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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 249 KB, 248x459, Bugs...EasyOnTheCarrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11414067 No.11414067 [Reply] [Original]

Write what is on your mind

>> No.11414070

I'm 21 years old, I'm not going to kill myself, but I'm not looking forward to living for 60 more years.

>> No.11414072

Poop and pee.

>> No.11414086

Bugs Bunny is a voluptuous strumpet of Hebrew extraction, he said she said, heshe said.
Oh no my vagina is on fire, Jazz Jennings gently whispered.

>> No.11414087

just took a shit finally. took forever, there was like five awkward minutes between logs, that reminds me i never realized there are people who dont read while the shit, it was a real eye opener to see how the other half shits

>> No.11414089

I wrote all of these.

>> No.11414124

goes directly into my next novel hailed as the next underground cult classic

>> No.11414198
File: 50 KB, 492x700, BjorkSnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snap* it goes directly into my next cringe collection hailed as the next underground cult classic.

>> No.11414554

Not sure what the hell was wrong with the thread about critiques of liberalism.

>> No.11414569

Ease would recant
Vows made in pain, as violent and void.
For never can true reconcilement grow,
Where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep.
So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.

>> No.11414602

I've been forced to take Spanish language classes from middle school to my final year of college and I've hated every minute of it. I also found out that my crush is dating a Hispanic guy. I feel genuine rage whenever I hear someone speak Spanish, play Spanish music, or praise Hispanic culture.

>> No.11414613
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, TrumpDab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I feel you bro.

>> No.11414621

god i wish i was stronger
I'm tired of being weak, mentally, phyiscally.
i want the strength to speak with confidence
i want to undo the lifetime of following cowardly instincts

>> No.11414669

books written today:
atlas dabbed

>> No.11414673


>> No.11414697

I need to right whats on my mind first

>> No.11414704

Why do my emotions snap on and off?

>> No.11414725

I have no interest in politics or debates of any sort but I watch ShoeOnHead because she's essentially my ideal girlfriend personality wise even though she's almost definitely fucked up in some way. I find her boyfriend Armored Skeptic to be kind of a prick but I think it's because I resent him for dating her.

>> No.11414735


nun nun
oo oo!

>> No.11414739


adding to this that my crotch sweat smells divine right now

>> No.11414741

The founding fathers of America were bastards and liars. The only thing good about that Mel Gibson movie was when he questioned about one tyrant three thousand miles away (that barely affected the Americans, let's be honest) or three thousand tyrants one mile away. And the French guy was cool. And Jason Isaacs.

Americans are tyrants themselves. Foolish tyrants that only want certain freedom and not for everyone. You have to be a certain colour or religion or think a certain way then you can have the liberty we give you and no more. You want more? Sign up for a permit to protest it. Work more. Slave more. Be civil. Stay civil so nothing changes.

Fuck America. Fuck the founding fathers. Fuck every president since this shitty nation of tyrants and blowhards began.

John Brown was an American hero.

>> No.11414751

Shalom Rabbi!

>> No.11414752


you're a faggot

>> No.11414753


>> No.11414756


the troika has formed

>> No.11414759

t. mexican

>> No.11414760

im never going to be writer
ive been thinking about writing my novel for 3 years, but i havent started because im too scared to write anything

>> No.11414774


God I fucking hate this place


I'm a caucasian from the bible belt

>> No.11414785
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I have strong feelings for a girl I've known for years and I tried asking her out. we got dinner a couple times but I think I knew it wouldn't work because for as long as I've known her up to about a year ago neither of us were interested in dating anyone at all - that changed for me, but not for her. We go to the same college now, and I see her once in a while and we'll both say 'hey' with a smile and a wave at each other but it hurts me inside that I can't be with her and the worst part is that it's not anything wrong with me so there's nothing I can really do. We don't really line up with classes or with social activities anymore so I'm probably going to see her even less now. I don't know what would hurt more, though - never seeing her anymore or seeing her every day and not being able to do anything about it.

