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File: 53 KB, 720x720, empowered individual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11429053 No.11429053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did she read to go from this....

>> No.11429056
File: 69 KB, 720x960, repressed bigot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this

>> No.11429061

my diary desu

>> No.11429065

Because she realised that individualist self-determination is a fucking lie, whereas devotion to Christ is an ever-unfolding miracle.

>> No.11429066

Orthodox cock is an unstoppable force.

>> No.11429068

is that actually the same person?

>> No.11429073
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close but wrong

>> No.11429083

the ego and its own

>> No.11429086
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Is this even real?

>> No.11429093

This basically reads like Ragnar Redbeard's "Might is Right" except poorly written and less willing to assert its conclusion of nihilism.

>> No.11429103

can an Orthodox priest marry?

>> No.11429104

Yep, It was posted by Nun Catherine on twitter. It's a friend of hers.
Can't find the tweet, not sure when it was posted.

>> No.11429108
File: 166 KB, 500x333, ortho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes married men may be ordained as deacons or priests, but may not remarry if their wife dies, and celibacy is required only of bishops and monks.

>> No.11429115

What the fuck then why can't catholics marry I want to be a priest fuck my life

>> No.11429116

Because cathocucks are retarded and progressive. Look how they lick the feet of islamists.

>> No.11429123

There is a loop hole though. Become ordained as a priest in another denomination, get married, and then contact your local archbishop and ask for a dispensation to become a Catholic priest while remaining married.

>> No.11429133
File: 157 KB, 500x736, Son of Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the Almighty God.

>> No.11429134

>all that Tsarist monarchism

lol russians gonna rush

>> No.11429146


Is she a Western ISIS bride? I can't wait for the 8K UHD videos of their executions by the Iraqi government. I hope they all get interviewed right before and sound like Marie Antoinette as they beg for sympathy from the Arabs they so adored.

>> No.11429150

Nothing, she is the kind of person that is very easy to influence and she fell in love with a religious guy.

>> No.11429155

Nothing, she is weak individual.

>> No.11429159

sweetie please read OP's filenames before posting.

>> No.11429183
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mfw OP anticipated these woke replies already

>> No.11429190


Imagine the snail trail that swarthy princess leaves on her sheets. Probably looks like bloody kugel, haha.

>> No.11429194
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, deus vult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to burn all these social justice warriors at the stake for heresy when we rechristianise the West. It will be glorious.

>> No.11429198

Your post adds nothing of value.

>> No.11429202

> Orthodox cross
> Isis

Yes. Damn those Buddhist Hindu terrorists for spreading their Daoism all over! Fuck Shinto and their pantheon of Gods!

>> No.11429203
File: 78 KB, 674x506, Arturio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

>This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence."

>> No.11429219

She's definitely one of those christian islams I've been hearing about

>> No.11429220

Nothing, she has a pliable mind and is vulnerable to outside influences. This isn't a female thing, despite what you may think.

>> No.11429224

strong independent woman detected
post feet now

>> No.11429227

>This isn't a female thing
It is

>> No.11429233

Whatever it was, it wasn't a diet book or a fitness program

>> No.11429238

be a deacon instead

>> No.11429252

> Begone Thot.

>> No.11429253

And this.

>> No.11429272


>> No.11429286

Nothing, just coincidentally got a dose of community in some church and her weak, pseudo-individualistic mind crumbled.

>> No.11429315

Because the only reason to be ordained a catholic priest is to prey on children. No cathpriest wants to marry and fuck a roastie hag.

>> No.11429393

No, you moron

>> No.11429404

Lel, this.

>> No.11429412
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>I just wanted to share with you a beautiful example of the transformative power of God's grace: before and after pictures of my friend who became Orthodox. <3



>> No.11429425

>that /pol/itician arguing with the nun

>> No.11429432

crusader kings II tactics irl

>> No.11429464

As much as I disagree with mainstream Christian thought, I have to say Orthodoxy strikes me as its most profoundly wise and humanistic incarnations. It's de-emphasis on obscure theology, it's rejection of a supreme authority, it's emphasis on prayer and devotion, etc. all strike me as very true and holistic.

>> No.11429480

> implying you can't look like that and be Christian at the same time
That nun is a dumb zealot.

>> No.11429482

Thats not ISIS you dumbass

>> No.11429483


>> No.11429498

>thread gives evidence a person can go from an SWJ to a christian
>christian wants to kill SJWs anyway

Absolutely horrific!

>> No.11429511

Only God can forgive

>> No.11429521

Human beings are capable of forgiveness.

>> No.11429543

We can forgive transgressions against ourselves, but not people's sins.

