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11414289 No.11414289 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most depressing book you've ever read? The kind where you stop eating because you ask yourself "what´s the point?"

>> No.11414296

My diary desu

>> No.11414305

I need book suggestions that fit ops description please

>> No.11414318

Ecclesiastes, even though he says to eat.

>> No.11414347

That has never happened to me. Once I asked a similar question and they told me to read Camus' "The Stranger" and I read it but didn't make me depressed, all I could think was 'what a fucking bitch this macho-man is'
I'm not sure those existentialist or nihilist books deemed as depressing are going to make you depressed at least for me they make me more thoughtful and aware if anything.
white man hollowness is sad and cool but it won't haunt you, only make you think what the fuck
War books are depressing. inocent people dying, extreme misery, injustice and that sort of thing,

>> No.11414646

A Fan's Notes- I somtimes wish I could remove it from my psyche.

>> No.11414713

lol me too
something about it just makes life seem beautifully tragic

>> No.11414718

all that cometh is vanity

>> No.11415637

A child called it

>> No.11415654

pretty girl, shitty tattoos
i hate the modern world

>> No.11415677

A book is like a mirror, if an ugly hoe stares into it you can hardly expect a qt3.14 to appear.
Likewise, even if you read that kind of book, if you have not had such an experience it can never produce the effect you seek.
Only when you can link what you read to what you have experienced can you truly find what you seek, OP.
All you'll find when you read these kind of books is just a little bit more than the most depressing experiences you've ever had or can relate to in your life.

>> No.11416510

Ligotti's Conspiracy. I fucking dare you to read it. Fuck the faggots who try to turn it into a meme. Its a haunting essay.

>> No.11416519

So this is what a literal semen demon looks like, huh?

>> No.11416528

Industrial Society and its Future is pretty depressing, but you (should) get over it in a couple of weeks

>> No.11416531

This book can drive a depressed person to suicide.

>> No.11416547

This one destroyed me.

Norwegian Wood also hit me hard but more in a sad way. I've read 19Q4 by Murakami but didn't like it as much. Any recommendations of his other work that doesn't deal with the mysticism stuff?

>> No.11416599

this side of paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.11416851

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers. Shit made me give up on reading for like half an hour because it brought my lil externally-articulated nihilism to a fever pitch.

>> No.11416888
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>I don't want to remember the past either. The past is a flowering minefield. All the goodness I have known grows there but grows among explosives which drive shrapnel into my brain whenever I disturb them.

>What Alan saw in that mug was his own death. I can see mine in this glass, taste it on my tongue, feel it in the forgetfulness creeping across this brain. There are many things I used to remember, used to depend on remembering which I cannot remember now. Helen and I must have had many calm and pleasant times in ten or twelve years together but I cannot remember them. We must have had many holidays together. I cannot remember one. The braincells containing these memories have dissolved. There is now a black hole in my brain where light once shone, a hole which will get larger day by day until everything I know, everything I am has slid into it. Sip. Sip. Poor Alan, you were appalled by the sight of your death. You must have loved life. I loved life in those days but now I can take it or let it alone.

>> No.11416922


>> No.11416936

Jude the Obscure

>be me, Jude Fawley
>be lower class late 1800s country boy, love learning, self-taught Latin/Greek expert
>one day a random thot throws a pig's dick at me
>tfw never had a girl express interest in me so I date her
>she lies and says she's pregnant so I marry her
>she treats me like shit, takes up all my time so I can't fulfill my destiny to be a great academic at Oxford
>find true love with my cousin and start dating her even though our family is cursed and society will never accept us for being a couple without being married
>have children with cousin, find out that I had a child with the thot and she sends him to live with me
>can't get job, no one likes our family, move away to live in squalor
>evil thot child kills my babies and hangs himself
>cousin loses her mind, finds God, and leaves me
>thot finds me again, gets me drunk, and tricks me into re-marrying her
>I lie at home dying alone while my wife goes out to try and find a new husband, having lost my one true love, having never accomplished anything, and not leaving behind any children

>> No.11416980

I don't remember the title, but it was about how to find a job, easily the most hopeless thing I've ever had to attempt.