>> No.11414791

if you're only interested in being with her, then make it a point. it's toxic to just wait for shit to happen, you need to act.

if you just want to be friends, then let it be and forget about it, there's billions of people in the world

>> No.11414799

I know I should try to forget about it, I've been trying for a while now but it's harder than you make it out to be

>> No.11414812
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That is even worse anon.

>> No.11414827

I started the Hunchback of Notre Dame and it’s great when he’s actually telling the story. Holy fucking shit is he going to quit talking about the architecture at some point? I feel like I’m reading a fucking pamphlet about old buildings. Am I a brain let for being bored? Is the story worth pushing through?

>> No.11414840

Me parece que alguien está celoso :3

>> No.11414900
File: 19 KB, 640x480, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today was a good day.
i read a few short stories. i went for a long walk with my gf while stoned. she got a slurpie at 7-11. i got a taquito. we wandered through the subdivisons looking at trees and imagined life outside the walled, decaying garden of commerce. we came home, i grilled some meat. i pet the cat. i read some and edited. we watched fireworks together. i listened to some electronic music.

>> No.11414930

The distant stars glimmered a faint yellow color in the dead of night reminding him of tarnished bullet casings half buried in the rich soil of his home. While the scent of smoke dry and wild filled his nose, his thoughts drew back to a day that time had long passed on and left to fade and decay. It was he mid of summer and even through the windmills' listless turns, he could feel the heat weighing on him like a coat of iron or lead. His hands ached from the plow and he could smell the tang of blood in the air- bitter and vacant. Westward the sun shimmered on movement in the field and the wet sound of beasts gorging themselves accompanied the wind in it's empty song. The steps he took were hesitant; anything could be a danger in these parts. The buzzards heard him before he had even made it fifteen feet. "They'll be back.", he thought, "The scavenging bastards..." The body on the ground took its form and with clarity he had to hold back the urge to scream. It had been a child; no more than four. From the signs it had lost it's way when i's family had started off to their next stop and gotten injured. Half a day without direction or water had been the catalyst. He hoped that the kid had died before the bastards had shown up; or at least he prayed for it. He put his hands to his mouth and tried to shake the images from his mind for another evening. He stared at the stars again and let his mind fade into a dusky haze. With his eyes heavy, he muttered "If this isn't Hell yet, there's a devil walking around guaranteeing it will be soon." He let out a shallow breath and with it his words were lost in the stale ether.

>> No.11414931

it's pretty quiet rn, im not that horny but it could be a good time to get a fap in

>> No.11415209

what the fuck was literally every single woman in The Brothers Karamazovs problem

>> No.11415218

That they were women.

>> No.11415236

I worry that I enjoy collecting books more than I enjoy reading them

>> No.11415239

Fucking dumb dumb knowing Spanish makes you a golden asset to every employer in America. Retain that shit you little bitch and get that higher salary.

>> No.11415251

I still don't know what I want to do with myself.

>> No.11415254

this is why i limit myself to reading one book at a time, and buy one new book when i finish it

>> No.11415257

I am drowning in puss. Gosh am I a hecking player.

>> No.11415294

Why are we here and where are we going?

>> No.11415558

same, i'm 21 years old and comfort myself with thoughts of offing myself at 25, 30, or 45, the earlier the better because it means i'll live more instead of just enduring the drudgery that is the modern world

i feel like if i die earlier then i'll get more done, i'll pursue the things that truly matter to me, and if i fail at them it won't matter anyway because i'll be dead, and it beats living to see everyone i hold dear grow old and die, it's terrifying seeing my younger brothers age

>> No.11415565

oh bugs, do not indulge yourself so much with the salads.

>> No.11415570

i hate women even though im with one rn

>> No.11415597

Long summer days in which one has nothing to do except sit around the house are more lonely and depressing than anything I've experienced in winter.

>> No.11415609

I need to start doing this. My backlog is about 30 books

>> No.11415612

Maybe you can become portugalboo? Certainly the Portugese must be the mortal enemies of the Spanish.