>> No.11429547

>Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
Literally in the Our Father

>> No.11429552
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she didn't read anything but she did get read

>> No.11429574

Well I'll be damned

>> No.11429627
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>> No.11429639

It's asking God to forgive our sins.
We can forgive offenses we experience, but their sins are not absolved through our forgiveness, only through God's.

>> No.11429640

Deus vult right xD based kekistani

>> No.11429759

She is a larper. Read her twitter, she sounds like any one of the nitwits on /pol/.

>> No.11429775
File: 179 KB, 493x393, 1449329567727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very encouraging

>> No.11429808

>anon is a devout Christian
>it's still just a ploy to get a gf

>> No.11429835

I’m a priest and I say with confidence you are wrong

>> No.11429836

>Because she realised that individualist self-determination is a fucking lie

Its not a lie. Following Christ IS freedom

>> No.11429850

Get rekt degenerate

>> No.11429853

How does a priest end up on 4chan?

>> No.11429857


>> No.11429859

lel we got a /tv/ browsing priest here

>> No.11429879

What's her twitter? Can't be bothered to search thr nun's twitter for it.

>> No.11429882

I may be a "degenerate," but you're the one filled with impotent and ultimately directionless rage

>> No.11429891

I rather have that than impotent and ultimately directionless resignation
Go read Moby Dick and remember Ahab is the hero

>> No.11429904

The two are not mutually exclusive, nor are they the only options.

>> No.11429909

Yes they are

>> No.11429917

she didn't read anything. one situation became more advantageous for her than the other.

>> No.11429918

Please. The SJW phenomenon is a symptom of the usury economy that capitalism engenders.

Start by killing all classics liberals, capitalists. Everyone o doesn’t believe in the manorial system of feudal economies.

Then might be able to convince the commies that materialist atheism is Bailey and just another false consciousness symptom of capitalism.

Naphta in Der Zauberberg had all the right ideas. Do not let the bourgeois trick you. They are the enemies of God.

>> No.11429920

>the usury economy

Oh you mean smart people deciding the optimal places to allocate capital. Yeah God forbid that

>> No.11429921

It is freedom, but it is not freedom in the sense that modernist globohomos use it.

>> No.11429925

I chuckled, here's your (You)

>> No.11429929

>smart people deciding the optimal places to allocate capital
>definitely not stealing for themselves to live like pigs in grease will the world burns in poverty, war, general misery and debauchery out of hopelessness and fear
God forgive me for saying this, but fuck you anon.

>> No.11429930

People who look like the (before) picture do so in order to deliberately subvert traditional images of beauty.

>> No.11429934

>I was robbed because I chose to take a loan

Yeah ok dude. Design a whole ideology around telling stupid people its not their fault

>> No.11429940

Moving money does not create value. Usury is sin.

>> No.11429945

>Moving money does not create value.

It does actually, what are you stupid. If you give money to the right person and they pay you back then you just created value for everyone by using your old noggin and gave money to the right person i.e. not the scumbag who would not pay you back

>> No.11429955

It isn't about the "stupid people". It's about the fact that money itself is not a good, charging interest for a loan is predatory and loans do not generate value, in effect they sap wealth out of the sectors of the economy which actually generate value through goods and services.

All of this was settled long ago in Christianity. Usury is sin.

>> No.11429963

>If you give money to the right person and they pay you back
So we're back to square one. No value was created, but what you mean is
>If you give money to the right person and they give back more money than you gave them
The money that guy used to pay the interest came from somewhere, it could have been spent on generating actual value but instead it was funneled towards the man who produced nothing at all but an expectation of payment.

>> No.11429966

>transfer money to iranian bank
>it has to first move through an am*rishit bank as an intermediary first

optimal my ass you fucking schleprock

>> No.11429975

If only there wasn't a great deal of speculation without loss (lending money the bank does not "physically" have) backed by the state (bailouts). Even without that, capitalism has its way of messing things up in geopolitics, a domain which is already filled with pure evil.

>> No.11429988


>> No.11429997


>> No.11430007


>> No.11430012

my twisted world desu

>> No.11430014

This is an example of dumb people politics vs smart people politics. Look I know the Jews have a huge proportion of 140+ IQ people and thus benefit more from lending but you're never going to beat them by resorting to nigger tier economics.

