, jodorowsky, kubrick
Fuck no.
Also wanted to add welles for what he did with the trial.

>> No.11460083

None of the god-tier ones fit that description

>> No.11460085

I enjoy the films of Rivette

>> No.11460088

To innovate it’s not the most important or impressive thing. Was Shakespeare the one who invented tragedy, the blank verse, the Elizabethan rhetoric? No, but he was the best at it, and his works are greater than anybody the innovators in all of those fields.

Are Mozart and Beethoven the creators of the Vianense classic style of music? No, but they were the greatest at it.

Was Michelangelo the inventor of the marble sculpture and the fresco painting? No, but he was the greatest of all time at it.

The same with movies: innovation it’s not the gold standard, but the quality of the works themselves (and to be fair ussualy the most important part of a movie is the screenplay).

>> No.11460093

don't be afraid, there's a cameraman

>> No.11460095

each medium has its own language, so for film that is the movement od the camera and editing SO SCREENPLAY IS NOT the most important part, its best when theres no screenplay... lie bela tarr... because films like all medium have their language, same thing artaud talked about with the theatre

>> No.11460099
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>> No.11460103

>"average" director is above 99% of directors
Really makes me think
>anything but pseud trash

>> No.11460105

Shotgun Stories. It's quiet and realistic in a Raymond Carver sort of way, a deeply American movie. I worried that this family feud is going to have a corny climax, but have enjoyed it up to this point

>> No.11460110

Guys, scum, try Masahiro Shinoda. Real revelation for me.

>> No.11460117

it isnt a curse, grandpa

>> No.11460141

Agreed. Tarantino recognizes the most enduring and exciting qualities of American culture--sleaze, black pop music, violence, style, characters, witticisms. He understands why in the 1970s New Hollywood's moviemaking became a supreme art comparable to Elizabethan drama or Germany's Sturm und Drang movement. Even if Tarantino could never make something as beautiful and intelligent as Sorcerer, he can still make something analogous, which is better than what European scolds like Haneke and Mungiu are up to.

>> No.11460143


The Grand Budapest Hotel has one of the best screenplays I know. Monsieur Gustave H. is as great as any Shakespearean comedy character.

>> No.11460144

Please tell me all I need to know about contemporary cinema… Tell me how Martel and Schanelec are as important as Eisenstein.

>> No.11460165

Bresson, Griffith, and Mizoguchi

>> No.11460178
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Kiarostami should be in god tier

>> No.11460185

if all you want from art is importance, modern art just might not be for you

>> No.11460198

Your first comment was about innovation… Still, contemporary cinema is in poor shape right now, and the few authors that left a mark on this new century so far were pretty much all innovators in the first place.

>> No.11460203


>> No.11460206

Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman deserve a mention

>> No.11460208
File: 55 KB, 600x300, Radegund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's Malick?

>> No.11460212

in shit tier

>> No.11460229

Polanski too and >>11460208

>> No.11460238

Godard is pitiful
How is Tarr innovative? How is Kurosawa innovative?>>11459986

Whoever made this had probably only watched Citizen Kane of Welles.

>> No.11460247

Chang Dong Lee, but that could just be the fact that the first film I watched of his was Peppermint Candy, at a time when I was both drunk as hell and contemplating killing myself.

>> No.11460281

kurosawa because of rashomon

>> No.11460333

Jim Jarmusch

>> No.11460342

Yeah that chart was definitely made by a filmbro who browsed /tv/ for a week in summer

>> No.11460451

If your favorite director isn't Edward Yang I feel sorry for you

>> No.11460458


>> No.11460460

Hehe nice reference cock

>> No.11460474

I unironically like early Nolan

>> No.11460481

But Dunkirk is his best movie

>> No.11460486

I unironically enjoy all of Nolan's work. Although there's no denying that The Dark Knight Rises, Inception, and Interstellar have a lot of flaws.
It's definitely the best film he has made in the 2010s.

