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11421488 No.11421488 [Reply] [Original]

"The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, among the Brahmins)." - Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.11421509

I knew nofap had philosophical grounding.

>> No.11421557
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>> No.11421565
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Semen Demon

>> No.11421588

I don't think this semen absorbing philosophy is for me.

>> No.11421592

>the thirst


>> No.11421632

In a way he's right. By not ejaculating, many minerals are kept in the body for things like hormone production, which in turn, will make you feel better and clear your mind. Ejaculating, when not necessary, is a waste of good resources

>> No.11421635
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i am death bringer from golden axe

nietzsche was right about everything

>> No.11421640

What he says happens is exactly what happens as far as I understand. You really reabsorb semen when it dies if you haven't launched it. I'm just not sure how exactly it benefits you and how it's any different from eating food.

>> No.11421650

You should know that semen containes a wide variety of minerals. The most common nutritional problem is mineral deficieny (especially in the western diet with a lack of vegetables). What you're saying is true, you might as well just eat. But 'just eating', for many, just isn't enough.
Ejaculating also fucks with your dopamine but that has nothing to do with semen retention.

>> No.11421661

>I'm just not sure how exactly it benefits you and how it's any different from eating food

Especially the Hindus believe (Ayurveda) to be exact that semen is the last essence of food or nourishment.
>According to Ayurveda, semen is the last dhatu that is formed out of food. Out of food is manufactured chyle. Out of chyle comes blood. Out of blood comes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone comes marrow. Out of marrow comes semen. These are the sapta dhatus or the seven dhatus that support this life and body. Mark here how precious is semen! It is the last essence. It is the Essence of essences. The virya comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.

This is not exactly pseudoscience since even Western science agrees with it to a degree: there is connection between marrow and semen: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070412211409.htm

>Of certain Hindu theories
>Like the Jews, the wise men of India have a belief that a certain particular Prana, or force, resides in the Bindu, or semen. But all their theory of magick and meditation being a reverbatory, so that their "communing with God", is but a "communing with Self", and all their artifice directed to development of the powers in their own bodies and minds, as opposed to the Western idea of extending those powers to bear sway over others, we find naturally that just as they seek to restrain the breath altogether, or to avoid its violent extrusion from the nostrils, lest the Prana thereof be lost to them, and as they even practice to suck up water into the rectum, so that in defaecation they may be able to retain the Apana, or particular virtue thereof, and replace it in the Svadistthana-cakkra, so also much more do they extravagantly labour to retain the prime Prana of life, the Bindu.

>Therefore they stimulate to the maximum its generation by causing a consecrated prostitute to excite the organs, and at the same time vigorously withhold by will. After some little exercise they claim that they can deflower as many as eighty virgins in a night without losing a single drop of the Bindu. Nor is this ever to be lost, but reabsorbed through the tissues of the body. The organs thus act as a siphon to draw constantly fresh supplies of life from the cosmic reservior, and flood the body with their fructifying virtue.

>> No.11421666

Edging is unhealthy as fuck. These guys just wanted an excuse to fuck 8 women in one night

>> No.11421685

>Edging is unhealthy as fuck. These guys just wanted an excuse to fuck 8 women in one night

Keep in mind that texts speaks of Yogis. If you even lose one drop of semen it would be considered a failure.

Tibetan medicine has a different take on this. Semen, or when it takes the appearance of it, is already a waste substance. Sexual excitement causes the body to start produce semen and depletes Ojas from the body to produce it.

So in a sense, you have already lost the game when there is semen present (in the testes) etc.

What about the Jews?
>Of certain Jewish theories

>Among the Jews are certain instructed Initiates of their Qabalah who hold, as We understand, the view that in the Zraa or Semen itself lies a creative force inherent which cannot be baulked. Thus they say that before Eve was made, the dreams of Adam produced Lilith, a demon, and that from his intercourse with her sprang evil races.

>Now then they mine the Roads of the Harbour of conjugal love with many restrictions; as these (1) it must be an holy act, preceded by ablutions, and by prayer (2) all lustful thoughts must be rigidly excluded (3) the purpose must be solely that of procreation (4) the blessing of God must be most earnestly invoked, so that the child shall be under His special protection.

>In other language, this is their theory: the act of love causes a magical disturbance in the Aether of Akasa of such a nature as to attract or create a discarnate human spirit.

>All other sexual acts involving emission of semen therefore attract or other spirits, incomplete and therefore evil. Thus nocturnal pollutions bring succubi, which are capable of separate existence, and of vampirising their creator.