>> No.11430018

Priesthood, Religious life, or Marriage
Choose one

>> No.11430025

>Thinking genuine Caths are the ones molesting children and not the homosexuals invading the Church

>> No.11430027

she was actually a flyover conservicuck who came to nyc on a trustfund and tried to act "with it" and "hip" for a while but could only keep up the act so long and eventually reverted to her deplorable ways

>> No.11430029

Those homos aren't invading the Church, they've been there since the Renaissance at least

>> No.11430035

>you're never going to beat the jews by forbidding them from siphoning money from productive sectors of the economy
>if you kill your enemies they win
No one is arguing against lending, what we are arguing against is lending with interest. Usury. Investing in a business for a proportion of its profits is not wrong, as an example of non-predatory lending.

>> No.11430038

so you're saying real catholicism has never been tried?

>> No.11430040

bro romans were always pedos, it was only with the rise of "gay identity" thanks to protestant science that kids started complaining about getting a little priest dick because they were scared it made them "gay"

>> No.11430045

me >>11430035
Furthermore, there are more Whites with 140+ IQ than there are Jews with 140+ IQ. This isn't about ethnic conflict, it's about right and wrong, and usury is forbidden by Christianity, period.

>> No.11430051

>>you're never going to beat the jews by forbidding them from siphoning money from productive sectors of the economy

Look I'll list it out really easy:

1. You manage to ban the Jews and lending interest from the West
2. They all go to some other country
3. The people in that country have access to capital to start businesses, buy houses early in their careers, give money to promising start ups
4. These countries economies grow why the West stagnates like shitty Arab countries have been for centuries

Face it. You play the game or you lose the game, there's no other options.

>> No.11430053

>lending without interest

why in the fuck would anyone lend without interest you dumb fuck? do you realize how risky bankrolling a startup is? man, iq is a social construct but holy shit the jews really are smarter than you

>> No.11430056

You're more likely to be molested by a public school teacher than a priest and yet I don't see Progs saying a damn word about corruption in public school.

>> No.11430057

>giving money to a dude and getting a bonus back for the risk is wrong

Literally why

>> No.11430065

Where I live most of the molestations happened by priests running public schools so its a bit of a double whammy there

>> No.11430069

usury is also banned in sharia law, why not just move to afghanistan, then you can enjoy never getting loans for anything and farm goats until some warlord kills you

>> No.11430072

>Investing in a business for a proportion of its profits is not wrong, as an example of non-predatory lending.

How is that morally different than getting interest in any way whatsoever.

>> No.11430073

>why in the fuck would anyone lend without interest
To invest in the ground floor of a business, as an example.
Arab countries have been economically/technologically stagnating because they have low average IQ, not because they don't permit Jews to siphon money out of the productive sectors of the economy.

>> No.11430074

You retards jesus spoke agains usury because it kept the poor in bondage. Startups are a voluntary risk and not the same as being forced to borrow to feed or house your family.

>> No.11430077


>> No.11430078

Because it doesn't lead to debt-spirals. Interest is the modern version of indentured servitude.

>> No.11430080

Underrated post.

>> No.11430082

If you're in debt its because you were a dumb dumb who couldn't plan properly, if you can't plan properly you deserve to be working for someone who can. Its better for everyone

>> No.11430088


I bet all the fat loser Christian larpers on here think they can do the same now. LOL.

>> No.11430092

>1. You manage to ban the Jews and lending interest from the West
See bellow why this would be a literal waste of time.
>2. They all go to some other country
"They" wouldn't even disappear. Your "Jew" enemy doesn't confide itself in one race/ethnicity.
>3. The people in that country have access to capital to start businesses, buy houses early in their careers, give money to promising start ups
And start the same pyramid scheme again with the countless naive people that every country has.
>4. These countries economies grow why the West stagnates like shitty Arab countries have been for centuries
That's just more wishful thinking.

Go and get a hard manual job, anon. See how money is really earned by the average person.

>> No.11430094

do u not realize giving up equity in a business is more expensive in the long term than funding it through debt? not to mention you also give up partial control of the business? even marxists have a better understand of how capital works than you, what a fucking idiot, hopefully you're just trolling to make christians look stupid

>> No.11430095

I mean why not. That dude is pretty average looking and is literally a Christian LARPer by the looks of it

>> No.11430098

>Go and get a hard manual job, anon.

lol nah. I'm literally making mint trading shitcoins right now.