>> No.11460487

Jonas Mekas

>> No.11460493

Inception was ok compared to the other two you listed, Memento is still my favorite.

>> No.11460499

Godard and Fellini's only innovation was admitting that they wanted to be like their heroes but never were so they just dicked around artistically instead.

>> No.11460500

Fellini, Godard, Truffaut. I also like de Palma a lot

>> No.11460521

Who are your favorite genre directors, /lit/? I love John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, David Cronenberg, Brian De Palma, Sergio Leone, James Whale (his horror films), and Alfred Hitchcock.

>> No.11460539
File: 19 KB, 501x294, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image isn't accurate at all.

My suggestion to fellow begginers at the greatest art form is to stop looking for recommendations online in stupid forums, charts, memes etc and start to use actual reputable bibliography to look for filmmakers you might appreciate. Start with film theory (Arnheim and Eisenstein are the greeks of film) and critiques from acclaimed artists who worked on the medium (Truffaut is a great one to start with). Some cahiers du cinéma wouldn't hurt, if you know French (but only wirh a massive sense of doubt, since there are many hacks, mostly uncultured sjws, writing there nowadays). How about to actually read about art instead of chewing pseud opinions online?

If you follow the right path, your repertoire will grow much more organically and you will be far away from the greatest core of pseudery, which lies on the current scenery of moviegoers. Good luck. No more film threads, please.

>> No.11460565
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>the greatest art form

>> No.11460572

Orson Welles was a fucking hero of cinema, much like DW Griffith, he got fucked over by Hollywood so bad, I almost pity your ignorance of the fact .

>> No.11460573

I don't use any drugs and I feel sorry for those who do so. It's just my opinion, more like a matter of taste, actually.

>> No.11460574

Shakespeare innovated character understanding.

>> No.11460580

Move down: tarkovsky tarr kurosawa godard from god tier
Add Murnau to god tier

the end

>> No.11460586

There is no innovation, there is only application.

>> No.11460598

>cahiers du cinéma
French film criticism is definitely far ahead of American film criticism but a significant portion of French film criticism is flippant contrarianism. The frogs love to praise bad genre flicks. Although their contrarianism occasionally leads to them recognizing the genius of a film long before America figures it out.

>> No.11460601

I like Godard but he really should not be in god tier. He makes popcorn flicks for arthouse fans and shouldn't be taken seriously

>> No.11460602

You fucking idiot, I believe Welles is god-tier

>> No.11460607

Well said.

>> No.11460614
File: 131 KB, 1631x1872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact same thread on /tv/ right now
>it's 90% shitposting

What a garbage board. I really truly wish there were a /film/ board on 4chan, but that would take some effort from mods and jannis to establish, so we can never have it. There's really not a single place on the entire internet to properly discuss film, or at least discuss it on a smiliar level to how literature, comics, amd a few other topics are discussed on 4chan...

>> No.11460616

Murnau is good tier at best.

>> No.11460635

Sunrise is better than every art house bullshit piece of crap godard and all his spawn have created rolled into one

>> No.11460638

Tarkovsky = Bergman > Fellini > Hitchcock (during his best decades) > Welles (if you ignore the worse half of his movies) > Kubrick

That pretty much covers my favourites, although Welles doesnt really deserve a spot since he produced so much pointless "filler entertainment" aswell. When it comes to modern directors; Zvyagintsev and PTA are the only 2 that i actively bother to follow, Zvyagintsev being the superior of the 2 since he hasnt made any mediocre movies yet.

>> No.11460641

For me, it's Werner Herzog

>> No.11460654
File: 16 KB, 220x328, coracaodecristal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goethe of film. Great taste.

>> No.11460669

/tv/ is one of the worst boards to discuss film. Over 90% of the posters care more about capeshit, Star Wars, /pol/shitposting, and memes than cinema. The innovators of cinema are dismissed as boring and entry level and modern auteurs get relentlessly memed on. /tv/ is like /lit/ if /lit/ only cared about comic books and post-1980 genre fiction.

