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/lit/ - Literature

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11447076 No.11447076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with Bug Men? Nicknamed so by their propensity to act inhuman and scuttle along like a mindless drone. People who believe all of life is broken down into data. There is no beauty; only function. STEMfags.

Venture into /sci/, if you dare, to find a typical Bug Man. I don't know how to deal with them.

>> No.11447083

What do you do when you see one scuttling across the kitchen bench, separated from its hive? Bugs can be helped, ignored, or crushed.

>> No.11447102

Who says you have to deal with them? Live you life.
Also, not /lit/

>> No.11447222

Ask if you can shine their shoes or wash their car

>> No.11447229

>I don't know how to deal with them.

Just smile and say "Welcome to Wendy's, may I take your order?"

>> No.11447233

to be fair Wendys is pretty classy as far as burgerflip jobs go

>> No.11447270

Turn 360 degrees around and walk away

>> No.11447327

The only non-bugmen in this world are the super rich and the homeless/NEETs. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11447362

>Tfw 6'4, massive 9 incher and making 200k as head chef at Wendy's.

Stay mad STEMlet

>> No.11447379
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You forgot genuine monastics but otherwise you are correct.

>> No.11447380

Same thing you do with all the inhuman groups on earth (women, minorities, religious people, etc.): you use them to your advantage and negate their existence otherwise.

>> No.11447384
File: 43 KB, 600x524, that fucking cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is not turning out to be as productive as I was hoping.

>> No.11447386
File: 1.03 MB, 268x274, wtfbro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negates my existence
>i'm still here

>> No.11447403


>> No.11447408
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I was hoping to discuss the problem with people like pic related; people who think literature is worthless because all information can be condensed into some web page they can read and never have a real / deep understanding of. People who think books are only about plot yet they devote huge amounts of their lives to mindless movies and tv and video games.

>> No.11447435

>real / deep understanding
pure pseudery

>> No.11447443

reminder to report all threads that are not about literature

>> No.11447449
File: 197 KB, 2500x1645, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is good bait but you are still logging up the board.

>> No.11447454

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11447455

>being this insecure

I wasn't baiting though. I was wading through /sci/ and felt disgusted by some of the Epic Nerds there who immediately dismiss our pursuits as worthless.

>> No.11447460

Just read some epistemology and philosophy of science.

>> No.11447463
File: 15 KB, 280x303, 36650865_2059347097472948_92465028065656832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, let them be drones so we can maximize our lives! It's honestly to our advantage.

>> No.11447493

The truth is that bugmen are all people in the world who aren't attached deeply to any particular culture or religion. They are the end product of consumerism married to atheism and postmodernism. We cannot deal with bugmen without first dealing with the cultural vacuum of the modern era.

>> No.11448520

Pics or GTFO. ;) <3

>> No.11448521

And how do we deal with that anons?

>> No.11448546

What the fuck is this image it looks straight out of white people trying to imitate black twitter delete now

>> No.11448592

I guess I'm that kind of person. Don't get me wrong, I liked some fictional books in my teens (Steppenwolfe, 1984 etc) but now at 26 I realize that fiction is basically just a honeypot for people who are really self-involved and who feel their personal experience, or perspective, deserves special attention. I'm sorry but in the age of social media everyone can now post about their experience, they don't rely on some creepy overemotional manchild to "speak for them". Occasionally I'll pick up a new book that's come out, but I just skim the Amazon "Look inside" function and get the gist pretty much every time. It's just boring and not enjoyable. If I want a deeply immersive experience with moral lessons and all that crap I'll just rewatch LOTR or take the time to read through all the dialogue etc on Morrowind.

>> No.11448705

Convert to Christianity
Your mindset, that the modern age is somehow different from preceding ages, is the cancer killing modernity (and no, this mindset is not itself new).

>> No.11448725

I don't get your point. People who love movies, would often enjoy fiction books as well as they're both mediums for story-telling.
I don't know anybody who considers all art meaningless and uninteresting.
I think you're fighting against a boogyman

>> No.11448734

"head chef at wendy's" lmao it's not a fuckin michelin star place you absolute bing bong

>> No.11448737

More besides that? What else?

>> No.11448824

>he thinks /lit/ isnt full of bugmen too
Its not just STEM

>> No.11448976

The only way out is for society to adopt a consistent moral narrative. Christianity is the best option (because it’s true, of course). Abandoning democracy for a monarch or similar (as Hegel thought would follow the democratic experiment) would at least lead to the imposition of one set of morals, but obviously has other problems.

>> No.11449021

lol if you think literature is about "muh experience" then you don't understand art at all.
Experience is used to create the art. It is not the end goal of literature to make people understand you. Fiction makes you think in terms of problem solving. You have to interpret the text which often takes as much brain power as solving some engineering problem.
The more you read the better you become at interpreting texts and interpreting the world.
tldr; fiction makes you a better problem solver

>> No.11449366

I would but I myself am a computer science major...

>> No.11449369
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What in the hell are you doing on /lit/ then??