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/lit/ - Literature

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11458836 No.11458836 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11458844

It is going somewhere: the trash. Now fuck off

>> No.11458874

A youg girl’s family emigrated to America from croatia when she’s 8 years old. She’s a bit of a loser and later,as she grows older, learns that she’s barren. She does, however, end up having a child, finally, after years of trying. Her life is miseable, and she only has a job as a secretary because she got lucky her husband knew someone. Eventually she meets a wealthy jew who offered to make her famous if she would only lie about her parents and make her life seem worse than it was. She does but it costs her her marriage and her child soon dies from aids because she had let him shoot up with a dirty needle one night while she was at a party trying to get noticed. She forgives herself and marries a big shot in LA giving him three children and dying of old age after molesting her child's friends and cheating on her husband with with his superiors. No one ever found out or cared though because she’s a woman and she died with a sick, twisted smile on her face.

>> No.11458876

Tapirfag falls in love with a tapir, fucks it and gets AIDS.

>> No.11458896

A dog and a cat fall in love, but then they learn that they can never concieve a child so they separate. The level of detail and advanced prose of the author will be what establishes it as a powerhouse of 21st century literature. I am that author.

>> No.11458902


>> No.11460244

Hmm this got me wanting to read incest taboo. Anyone know books with incest taboo?

>> No.11461106
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