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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 550x412, hedonism-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11444065 No.11444065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is hedonism as dumb as it sounds? maximize pleasure, it's the greatest thing ever?

obvious strawman but why would someone support this philosophy

>> No.11444071

Pleasure feels good, so obviously the good life would be nothing but pleasure.

>> No.11444073

Why would you ask this on the literature board?
Fuck off

>> No.11444075
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For every 100 points of fantasy, only 10 of them amount to what a "kinky" person may actually desire and enjoy. Reality never lives up to the hedonistic imagination.

t. Footsexual sex addict

>> No.11444081

because there are books on hedonism. what do you care?

>> No.11444083
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>a guy who likes to fuck feet implies we should value his outlook

>> No.11444085

hedonism is bad and it should make you feel bad and empty but it's a vicious cycle of servicing only yourself to ignore your inadequacies and opportunity to improve but the more you attempt to fulfil pleasure the sense of the inadequate shall only deepen

>> No.11444087

Because vague babby philosophy questions shit up the board

You didn't even ask for literature recommendations. This thread is a very very thinly veiled attempt to discuss to puerile summerfag shit.

>> No.11444092

but in order to ask, one must be willing to tell

>> No.11444134

In order to ask one must actually ask.

>> No.11444156

Hedonism is natural. As humans we want to avoid what causes pain and attract what causes pleasure. Ofcourse people misunderstand hedonism to mean you should follow every instinct for quick gratification, when in fact you should take your whole life into consideration for a hedonistic life style. That means to limit yourself and avoid empty things that cause more pain in the long run, like porn, drugs, smoking and so on. If you follow every whim to feel good in the moment you're not a hedonist but a masochist or just plain dumb. Hedonism in itself isn't inherently bad.

>> No.11444169

The issue with it is that 'pleasure' is vague as fuck and dependent on a lineage of causation. Short-term example: having a drink after running as opposed to just having a drink after sitting for an equal amount of time. But you could dispute this by saying you subjectively think the latter rather than former is more pleasurable. It's basically a meaningless philosophy, it doesn't say anything.

>> No.11444220

it's a set of greek philosophies, which are more ascetic than you think (only drink water, work hard to provide for inevitable tragedies, etc). probably the only part of your fantasy about philosophies you don't bother to google that's right is that they believed in labour communes.

>> No.11444247
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Because of a universal, powerful biological force inherent to humans known as HEDONIC NUMBING, hedonism is explicitly bad in all forms. Moderation is one of the most important virtues and the moderated man will have a better/more comfortable/more enjoyable life in the long run than the hedonist

>> No.11444254
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>A true saying it is, Desire hath no rest, is infinite in itself, endless, and as one calls it, a perpetual rack, or horse-mill.

>> No.11444265
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>Pleasure feels good

Heh.. about that...

>> No.11444365

Everyone tries to feel good and not feel bad. The difference is how honest and sophisticated people are about it.

Top level hedonism are things like Epicureanism and Buddhism. Low level hedonism is folk hedonism like in you are picrel. Unconcious hedonism is stuff like Christianity or careerism or being a military person for example.

>> No.11444417

Hedonism is the natural rationality of the soul.
You seek to find the greatest pleasure and avoid the greatest displeasure.
Without an ethical code dictating their duties, shouldn't people just try to find what makes them happy in life and pursue that?

Even God respects mankind's hedonism in His attitude of Benevolence, trying to make them universally happy, but instead of answering every singe whim he gives them a beatific vision which is their greatest joy.