>> No.11430099

>"They" wouldn't even disappear. Your "Jew" enemy doesn't confide itself in one race/ethnicity.

exactly, let's not forget the first proto-capitalist bankers were catholics

>> No.11430102

What, banking existed before Catholicism

>> No.11430109

no shit fucktard but i'm talking in a relatively modern context, classical antiquity didn't have arabic numerals, zeros or double entry bookkeeping

>> No.11430114

So you're saying it didn't start with Catholicism at all.
It is interesting though that in Rome it was initially the Temples that held money for people and minted coins

>> No.11430121
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 51X5IKb3gLL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're legitimately clueless about how to use debt, then you need this course in your life, but i suspect this dude is actually a muslim trying to get christians to buy into his sharia idiocy, and indirectly trying to get support for muslim hordes overrunning the holy land with his constant anti-semitic bullshit, fuck off

>> No.11430126

modern capitalism started in italy, deal with you fucking stupid fuck

>> No.11430128

Sure whatever, the point is its not uniquely to do with Catholicism, its a Greco-Roman tradition seen all over the world

>> No.11430133

>Doesn't know about Christ consciousness

Holy shit you crack me up

>> No.11430137

no shit wow man u are a fucking idiot, the point is all this whining about "usury not being christian" is fucking stupid shit from a muslim cunt larping as a christian

>> No.11430139

Nah it started in the Netherlands. Read some McCloskey.

>> No.11430260

unironically good for her

>> No.11430267

Can you read? The question was "What did she read"

>> No.11430279

as opposed to the cutting edge, intellectual behemoth athiests ITT, who could get her wet just by questioning the existence of her god (notice the lower case g, yes that's right).

>> No.11430288


>> No.11430299

>muh state owned enterprises
>muh tulips
>muh weberian protestant ethic

holy shit those "bourgeois blahblah" books fucking suck

here read this:


or this:


>> No.11430318

>obscure theology
it's only obscure because people actually thought about it. not only that but other people actually listened to them and tried to make heads or tails. in orthodox russia they would have been drowned in a puddle of mud.

>> No.11430362

From the board that brought you
>I was a devoted catholic for 6 months till I got everything out that I wanted

>> No.11430365

She switched from mindlessly following one dogma to another, not much of a change

>> No.11430370

it sounds like the real lesson is that she needed to be shot from the chest up and lose the glasses

>> No.11430374

The Femine Mystique

>> No.11430377

Jesus christ, you Christians sure are cringeworthy

>> No.11430413
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>> No.11430436

t. never gonna make it (to Heaven)

>> No.11430455

Why do Christians think they're going to heaven when most of them are complete cunts? Especially Catholics.

In what way does the behaviour of modern Christians even come close to how Jesus lived?

>> No.11430464

Dunno but I leave that for God to judge. All I know is edgy atheists with nothing positive to contribute definately aren't going to make it

>> No.11430484

you're not supposed to try to immitate jesus. The entire point of christianity is that he died for our sins, sins that are inherent to our human nature. Of course being aware of your sins changes you and encourages you to stop being so flagrant with them, but being christian certainly != being sinless.

>> No.11430504

So you're not supposed to emulate the guy who you believe was literally perfect in every way possible?

Wew lad.

>> No.11430509
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>you're not supposed to try to immitate jesus

>> No.11430513

>t. never gonna make it (to Heaven)

Yeah yeah whatever, I'll be seeing you in hell

>> No.11430524

>You aren't making it to Heaven
>I leave judgment up to God BRO

Pick one

>> No.11430525

We're already there

>> No.11430526

Matthew 5:48. We're supposed to try, at least. Nobody's saying he literally expects us to be completely without sin, but you've got to try your best.

>> No.11430527
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From one autistic Jewish made ideology to the next. Not an improvement

>> No.11430535

First was just shitposting, of course I don't know if he's going to make it or not

>> No.11430537

>leave that for God to judge
>All I know is edgy atheists with nothing positive to contribute definately aren't going to make it


See you in hell pal

>> No.11430538

That's a neurotic ideology if I ever saw one. Enjoy christfags.

>> No.11430542

>letting your spiritual beliefs be defined by the (((Washington Post)))

>> No.11430549
File: 112 KB, 1200x630, PAY-MAIN-pope-washes-muslims-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My spiritual beliefs are defined by the Holy Bible. A book worshipping weakness and arab niggers. Not going to believe in that shit anytime soon

>> No.11430562
File: 36 KB, 607x608, 31068994_1001681533319544_2556908144294887424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not worshipping weakness

Never gonna make it

>> No.11430568

Your argument is unironically pro-slavery. I don't necessarily disagree, but I think if we're talking about permitting slavery we should call it what it is.