>> No.11421705

Tldr don't wank

>> No.11421727

ejaculation just causes a downregulation of brain androgen receptors. less brain androgen receptors = less dopamine. maybe since abstinence upregulates brain androgen receptors -> dopamine there is a downstream effect of mroe testosterone from the dopamine, but i doubt the abstinence itself raises the testosterone(otehr than that one study)
for alot of animals ejaculation is very costly and requires much effort. there is some slug species or something that only has males, and so when they mate it involves two males dueling, with the losing male being impregnated and turning himself into a female slug. so it could be that cumming is demanding on the body in some way we dont realize

>> No.11421798
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This makes me think of those recent reports that sperm counts in the West have fallen significantly in the last century or so.

Could the steady rise of access to pornography, and the corresponding rise in masturbation, be the cause?

>> No.11421823

How does one reabsorb semen just through nofap? Wouldn't one have nocturnal emissions and lose it in their sleep?

>> No.11421831

is there way to make up for spending most of your teens and 20s masturbating by cutting it off cold turkey like right now?

>> No.11421879

So does the semen actually get reabsorbed into the blood stream.

>> No.11421891

Measuring semen levels without wondering about how often ejaculation occured seems dumb, I'm sure they accounted for it in some way.

Wet dreams aren't always that consistent. I do wonder what the height of reabsorption is, if there even is such a thing (as opposed to a constant, steady reabsorption).

It's more complex than that in practice, it is possible to overdo it (despite the thresholds of enjoyability so to speak) and ruin both a certain hormonal balance and adrenal function (sex is stressful on the body, it involves adrenal glands in some way). So if you go from inbalance (but this often involves inflammation and pain) to a restoration in balance, it feels like gaining something rather than mere renormalizing. Also, it is weird since puberty is often death and sex at the same time for many insects (mantis and spiders eating the male, ladybugs iirc stopping nutrition altogether and do nothing but mate until they die of starvation etc.) or at least a yearly mating season when they go mad if they're more complex animals. Humans fapping can be dangerous to their health as silly as it might aound.

t. expert wanker with prostate issues

>> No.11422059
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Pranayama, boys. That's all I have to say.


>> No.11422071

or you can just swallow--joys of onanation with the strength.

>> No.11422083

I knew somebody was going to say it.

>> No.11422117

The logical conclusion is that one should swallow other men's cum while wearing a chastity. And a dress since at that point you might as well become a trap. Will to Power as Eternal recurrence of the Sperm and Peenspectivism.

>> No.11422134

If you have a bad diet or bad digestion (like Nietzsche, probably both at once) then critical brain nutrients like zinc and magnesium get rapidly depleted if you masturbate every day. Your body wants to reproduce more than it wants to think clearly.

Basic supplementation routine:
Zinc picolinate 50mg on full stomach (the meal should include healthy fats to absorb it properly, like olive oil or non-american dairy butter)
Magnesium citrate 400mg with glass of water before bed (deep sleep, vivid dreams)

If you have a good diet, like most aristocrats that Nietzsche admired, it doesn't make much of a difference. Testosterone levels peak seven days after your last orgasm but then dip back to normal even if you continue to abstain. In other words, not no-fap but weekly-fap is the best way to go.

Interestingly, testosterone levels are at their highest in the early morning, a time of day that Nietzsche was especially fond of.

As for re-absorption, nope. This was 19th century pop biology is not current science. Testosterone wasn't discovered until 1935 - can you imagine how different Freud's theories would be if he, a medical doctor, knew more about the biology of masculinity? Nietzsche was on the right track with his talk about diet and health.

>> No.11422153

>As for re-absorption, nope. This was 19th century pop biology is not current science.

So what happens to unejaculated sperm? They have a limited lifespan afaik.

> can you imagine how different Freud's theories would be if he, a medical doctor, knew more about the biology of masculinity?

He was commited to his infantile drives and family complexes, no amount of anatomy would've changed his mind about the fact that you unconsciously want to pound your mom's sweet puss over the corpse of your alpha dad.

>> No.11422158

was ok for Mishima

>> No.11422170

Not gonna make it bro.

>> No.11422196
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>2007 scientist vs ancient poos
how they did it?

>> No.11422211
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Ok, guys.
I shall tell you now the key that will spare you from unwanted ejaculations.