>> No.11460675


Into the Inferno was shite. Grizzly Man was grand. Do you know what sort of part he actually had to play in the Joshua Oppenheimer stuff?

Sorry for just listing the docs, haven't seen Fitzcarraldo or any others. Looking forward to the two he's coming out with shortly though.

>> No.11460677

>at the very start
All but Eisenstein were late adopters and also hacks that fundamentally misunderstood cinema.

>> No.11460681



>> No.11460683

>to be fair ussualy the most important part of a movie is the screenplay
Please stick to literature
This, with emphasis on editing

>> No.11460684

Lars von Tier

>> No.11460686

Aye all his stuff is great

>> No.11460691

James Cameron and Michael Bay. Zack Snyder sometimes approaches greatness but never fully reach it.

>> No.11460700

Oh, and George Lucas, though I wouldn't really consider him a genre film director.

>> No.11460706

>all the average directors are American

A nice attempt at bait

>> No.11460725

Where’s Lanthimos? Sorrentino? They’re easily the some of best contemporary filmmakers, better than most in the average tier. And I say this a a huge lynch and Anderson fag.

>> No.11460729


>> No.11460732

It’s unfortunate that no one in this thread has ever seen a Peter Greenaway film.

>> No.11460737

I like Tsai Ming Liang a lot who else should I check out?

>> No.11460755

I’m not that poster but I share a similar opinion on Tarantino. His films take a highly aestheticized postmodernism with all its tricks and games, but doesn’t provide the substance that good postmodernist authors use those devices for.

>> No.11460757

Yang, Hsiao-hsien the list goes on

>> No.11460767

Edward Yang

>> No.11460774

Stroczek, Woczek (sp.) and Heart of Glass are great, I’d say better than Fitzcarraldo and Aguirre

>> No.11460783

I feel like Frank Capra should be good tier.

>> No.11460791

Tarantino is shit

>> No.11460792
File: 2.21 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This list is trash, it doesn't have true and contemporary auteurs. It just has "the classics" since whoever made it is clearly insecure and can't form his own opinion on current films, so he has to look back on films where the veredict is already set.
Now, let's talk about the greats of this era, I'll start.
You disgust me.

>> No.11460797
File: 120 KB, 634x815, 1530827515780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exciting qualities of American culture--sleaze, black pop music, violence, style, characters, witticisms

>> No.11460801


>> No.11460815

How does he do it? There's no way Love Exposure has any right to be that good.

>> No.11460825

Lanthimos is transcended fuck yall

>> No.11460826

not to mention these generic "postmodern authors" that I can only assume we are referring to were all doing this shit 60+ years ago. And here tarantino is, waving his arms loudly.

>> No.11460830

Not true, stop your shallow attempts at elitism.

>> No.11460836

Sorrentino did one good thing and it wasn't a film.

Also, letterboxd vermin begone, you are RYMtards of your medium.

>> No.11460841

why would you feel sorry for anyone? maybe we should feel sorry for you, for being spineless enough to care about banter like this? what do you think about me thinking this?

>> No.11460843


>> No.11460851
File: 10 KB, 186x271, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lanthimos is the absolute boi

>> No.11460863
File: 196 KB, 1024x707, american-brain-picture-id114314717[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize you're writing in American English on an American website created by and for Americans, right?

You realize you're using the American-created internet to post American-created photographs of American actors who appear in American films in order to represent your thoughts about American culture...right?

You realize that you are so deeply embedded within and dependent upon American culture that you can no longer distinguish it from your own and have lost the ability to form thoughts outside of it, right?


pic related, it's a visual rendering of your brain

>> No.11460884

are you high?

>> No.11460889

>(and to be fair ussualy the most important part of a movie is the screenplay)
Plebiest all of opinions. The screenplay is probably one of the least important parts of a movie, and I think that the least it is used the better it is as it helps reach a purer form of cinema.
Directors who rely too much on language and forget the things that actually make cinema unique are just bad.