>> No.11430569

To me at least, it would seem presumptuous

>> No.11430583

>wow what cucks striving for their ideals and perfection hah jokes on them real men don't try to hold themselves to standards or do what is right

>> No.11430591

All economic advancements of worth have been a process of mediating us away from violence. Instead of everyone simply being whipped along by Pharoah we have money to act as that intermediary between exchanges and demanding action.
What was once slavery reaches a sophisticated new form where the need for violence is overcome by liberty

>> No.11430593

I think it's interesting that you're conveniently glossing over the fact that Medieval Europe forbade usury for explicitly religious reasons for hundreds of years, and that you point to exceptional examples of Renaissance Italy and the Netherlands while ignoring the fact that most Christian countries at that time CONTINUED to forbid usury.

>> No.11430596

>striving for their ideals
You guys aren't getting any closer. Self-acceptance would be more beneficial.

>> No.11430599

I have personally gotten closer in my lifetime. I've seen many people get closer to living the ideal life in their lifetime, and I have no issues with self-acceptance whatsoever. It's a meme word that gets thrown around a lot but you're actually projecting right now.

>> No.11430602

Stay mad pasta nigger

>> No.11430603

Underrated, good post

>> No.11430606

yeah, hence him dying for your sins and the non-necessity of imitating his life. I usually pray for God to give me the strength to be more moral, but that doesn't imply me hating myself for failing.

>> No.11430609

>holding up europes most backwards and humiliating time as an example of anything


yeah and it fucking sucked, if you give a peasant a loan that nigga might find a way off the plantation, but keep paying the rent in kind and never touching any cash and you got a slave for life

>> No.11430614

>a sophisticated new form
If any wealth you save is siphoned away from you and you must continue to work to ensure your survival we are talking about slavery. Changing the label does not change the contents.

>> No.11430622

Peasants were never bought and sold like cattle, and the Church often intervened on their behalf when there was a particularly cruel lord or practice in place.

>> No.11430626

There should be zero reason this happens in the modern world, if you're a dummy dumb person who got yourself into a ton of debt from student loans on a bad degree and bad spending habbits and actually have no way to pay it off even after declaring bankrupcy then you're either still spending money badly or just hopelessly lacking the ability to be financially independent

>> No.11430643

>People should be smart
They aren't. They won't be any time soon. These are the facts, what do we do about it? You may be inclined to say "fuck em they're stupid" but don't hide behind moral platitudes as justification for your contempt.

>> No.11430660

So dumb people end up working for smart people. This is a good thing, it sorts out who should be in charge and who shouldn't.
The biggest problem with slavery is it robs people from their potential, but this doesn't as its completely voluntary and everyone ends up where they should be more or less

>> No.11430675

yes its called freedom faggy christians, islamists, and communists should try it sometime

>> No.11430688

>dumb people end up working for smart people.
They always do.
>This is a good thing
Trickery and deception aren't good things. Being hoodwinked into non-dischargeable student loans by a corrupt academic-media complex is not a good thing. It would be better for people to be serfs in service to lords; Lords have an explicit responsibility for the well-being of their servants whereas our decadent media-academic complex has no responsibility toward anyone because of the "voluntary individualism" meme.

>> No.11430691

Based and redpilled

>> No.11430692

Exactly this. Freedom is the best thing ever. Makes me cry just thinking about it

>> No.11430704


>> No.11430707

>being a slave to sin is freedom
>being a literal slave working in a Chinese sweatshop is freedom

>> No.11430714

The point is, and one that Immanuel Kant proved indisputably. Is that to be a Christian you have to love freedom and to love freedom you have to be a Christian. Jesus pretty much invented Liberty. They go in a package and its why America is the greatest country on Earth and always will be

>> No.11430719

nothing she wanted to fuck the dude on the left

>> No.11430721

/ptg/ is leaking apparently.

You have a plebeian understanding of what the Christian conception of freedom is. Most modern Christians do, to be fair.

>> No.11430725

Please, have you even read Kant?

>> No.11430727

>In what way does the behaviour of modern Christians even come close to how Jesus lived
Do not cast pearls before swine (You)

>> No.11430738

I haven't read much of the "Enlightenment" philosophers, but Kant wasn't a Christian so I don't particularly value his opinions on it. Have you even read Guenon?

>> No.11430747
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>but Kant wasn't a Christian

>> No.11430784

I was told that Nun Catherine was a heretical or a least part of schismatic cult and an American LARPing as a Slavic ethno-nationalist. Real Nuns don't go on twitter.

>> No.11430812

>Real Nuns don't go on twitter.

I don't see why not. All things in moderation and its a good a place as any to spread the good word

>> No.11430877

Nuns aren't evangelists. A Monastery is for seclusion and prayer. The soliciting of donations is because her one is schismatic and doing its own thing asides from the Church. The main purpose of the account seems to be soliciting donations. Ironically this is the kind of financially modeled feel good Christianity that twitter trads mock prots for indulging in.