The key is always knowing at what circuit you operate. When you are aware of it, than you will know exactly the moment you descend and ascend in the thought vibration. If you end low near the day's end you might experience nightly emmisions. If some lovely bimbo charmed you during the day and it grown into sexual fantasy - you have to ascend before going to sleep.
Reading and thinking about higher goals, philosophy is one way of ascending from 4 to 5, even if only for some time.

If you want to read bout them circuits, get Prometheus rising, and do it right, fucking, now.

>> No.11422218

I can't believe this thread is real lmao. Your body produces 200 billion sperm every day. Every cell has a short lifespan, and when they die you don't reabsorb them, they are broken down and shat out. Sperm cells are no different.

>> No.11422220

>Magnesium citrate 400mg with glass of water before bed (deep sleep, vivid dreams)

I thought this was a laxative?

>> No.11422223

Donald truly is a wise man

>> No.11422231
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Truly, when you know this, the internet porn won't stand a chance.

Than you have to look out during the day because some girls have their force peaking and they are potent. Read Vril Future Of The Coming Race, if you want to know the true way sexes were meant to operate. Sad but true.

>> No.11422236

What book is this?

>> No.11422244

So I'm shitting dead sperm everyday?

> tfw necro-creampieing myself

>> No.11422245

It doesn't even matter because there is other, more abstract link you have to make.
The way you feel and what happens depends on how long you stay at each circuit and those that stay up have the world bowing down to them.

>> No.11422251

Anon, read the whole post, seriously.. you've been wanking aren't you?

>> No.11422252
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>when they mate it involves two males dueling, with the losing male being impregnated and turning himself into a female slug

>> No.11422266

I'm not a doctor, but having a means of digesting your own sperm seems unlikely. And aren't wet dreams the usual result of abstinence, a sort of automatic ejaculation to get rid of the dud sperm?

There are pretty string indications that your sexuality is determined by pre-natal hormones. That kind of puts traumatic homosexuality out the window. And the heritability of high test and genes associated with aggression makes more sense than angry fathers actually teaching their sons to be angry fathers.
I say this as an admirer of Freud. He did a great deal to explain the mind in the mind's own terms. But a lot of what he attributed to the unconscious mind was simply biological - not conscious, true, but not a part of the mind at all. Nietzsche was closer to the mark.

It is, but not at that dose. I actually take magnesium threonate, but that's too expensive to recommend for people who are just curious. I think magnesium malate is also a thing, but I don't know anything about it.
As for magnesium oxide, you'd be better off licking a magnesium-cased laptop.

>> No.11422276

>get Prometheus rising, and do it right, fucking, now.
You've piqued my interest. What else is the book about?

>> No.11422281

It's in the post.
The guy who wrote it literally laid out the only usable framework for understanding our behaviour and let some mind-freeing secrets out of the Illuminati closet.

>> No.11422298
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Just. Fucking. Do. It.
Read it.
Even if for the wrong reasons. Pic related

>> No.11422300

Not disagreeing with you about Freud, just saying that he was pretty set in his ways. Even today psychoanalysts respond to genetic arguments by saying that they're statistical predispositions and ignore the importance of environmental factors. In some ways I agree with them, but for different reasons.

>> No.11422316

Pure acceleration with no brakes or management is what happens in a board with no janitors or moderation.

>> No.11422322

You can fap and still retain your semen fyi.

>> No.11422323

You smell like a dead brain.

>> No.11422336

Good, at least your ilk will leave me alone now.

>> No.11422342

The next step is precum retention. Precum involves resources as well and arousal puts pressure on the prostate to produce it. The prostate tends to hurt after long edging sessions.

Besides, nofap should be about self-improvement. Edging sessions can go on forever and become an even worse habit than regular fapping. Just saying.

>> No.11422358

You are the Law in operation, for the doubting and fragile mind must always have a quick way out of recognizing what it is.

>> No.11422391
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Not the anon you replied to, but you are totally acting like an orange right now. I have this chart that explains people's enlightenment colors and you're way down on orange whereas you want to be on purple, bet you wanna know more? too bad you're a little orange bitch you can't handle the truth.

>> No.11422406

Is this why hardcore, real-deal Catholic clergy and religious give off that weird aura? I'm not talking about the gay ones or the ones with secret mistresses, I'm talking about the ones who are actually serious. You can always tell them because they actually do seem holy when you're in their presence.

>> No.11422419

Probably a contributing factor but I wouldn't call it the sole cause.

>> No.11422437

Freud was a fraud.

>> No.11422447

Well, one has to traverse the spectrum to be able to bring down certain higher ideas down.

