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/lit/ - Literature

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11443412 No.11443412 [Reply] [Original]

well, were they right or what?

>> No.11443440 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 207x243, Unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> DH Lawrence
> Anglo-American

>> No.11443493

is this thread btfo'd?? reddit???

>> No.11443534 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1425x1440, drn3vs9v334z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Dimitri Lev Lawrence was clearly Russian!

>> No.11443662
File: 137 KB, 1425x1440, drn3vs9v334z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Dominic Hermano Lawrencia was Latino.

>> No.11444921


>> No.11445121

Are you retarded?
>UK based sonuvabitch

>> No.11445133

>Dominic Hermano Lawrencia
David Herman Lawrence was born in the UK

>> No.11445171

Why do Continentals have such a weird complex with Anglos?

>> No.11445289


It's cuz anglo-american civilization is basically the steamrolled parking lot of continental thought. Continentals are always low key ashamed of what their ideals actually produced on a separate plane (the new world), so they frantically distance themselves from their cousins across the pond.

>> No.11445315

Go to bed Anglo, you do not know the soul of a Latino Lover such as Lawrence. Go jerk off to Bertrand Russell's white head.

>> No.11445319

Analytical philosophy utterly despises Continental stuff, so they return the favor. Honestly, both are pretty correct about their views about each other.

>> No.11445348

He lived in the US for like 6 of his 44 years alive. It's stupid to call him an Anglo-/American/. I don't even think he became a citizen and he called his time here an exile.

>> No.11445359

Because Anglos corrupt our youth with pornography and shitty hollywood films.

>> No.11445380

The point is you anglo scum are all the same.

>> No.11445493

>Honestly, both are pretty correct about their views about each other.
The only thing they're wrong about is believing that their criticisms don't apply to themselves just as much as it does the other side.
/they're mad that someone had the good sense not to follow Hegel down his rabbit-hole.

>> No.11445531

What's funny about this thread is that nobody bothered to mention that Deleuze (and his Guitar) were for Anglo literature rather than against it and Anglo literature =/= Analytic Philosophy.

It is true that late in his careers D&G criticized Analytic Philosophy (from within in a sense, using their own terms against them), but they certainly were not fans of Hegel at all. Deleuze literally called him an imbecile in his courses because of how he interpreted Spinoza's sad passions.

>> No.11445538

this was actually brilliant and had very little to do with anglo/euro so my guess is most people didn't read the whole thing

>> No.11446063

>but they certainly were not fans of Hegel at all. Deleuze literally called him an imbecile in his courses because of how he interpreted Spinoza's sad passions.
In opposition, he was still working within a tradition that began with Hegel. The Anglo world just kind of sidestepped him entirely

>> No.11446068
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Hegel was working in a tradition that began with Spinoza

>> No.11446121

>literature is like schizophrenia: a process and not a goal, a production and not an expression
what did they mean by this?

>> No.11446211

all respectable non anglo philosophers or literary critics have contempt for anglos because the quality of work in english is far surpassed by the anglo imperialism that forces that mediocrity on the rest of the world

Shakespeare is a great example of that
No one in France, Spain or Italy would consider him to be the greatest writer, but anglos take it for granted