>> No.11460896


>the great beauty is not the greatest film of the past decade

If your taste is so terrible, why do you even bother talking about it?

>> No.11460904

>everything you like is shit: the post

>> No.11460916
File: 101 KB, 1333x1000, MV5BMWZhMjk3NzUtNjg4Mi00YTA0LWJkNDEtMjNhZjA1ZmIyYmE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjE5MzM3MjA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1333,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No David Lean?

>> No.11460922

>>the great beauty
is a midcult flick and you got memed

>> No.11460942

My dude the op posted a pic that put Bunuel, who is literally a Dalí tier pseud, as god tier. But Lanthimos disgusts you? I’m sorry she never loved you but don’t take it out on me.

>> No.11460952

Not true, elitism would be implying Greenaway is bad.

>> No.11460961

My nigger.

>> No.11460983

If you’re referring to The Young Pope, I think it’s his best, better than The Great Beauty even. It’s hard to deny that he’s one of the best contemporary filmmakers though. Like if you didn’t enjoy this must be the place, you really need to learn how to have fun.

>> No.11460987
File: 7 KB, 236x132, cammell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Cammell. Didn't make that many films but a couple of diamonds amongst them.

>> No.11460990

>buñuel is Dalí tier

Please, just read your literature still and quiet. Film is not for you, pal.

>> No.11460992

stopped reading there

>> No.11461000


>> No.11461003

>the most enduring and exciting qualities of American culture--sleaze, black pop music, violence, style, characters, witticisms
All of these are present in every culture, except black pop music, which is not "enduring" in any sense.

>> No.11461007

>this must be the place
My bad, forgot he did that, yeah that one is good.

>> No.11461009

Robert Beavers, Chantal Akerman, Shūji Terayama, Stan Brakhage, Jean-Claude Rousseau, Kōji Wakamatsu, Claudio Caldini, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Marguerite Duras, Michael Snow, Tsai Ming-Liang, Gregory J. Markopoulos, Abbas Kiarostami, Pat O'Neill, Yoshishige Yoshida, Jean Rouch, Léonce Perret, Marie Menken, Satyajit Ray, James Benning, Edward Yang, Heinz Emigholz, Dušan Hanák, Takashi Ito, Peter Greenaway, Jonas Mekas etc.

>> No.11461021
File: 89 KB, 1000x563, fassbinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and Fassbinder?

>> No.11461039

I think it is a mixture of him doing a lot of films and his lack of care for what people think of him. He may make a lot of trashy films, but when he does a good one, it's fucking great.

>> No.11461059

You try so hard not to quote any obvious choice that it makes me think you're a pseud. I mean, there is almost not a single classical in there. You have good taste, but there is no point about trying to show off so badly. There is literally no problem about liking Ozu, Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Chaplin and the like. Well, if those are really your favorites, I can't call you a pleb anyway.

>> No.11461064

i love this chink

>> No.11461079

Wong Kai War
and some of those Japanese dudes

>> No.11461081

Oh look, it's yet another "look at me I'm such a sophisticated intellectual, I don't watch exciting action movies" thread.

>> No.11461082

So I’ve only watched une chien, but I can’t imagine that anyone who Thought it was a good idea to put surrealist garbage onto film can ever redeem themselves as a filmmaker. Also, you’re on a literature board guy.

>> No.11461087

Also dude, Asian American is the preferred nomenclature

>> No.11461090

There was a film thread on /lit/ that was moved to /tv/ and the quality drop was easily noticeable.