Let Taleb teach you how to enjoy doing nothing / properly do nothing.

>> No.11415632

modern art sucks

>> No.11415743


>> No.11415877

Talking to people about books is so hard.

> hey Anon heard you like reading books

> haha yeah

> what book are you reading now?

> Oh...uh....just some g-gogol

> Who?

> Gogol. N-Nikolai Gogol.

> Oh. I haven't heard of him...what book by him are you reading?

> Uh...Dead Souls. It's pretty good. It's a satirical novel about 19th century Russia...

> Oh, cool. I don't really read.

>> No.11415905


if someone actually said that, that means they're at least somewhat interested

just don't go full sperg mode on them

>> No.11415915

What's the point? If society can never afford me the things I actually want, then why should I continue to work like a dog?

>> No.11415938

I like how you write. Do you have something of yours I can read?

>> No.11415962
File: 1013 KB, 2327x2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm well-read, i play several instruments, and have many interesting hobbies and yet my social circle is a lot smaller than i would like. i feel like the solution to this is to be completely genuine with everyone i meet but my vision of this Romantic ideal is not congruent with my actuality. how do i do this? i'm so reserved and every time i try to step outside of my bubble i overshare and feel foolish. today is the youngest i ever will be and i don't want to die alone and unsatisfied. pic related is my aspiration.

>> No.11416017

shut the up

>> No.11416029
File: 730 KB, 1600x1689, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insta neckbeard

Like a Clockwork.

>> No.11416035

You'll be alright. Don't force it too much, because you're not like them. You're one of us. You're autistic.

>> No.11416098


>> No.11416294
File: 381 KB, 889x1600, dali christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ich bin kein Teil des Ganzen deswegen erlebe ich Schauer verzweifelter Dankbarkeit.

>> No.11416307

your thoughts are shallow and you can't express yourself well enough to make them interesting
you need a good humbling from somebody who has developed an actual personality
good luck finding that person
bisschen melodramatisch, oder?

>> No.11416324

you are untalked, anon.

Just try to strive and find people with your interests. Join a new class, go to group courses in your city (history, mythology, whatever). Team up with people, do musical events.

Don't expect the majority of people to understand you; and do NOT attempt to educate them all. You will fail miserably.

Understand that free will is a sacred principle and you can only grown with people who already have decided on their own to grow themselves.

Also try to be more faithful in your own ideas; don't try to gain reassurance for everything.

>> No.11416330

The quality of a person's ideology can be assessed through their vote (or if not American: support) for Donald J. Trump. It seems there have been an increase of leftist or communist posting individuals, whether this is simply an influx of people or a part of the politicization of non-political interests such as literature is unknown, but there anti-capitalist or anti-corporate sentiment is growing. Since Donald Trump opposes the international system of political oppression and supports traditional labor, manufacturing, and unions it would be natural for a communist type specimen to support him. If the communist does not support Donald Trump it can be assumed that they are not serious about their anti-corporate or anti-capitalist sentiments. I assume many are ignorant college students who don't actually recognize our problems. This same applies to other "leftist" ideologies such as environmentalism, the harm that overpopulation and illegal immigration causes is far greater damage than anything Donald Trump could do by making Rick Perry (useless) head of the EPA (even more useless than Rick Perry) or pulling out of the Paris agreement which was just a glorified marketing scheme to promote Obama. Needless to say I have nothing but contempt for most political posters because they are ignorant. Especially leftists, because they are ignorant and arrogant.

>> No.11416338

cuck bait?

>> No.11416376

Ask her out, be assertive and confident, act like you can get any other girl and maybe have some hot girls around you when you see her next. Get them laughing. She'll think you have high sex value if she sees hot girls with you and her pussy will tingle.

>> No.11416387
File: 123 KB, 785x757, 7nhd3Z5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn some basic, self-defense oriented hand-to-hand combat. I don't have delusions of becoming some badass, Spike Spiegel style badass, I just want to have some confidence in coming out of a scrape on top.