>> No.11430886

>Nuns aren't evangelists

Tons throughout history, basically every single female canonized Saint

>> No.11430904

Haha, no. Nuns and monks have ipads now, it's not the middle ages anymore.

>> No.11430905

There's a difference between bringing people to the Church by your example, by being a good Nun and being a recruiter for a Church or in this case Sect using the habit of a Nun. You don't tend to see Nun's preaching in the town centers, sharing political opinions and going around with a collection bucket afterwards, this is what twitter is like. Not to mention the courting of e-celebratory which is an inherent part of that platform.

>> No.11430908

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

>> No.11430912

Isn't being a Saint by definition celebratory? Its kind of the whole point of being a Saint

>> No.11430917

Are there any more Nuns or Monks on twitter? The reason they seclude themselves is because their jobs are hard enough already without dealing with extra worldly temptations and confusion.

>> No.11430927

Twitter is a big place, I have no doubt there is every rank of the cloth on there all the way to Bishop Barron. Hell the Pope has an official twitter

>> No.11430932

>The amount of salt ITT from liberals and secularists
Loving. Every. Laugh.

>> No.11430934

Celebration of God. Best achieved in prayer not twitter, nor public acclaim which is anathema to humility. There is a reason the Desert Fathers and Monastic orders value seclusion, shun the limelight except in case were they wish to be derided/act as fools for Christ.

>> No.11430941

Kill them all desu. God will know his own.

>> No.11430942

Catholics and not Monastics. Trad larpers are the main followers of the account in question.

>> No.11430947

You're right so far as seclusion is doubtedly the safer option but anyone doing Christ's work should be willing to go to where the sinners are

>> No.11430954

Thats twitter for you, if she's doing good work then she can help turn them from trad larpers into authentic Christians. Not to say she is but I see no reason why not

>> No.11430980

>bread and onions brah

>> No.11430992

Also lmao holy shit have any of you retards even read the Bible? Jesus if you're gonna LARP at least LARP as something interesting, like a Cathar.

>> No.11430995

anything that's sjw or feminist nazi

>> No.11431003

Fair enough, I may have been hasty and harsh about her, just because I wanted to vent my doubts.

Personally I know the psychology of the LARPer well and want to see its crutches taken away. Stuff like this can be a crutch, the online world generally, but then again that's the LARPers fault ultimately.

>> No.11431004
File: 96 KB, 672x800, 5CB6F914-FDE0-46CA-A747-13937AD74404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this

>> No.11431016

unlike the incredibly conservative Eastern schismatics' position on marriage and contraception

>> No.11431025

she's a LARPer. she switched from dressing up in one virtue signaling uniform to another. the desperately lonely and stupid real person underneath never changed.

>> No.11431056

Plato, obviously.

: ^ )

>> No.11431058

>nearly every religion understands and bans or criticises usury, inlucing jews (allowed only against gentiles)
>usury provides an effortless productless income that leeches money from an economy with a non-linear exponential increase
>defaces the purpose of currency itself that is to provide a token for having completed labour/provided a valuable service in the interest of the people
>completely viable for any state to provide this service of allocation with what profit there is simply going back to the state (and coming off taxes), in fact since the private usurers currently use the states (tax funded) police to enforce their deals, the state is actually better equipped to perform this role than they are

huurrrrr, let me just criticise the very idea of lending in general and pretend this proves anything while completely ignoring the arguments of the opposition. throw in some adhom too
fucking retarded. i thought this board was supposed to have intelligent discussion.

>> No.11431061
File: 66 KB, 777x656, aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Trolls write one sentence and get Christians to chase their own tails for an hour

>> No.11431069

Haha indeed, good sir! Silly christians ;-)

>> No.11431100

I'm an europoor and nuns and monks walk around and are very active in the local community helping out with stuff. Not secluded at all. I saw a monk with a beard once, he looked fly as fuck and was probably a chad.

Desert fathers are just larpers, especially if you seclude yourself in the modern age, you're just larping.

>> No.11431366


>> No.11431561
File: 1.51 MB, 2500x1685, 1509215550954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an Eastern Orthodox (I assume) priest shopping in the supermarket in black robes, a long white beard, and sporting a giant metal crucifix on a necklace. Was a pretty strange sight. He looked kinda like pic related.

>> No.11431612
File: 129 KB, 1094x868, ML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should have listened..

>> No.11431624

i attended a first year philosophy class that had a franciscan monk among the students. came to class in full robes, sandals and wool socks. pretty cool desu.