Everything inside this box is false. The end of knowledge by a never-ending recurrent relationship of model to observer. Tonal/Nagual.
Your opinions are imprinted, nothing comes from nothing, the physical being the child of mental and all you represent is a mixture of what was and will be. Neuro anon. Neuro science is a science concerned with studying nervous system as comprehend ed by nervous system.

>> No.11422452
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Pic. related.

>> No.11422460

Your post reminds me of the fact that one can obtain a chemically induced state of euphoria by shitting into a plastic bag, holding it to one's face and inhaling the fumes.

>> No.11422473

ahahah you gotta be a real grade-A pseud to fall for new age rainbow enlightenment memes, jesus Christ

at least I could pick his writing style out of a lineup compared to the rest of you lemmings

>> No.11422478

Always happy to be the reason for remembrance of one's childhood.

>> No.11422485

I do hope that some day you cease this masturbatory exercise of intellectual tail-chasing.

>> No.11422522

It's more like graph traversal. Graph being the data structure that made it possible to represent many relationships in one model.

I'm not even kidding, if you read enough, it's out there to see, all of the symbols, all of the lights.

We are just drawing in the lower 4 circuits and have truble to recognize all of the hints druggies on acid want to somehow grasp but always fail to when they think they just started to.

Tail chasing is what I wrote about in previous posts and if you don't recognize it pragmatically, arghh.. ccough.. sub arghh 80 cough.. IQ arghh

>> No.11422547
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Btw. knowledge is only one of the lights. Daath.

>> No.11422567
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This thread is embarassing
Cum does not bring you to enlightenment you massive fucking faggots

>> No.11422600

Yeah, your physiological processes have fuck-all to do with your mind.

>> No.11422604

controlling your primal urges does you autistic retard

>> No.11422629

Sounds like ressentiment of the dick to me.

>> No.11422670

Being reasonable and practicing self-control instead of constantly indulging in pleasure is a pretty massive departure from absorbing the mystical power of your cum

>> No.11422680

it really isn't taken far enough, ive done it the fuck myself, nofap + exercise + contemplation/study takes you to the stratosphere

>> No.11422692
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yes it does

>> No.11422696

Where does this leave women?

>> No.11422708

women are subhuman, every philosopher knew this.

>> No.11422733

I definitely think it’s a big reason why.

>> No.11422760

Fuckers here talk about God all the time, but you can't deal with the mystics?

>> No.11422781

Your body forces you to ejaculate if you don't trigger it yourself- ever heard of a wet dream?

>> No.11422783

only if you haven't weaned your mind off sexually charged thoughts

>> No.11422791

wew you people are far gone
sex is a fact of life, of course excess is bad but sexual thoughts are normal. many Christians would say that just the thought isn't the sin, it's only the acting upon

>> No.11422796

>ever heard of a wet dream?
You don't know shit about how wet dreams work, or dreams at all, apparently.

>> No.11422799

ok, educate me big guy

>> No.11422805

>i-it's normal

do whatever the fuck you want, some people don't want to engage with something just because some kike study said so, sexuality is fine but i have no obligation to feed it, and the thinking of sexual thoughts is acting upon them retard, unless you mean simply acknowledging the thought and moving on in which case that is exactly what is supposed to be done

>> No.11422810

Actually they wouldn't say that all. Read the Bible.

27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

>> No.11422815

You don't just have them as a result of not ejaculating enough. If that were the case then you'd have to nail down the universal number of hours until you have a wet dream, but you couldn't possibly do that. Our psychology plays a part in the process.

>> No.11422821

>ahahah you gotta be a real grade-A pseud to fall for new age rainbow enlightenment memes, jesus Christ
not the guy you're replying to, but I've become pretty fucking appalled at this board's complete inability to detect sarcasm or humor lately. I know its summer, but I feel like this has been going on for a year or so. And its not just that this means /lit/ has a worse sense of humor; it actually impedes discussion. Like the guy I'm replying to right now: he didn't just miss out on a decent joke (oh here's your (You) >>11422391), but he completely misunderstood the other guys point.

>> No.11422827

poe's law niggerfaggot

>> No.11422965

Yet another 'not that guy'
>I have this chart that explains people's enlightenment colors
I mean.. it's not exactly subtle. I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.11422993
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Jesus said it first

>> No.11423003

you vastly underestimate the pseudery that can be found on /lit/

>> No.11423036

The occurrence of sexual thoughts is normal, the Christian is not to fan the flames of such thoughts (unless they are for one's spouse of course).