>> No.11461098

Edward Yang and Tsai Ming-Liang are among the most well-known Chinese filmmakers. Every pseud has heard of Brakhage and Snow. Yoshishige Yoshida also isn't that obscure, only in comparison to the Japanese giants. Chantal Akerman is everybody's go-to female choice. Weerasethakul is pretty famous as well. The more esoteric choices are Marguerite Duras, who probably is more of a writer in most people's eyes, Mekas, Greenaway and Satyajit Ray, but those are names that you've heard if you've tried to expand your horizons a bit. I can't comment on the "avant-garde" filmmakers, because I've never really watched shorts.

>> No.11461102

This. Everyone who pretends to like these movies are lying to themselves. Go to theatres and watch the latest Avengers, its the only way to sincerely enjoy movies.

>> No.11461104

Oh look, it's yet another "look at me i'm so sincere and anyone not discussing the latest hollywood blockbuster is a pseud" poster

>> No.11461109

Ford, Capra, Eisenstein, Chaplin, Schrader

>> No.11461111

He is unironically the reason we have movies like superhero shit today.

>> No.11461121

I like all of them I just think it's boring to list the same ten or so directors that are brought up continuously. It's kind of an assumption that people into film like these directors.

>> No.11461126

Cinema is terrible and all directors are shit artists.

>> No.11461129

Everyone who likes movies I can't enjoy is a pretentious psued lol

>> No.11461132

Shit taste

>> No.11461148

Not Godard

>> No.11461153

The other media boards are too big. /lit/ is only half decent because it's slow and doesn't really interest the average 4chan poster. and /lit/ still isn't all that good

>> No.11461157


He was all style no substance. His movies all feel lifeless and forced.

>> No.11461161

That might be what he meant by good since he includes Jodorowsky.

>> No.11461165

Have you ever tried Jack Chambers’ The Hart of London ? Part on the larger experimental-ontario scene, if you will.

>> No.11461169

Poesín Sin Fin is a good film. Early Jodo is hollow.

>> No.11461178

Rashomon is a minor work in both the Japanese film canon and Kurosawa's career, only important for popularizing Japanese film in the western festival circuit

>> No.11461181

Shit chart.

>> No.11461187

>most popular work
>minor work

which one is it?

>> No.11461200

>most popular work
Who are you quoting?

>> No.11461202

>Please, just read your literature still and quiet. Film is not for you, pal.

Lmao why are you acting as if cinema is not a shit tier art and reading literature is not immeasurably more demanding than watching films?

>> No.11461205


Which of his other films do you consider great?

>> No.11461206

Yeah, I've been meaning to watch his most recent stuff; him making more personal works seems really interesting. El Topo is probably my favorite film in the Spanish language even I I think it has little substance. I love its style. The Holy Mountain took it a little too far for me.

>> No.11461207

t. visually illiterate plotfag

>> No.11461208
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>> No.11461212

Can we all just take a moment and appreciate how nice this thread is without griffithfag

>> No.11461217

They are not present to the same extent. American sleaze is very pronounced compared to British or Japanese sleaze, the American style is more casual and base than German or French style... If you're unfamiliar with world culture you shouldn't offer your thoughts on it

Black pop music is incredibly enduring. For example, your American-imprinted brain instinctively knows the melodies of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington even though your third world mind can't keep up with American culture and actually name the songs. This phenomenon is very common among consumers of American media like 4chan

>> No.11461220

When did I mention anything related to plot? I'm not even reading for plot ( I much prefer poetry to novel) let alone watch films for it.

>> No.11461231

sight and sound top 100

>> No.11461232

The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by the American film company Warner Bros. Feature Animation and directed by the American filmmaker Brad Bird in his directorial debut.

Adobe Photoshop is an American raster graphics editor developed and published by the American company Adobe Systems for the American operating systems macOS and Windows.

Photoshop was created in 1988 by Americans Thomas and John Knoll.

>> No.11461236
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Rivette, Wong Kar Wai, Godard, Hong Sang Soo, Lynch, Marker, Malick, Kieslowski, Oshima, Teshigahara, Oshii, Zhangke, Kurosawa, Kiarostami, Kitano, Anno, Kon, Bresson, Tarr, Kawase.

