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/lit/ - Literature

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11444183 No.11444183 [Reply] [Original]

Books that deal with the psychedelic experience. I've read The Doors of Perception and am about to start pic related

>> No.11444189

the bible

>> No.11444191

The psychology of the transference by jung

>> No.11444243

Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings of Don Juan
Stanislav Grof - The Holotropic Mind

>> No.11444278
File: 13 KB, 270x430, 9781558184374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11445416

Wizard of the Upper Amazon

>> No.11445852

>a few months ago the majority opinion on /lit/ was that psychedelics are for losers and degenerates
>that Pollan book comes out, followed by tons of articles about it and psychs in general for the promo cycle
>/lit/ instantly changes its mind, and now everyone here is obsessed with the psychedelic experience
Fuck all y'all

>> No.11445876

Pharmako gnosis
Pihkal and Tihkal
Rose of Paracelsus
Terrence Mckenna
Bob Wilson

>> No.11445877

just read erowid experience vaults

>> No.11445918

this is slowly going to start happening all around the world. once psychedelics become mainstream people will be too embarrassed to admit that they fell for all the government propaganda

>> No.11445926

A few months ago it wasn’t summer

>> No.11445931

>Doors of Perception
The first DUDE LMAO book of all time. If you want to parse your own experiences the Robert Anton Wilson meme is kinda good. If you are looking for accounts or want vicarious trips there really isn't that much good stuff beyond >>11445877

This too, lol. Even better for Deliriants.

>> No.11445935

Even Kanye is rapping out DMT smdh

Got that outta my system or into my system in 2012 -- gramps did u even timewave zero? Xenolinguistics?

>> No.11445941

Acid dreams
The great stoned age
Elephants on acid
Electric kool aid acid test
John c lily

>> No.11445940

Reminider that if you want to talk about psychs in general.

>> No.11445975

What in the literal fuck does pol have to do with psychedelics?

>> No.11445977


>> No.11445985

you ever read books, ON WEED?

>> No.11445991

Read LSD by Otto Snow and prepare for the long strange trip (to jail).

>> No.11445999

What's your favorite brand of whiskey and cigarettes (to drink and smoke while reading)?

>> No.11446002

I don't do that shit

>> No.11446010

Disaranno and vaping for me

>> No.11446016


oh boy

>> No.11446017

I have seen innumerable summers come and go. This is a new development.

But why is this suddenly the tipping point? I'm all for the decriminalization and destigmatization of psychedelics, but even when I first got interested in them about 10 years ago there was still a ton of info on the benefits of psychedelics, from both institutional and more DIY sources. Are a New Yorker article and an NPR slot really that persuasive?

>> No.11446019

The government is deep into it. It's the perfect war. Of course they'll wash their hands and seal the documents.

>> No.11446020

A Scanner Darkly, Island and Suttree all have fantastic hallucinatory descriptions of trips

>> No.11446026


>> No.11446031

ebbs and flows bitch

also summer

>> No.11446036

VALIS, A Scanner Darkly, The Transmigration of Timothy Archer

>> No.11446042

Tao Lin
Scarjo in Lucy
Transhumanism and cyberpunk

>> No.11446045

I don't give a fuck. Don't want lungenkrebs; plus its tasty.

>> No.11446046


yo miss me with that shit

>> No.11446051

Vaping still causes cancer

>> No.11446052

Debatable,less so than cigaretttes

>> No.11446053

>I don't give a fuck.
I know, that's the problem

>> No.11446054


>> No.11446061

I keep it to myself, if that is what you are getting at.

>> No.11446062
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>> No.11446066

Food of the gods by McKenna.

>> No.11446107

Yet you're here

>> No.11446134

well you got me there lmao

>> No.11446169
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>> No.11446627

Been down so long it looks like up to me and Flow my tears, the policeman said both feature mescaline pretty heavily

>> No.11446691

I've consistently enjoyed exactly half of every Castañeda book I've read. After it stops being about rituals, practices, and mindframes, and starts rambling about the mosquito guardian that's going to kill you if you don't respect him, I kinda lose interest.

>> No.11446708

I'm not looking for vicarious trips; I want to ponder my past experiences and plan my future ones.
Reading online gives you a sense of what's being read, but advice goes from 'take 100ug and go out with friends' to 'take 700ug and go meditate in the rain at night while naked lamo'. Books will at least let me absorb the info.

>> No.11446737

Thank you all that answer so far. Have any of you gained a deeper understanding of your trips through literature? I find that the sentiment that the door never really closes after being opened once is true, and am also interested in having quasi-trippy feelings from literary fiction. Books or passages that include them are also welcome.

>> No.11446933
File: 53 KB, 553x692, bolan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you recommend 4 aco dmt every chance you get in /lit/ psych threads and have never been called out on it because plebs don't know what it is

>> No.11447097

Psychedelics confused me. Books enlightened me. Don't worry, you will grow out of them eventually.
My friend went crazy from 4-aco-DMT.

>> No.11447125

shits basically just psilocin

not hating on it tho

>> No.11447632
File: 62 KB, 322x500, book psychedelic encyclopedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is good. Science based, plus interviews with test subjects

>> No.11447636
File: 22 KB, 300x447, book altered states of conciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one. it covers more than just psychedelics. lucid dreaming and such. A lot of research before LSD was banned.

>> No.11447659

4chan is pretty close to a trip for someone who isn't used to it. All tripping is apart from the visuals is the reduction of situational context to a period of several seconds or less.

>> No.11447984
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>> No.11448769
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>> No.11448771

>that pic

>> No.11449034

Miserable Miracle had some of the best descriptions of tripping i've found and it was also really poetic

>> No.11449759
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>psychedelics confused me
>you'll grow out of them eventually
brainlet detected

>> No.11449832

You'll learn something from each trip, no matter what you do. As long as you follow advice designed to keep you safe you can be sure of a productive experience. Beyond that, it's up to you. Trip reports aren't there to give you a step-by-step guide through psychedelics, but to help connect your experiences to those of others.