>> No.11416404

I would destroy you with my MMA. Rush me? BOOM oblique kick the knee *SNAP* Trying to grapple? BOOM Thai Clinch with deadly knees. We get on the ground? Even better you're getting heel hooked.

>> No.11416466

Boxing + Wrestling is really all you need

>> No.11416480

Jajaja blanquito cornudo y maricón.

>> No.11416487

>for as long as I've known her up to about a year ago neither of us were interested in dating anyone at all
She's unironically getting pump by Chad regularly.

>> No.11416551

Holy fuck I am so bored

>> No.11416703

What are some good /lefty/ newspapers / publications? Like stuff with actual substance, not just communist infowars.

>> No.11416876

good luck, leftists can't read

>> No.11416883
File: 34 KB, 460x378, nice loot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying to write erotica and it never goes well. I'm not saying my usual writing is phenomenal, but I'm confident it's readable and even enjoyable. But Christ, reading an erotic short I've written the day after, when the arousal has worn off, makes me want to kill myself. Yet I keep doing it. It's my guilty pleasure. And there's never any improvement.

>> No.11416889
File: 117 KB, 372x351, 1404005425769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual substance

>> No.11416899


>> No.11416906

new left review
monthly review
verso books

>> No.11416911

Underrated post

>> No.11416918

/Leftypol/ please go

>> No.11416972

based and redpilled

>> No.11416987


The right thinks "Art of the Deal" and "Mein Kampf" are legitimately good books, so I don't think they can read either.

Even the neolibs recognize the value in leftist critique, even if they don't embrace the ideology.

>> No.11417007

>The right thinks "Art of the Deal" and "Mein Kampf" are legitimately good books
Not really. Depends what you mean by right. I hope you don't unironically believe the majority of people on the right like those books.

>> No.11417018

Like you said it depends on what you take "right" to mean. Since there are loads of unironic /pol/ crossboarders here you can't be too careful.

>> No.11417028

what does this post even mean

>> No.11417030

Yeah, but, saying /pol/ represents the right is kind of stupid. They're powerless retards. At least when we speak of progressives dragging down the Left there's some truth to it, since they hold positions of actual power.
It just seems incredibly uncharitable that you would dismiss so many people in one go like that.

>> No.11417032

I have to write an article to deliver in a few hours but instead i'm on 4chan

>> No.11417191

>real eye opener

I bet it was lol

>> No.11417201

Me thinks you got cucked by Juan and only . now retroactively hate spanish. There is no way you coulad have just accepted the spanish classes like a retard.

>> No.11417207
File: 32 KB, 800x516, 1529477853955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The right thinks "Art of the Deal" and "Mein Kampf" are legitimately good books
Get these fuckers off of my board

>> No.11417212
File: 167 KB, 667x468, 1530722680719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11417217

I sat with them during lunch.Only after I had mine. There were a few awkward silences, but we had laughs and common pains. I'll do it again sometime next week, not to over do it I'll leave before I fuck up. Anxiety is a bitch but I can control it by just leaving, maybe I'll bring up amusing annecdote from the weekend. It hink tomorrow afternoon I'll go to the nearby coffeeshop and read for a bit then draw on my sketchbook.

>redaing in public

yeah yeah, pretenitous, bugs, carrots etc. I dont care, I like it. and it's better than staying home all day and drawing from the internet. will probably finish what I'm reading right now and start on a Edith Hamilton's Mythology book so I can finally dig into some plays that I've horded over the years, might start with Theban plays.

>> No.11417250
File: 549 KB, 1215x869, 1528511862974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is civility a thing of the past? I just had to talk to someone who just constantly slandered Mohammad which my parents still follow islam and take it while biting my finger and then he decided to say how i'm one of the nicer arabs he's met for not trying to cave his skull in. I wonder why anyone would do such a thing. They complain about being attacked but then proceed to insult everything people stand for. I don't condone violence but if a bear attacks you after you poke it it's not the bears fault. Just be nice to each other, don't hit people but don't insult them either. These aren't hard concepts to grasp.

