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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 1000x620, fall-of-rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11443227 No.11443227 [Reply] [Original]

I think we're a lot less advanced than we think and we're not even close to actually becoming an advanced society worthy of joining a hypothetical universe full of intelligent life. I think we still require hermetically sealed isolation on Earth for the time-being

things are not in balance, some areas of human progress are advancing at exponential pace while others are either not doing so, or even regressing.

I'd love to hope and dream that as our technology and scientific knowledge progresses and we understand more about the universe, we'd end up coming up with excellent tweaks and bug fixes to make the world governments better and more resilient to hostile threats, but this doesn't seem to be happening on a mass scale

smart phones propagated faster than democracy did, yet democracy is exponentially more important because of the underlying influence it has on everything else and the direct affect it has on lives. i remember not having a smart phone, i remember not even having a flip phone, and my life was pretty much the same, if not better in some ways. i spent a lot more time outside.

nostalgic neo-Luddism aside, all I'm saving is that it's pretty obvious to anyone even remotely up to date that commercialism and the creation of enhanced methods of capitalistic product-propagation, as it pertains to extraneous goods like entertainment and luxuries, should not be our primary goal, yet they seem to be. even as I sit here writing this rant I just got home from spending a 9 hour day writing software to assist a company sell more of their product. absolute shameful retardation. and this is a relative luxury I have, most people statistically are in worse situations

I wish my IQ was high enough to invent or write a magnum opus democratic consensus method with formally mathematically verified game theoretical properties describing the objective superiority of this government system over all others, which results in a maximally optimal social structure with corruption removed and symbiotically beneficial properties maximized

surely this can be done? it has to be capable of being done, why wouldn't it? more complicated things are done daily. is this already done? maybe I'm just unaware. but there are so many obvious little details that "could" be better but "aren't" that I can't help but think something is fundamentally off in a way that should be capable of being pointed out in a succinct and well-defined abstract and general way, as opposed to pointing at specific flaws of our implementation of a society

>> No.11443402

>software to assist a company sell more of their product
generally, gistly, vaguely how?

>> No.11443462
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That's nice sweetie but why don't you go make some friends?

>> No.11443487
File: 233 KB, 904x1153, 1232456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is already a formal, mathematically verified game theoretical algorithmic machinum opus technocratic consensus-concluding objective superiority-demonstrating supragovernmental system which maximally optimizes human social structures by accentuating corruption and parasitizing what little value-creation is left in the meat-vehicle animal capital that is the human race. Google SWQW Manual

>> No.11443491
File: 637 KB, 1071x1068, 00000043129128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and no, we won't be allowed to enter the greater community before we self-annihilate

>> No.11443506

>formal, mathematically verified game theoretical algorithmic machinum opus technocratic consensus-concluding objective superiority-demonstrating supragovernmental system which maximally optimizes human social structures by accentuating corruption and parasitizing what little value-creation is left in the meat-vehicle animal capital that is the human race
Accentuating corruption? Parasitizing human value-creation? What is this shit. Get out of my thread. I want an empathetic Star Trek utopia not some Nazi bullshit.

>> No.11443510
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>I want an empathetic Star Trek utopia
>not some Nazi bullshit
>I forgot what board I was in

>> No.11443511

>Le 4chan boogeyman, we're all Nazis

You're just a loser hiding in his basement

>> No.11443519

Even if you think of the optimal social structure and it somehow gets implemented, you can never get rid of the combination of envy and inequality (in various forms: economic, social status, sexual) which inevitably gives rise to frustratrions and destructive tendencies.
All utopianism seems to me like an unconscious longing for the primordial state of rest and bliss of the womb, naïvely assuming that this state can be reached by effort and struggle (which is in itself the exact opposite of the womb-like state).
It will never be good enough because the will-to-power itself drives people continously out of the state of rest and contentment.

Your quest is futile; there is no solution, no escape at all.

>> No.11443520

Star Trek only pretends to be good on the outside to justify their actions.
They are quite the shit on the inside. Super secret police that genocides races, admirals ready to do a military takeover at, bullshit prime directive that they only use to justify their inactions, and so on.

>> No.11443523
File: 34 KB, 463x342, 1530646186604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy is a ghost whose vapors are the sublimation of a carcass that has been dead for over a century

>> No.11443530

say more, you a part?