>> No.11423372

This is accepted by most of the church and scholars to mean even eye-fucking is adultery, i.e. deliberately ogling a chick extensively. Our instinctive immediate glance and reaction, “Oh, this person is hot” is not sinful, it’s biological. The point is not to fan such thoughts.

>> No.11423509

Huh, so this is The Gay Science.

>> No.11423587


>> No.11423771

>tfw all it gives you is a minimal amount of fructose and proteins you could get from a McDonals hot fudge sundae
>questionable if reabsorbed at all (eg wet dreams)

If you want to get on this nofap circle(non)jerk for the few days you will actually go through with it, more power to you OP. But it is 100% mental.

>> No.11423776

Back to watching cuckold porn I guess

>> No.11423779

Fuck off /sp/

>> No.11423786


>> No.11424168

They need to absorb (that is to say digest) men's cum. Not for any enlightenment, just cause.

>> No.11424342


>> No.11424437

>weekly-fap is the best way to go

>> No.11424480

Whip her!

>> No.11424517
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The fact is that you must want to elevate yourself and believe in the possibility first.
Be like Alypious. (Symbols Of Transformation)

Fantasy is ok, you just have to know how to swim back to the coast and not get pulled back into the center of the sea.

>> No.11424535
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Beware tho.

>> No.11424537
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He FELL, Down the circuits he went.

>> No.11424574

>This is not exactly pseudoscience since even Western science agrees with it to a degree
That's fucking retarded. One claim being almost-kinda-sorta close to the scientific consensus doesn't negate the entire set of claims being ridiculous pseudoscience.

>> No.11424618
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ITT: dunces with a thesaurus and the inability to detect sarcasm act like a self righteous recovered alcoholics

>> No.11424674

Now with 200% more Jezebels!

>> No.11424683
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>> No.11424687
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There is a light of future wisdom coming from recovered alcoholic to those still struggling, even if they cannot comprehend it as of now.

>> No.11424691

they aren't shat out retard. Unless you somehow think semen is made up of fibre

>> No.11424702
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If the alcoholic is an uptight cunt who spergs at people whenever he sees they enjoy a glass of wine, no.

>> No.11424713
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There is no such thing going on in this thread, look closer. It's your reflection playing it's spectacle now.

>> No.11424748

btw Nietzsche wasn't some ascetic idiot.. he love that sweet puss.. or boipuss.. or syphilispuss.. no one really knows..

>> No.11425622


In the trash, where they belong.

>> No.11425729


>> No.11426899
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Gggggguys, someone here doesn't know he lives in a sky-roofed cave.

>> No.11428239

Nietzsche always looked so disgusted by everything.

>> No.11428266

Nietzsche didn't have very much sex at all, some of his school buddies took him to a whorehouse and commented that he spent all of his time talking to the whores and trying to romance them, playing the piano for them and all instead of just fucking them like a normie would. And the two great loves of his life were fully unrequited.

He had female admirers, but he didn't really care for them. He gave one the gift of a garden toad he had caught in his handkerchief.

>> No.11428303

Also he probably didn't have syphilis, that was a clear misdiagnosis. His post-break brain function was quite different from a syphilitic, his madness letters and journals he kept during his time in the institution were far more complex than something a sufferer of late stage syphilis would have been able to write, and the fact that he survived for so many years after his break was completely unheard of in those days for syphilis patients. Nietzsche's sexual life was obscured but most of those who knew him believed that he did not have much sex. Wagner accused him of being a chronic masturbator but you don't get syphilis from that.

The new dominant theory that explains the physical reasons behind his break is that he probably had a tumor on his ocular nerve, which grew throughout his life. This would explain a few things, how his vision was markedly worse and he had a noticeably larger pupil in one eye compared to the other, and his post break symptoms. The tumor gradually would have cut off circulation to his frontal lobes putting him in a similar mental state to a lobotomy patient, which is consistent with his behavior post-break and likely would have been noticed by doctors had lobotomy been a procedure in those days. It also may explain his frequent bouts of crippling headaches. He also reported seeing things out of that eye when it was closed to a friend and worrying whether he was going mad or not sometime in his twenties.

It should be noted that his father died of a brain illness around the same age that Nietzsche was when he broke, so there's possibly some hereditary link.

>> No.11428631

Good post. It's worth mentioning that Nietzsche himself believed he had a genetic illness from his father's side.