>> No.11417266
File: 18 KB, 353x355, lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11417270

how to stop being a sadboy?

>> No.11417278

Race relations have not improved, have never improved, and will never improve.

>> No.11417281
File: 96 KB, 640x786, 12345667078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i'm just ranting, thats what this thread i for anyway.
Also the sailor who fell from grace with the sea is an awkward book as the kid in it is written as some sort of hyper intelligent midget who just acts like a little shit

>> No.11417315

I rejected the first girl to ever take interest in me since elementary school because I know it wouldn't work and felt she deserves better, I crave affection yet prefer isolation, I quickly get bored of people.
I'm also tired of this tiny closed loop of bureaucratic wageslavery I wake up to every morning, I don't particularly consider suicide, but the thought that one day I will die and all of this will cease to bother me really fills me with relief.

>> No.11417409
File: 6 KB, 249x149, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl I had a crush on in high school, messaged me out of the blue apologizing that she rejected me now that I'm actually up to her standards. Hadn't thought of her in years, figured I'd easily hit on her. Go on two dates and charisma check her to break up with her boyfriend, not for my gain but more for her own sake. After making out on a couple dates I realize we have nothing in common and just break it off.

Weeks later another girl I had a fling with is now doing the same thing. Approaching out of the blue, giving me the same "Oh I was wrong, I'm sorry I was such a butch to you and ghosted you. What's up haha?"

Weirdly they're both Aries. Have no clue what will come of this. If this happens a third time I'm convinced I'm in a simulation and someone just put my charm meter up a notch.

>> No.11417423

bitch* lmao

>> No.11417440

My white friends, girlfriend and I disagree

>> No.11417483

Just dipped my dick in my gfs tub of ice cream, got her to suck it clean, jizzed into the tub and we carried on watching tv while she ate it.
There is joy in this miserable life after all.

>> No.11417489

Enjoy being forced to live among those who will always look at you differently for what you are, and continuing to be the slave of globalization.

>> No.11417504

There is a world outside of 4chan

>> No.11417516
File: 12 KB, 618x101, gnc comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel makes me wonder if the 'everything is politics' meme is inescapable.

>> No.11417525

my consumers' dream now is to buy a vibrator

>> No.11417538

you're family will find out

>> No.11417586

I wish my boyfriend was straight and not some gross bisexual into men crossdressing. I know he goes on here so sorry if you see this

>> No.11417615

Fuck off Stacey

>> No.11417623

fuck me chad

>> No.11417630

Don't get why you're complaining about him being bisexual since you must be gay

>> No.11417636

still here guys

>> No.11417637

>he doesn't know that gays hate bisexuals

>> No.11417638

im bisexual and i hate bisexuals

>> No.11417657

I don't want to visit prostitutes again but my anxiety and low self steem damage my opportunities of getting a girlfriend (And even if I get one I will keep being afraid of being abandoned or betrayed).

>> No.11417668
File: 47 KB, 657x879, abstractwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some cheese burgers, but then i'd have to walk to the burger joint in the fucking summer. Should i do it, are the cheeseburgers worth it?

>> No.11417675

James reJoiced, for he jelqed joyfully all day. And lo, behold! To and fro(t) here come the Jewboys, all juiced up, to join James in ejecting juice a plenty. Yea, a joyride for the(e) whole family.

>> No.11417677


>> No.11417697


>> No.11417712

It's fine, i'll burn the calories to and from my house
you've convinced me

>> No.11417739

Why is everything 'good' and 'wholesome' supposed to culminate in some kind of gret coming-together of all of humanity? Why is that seen as the greatest good and a utopian future?
Sometimes things are better off separate and alone. I believe it would be far better if all the cultures in the world would leave each other be and never interact again, than coalescing them all into one giant conglomerate.