>> No.11443536
File: 12 KB, 218x211, +wew+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A part of what? Deez nuts?

>> No.11443540
File: 237 KB, 364x387, letmeonemoretime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11443587

Democracy would only work if the majority of people had a 130+ IQ and were able to see past bias and rhetoric. As for the populations we have, it is a terrible system. It allows those who can bribe and mislead to have the most power. It gives all the power to those with influence and money to buy influence.

>> No.11443588

oh ya know, a part of apart

>> No.11443592
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, +pretty+good+.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can show you a part or two, apart or whole, however you like it big boy

>> No.11443619

what can you show and what can you tell

>> No.11443675
File: 469 KB, 803x931, 1458626746101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human instrumentality is already acquired and careening headlong, geometrically into NeoSino-California techno intercolonization of any and all stack-hierarchical or distribution-networked order/structure phenomena in all conceivable and unimagined (though already perfectly actualized) corners and brances of human discourse, action, movement, industry, function, occupation, enterprise, communication, force, introspection, gnosis, etc, etc, etc

>> No.11443723 [DELETED] 

>hypothetical universe full of intelligent life
thats where your problem begins
you think that every conscious being in the universe had to overcome their natural problems at some point. but you are seeing this through the prism of earthly events, you see us as the victims and believe that everything is better outside the earth.
"We are only seekingMan. We have noneed of otherworlds. We needmirrors. We don't know what todowith other worlds." - Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

>> No.11443728

>>11443227 (OP)
>hypothetical universe full of intelligent life
thats where your problem begins
you think that every conscious being in the universe had to overcome their natural problems at some point. but you are seeing this through the prism of earthly events, you see us as the victims and believe that everything is better outside the earth.
"We are only seeking Man. We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. We don't know what to do with other worlds." - Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

>> No.11443737

dude if im somewhere i dont want to be i go to somewhere thats better u dumb nigga. simple concept.

>> No.11443745

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.11443756

I think that you're a pseud whose ideas aren't worth reading in full, much less responding to in detail.

>> No.11443758

>I wish my IQ was high enough to invent or write a magnum opus democratic consensus method with formally mathematically verified game theoretical properties describing the objective superiority of this government system over all others, which results in a maximally optimal social structure with corruption removed and symbiotically beneficial properties maximized
It is high enough OP.
Do it.

>> No.11443765

>Democracy would only work
Are you implying it doesn't?

What part of "we are living in the most peaceful time in history, with the highest living standards" is screaming "DEMOCRACY DOESN'T WORK" to you?

t. cloistered pseudointellectual who cares more about his fart vapour than other people whose opinion can be thoroughly ignored and dismissed out of hand on the basis that only an incomplete human being could hold it - the kind of incomplete human being who has no business being involved in the governance of human beings in the first place

>> No.11443793

Anon thanks a lot for this post, it actually really means a lot to me. I'm going to try, and even if I don't succeed maybe I will spark someone else's imagination

If I succeed I will unironically credit the creation to anonymous thought collectives like 4chan

>> No.11443809

Your counter argument is just "peacetime" and "living standards." The rest is incoherent ad hominem and projection. Extended peacetime lead to apathy, cultural decadence and decline.
>Are you implying it doesn't work?
He is, and it doesn't. Read the Republic of Plato.

>> No.11443818

Isaiah Berlin blew the fuck out of your shitty ideology decades before you were even born OP.

Any "objective" calculation on the optimal way to order society relies on fundamental, subjective assumptions. Don't believe me? Then feel free to try and establish what every fucking philosopher including Descartes failed to - a single thing that we know to be true for absolute certain. So your "objective" calculation is really just the logical conclusion of your subjective assumptions, and is as worthless as anyone else's.

You will fail, as literally everyone before you has failed, for the same reason that they also failed - too arrogant to recognise their opinions were not facts.

>> No.11443819

Why don't you fuck off to Syria then if you think the invigorating challenges of war are preferable to a comfortable, quiet life.

Oh, right, because you're a pseudointellectual faggot who talks a big game but can't back it up.

Cry more bitch nigger.

>> No.11443826

More ad hominem and projection, I see. That's all you got.

>> No.11443831

>with formally mathematically verified game theoretical properties describing the objective superiority of this government system over all others
Read up on Arrow’s impossibility theorem if you haven’t yet. It’s a theorem of voting theory that establishes a few limits as to what a democratic system can do.