>> No.11417352

Too close to home

>> No.11417372

Dirty Snow by Georges Simenon

>> No.11417414

The Foundation Pit.
>the characters work on construction of a big dumb building in the USSR
>they're at varying stages of awareness of the fact that it will never be completed and all their toil is for naught
>there's also hunger and kulak-ousting b/c Stalin
>there are long paragraphs dedicated to things like the mass starvation of farm animals and the irreparable breakup of kulak families
Even for Soviet-era lit it's bleak as heck. Highly recommend it.

>> No.11417754

Hey man, read the windupbirdcronichle. I also like the realist Murakami. You're gonna love it by the end. just give it time.

>> No.11417804

Thank you.

>> No.11417814

Another downer for me was The book of disquiet. Damn, Pessoa knows how to talk to my soul.

>> No.11418036

I'll sound like a pleb but Catcher in the Rye
Being a lonely insecure teenager and reading that book was a fucking kick in the dick. I still remember the part where he's talking about "FUCK" being written on all the walls and how there's no quiet place, and it just made me feel like, fuck, I don't feel like there's any place for me.

>> No.11418258

That doesn´t sound plebby at all, anon. It´s a good book that really captures important feels.

>> No.11418304

It’s a comic but still Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth was the only thing I read that gave me a pit of my stomach depression that stuck with me for weeks. Chris Ware really knows how to make upsetting shit

>> No.11418361

Notes from undergound by Dostoevsky

>> No.11418721

Probably Mann's Doktor Faustus.

>> No.11419107

Lolita was kinda sad, but apart from that i've never really read a book that made me depressed.
On the other hand anime and manga had that effect on me during early adolecense , when i read GoodNight Punpun and watched Neon genesis Evangelion i've experianced a sort of dark filter supperimposed on my eyes

>> No.11419727

just started reading it (1/4th through), dont see anything depressing at all. When does it start getting sad ?

>> No.11419754



What literature do the shills want to keep us from discussing?

>> No.11419829

Conspiracy is a fucking histrionic temper tantrum. There is nothing remotely depressing about it.

>> No.11419872

just downloaded the pdf. i'm a christian. feels like im about to get roasted or smth

>> No.11419884

The screenplay for click

>> No.11419912

Wow, that was really fucking bad, haha. It reads like the bad poetry of a 'depressed' 10th grader.

>> No.11419925

The Children of Hurin.
>It is a fair tale, though it is sad, as are all the tales of Middle-earth, and yet it may lift up your hearts.’
So much of Tolkien is bleak, but the Children of Hurin reads like almost like a Greek tragedy, the characters are all hounded by doom and despair to their life's end.

>> No.11420101

Why would you want an answer to such a question? Doesn't seem healthy op

>> No.11420148

Real depression is knowing that you will never suckle those toes

>> No.11420622

The Road wasn't the most pleasant read

>> No.11421422

Based post

>> No.11421434

lol! xD

>> No.11421460


>> No.11422552

Based on that thread on the frontpage, none

>> No.11422585

There's always one guy, huh

Made me daydream about what it would be like to be loved by my parents

>> No.11422933

I don’t think I’ve ever encounted a text more pessimistic than me desu.

>> No.11422962


>> No.11422966

i found it funny.

nigga got shot in the ass for fuckin' a watermelon.
made me chuckle

>> No.11422981

who would write a book about this i mean why would u do it is mccarthy a fucking fag or what

>> No.11423012

if you are truly depressed then no book will make you ask such questions since you are already asking them for decades or you have found the answer and live a comfortably life.

>> No.11423053

Blindsight by Peter Watts fucked me up. That book is an infohazard.

