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/lit/ - Literature

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11417224 No.11417224 [Reply] [Original]

I liked Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin and Cinema Orly by Luis Capucho. What are some good ones in your opinion?

>> No.11417299

Thanks doctor

>> No.11417314

Dennis Cooper

>> No.11417419

bring your cards down fellow /lit/fags

>> No.11417428

fag shit should be banned outside of /lgbt/

>> No.11417431


>In Search of Lost Time
>The City and the Pillar
>A Boy's Own Story
>A History of Gay Literature: The Male Tradition

>> No.11417435

Dorian Gay

>> No.11417443

Homophobia should be banned outside of /pol/.

>> No.11417460

fuck off

>> No.11417461
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>> No.11417486

Why did you even open this thread? That’s pretty gay.

>> No.11417545

Our Lady of the Flowers by Genet
Querelle too

>> No.11417551

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Moby Dick
The Great Gatsby

>> No.11417654

my diary desu

>> No.11417659

OP's diary desu senpai

>> No.11417664


>> No.11417703
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>boohoo you can't say that word

>> No.11417709

I recently finished reading Last Exit to Brooklyn and it was significantly more gay than I anticipated. Traps getting fucked, traps giving suck, lil boy cock being fellated. Pretty degenerate stuff.

>> No.11417753
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Maupin all the way

>> No.11417979

Aldo Busi
Seminar on Youth
Sodomies in Elevenpoint

>> No.11417985

My diary desu. (For real)

>> No.11418437
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The core romance was pretty qt and sad.

>> No.11418451
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This book manages to be /lit/ tier and focus entirely on gay sex, which is impressive.

>> No.11418465
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Most historical fiction is pretty gay, pic related.

>> No.11418546

i read them but dind't even realise those were gay books

>> No.11418639

any good MALE gay erotica?

>> No.11418855

they aren't you mong

>> No.11419377

they are though, especially Great Gatsby, which features an implied hookup between Nick and another character.

>> No.11419382

I’m on mobile someone post that list I made but the v2 version
Anyway start with the Greeks

>> No.11420779


>> No.11420784

Songs of Antonio Botto, they were translated by Fernando Pessoa I think.

>> No.11420842

Drawing blood by Poppy Z Brite.
(Or anything by Poppy Z Brite)

>> No.11420969

The Old Testament
Genesis 19

>> No.11421024

Thanks Doc

>> No.11421050


>> No.11421103


>> No.11421722
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sto leggendo Camere Separate proprio ora

>> No.11422950

forbidden colors by mishima

>> No.11423739

legit fag core

>> No.11424052

i love gay stuff nice thread

>> No.11424057

Is Maurice good?

>> No.11424059
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>> No.11424061

Call Me By Your Name is alright

>> No.11424072

My diary desu

>> No.11424170


>> No.11424177

Moby Dick

Ishmael has a fetish for BBC and wants to bathe with his friends in whale nut

>> No.11424193
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Pic related, obviously. It made me gay for Griffith even as a straight guy.
>Inb4 underage children saying this isn't literature

>> No.11425923

manga isn't literature

>> No.11426478

Is Will Grayson, Will Grayson any good?

>> No.11426480
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Very underrated, even in gay literatury circles.

>> No.11426487

>that chapter about the severed whale shlong

>> No.11426507

Memes aside, it is structured similar to a love story, so no surprise if it ends up really gay.

>> No.11426529

Aids Patient Zero

>> No.11426543

the symposium
the iliad
funeral rites
in search of lost time
the immoralist
death in venice and tonio kroger
confessions of a mask
À rebours

>> No.11426945

Confessions of a Mask

>> No.11426971

demian by hesse. its homo but somewhat bi in a cute way

>> No.11426992

Your diary lol

>> No.11428381

The Charioteer
The Last of Wine
The Alexander Trilogy

All by Mary Renault.

>> No.11428782

Communist Manifesto

>> No.11429195

Collected works of Chuck Tingle

>> No.11430130
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Shut up faggot. Stop censoring people, look at the website you're on.

>> No.11431134

Call me by your name by Andre Aciman
Autobiography of red by Anne Carson

>> No.11431689

Is there any good literature about transwomen that aren't either liberal shit or YA shit?

>> No.11432125

The best gay literature is jap doujins starring a self insert protagonist and muscular feminine twink bois

>> No.11432172
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>> No.11432472

Some about Pedro Lemebel. He´s a important chilean author.

Star with "Tengo miedo torero", probably you can find it translated

>> No.11432535

Gay love stories are interesting in that the use of two men means that when tragedy strikes the lover doesn't become the sort of 'damsel in distress', but may even become the villain.

Imagine Frankenstein, but instead of the monster killing Victor's wife, Victor is fucking the monster.

>> No.11432732

Gravity’s Rainbow
Infinite Jest
The Bible
my diary desu

>> No.11433775
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Book of Genesis

>> No.11433858


>> No.11433876

A Little Life, if you have the stomach for a 900-page horribly depressing book

not exaggerating, this is a book for, like, middle schoolers.