Looks a bit entry-level but they're basically the directors who I've actually made some kind of effort to watch the majority of their filmography, which is really the best metric I can think of for this type of thing.

Maybe Suzuki too but he made a shit ton of (mostly bad) films and I've only seen Tokyo Drifter, Branded to Kill, Youth of the Beast, Gate of Flesh, and Fighting Elegy.

>> No.11461240

Style IS substance, pleb

>> No.11461248
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>> No.11461253

If you watch tons of movies you will inevitably grow extremely bored of simple movies made for the masses who have time to visit cinema few times a year with their friends. Regardless of era, those movies simply dont offer meaningful stimulation on any level.

And if you keep on watching films upon films you will inevitably stumble upon to the people who value the art of film making and use all the available tools to invoke feelings. This process is inevitable as long as you have functioning brain, which should be the case for most of people frequenting this board since they are atleast interested of literature.

>> No.11461254
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just watched Il Tetto last night, a minor film from di Sica. Good, but a bit excessively sentimental, even for a di Sica film.

>> No.11461255

You mean it was ahead of American criticism, which barely even existed. At any rate they’re both gone now

>> No.11461259


His movie Love & Pop is pretty good if people haven't seen it. A lot of the framing is straight out of NGE and it's based on a Ryu Murakami novel.

>> No.11461262

I'm sick of hearing this trite phrase. Please learn to think for yourself and stop watching Refn's empty flicks.

>> No.11461266

2+2= 4, there’s another worn out expression for you. If the substance of a film is not its method, then what is it?

>> No.11461272

Why don't you play in hell, Antiporno and The whispering star are all fantastic for different reasons.

>> No.11461276
File: 416 KB, 1919x745, 0bb6a70cf0aa2a465cf1893372769b69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone been watching any Japanese new wave lately?
I'd recommend David Desser's Eros + Massacre as a great introductory book for anyone interested in the movement at all.
Just watched Daydream, one of the first ever pink films, and based on a story by Tanizaki. Creates an amazing atmosphere, if a little meandering and restrained by budget

>> No.11461277

Time and again I reach the conclusion that Sokurov is the greatest working director

>> No.11461279

dude get out of lit, you think surrealism is artistically valid.

>> No.11461283

Elaborate please

>> No.11461287

>ctrl-f Ophuls
>not found

Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you plebs, ta.

>> No.11461289


Action movies aren't exciting by default dude. Most of them lack tension and are extremely formulaic meaning they struggle to excite people who aren't fanboys of whatever comic book universe they're set in.

Don't get me wrong, I do like 'exciting action movies' but most modern movies aren't exciting in the least due to how generic they are (i.e. anything starring Dwayne The Cock Johnson).

>> No.11461293

Where would Monicelli be ranked?

>> No.11461300


Lately no but I did go through a period a few years ago where I watched a bunch of them.

That book was always on my reading list.

>> No.11461301

I'd say Weerasethakul, but good choice

>> No.11461302

>The whispering star

I didn't know that was by him. Pretty inaccessible through it's phlegmatic nature, far inferior to Love Exposure, but I still liked it (even though I wouldn't want to watch it again).

>> No.11461305

LOL, love that you clueless dingbats immediately interpreted me as endorsing mainstream Hollywood schlock. As if that's the only alternative to slow as shit movies where impoverished Europeans talk to each other about the plight of the oppressed the whole running time. Just goes to show just how clueless you retards are.

>> No.11461307

Weerasethakul is a close one, behind tsai though

>> No.11461309

He peaked 2 decades ago...

>> No.11461311

I hope you aren't implying Anno isn't talented, because even if for some retarded reason you don't like NGE, his live action work is undeniably good.

>> No.11461317

>behind tsai though
Out of the game...