>> No.11431995

I know an ex-Anglican minister that did this. Wasn't calculated I think since it happened 15 years after his ordination.
If you don't mind about going to a shithole, you can also join an associated communion from the Middle East or India where priests can marry.

>> No.11432030

Gee anon I can't imagine any kind of religious figure who might have subverted 'traditional' ideas about worship, community, or the relative value of prostitutes and tax-collectors vs religious authorities, etc.

>> No.11432037

>especially if you seclude yourself in the modern age, you're just larping.
There has never been a higher proportion of lonely people (both voluntary and involuntary) than today. This is definitely not an age of isolation "larping", as if you couldn't choose isolation anyway in any case.

>> No.11432111

I just googled it. It's just some Christian-Hindu syncretic yoga bullshit. Why would I want to know about that?

>> No.11432127

>swapping fringe ideologies on a whim

that's a womeme alright

>> No.11432151

lmao still doing it, albeit with a snarky ironic twist. have christfags finally reached base irony, just as the rest of civilization abandons it?

>> No.11432185

Not all nuns are cosertied

>> No.11432187
File: 553 KB, 616x484, dfsfsafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys... her twitter is filled with 4chan memes

>> No.11432208

he literally says he believes in god at the start of critique of pure reason iirc

>> No.11432214

>Why do Christians think they're going to heaven when most of them are complete cunts?

>> No.11432224

I don't want to go to heaven with an egotistical narcissistic god that only lets people in that believe in him. Whether I believe or not shouldn't be a factor, he should judge you on how well you lived alone.

>> No.11432235
File: 37 KB, 416x431, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, its another episode of "atheist who doesn't understand God and things that hes an asshole egotist sitting on a cloud"

>> No.11432244
File: 20 KB, 289x336, ettyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool. Shes like a modern day Etty Hillesum

>> No.11432245

read this thread for starters

>> No.11432259

i really doubt those HAHAHAH XXDDD UR GOING TO HELL posts are actual christians

>> No.11432300

t. russian hackers

>> No.11432314
File: 12 KB, 639x104, dfdagadga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck lol

>> No.11432464

There's a strong argument to be made that he was a deist.

>> No.11432469

We did it reddit!

>> No.11432476

Meaningless term

>> No.11432478

Redemptive transformation of degenerates =/= inversion of social norms

>> No.11432484

>doing the same thing you just accused others of doing

So this is the power of atheism...

>> No.11432487

Deists aren't Christians. That distinction alone renders the term meaningful in one sense.

>> No.11432489

Explain to me how he's not if one of the requirements for heaven is that you believe in him and worship him.

>> No.11432492

There is no such thing as a "deist", its just a stupid meme word idiots place on any conceptions of God and religion too many paygrades above their IQ

>> No.11432498

Heaven is being with God. Its like saying I'm an asshole if I don't let you in my house because you hate me and everything I believe in
If you want to go be alone suffering without God for all eternity no one is stopping you

>> No.11432504


Lol what did you do to deserve the infinite good? What did you achieve or pursue which is capable of lasting and satisfying forever? Faith in God (who is himself the infinite good), and all the fruits which follow from it, is just what eternal life essentially is.

>> No.11432513

>Stop trying to label me, mom! You don't understand me and my ideas!

>> No.11432536

Not an argument. If you look at all the people labeled "deists" (whatever the fuck that word is meant to mean in the first place) basically none of them have anything substancial in common in their philosophies
If you want to categorize beliefs it actually has to have consistent propositional content not just "Durr maybe God is the universe or somfin"

>> No.11432560

Deism n. The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

n. A person who believes in deism.
adj. Of or relating to deism.

>None of them have anything substancial in common in their philosophies
If they believe "based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation." Then they're a deist. If they do not, then they have merely been mislabeled, but the idea that the label has no meaning is just explicitly false.

>> No.11432574

>joke's on them I was only PRETENDING to be retarded
Every fucking time.

>> No.11432611

God is axiomatically your own Good. To be angry at God for demanding worship would be like being angry at food for demanding to be eaten.

>> No.11432729

>optimal places to allocate capital
Yeah, and I wonder what criteria they're using to determine the "optimal places". Surely it's the common good, and not, you know, their own bank accounts.
You fucking retard.

>> No.11432745

You've got me all wrong I'm not a smug atheist who "hates" god. I'd describe my self as an apatheist, I'm as religious as a newborn baby or a deer, apathy. I'd rather spend my Sunday's helping people than wasting time praising a deity.
If god exists and looks past all the good i've done just because I didn't pick a religion and lick his ass then I think that's horribly narcissistic

>> No.11432790

Kill me now

>> No.11432836

laughed hard

>> No.11432840
File: 187 KB, 804x1052, PlatoAristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TF guys nobody got my joke—or nobody thought it was funny.

