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1144142 No.1144142 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no great contemporary female author? I keep hearing about male ones (DFW, Pynchon, Murakami, Le Clézio, Eco, etc.) but I have yet to hear about a widely-respected, successful female author (excluding fantasy and children books)

>> No.1144149
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Toni Morrison (born on February 18, 1931) is a Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, editor, and professor. Her novels are known for their epic themes, vivid dialogue, and richly detailed black characters.

>Genres African American literature

When will women stop writing only about women and blacks writing about slavery and shit?

>> No.1144154
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>Beloved (1987) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Toni Morrison

>In 1998 the novel was adapted into a film of the same name starring Oprah Winfrey.

>> No.1144156

You read
"Eat Pray Love"

that's great contemporary writing!

>> No.1144162

4chan is casually misogynist to a truly incredible extent, why would you expect people to like female authors?

>> No.1144163

People tend to write about what they are familiar with, and what influences them most.

Why is that so hard to understand?

>> No.1144166

Explain fantasy and sci fi

>> No.1144167

I don't know why their isn't, I find it really disappointing that we make up over half the population and our most renowned contribution to the modern literary world is Bella fucking Swan.

>> No.1144173

Because it's nothing to be applauded before?

>> No.1144174

>Why is there no great contemporary female author?
>female author
Hmmm, I wonder why....

>> No.1144183

I agree with you that I dislike when people use their 'oppressed' status as a crutch but if that is what they are experiencing in their life day to day it would be inaunthentic to omit it from their works.

>> No.1144197

Nonetheless, I simply cannot have too much respect for someone who keeps themselves to the same basic premise.

Looking at Morrison's books, blacks and oppression seems to be the only themes she ever bothers to approach. In differing forms, yes, but like I said, my respect towards her is muted as a result.

>> No.1144199


>> No.1144204

OP isn't asking why 4chan doesn't recognize a gifted female author, they are asking why their seems to be a total lack of talent among contemporary female writers.

>> No.1144226

Did you just group fantasy and children's books together?

"[W]idely-respected" means popular, not necessarily talented.

>> No.1144235

Every writer has influences, regardless of genre.

And many scifi writers have/had a career in the sciences.

>> No.1144242

>Nonetheless, I simply cannot have too much respect for someone who keeps themselves to the same basic premise.

Who gives a fuck?

>bawww she doesn't write about what I want her to write about

Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.1144243

I'm assuming OP means esteemed by the literary world because of talent, not jusy book sales- otherwise they would have mentioned Meyers

>> No.1144244

4chan is never going to regard any contemporary female author as talented, because 4chan is composed of terrible misogynists

people on 4chan see a total lack of talent among contemporary female writers; their perception of this is largely down to them being fucking misogynists. it's not an objective fact.

>> No.1144250

I'm saying that it's not like 4chan is choosing to ignore a brilliant author because she is a woman, there just seems to be a total lack of worthwhile modern female writers out there which is what OP is saying.

>> No.1144252

Good job completely ignoring what he said and continuing to spout of your narrow minded excuses. No amount of clarification and reasoning can affect you, right?

>> No.1144255

no your right all women are whores who are just not as smart as men + only write about dicks and babies

>> No.1144256
File: 25 KB, 396x320, Vegeta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up. Either there are no whatevers because women genetically lack the ability to write or because of patriarchy. choose you're fate

>> No.1144258

Jeanette Winterson?
Antonya Nelson?
Zadie Smith?
AM Homes?

>> No.1144259
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Keep trying...

>> No.1144261

OP side-stepped Meyers by excluding fantasy and children's books.

>> No.1144262

I hope you're a troll.

I know you're joking but I must say that women have written poignant things in the past (despite patriachy) and it's just the modern generation has been pretty disappointing thus far

>> No.1144263

what male authors do you read from the modern generation

>> No.1144265

Well OP referred to a 'great contemporary female author' so I'm assuming they're referring to talent and not marketability

>> No.1144266

Do Octavia Butler and Urusula Le Guin not count?

>> No.1144269


Escapism stretched to the point they are creating their own escapes.

There you go.

>> No.1144274

As I said, good job on that.

Emily Dickinson lived in the 1800's and there was this "Women's right movement" thing, so it can't be those silly.

I should have known that calmly asking people to consider the questions and positions of others would found out as trolling. You completely caught me.

>> No.1144279

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say you were a troll, I meant to click >>1144255,I agree with what you're saying wholeheartedly

>> No.1144288

It's alright.

>> No.1144293
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i was not joke

if you think the women's rights movement actually defeated the patriarchal society we live in then you are this cat irl

>> No.1144299
File: 46 KB, 400x613, whiteteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello this is a good book and you should read it

>> No.1144332

i really enjoyed this book :D

>> No.1144470
File: 36 KB, 371x512, VirginiaWoolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hello there. I wouldn't want to drown in this river of angst, but has anyone consideration for me?

>> No.1144474

Doesn't change the fact that it was a great book.

I loved that book. A whole lot.

>> No.1144475

Not contemporary

>> No.1144482

no they dont.

all you bitches(femanons) in this thread sound like(are) bigots. you make me glad im not in college anymore.

>> No.1144484
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it is not a question of misogyny but a question of skill. books about slaves make good comedy but bad tragedy. i prefer books about masters.

it is not that i don't like women or women's authors like milan kundera. i like when there is something to write. their farfetched sentimental drivel is not even worth being read.

>> No.1144485
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>I wouldn't want to drown in this river of angst
>drown in this river of angst
>drown in this river

>> No.1144508

>Why is there no great contemporary female author? I keep hearing about male ones (DFW, Pynchon, Murakami, Le Clézio, Eco, etc.) but I have yet to hear about a widely-respected, successful female author (excluding fantasy and children books)
That's because the vast majority of good authors are male.

Not all, granted, but most.

>> No.1144509

Fantasy: everyone read Tolkien, they're familiar with it, and almost all fantasy is ripping him off to some degree.

Science Fiction: Lots of SF authors are also scientists or have a great interest in scientific endeavours. As far as space operas go... again, like fantasy, they tend to be generic rehashes (even if well-written and enjoyable).

>> No.1144571

Kate Grenville

>> No.1144606

because they don't write about straight white men enough

>> No.1144609


>it is not that i don't like women or women's authors like milan kundera.

milan kunder is a man. unless you're making the joke that he's a pussy and writes like a woman. in which case that's pretty LOL

>> No.1144884

>> white author writing
>> all his characters are white
>> white themes
>> where the niggers at?
fucking whities, learn to be more universal

>> No.1146129


Yeah but white guys and asian guys don't just write about what it's like to be a white or asian male, they write all kindsa shit. I disagree that women only write about womanny stuff, or black guys only write about slavery, though I can see why someone ignorant would get that impression compared to white dudes' writing.

Also Ursula K LeGuin disproves OP. She wrote some fantasy but also some really great sci-fi.

>> No.1146811

Ayn Rand!!!!!

>> No.1146812


>> No.1146828
File: 12 KB, 179x282, thepassionofneweve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No niggers in this thread have read this book, I take it?

Angela Carter is simply amazing.

And how about Jeanette Winterson? Read The PowerBook. It's amazing and a weird look into post-modern post-structuralism. Roland Barthes would cum buckets just thinking about it.