>> No.11443835

You don't deserve a real response because you're yet to present a real argument you pathetic turd.

You said
>Extended peacetime lead to apathy, cultural decadence and decline.
and even if this is true (which you haven't proven) you haven't proven why it fucking matters, and even if it does matter (which you haven't proven) you haven't proven why it's WORSE than conflict.

You're a retard pretending that crying about some mean words somehow "elevates" you above my level and it doesn't. It just means you're spending more time bitching than you are making arguments, and wasting not just my time but the time of every innocent lurker who might stumble upon your posts and be deceived into spending more than five seconds laughing at them and then moving on.

>> No.11443847

imagine being this stupid

>> No.11443851


And then a government decides to just ignore it because they have a strong enough electoral support and it becomes a worthless law not worth the paprr it's written on, like the majority of modern power limiting constitutional laws.

>> No.11443858

nodd an argoomend

>> No.11443862
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1523405578592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking that the totality of Earthly human activity is not already mapped and predictable to an utterly negligible margin of error
Not only is the above true, but there is an Eye of Sauron to the abovementioned Palantir, both of which are watching your actually pathetic, ineffectual ramblings and noting the sentiment+rippling butterfly effects thereof for posterity

>> No.11443887

not him but plenty of marketing software exists
in my country super markets and other shops have methods of tracking your purchases which a program then takes and uses to figure things out about you
it can tell that you are having a child before you tell anyone else

>> No.11443890

OP here, I help make AI systems that take in arbitrarily many signals of information about the person in question and try to statistically determine what products may appeal to them depending on what they're claiming to be looking for

>> No.11443899


>> No.11443903

nice Nick Land impression

>> No.11444139

>I wish my IQ was high enough to invent or write a magnum opus democratic consensus method with formally mathematically verified game theoretical properties describing the objective superiority of this government system over all others, which results in a maximally optimal social structure with corruption removed and symbiotically beneficial properties maximized.
Why do you think game theory would prove the "objective superiority" (whatever that means in reference to government) of one system over another? What is a "maximally optimal social structure" (maximizing what?), why do you think that symbiosis ought to be the property maximized?

>> No.11444154

Jews are the great filter. They are the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis of humanity.

>> No.11445189

how exactly do you ignore a mathematical law

>> No.11445310

>Are you implying it doesn't?
>What part of "we are living in the most peaceful time in history, with the highest living standards" is screaming "DEMOCRACY DOESN'T WORK" to you?
You've to prove democracy is necessary to achieving that state, and that we have not reached it regardless (or in spite of) democracy. High living standards exist for many Chinese and Arab urbanites, and many democracies rank worse than them in terms of wealth inequality within the country. "The most peaceful time in history" involves international co-peace between many nations in the world that aren't democracies too, and is probably due to technological factors (themselves arguably not developed due to democracy itself but, ironically, past conflict) more than anything else.
The anon you're replying too also meant that existing democracy doesn't even achieve what it sets out to - it's plagued by corruption in many countries, and doesn't offer meaningful choice in the rest.
Not gonna argue they don't matter but they certainly aren't the only things, and they shouldn't be pursued at all costs. One could certainly create a peaceful time by spiking the drinking water, subduing populaces to consumer complacency with technology and media, lobotomies, castration, etc. but would you accept a lobotomy/matrix/ICSS for the sake of "better living standards"? There's more to life and being human than such things, though surely they are nice.

>> No.11445458

>but would you accept a lobotomy/matrix/ICSS for the sake of "better living standards"?
Not him, but China is already doing that. The literally developed a helmet that check your brain waves to ser your emotional state and then alter they to keep you happy/complacent. And about the Arabs and Chinese standards of living, they only exist because of oilbucks(for the Arabs), semi-slaved labour, and speculation.

>> No.11445470


>> No.11445925

oh my god those tits

>> No.11447116
File: 165 KB, 1680x709, digital distribution lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because something is new doesn't mean it is better. It isn't nostalgia, it was actually better back then.
Drones consider people who grow their own food to be luddites for not buying food from the store because you refuse to acknowledge any pros growing your own food can have.
I have a saying but it isn't finished, I need to add one word, maybe someone can finish it for me
Not all technological advancements are ___ advancements. I would keep it the way it is but all technological advancements are technically "advancements" even if they aren't good.
Pic related is our future thanks to paid digital distribution, people can't even distinguish between 1s and 0s and actual physical objects anymore because they gotta "support the developer"

>> No.11447355

>You've to prove democracy is necessary to achieving that state
Two things:

Firstly you can't prove that. History and society are not science experiments that you can run again and again tweaking the variables to see what happens until you have final proof. But what you can do is notice a trend - non-democratic countries are fucking garbage, and countries get better as they democratise.