>> No.11432900

>I'd rather spend my Sundays helping people than wasting time praising a deity
I'm sure that's exactly what you were doing this morning, yep, for sure, that's where the smart money is betting.

>> No.11432916
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 1231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


confused teenagers are confused

I wish society wasn't so corrupt to the core and I lived in an age where our system of morals was actually figured out and each entire facet of it could be scientifically proven to be correct.

We wouldn't have this retardation taking place if that was the case.

>> No.11432928

Science, by definition, cannot answer questions of morality.

>> No.11432946



>> No.11432953

Morality is what a society deems acceptable, usually rules that lead to a well functioning society. Monkeys and packs of wolves probably have their own forms of morality. There are no inherently universal "good" and "bad" actions. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11432955

A system of empirical observation of the universe has no morally relevant axioms or propositions. Morality will always be a value judgment, the question is who is making the call and why. Science yields no answers on this front.

>> No.11433004


this tbqh

I've been a /pol/-tier nazi and lefty at least 3 times each as of this post

desu I hate both sides very much but my compassionate side alwasy brings me to the left, then my insecure, anxious side brings me to the right when I seek security in my own people

>> No.11433017

this is a medical condition commonly referred to as "being a woman".

>> No.11433047

>I'm not a smug atheist who "hates" god
>god demands to have his ass licked
Your contempt for Him is thinly veiled.

>> No.11433053


I'm a man though, you fucking retard

6'1 200 lbs, pretty sure I could hospitalize you with ease, too

>> No.11433114

tell that to your stove

>> No.11433120

are you in the navy seals too, by any chance?

>> No.11433139


Am I the only one who founds her short hair/dress pic hot as fuck? Would cum balls deep in her, and I'm your typical /fit/ musclehead.

>> No.11433156

you are not nearly as good a person as you think you are

>> No.11433176

Not an argument, you don't know me.

>> No.11433182

>you don't know me
i dont need to, there are no good people

>> No.11433198

>6'1" 200lbs
fucking lanklet, do some pullups.

>> No.11433569


>> No.11433614

you mean what did she LISTEN to?


>> No.11433634

Truly this. The fact that she became Orthodox makes it 100% Dosto.

>> No.11433710

Where do i start with trying to convert to Orthodoxy?

>> No.11433739

>but Kant wasn't a Christian
Be ashamed

>> No.11433791

She's right

>> No.11433793

lol at the vaporwave swastika just hiding in the corner of the image

>> No.11433794


>> No.11433875
File: 151 KB, 545x509, 1474679338145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Shopy-kun

>> No.11433878

Are you talking about original sin? You're nuts

>> No.11433884

read kallistos ware, then contact your local orthodox priest about becoming a catechumen

>> No.11434058

Read up on the pleasure principle, the death drive. Original sin is a reflection of the fact we are at our deepest core selfish despicable creatures who only want to watch the world burn. Why the fuck do you think you're here

>> No.11434216

>when most of them are complete cunts? >Especially Catholic

This is a Catholic problem. Catholics are the most obnoixous, ignorant, hatefull and aggressive bunch of the Christian I met online. I assumed it woudl be protties but it is almost always Catholics.
I don't know why, why it is almost always a catholic that annoys not only atheists etc but also other Christians? Do The teenagers and 20somethings have a hard time in Catholic Chruch which is very senile oriented in dominance hierarchy and they vent off here? Do they think they are collecting good church boy points when they manage to piss off not only protestants but also orthodox online?

Catholic kids online are the equivolent of boomer protestants in real life.

>> No.11434309
File: 97 KB, 700x902, dog-took-silence-schnauzers-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just bants bro

>> No.11434319
File: 71 KB, 1068x310, 1517696973981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think that christian priests are attracted to small boys because christianity is scam for hedonists to feel good about themselves, or just because christianity attracts homosexual pedophiles ?

>> No.11434320

Well there's the answer to OP, she read /pol/

>> No.11434367

>muh christian pedos fags

>> No.11434390
File: 187 KB, 327x316, My sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this person, supposedly a Christian
>tfw I got to see a LARPer exposed by the real deal

>> No.11434398

It's actually a requirement. Unless you want to be bishop and such. Then you need to be a monk fist and. They cant marry.

>> No.11434410

fuck that argument was cringe

>> No.11434419

>that girl is a /pol/tard
>sister catherine is an "orthodox nationalist"
Fucking LARP