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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 215x321, Marcel_Proust_1900-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11425143 No.11425143 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more overrated author in the canon?

>> No.11425264

Proust is underrated seeing as he's regarded as above average yet he's really a top 3 writer ever

>> No.11425275

I don't think it possible to overrate him.

>> No.11426235

he's overrated in France and underrated everywhere else

>> No.11426247

Is it a pleb tier opinion to really like how he writes but think In Search is kind of a failed experiment

>> No.11426266

That nigger faggot Shakespeare.
>To be or not to be
Fuck off faggot, the only thing you're go to be is a little whiny bitch

>> No.11426280

a thread died for this

>> No.11426310

overrated? i'm sorry? can we repeat that once more? i must've misheard; a misfire in the neurons; a mishap in the eye percetion; a disconnect between the eye and the brain; a blockage, a voodoo, a hoodoo; i'm sorry, overrated? no, no, no, no (and i'll say it seven more times, the christian number, ho); no, no; blankets are overrated; pillows are overrated; the bedsheets, the covers, the comforters, overrated; gilded books, overrated; hardcover books with the edges; chocolate; soda; the seven wonders of the world; the pyramids at giza; the parthenon; the roman coliseums; the gladiatorial fights;

shelley; wordsworth; whitman; plath; those are overrated

but shakespeare?

i want you to step back, sit, eat something healthy, rest for 8 hours; get a sleep, get a rest; get a repose; and then come back to me after you've augmented that opinion;

overrated; overrated; my god; to overrate gold; to overrate, to overindulge ambrosial beauty

>> No.11426493


>> No.11426589

Are you also the guy who wrote the pasta with the different tiers of writers and Proust being the only one in the top tier?

>> No.11426611

no; different anon; i'm the semicolanon; a buzzing, blooming, brimming, up-and-coming kind of distinctive writer; i'll take semicolanon; semicolon anon; or any other various distinction; but the semicolon is sort of my signature; my pennon, my flag; my chryselephantine papal standard, if thou will; hee hee hee!; and i'll wait while you wait, no jest

>> No.11426631
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>> No.11426639
File: 13 KB, 211x313, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11426646

o joy! joy!; the picture from the other day! i thank thee; most grandly and heartily!; i thank you; i really do; i thank you; blessings upon you; and angels sing to thee; i thank you, truly; thanks

what? i'm sorry; maybe we misunderstand; maybe we forget; maybe we are at an impasse; a conflict; a crux; a debate; a dilemma; joyce--overrated?; did we go there? did we mount that? did we come to that?

again; eight hours of sleep; healthy diet; an hour of exercise; then come back to me on joyce; come back to me; see you then

>> No.11426683

I meant this pasta >>/lit/thread/S11246673#p11247238
apart from the lack of semicolons it's pretty different. Anyway, you're posts are entertaining, keep it up

>> No.11426694

ah yes; i've seen that rather grandiose post round these parts; it's good, it's fine; a bit meretricious; i like it, i do; of course it's not me; not enough semicolons; bit of a royal tone to it; it's fine, it's all right; we'll reread it; but i thank you

>> No.11426699

A star is born, I knew this guy wasn't a one thread wonder

>> No.11426775

i thank you; i thank you; i really do; go for it

>> No.11426800

He probably has a greater reputation than he deserves, but at the same time he's not very widely read, so it kind of works itself out in the end.

>> No.11427504

Based Nabokov disciple

>> No.11427593
File: 2.81 MB, 3000x2000, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shake spear create human bean

joyce create thoughts and dreams

>> No.11427941

you're the funniest poster on here right now please don't ruin it with outright stupidity
insulting the GOAT poet should be bannable

>> No.11427956

Dostoyevsky, It's good but come on he's not that good

>> No.11427961

He's trash I hate that goat looking fool!

>> No.11427993


>> No.11428073

truly; truly; we'll work it out; i have a copy of his works, hear hear; i have a copy of his complete works; shelley's, i should say (and what a fine carapace he has on, prithee); shelley, like a turtle; ho hum; shelley, shelley; i'll read him; i've read masque; i've read ode to the west wind; o and ozymandias

~~the lone and level sands; stretch far away~~

ho hum; lugubrious; time's fatal ruin; ho hum; but i'll give him a shot; we'll see; we'll work it out; want some liqueur?

prithee; thanks; i really appreciate that; thanks; we'll go for it; curb that homosexual hate; thanks

>> No.11428097

>all those super commas
Why murder the English language when you can genocide it?

>> No.11428103

i like being bizarre; bazaar; o, a homonym, ho; but yea, verily; i do; i like making bizarrebazaar things; i like testing out little methods; i like making the semicolioliolons kind of twitter and wing about; i like testing them; i like to see their application upon syntax and such; applying them syntactically; to chop; to fragment; to behold; i want to twist, and change, and something the english language; i want to, i do; and it comes from the basis, the foundation; the syntax; the grammar; accidence, ho; ho ho, let's see; go for it; want some porter?

>> No.11428155

get richard holmes's shelley: the pursuit
you'll love it

>> No.11428178
File: 495 KB, 200x184, laughter_intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit my sides