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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 540x408, 1531105691119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11454270 No.11454270 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s population?

>> No.11454286


>> No.11455232


>> No.11455334


>> No.11455337


>> No.11455353


>> No.11455372


>> No.11455376


>> No.11455401
File: 71 KB, 500x1000, 1521986161657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's three, I think.

>> No.11455474

Thanks guys, fucking enlightening.

>> No.11455547

Sounds about right.


>> No.11455562

Inb4 all of these people are just me (who is also OP)

>> No.11455589

Four again

>> No.11455623


>> No.11455626

One Stirnerite counts for 10000 ordinary men

>> No.11455729

bout three fiddy

>> No.11455735

I kek'd.

>> No.11455736

I dunno, I’ve never been good at long division.

>> No.11455737
File: 77 KB, 750x1120, The Townley Discobolus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't four chan publish traffic stats from time to time?

>> No.11455741

literally only me

>> No.11455749

Only Pynchon and the Husserl-Pharaoh guy

>> No.11455830

>only Pynchon

Godfuckingdammit I am sick to death of you little faggots trying to blame everything that goes on here on me. Delillo shitposts on here ten times as often as I do.
Neck yourself you fucking mong.

>> No.11455841

Nick land here. I post on this board occasionally.

>> No.11455852

Thirteen millennial slobs

>> No.11455853

Stop the LARP and go play Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.11455864

There's also at least two guys shitposting D&G memes, one of them a literal psychotic. Also Londonfag Frogposter, our Lord and hopefully Future Permaban'd Savior.

Also that guy who helps everyone understand Deleuze (me).

>> No.11455877

There are also those two fags that can't write properly (one writes all caps like REI, the other one spews boring endless posts with inproper grammar thinking he's a poet).

>> No.11455880


>> No.11455932
File: 21 KB, 576x432, 6e346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone going to bring up Shakespeare semicolon guy

>> No.11455970

i miss you, al pacino

>> No.11456672

There are around 5000 posts a day

>> No.11456699

Gaskun. Wish I'd have saved one of his pictures of his gas station.

>> No.11456708


>> No.11456726

One. Two if you count god...

>> No.11456853

considering he doesn't exist, it's 1

>> No.11456993

There's probably about a 1000 regulars.

>> No.11457037

>implying you exist
>implying G*d exists

>> No.11457043

All me.

>> No.11457077

There's me, that guy who spergs out about "erudition" and thinks he is smarter than joyce, Claude, butterfly, the ten or so genrefags that stick to their general, the gene wolfe autist that doesn't, that pedo guy, the tapir guy who asks about our novels, the /pol/his/ namefag that spams anne frank hentai without his name on, the behead all satans guy, that faggot who owns the discord and never stops posting about himself, 5-6 waifufags, 5-6 animefags, londonfrog, oxfordanon (deceased), about ten philosophyfags, about 10-20 indistinguishable gentlemen, and around 50 lurkers by my guess

>> No.11457155

Oxfordanon died? I know he's no longer at Oxford according to himself, but dead?

>> No.11457291

With the number of times I've posted about wanting to fuck my milf phd advisor youd think id have a rep here :(

>> No.11457311
File: 7 KB, 267x323, 1531448568740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when indistinguishable gentlemen

>> No.11457397

>about ten philosophyfags
I'm guessing the vedantafags fit in this category?

>> No.11457409

Who is the gene wolfe autist? Never seen him around.

>> No.11457434

This is a christian board, pls go

>> No.11457447

Probably 750

>> No.11457462


>> No.11457466

Heres y*ur (Y*u)

>> No.11457475

>5000 posts a day

all me t.b.h

>> No.11457477

What the fuck is it with that guy? I've been on lit for a number of years and he's been shilling that shit at the same consistent pace to no avail. Has anybody actually read his book? What goes on in it? God knows I won't read it, but he seems convinced it is important. I need answers.

>> No.11457481

It seems like it is alot less doesnt it

>> No.11457569
File: 137 KB, 597x577, BAS103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to know more about that as well, fellow indistinguishable gentleman.

>> No.11457576

i remember once this question was asked and I gave an elaborate bullshit answer and a handful of people actually believed me. pretty funny hehe

>> No.11457584

What is the image alluding to?

>> No.11457621

i've seen you like five times so yes you have a place in my heart too, anon

>> No.11457751

>and around 50 lurkers

Hundreds, easily

>> No.11457783

I am hardly here regularly.

>> No.11457837

everyone ITT post with a tripcode and keep it on for a month
count how many appear in all threads compared to anons
take tripfags/anons x 100
100 - that number
multiply that by number of posters ITT who register trips

>> No.11457941

are you people braindead? There are well over a 1000 lurkers if not 2000 lurkers on this board and even that is relatively low. This is the internet, lit averages 4000 posts a day. Do you know how long I lurked this site before making a post? There are countless others like that that just absorb.

>> No.11457954

don't forget semicolanon; ho hum!

>> No.11457973

No niggers or women because they dont understand what art is.

>> No.11458002


>> No.11458015
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Philosophyfag

>> No.11458032

lurk culture is dead

>> No.11458137

But I'm lurking right now

>> No.11458153

Fuck off Sean.

>> No.11458158

i think he meant 'lurk more, faggot' culture is dead.

>> No.11458195

I'd say like seven or eight.

>> No.11458202

We have higher activity than usual right now.

>> No.11458218

Ιt's fucking hot and noone can sleep.

>> No.11458231

It's nice and cool in my apartment.

>> No.11458264

Lucky (you)

>> No.11458267

No, I just live in a first world country.