>> No.11423077

madame bovary desu

as someone who's had a bit of, uh, economic troubles, i could definitely relate to the dread that mounts as emma's comeuppance looms nearer, and the rashness of every bad decision that goes along with it

the final chapter is like a montage of horrors, and the very last line of the book is so perfect. makes you want to toss the it through a window

>> No.11423992

sounds retarded desu senpai

>> No.11424054
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>> No.11424075

A Little Life

>> No.11424604

This desu

>> No.11424727
File: 544 KB, 1280x1920, 5a2ba771340ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting depressed by Ligotti and Murakami
tumblr begone

>> No.11424731

If it makes you feel better her face has probably been photoshopped extensively.

>> No.11424742

This book can fuck your life if you read it in the wrong period. It's a horror book disguised as essay. Careful with it.

I'd say The Book of disquiet by Pessoa is the best description of depression I've ever read. Go get that too.

>> No.11424746

t. incel

>> No.11425493

This guy's diary.

>> No.11425898

Biography of a Schizophrenic homeless heroin addict who was bummed by his brother as a kid, mostly through the lens of this yuppie who decided to write a book about 'im, the idea is that it starts at his suicide, then unpicks his life back to what the writer felt was the pivotal moment that turned him into a mess - being bummed.
'S called "Stuart: A Life Backwards", studied it for A-level English lit

>> No.11425902

Where the red fern grows

>> No.11425919

maybe i am edgier than the average person but i found Conspiracy sort of comedic

>> No.11425922

whats it about, in summary?

>> No.11425928

there is no meaning at all, everything we do is escaping and denying the fact that we will die and our existences are pointless. it's even a bit darker than that, i read this years ago so im a bit fuzzy, but i think he says that simply being conscious is intrinsically horrifying even beyond the mortality awareness

>> No.11425949

>"tumblr begone"
>posts a THOT


>> No.11425986

fair enough I guess, tho I dont really see the merit of pointing it out.

>> No.11426008

i think it's interesting to read because you automatically start making counter arguments to salvage some form of meaning

>> No.11426041

I honestly believe a person with a deep understanding of human behavior and consiousness would counter-argue that book point by point. Maybe Peterson, or someone like that idk. Because as someone pointed out earlier, is a horror book disguised as a essay.

>> No.11426045

right, i get it, its so unwavering in claiming existence is meaningless that you're being kneejerk'd into realizing there might be something
you actually find meaningful and thus improving your stance on things, like a cold shower.
But people struggling with depression n such will cling to it.

>> No.11426107

You must be retarded.

>> No.11426119

This but unironically

>> No.11426122

This was uplifting.

Conspiracy against the human race is depressing??? It was fucking entertaining.

>> No.11426231

how do you escape this?
i never read ligotti but after reading up on him, he appears to have the same type of thoughts i have had for years, slowing me down to the point of throwing my 3 year relationship away and self sabotaging everything i start because it all appears so meaningless fuck. does he have a solution? anything of meaning?

>> No.11427446

I can relate somewhat, after graduating high school I spent some time searching on the internet for how to figure out what to do with your life, it made me all feel very bad
>Just think about what you love doing and what you are good at :)
Probably reasonably good adivce but not helpful to me personally

>> No.11427466

This one. Truly unsettling.

>> No.11428074

If there were solutions it wouldn’t be so horrible anon

>> No.11428172

i know
i should stop drunkposting sry

>> No.11429240

No problem m8 I’m a bit of an alcohol myself.

I’m slowly turning to a more negative hedonist approach though, as in avoiding suffering rather than seeking pleasure.

Epicureans and Buddhists have useful things to say about this. May not be a solution but it can certainly diminish severity.

>> No.11429471

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>> No.11429889

Anything by Jojo Moyes. It becomes almost soul crushing once you realize how many people read that garbage.

>> No.11430913


>> No.11432017

Yep, prolly Book of Disquiet, wonder why it's so popular here ^^^^^^

>> No.11432302

King Lear

>> No.11432845

The Road