>> No.11461318

>ctrl f Ophuls
>find this post
Coincidence is only extraordinary because it's so natural

>> No.11461326

pls, francofonia and faust were fantastic
(though admittedly not quite at the heights of spiritual voices and whispering pages)
he literally has a new film out
weerasethakul on the other hand I think actually retired from filmmaking, he just does art installations now

>> No.11461339

Is that true? I just saw one of his installations in Chicago, but it didn't come close to something like Cemetery of Splendor

>> No.11461341


Not him but Suicide Club, Noriko's Dinner Table, Keiko Desu Kedo are my favourites.

>> No.11461342

>he literally has a new film out
The Deserted ?

(Also, those last Sokurov films were horrible, imho, but whatever.)

>> No.11461349

>weerasethakul on the other hand I think actually retired from filmmaking
What about Memoria ?

>> No.11461350


Miguel Gomes for me bruv.

Would be Tarr but he ain't making anything again.

>> No.11461352

What Herzog movies should I watch?

I enjoyed Aguirre

>> No.11461358

Still need to catch his Arabian Nights. (How though ?)

>> No.11461362

I'm not 100% sure but I went to a talk he was giving recently and I'm pretty sure he said he wasn't making any more features
Yeah the deserted, and I'm still waiting for afternoon is yet to be properly released
For me just the sun and alexandra were horrible. Maybe he'll redeem himself with his upcoming 'ww2 comedy'

>> No.11461365


They're available to rent on MUBI for me.

>> No.11461370


>> No.11461371

Yah mon, GBH is my favorite Anderson movie. The sad ending, the framing narritive, the fading decadence.

Weird how bad Isle of Dogs is compared to it.

>> No.11461379

This is retarded

>> No.11461406

Best torrent sites for arthouse film?
Shit like Karagarga is all private and I don't know how to get in

>> No.11461440

Mann is so fucking good.

>> No.11461443

Powell and Pressburger

>> No.11461459

What's up with /tv/'s reliance on the word pretentious? Even for entirely accessible shit like Oldboy. I swear I've never heard that word out of someone who isn't a complete brainlet

>> No.11461463


george stevens

>> No.11461465

They're retarded
They're a board unironically obsessed with capeshit and disney movies. Most of them have no say on whats a good movie or not

>> No.11461470
File: 177 KB, 852x581, 1521400966240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those *nglos
>the rest consists of the safest possible choices
Here's your (You).

>> No.11461499

Cinema came about doing the era of Anglo supremacy so its only natural that they take up the largest amount of the GOAT list. I guarantee that isn't a single non-anglo on your edgy hipster list that is half as talented as John Ford.

>> No.11461517

Rutracker has tons of art films
You just need to figure out how to navigate it

>> No.11461518

This image is trash. Wes Anderson isn't average; He is complete shit. Francis Ford Coppola in the same tier as Orson Welles and Stanley Kubrick? I'm guessing this is not your image, OP. Whoever made this image has shit taste.

>> No.11461531

Have you tried torrenting a job application?

>> No.11461553

Because you pretend to like films just to seem cool. No one actually has enjoyed a Tarkovsky film and that is just a simple fact. Yet you pseuds claim he is the second coming of Jesus. Yes, we watch some simplistic stuff on /tv/ that doesn't break the 4th wall or mention existentialism but we on the other hand actually enjoy the movies we are watching. I can't say the same about /lit/

>> No.11461568

Based /tv/ telling it like it is

>> No.11461576

Do you really believe that Powell/Pressburger, Kubrick, the Coens or Lynch are on the level as someone like Ophüls, Rohmer or Ozu? Even though their (i.e. your choices) films may be comparable to Raise the Red Lantern or one of the WKW films that aren't shit, you didn't even bother to include a single Chinese director and there are several who exceed that level. I'd gladly trade the collective output of Lynch and the Coens for a single Teshigahara film. It doesn't help that you don't try to venture into a bit unsafer territory. Why not include Cocteau instead of Godard for example? Why is there no mention of a single Italian director? That list just becomes more puzzling the longer I look at it.