>> No.11458273

Me as well

>> No.11458285

+lucky (you)(ballbreaker)

>> No.11458290 [SPOILER] 
File: 506 KB, 481x303, 1531536953601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many posters here are women

>> No.11458344

Maybe a bit of luckers, nearly no posters. Can you explain that image?

>> No.11458402

thanks anon, I love you too. Everybody needs friends, work, and some sort of role in a larger community. You guys are my community

>> No.11458477
File: 108 KB, 480x480, BAShijab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11458551

In the past few months probably around 50 different humans of the female variety have made posts/threads...some every day

>> No.11458732

tfw philosophy and law fag

>> No.11458814
File: 715 KB, 2048x1536, 2C47DDCC-9596-4280-ACC4-878BCE44C959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, friendo. Don’t despair.

>> No.11458825 [DELETED] 

Also, google: “4chan Gaskun”
Then click images. There’s all kinds of pics

>> No.11458846
File: 44 KB, 500x583, 26649DBE-FB95-428C-B554-186137ED3B2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, google: “4chan Gaskun”
Then click images. There’s all kinds of pics.
Btw, I’m working with a professional writer/editor who’s psyched to help me push this new vampire book to market. Had to trim the fat. Down from 135k words to 106. I have a few more passes to go to bridge the areas where I trimmed unnecessary scenes.
Plus Ive already plotted seven chapters of a sequel and the groundwork for another sci fi series. Day job has been taking up a lot of time but I’m working to even that out and write on the clock to get work finished faster. Back to it...

>> No.11458869

It's difficult to figure out posting for average people. I think there's about thirty personalities, 300 of us who are just stupid meaningless signal repeaters, and 30,000 who cannot figure out how to post or don't care enough to.

>> No.11458949

sudo = super-user do
apt-get = package manager which is used to install software for *unix

Package managers are kind of amazing. They allow you to install anything you need just by typing its name and having an internet connection.

>> No.11458978

is oxfordanon really dead
what happened to him
why is he no longer at oxford

>> No.11458983

Wait, i thought gaskun and vamp-kun were two different people

>> No.11459144

There’s also at least 4 or 5 Harvard lurkers who only post in university threads.

>> No.11459230

I've seen a lot of shilling for Chinese philosophy lately. Who of you three is it?

>> No.11459350

You forgot about the guy whose life-mission ever since reading a book about nofap is to stop every anon on /lit/ from jerking the gherkin.

>> No.11459488

Me, but i usually post threads relating to quotations

>> No.11459494

Forgot the Canada-anon with a fixation on Nick Land, China and generally obscure cyberpunk, Internet culture etc.

>> No.11459508

There's an entire general for Genre fiction here.

>> No.11459677

Don't forget to remind him every time that slurping semen will give him even more of those precious nutrients.

>> No.11460325
File: 457 KB, 1536x2048, 7135DFD5-2840-4A81-8F61-05025485766F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m diversifying my catalogue

>> No.11460817

you forgot the cadre of christfags

also oxfordanon is not dead

>> No.11460855

i'm also here

>> No.11461353

> yfw nobody remembers Girardfag

I remember you sweet mimetic theorist!

(Also the /pol/tard shilling Culture of Critique in every thread, fuck you!)

>> No.11461378

I'm a Frenchman working in finance, alienated by their work, and trying to find respite in online communities.


>> No.11461381

Each user's experience is personalized; there is only one user to each version

>> No.11461496

Hope friends family co-workers treat (you) well. But if not there's always the preferable society of books..
Bonne soiree, frenchman-

>> No.11461606

What alienated you about finance?

>> No.11461747

I demand a version with less /pol/ shitposting! Better yet, one with less shitposting in general!

>> No.11461776

Would 1000 of us be a good guesstimation?

>> No.11462275

i don't know? how many posts a day do you make?

>> No.11462288
File: 161 KB, 318x292, dfwcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462291

Could be anywhere from 300-1000 daily posters

>> No.11462295

Anywhere from zero to fifty

>> No.11462769
File: 94 KB, 331x274, 1466777791123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here desu desu

>> No.11462772
File: 347 KB, 1080x1010, 1530153379053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462799


>> No.11463620

The funny part about this image is that anyone who actually looked like the Aryan Adonis in this picture would never even need to contemplate no-fap, and the only people who do care about no-fap (especially the ones that care enough to propagandise it constantly) are on the complete opposite spectrum of the male aesthetic (read: ugly, fat, weak, ect). So at best the image is aspirational, at worst, deluded.

>> No.11463624
File: 60 KB, 449x453, 1531284510527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now someone run the average number of poster per thread and multiply it by however many lurkers per poster you think there are and whala

>> No.11464126

Poetthemoneyshot. God the namefags are getting worse and worse. I blame summer.

>> No.11464147

I post relatively like 3 times a week.

>> No.11464954

nice platitude, i'm pretty hot and do nofap desu

>> No.11464955

I know handsome guys who unironically don't masturbate though

>> No.11465084
File: 81 KB, 604x533, 1482247318292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo yes I am here to shitpost

>> No.11465149
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1471259864202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start another day of shitposting from my dorm at Oxford college

>> No.11465157
File: 649 KB, 981x527, that-thing-you-do-whysoblu-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the discord

>> No.11465220

Me, You, and God who is always in the presence of a group

>> No.11465221

What have Hegel done to people...

>> No.11465229

>oxfordanon (deceased)


no no no

>> No.11466748

yeah because they get laid daily

>> No.11466944

I wish /lit/'s population was closer to /sci/'s.

>> No.11467006

Some don't