>High living standards exist for many Chinese and Arab urbanites
Meaningless. All autocracies have elites. Chinese peasants in the middle of fucking nowhere live a lot works than American 'peasants' in flyover country.

>many democracies rank worse than them in terms of wealth inequality within the country
This is wrong, unless you're talking about countries with no wealth to start with.
Sort by whichever metric you like, but I'd argue UN R/P is the most useful.

Secondly, democracy is necessary to achieve democracy. Democracy is virtue itself, even if it doesn't deliver all the things ascribed to it. Having a say in your own government is itself an improvement in living standards.

>> No.11447373

Herp. I hit enter too soon.

>it's plagued by corruption in many countries, and doesn't offer meaningful choice in the rest.
The sheltered view of a fucking child. Democratic corruption has NOTHING on the shit that takes place in the non-democratic world, and the fact that you're so high on your own farts that you couldn't possibly lower yourself to actually consider real politics doesn't mean there is no meaningful choice between the parties. The NDIS, a massive billion-dollar scheme to fully fund the living expenses for permanently disabled people here in Australia, lived and died depending on which party got in. Go ahead and tell me a choice between those parties wasn't fucking meaningful to those disabled people.

You live in a world of so much comfort and protection that you have actually started to believe that a world outside of that - a world of tyranny, conflict, abuse, and starvation - doesn't even exist. That is the only possible explanation for why you are so cavalier about the only system that's keeping a chaotic world at bay.

>they certainly aren't the only things, and they shouldn't be pursued at all costs. One could certainly create a peaceful time by spiking the drinking water, subduing populaces to consumer complacency with technology and media, lobotomies, castration, etc. but would you accept a lobotomy/matrix/ICSS for the sake of "better living standards"? There's more to life and being human than such things, though surely they are nice.
Meaningless platitudes. I don't give a fuck about your philosophy.

>> No.11447496

We reached peak humanity like 2000 years ago

>> No.11447498

wasnt it 200?

>> No.11447525

>smart phones propagated faster than democracy did, yet democracy is exponentially more important because of the underlying influence it has on everything else and the direct affect it has on lives.

you dummy, we need the smart phones before we can have the democracy. right now all we got is this shitty representative democracy.

>> No.11447551

>Alright guys, all we need is for this bill to get 90,000,000 likes and it gets passed! Please share and comment below

>> No.11447562

the idea that we need to fix all of our problems here on earth before getting off world is retarded. we're still going to have poor people, we're still going to have murder, we're still going to have tragedy, no matter what we do.

>> No.11447578


I love this theme, that were barely bastards of antiquity. I enjoy comparing the absurd alternative universe of Fallout, and for every bizarre "unrealistic" element, be it mutant slaves, radioactive roach meat, sating thirst from a toilet, there's arguably more disturbing aspects in our current time, things for more aberrant or deviant from gods image for us.

>> No.11447583


I wish those tiddies were another pair of qt feet

>> No.11447596

XDDD simbly ebin! so Randumbb!!! ^__^ wut is your gamertag so I can add you on steam?

>> No.11447599



I see the HPV has crept up to your brain.

>> No.11447605


twitter-based direct democracy dystopia is a great idea for a book

>> No.11447665

yep, including the difficulty of preventing voter fraud

>> No.11447666

>twitter-based direct democracy dystopia is a great idea for a book
>Alright guys, all we need is for this bill to get 90,000,000 likes and it gets passed! Please share and comment below
And the bill on the docket today is, which of the Drag-queen laureates will be featured on the new $100 coin

>> No.11449617

>capitalistic product-propagation, as it pertains to extraneous goods like entertainment and luxuries
this is indicative of our deeper needs as cultural beings, which our society is satisfying with quantity rather than quality
you can help by becoming more cultural aware yourself: study religion; the Bible (within historical context); the Greeks; the Romans; Modernity; everything in between