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/lit/ - Literature

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11451431 No.11451431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Non-fiction is objectively more useful, realistic, and interesting than fiction, with practical applications to every day life, and in turn, fiction is a self-indulgent and hedonistic waste of time. Change my mind.

>> No.11451435

>fiction is a self-indulgent and hedonistic waste of time.
So..this thread of yours...is...?

>> No.11451437

Define fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.11451485

far from exactly having occurred and close to having actually occurred

>> No.11451487
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Non fiction is something that enlightens the reader on one or multiple disciplines, be transfer of information and knowledge direct or through a parable
Fiction is literature designed to build cheap thrills by inciting compassion for the characters involved, a basic form of entertainment, essentially reality tv in written form

>> No.11451594

If you arent reading one science/economics book, one philosophy book, one history book, and one work of fiction at all times are you even human?

>> No.11451611

>fun is bad

>> No.11451626

Yes? That’s less than 99.9999999% of the population, since many readers don’t read exactly that combination either. And I would call many people ‘human’. Maybe not all, but many

>> No.11451662

>what is hyperbole

>> No.11451664

Sounds like a valid assessment to me. Why would I change your name? Given the current influx of information directly pertaining to the advent of hypermedia - I'd say a good non fiction book is somewhere on the horizon for humanity. Possibly... A merger! And I don't mean changing the names.

>> No.11451711

Have you ever read Homer, Cervantes, Shakespeare? Fictonal literature penetrantes de human mind much deeper than any non-fiction book

>> No.11451735
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Try reading only non-fiction for ten years before you say fiction is a waste.

>> No.11451750
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>read history book on the Gulf War
>Gulf War never happened

>> No.11451761

your pleb is showing

>> No.11451766

> useful
not necessarily, depends on what you're reading. plenty of useless non-fiction shit
> realistic
wow, stuff about real stuff is realistic. who would thunk that one
> interesting
> practical applications to every day life
once again, depends on what you're reading

> self-indulgent
depends, sometimes yes, sometimes no
> hedonistic
that would mean reading fiction is always pleasant, if you think that then you're a fucking idiot
> waste of time
nah. writing posts on 4chan about how non-fiction is better than fiction is though.

>> No.11451767

Close. it's

philosophy > non-fiction > fiction

>> No.11451772

>that would mean reading fiction is always pleasant, if you think that then you're a fucking idiot
why would you read if you're not enjoying yourself?

>> No.11451790

except that a good fiction work can teach as much if not more than a good non-fiction work

>> No.11451794
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Friendly reminder that there is no such thing as genuine "non-fiction."

Every single book in history was written by human beings, and no human being is trustworthy enough that you should take every single thing (or even anything) that they write as factual.

History is written by the winners and thus actual history no longer exists in any tangible form.

The best way to understand anything in life is to simply experience it yourself. Accumulating unreliable knowledge from books is a massive waste of time.

Quit your job. Go travel. Fuck some nasty hoes (and some guys too). Fall in love. Get high a few times. Become the master of a craft. etc.

External reality that becomes the past is no longer reality and no longer worth wasting thought on besides to learn how you can personally do better.

Stop wasting time with 500-yo philosophy about the politics of ancient Greece or the existence of the soul or whatever the fuck.

You are not making yourself smarter, you are making yourself boring. To be smart you have to DO things.

>> No.11451796

i usually read stuff i enjoy. but you know, sometimes you have required reading for school or sometimes you need pseudo-cred. or you start something only to realize you don't like it yet you're too stubborn to quit it, etc.

>> No.11451799
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that's why in my follow up post >>11451487 i included works that convey knowledge through a parable

>> No.11451805
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> not realizing that fiction/non-fiction is a false dichotomy

>> No.11451811
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> including fiction in your definition of non-fiction

>> No.11451821

Generally speaking: yes. However, reading fiction is still a vital ingredient in the thinking person's cognitive diet. It might not be at the bottom of the pyramid, but it provides crucial nutrients for the mind nonetheless.

There's an old British saying: "In America, you go to a therapist to solve your problems. In Britain, we read novels."

>> No.11451854

How does one navigate the Jewish landmines throughout non-fiction? I feel like i have to run a background check on every author (and their sources) before i can submit my mind to their potential filth.

>> No.11451867

Self-indulgent and hedonistic activities are eustress — valuable opportunities to test one’s psychic mettle, more importantly to find out one’s ability to enjoy oneself (how sensitivr, what capacity for pleasure, what one’s disposition towards mindless pleasure is involuntarily). You would do well not to be in askesis all the time my Protestant/Jewish friend.

>> No.11452003


>> No.11452045

Fiction is applied philosophy in the way that the example problems in a math textbook are applied math. Except nobody checks if they're accurate, and you could do the same practice problems in the context of your own real life instead. Absolutely useless.

>> No.11452055

If it seems to point towards objective perfection or beauty it's not jewish in spirit. If it suggests that the world is somehow ugly and disorganized it is a jewish trap and you should do a 360 and walk away

>> No.11452390

This. Though I feel as if you are undervaluing intellectual knowledge a bit. Experiential plus intellectual is kino and the two help each other to shape and grow intelligence

>> No.11452510

>Fuck some nasty hoes (and some guys too)
yes this will make me smarter thank you

>> No.11452608
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pic for (You)
shit am I the jew?

>> No.11452705

Because you want to experience on first hand the most acclaimed human works and form your own opinion. It happens that not all works resonate same way to all people and maybe you need some life experiences not understand but empatize fully some stories. Haven't you enjoyed the purest aesthetic experience of a work even when you don't connect as deeply as with other stories?