>> No.11461582

It's just his personal opinion.

>> No.11461609

I unironically do enjoy Tarkovsky though. I've cried while watching his movies and fallen asleep while watching X-Men. Why is this so hard for plebs to process? Yes, I enjoy slow movies. Yes, it's probable that I have a higher IQ than you. So what? We can each still have a good time discussing movies. The problem arises when we enter each others' respective spheres. When I try to discuss Tarkovsky and somebody like you, who lacks the IQ and attention span to appreciate slow cinema, enters the discussion, our thoughts are both poisoned by your mediocrity. Similarly, when I try to explain why capeshit is factory line visual slurry for children, the discussion is raised to levels your IQ isn't equipped for and you find yourself angry and frustrated.

The best solution so far as I can tell is for you to stay as far away as possible from difficult, slow, foreign movies. Isn't there a new young brown person in your Star Wars movie or something? Maybe an all female remake of Harry Potter? These are the topics you should at all times stick to.

>> No.11461615

>Do you really believe that Powell/Pressburger, Kubrick, the Coens or Lynch are on the level as someone like Ophüls, Rohmer or Ozu?

>> No.11461618

Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.11461622

Ruben Östlund. He likes situations wherein people are faced with these different moral dilemmas. In Involuntary he studies people who are faced with these different situations where they kinda should do something, like everyday things where you should act morally in some way.

In Force Majeure he tells the story of a family on a ski semester and they are eating at an after ski and this major avalanche starts coming towards them and the father is like "it's controlled, dont worry" and the children starts to worry and the mother as well and the guy is like "no, no they know what they are doing" and all of a sudden it crashes around them and he just runs away and the mother stays with the kids and then it turns out the avalanche was controlled and no one is hurt and he comes back to the table and the whole movie is how they deal with that he just left his family.

I saw the one documentary about the Internet last week and it was nice. 8/10, would have preferred more technical details but some very interesting concepts and he is very funny.

>> No.11461629

Believe it or not, displays of intelligence are often just that: displays of intelligence. There's nobody to impress; I sincerely operate at a higher intellectual mode than you, and this is how I naturally organize and present my higher order thoughts.

>> No.11461637

If there is no one to impress then why are you posting?

>> No.11461645

>you didn't even bother to include a single Chinese director
Why would he? China has no culture

>> No.11461649

To impose my opinions upon you and attune your thoughts toward mine

>> No.11461655

Maybe you'll try to see beyond "pretty" pictures one day.
Well, he bothered to include the likes of Lynch, so I'd only find it fair to include Yang, Zhangke, Tsai Ming-Liang, even Wong Kar-wai...

>> No.11461662

You failed, literally everyone skim read your post.

>Ophüls, Rohmer or Ozu
The first one I'll grant you, the latter two are dreary dross (Rohmer in particular). No vitality, no humanity.

>> No.11461663

>Maybe you'll pretend to enjoy shitty Chinese movies like me one day... Heh.
Not likely, pleb

>> No.11461666

>>11461622 here

Wanted to add this >>11460178. Close-Up is such an interesting movie, just the way reality and fiction blend with very simple, almost minimalist, means.

If you like minimalism you could also look into Aki Kaurismäki. Maybe start with Le Havre or his Finland triology.

>> No.11461672

Your inferior attention span, as already discussed, is not shared by everyone

>> No.11461676

There is more humanity in one humorous scene of an early Ozu film focused on the lives of proletarians than in all of the films by the directors that I took from your list for that post combined.

>> No.11461680

Haha imagine being this much of a pseud

>> No.11461681

I ve been watching adi shankara a lot lately (the complete movie is on youtube). Though i got bored with the bhagavad gita. Also that pic is shit.

>> No.11461690

Imagine granting Chaplin's maudlin portrayals of outsiders humanity, but denying the same right to at least equally talented filmmakers. Stay in your American bubble forever if you must, but don't take it out on others.