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[ERROR] No.11418411 [Reply] [Original]

What do you live your life by?

>> No.11418429

try this: what is was is is; what is was is is; what is was is is; just live

>> No.11418493

Similarly, be isser. Be an isser you OP. The issist is you can be OP.

>> No.11418500

What the fuck is this? Are you okay?

>> No.11418559

just b urself

>> No.11418568

Nas: Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high cause you neve know when you're gonna go

>> No.11418574

striving to be closer to a better me. The Ubermensch

>> No.11418589


>> No.11418603
File: 134 KB, 921x619, primary_483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately, I'm just trying to love myself. In the last year I'd become obsessed with serving others, because I couldn't figure out any other way to value myself. A year of trying to live up to an ideal I simply cannot achive had caused me to have another nervous breakdown. Now I'm sitting at my computer high on diazepam waiting for the peace to come back. I need to learn to love myself, and not in the bullshit "you're perfect just the way you are" way, but just a genuine respect for my own dignity.

So in short: I don't know

>> No.11418689

>the most sublime act is to put another man before yourself

>proverbs of hell

>> No.11418744

whatever jesus said and whatever marcus aurelius wrote in his diary and suppressing the egotistical person i otherwise am

>> No.11418774

He is.

>> No.11418788

I live moment to moment like the pathetic wagerat i was born to be.
Trying to get into meditation but i drink too much caffeine.

>> No.11418828

hyperbolic doubt

>> No.11418831
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>> No.11418861
File: 51 KB, 500x579, zizek fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking to a Romantic for moral guidance

>> No.11419037

I live by only two rules.
The first one is don't sweat the little things

>> No.11419042

Islam, but I kinda want a girlfriend

>> No.11419045

Know thyself and nothing in excess

>> No.11419057

By God. On the straight path.

same desu

>> No.11419063

t. stoic boomer

>> No.11419066

The gay path is more fun

>> No.11419076

confusion, fear, rage, and hedonism

>> No.11419106


virtue > fun

>> No.11419157
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no ragrets