>> No.11417741
File: 143 KB, 321x607, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leg fetish is the most patrician one, I'm sure

>> No.11417772

blame it on fucking Plato

>> No.11417787

Nice legs anon. Post feet pics next please.

>> No.11417897

>Post feet pics next please

>> No.11418008

What did Plato do?

>> No.11418011


>> No.11418630

this weed killing, pet grooming, current rectifying motherfucker

>> No.11418675

being in social situations gets easier every time. go to a book club or writing group, make it a point on your first meeting to not talk so much about yourself but ask questions about the group/people you’re speaking too. if you feel welcome and good in it, you’ll be more comfortable the next time you go.

getting out of your comfort zone is tough but can be really rewarding

>> No.11418704

i took someone’s virginity last fall after a few dates and it didn’t end up working out between us because we didn’t have a lot in common past a few conversational topical and i feel really guilty about the situation

>> No.11418729

if he slept in your arms afterwards it was a good thing, don't worry

>> No.11418771

yeah and im absolutely livid

>> No.11418780

I want to break the fucking paradigm man

>> No.11418875

Middle school was well over a decade ago but periodically I remember the kid who said the words that sparked what I believe to be the start of a lot of my social issues apart from my autism. I remember his face, his name. The words always jump at me when I feel secure

"Nobody likes you Anon" and "the friends you do have just feel sorry for you"

I asked a friend smarter than me why the mind does that; think of things that make us feel awful even when theres no reason to. "It's a survival instinct" he explained that when bad things happen to you the animal mind hangs onto the thoughts more than others so you can remember them and know what not to do should the situation happen again.

now that I type it all out I know I could have punched the kids face in had the thought hit me. Make his dumbass words hurt him physically to say as much as it hurt me mentally in adulthood. But it wasn't my nature. i can count the number of fights I got into growing up they're all on one hand. I remember those kids too. all of them shitty people, from broken families, least 2 out of the 4. I know at least one of my bullies went to jail for drug charges

I'd be punished anyway if I punched that kid. my angry grudge against public schooling. They're never around till you act in your own defense, and then when you do they punish you.

It doesn't matter, I have a job, an apartment, monthly checks from the government. on some level I won because I'm set for life.

It doesn't feel like it at all though.

>> No.11418884

Existence is disappointing. Reminder there's no free will. You've been given initial traits and all subsequent events are your environment acting on you. If you're stuck you need outside input. This is some outside input from an internet stranger that's been stuck and is still stuck. Go do that thing.

>> No.11418905

>implying I didn't freely choose to retroactively lose my free will

>> No.11419215

Space marines are becoming a thing, and i have to find a way to join them

>> No.11419218

i'm not your bf we're just friends remember

>> No.11419229

shit man another anxiety attack coming on, oh fuck, im going to be homeless and smelly, man being poor really fucks with you, maybe its all the monster energy, those fuckers have like 160mg of caffeine per can which is like kind of a lot, dude in capitalism unless you own like a million fucking shares of some reit or blue chip shit and a condo or two you always have to live under terror of homelessness and financial ruin

>> No.11419286
File: 26 KB, 590x332, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A beat-up hovercycle and its lonesome rider kick up dust across the moonlit wastes, heading in the direction of a vast metropolis cobbled together from the ruins of whatever civilization was centuries ago. The would-be biker, clad in a sort of armor akin to what samurai would wear with a makeshift zarape over it, adjusts the scrap of cloth covering his left eye socket as he brings the vehicle to a slow stop. Killing the engine upon a overlooking cliff, the mysterious traveler sees many things in the hub of humanity before him; hope, purpose, opportunity... but most importantly, the chance to settle the score once and for all. The drifter sits back down on the hovercycle's seat sidesaddle, checking his twins laser magnums to see if they're fully loaded before cramming a used cigar in his mouth and lighting it with a shot. The night was still young, and he'd need to make the best first impression he could to the city at large, so some time to think would be helpful.

>> No.11419305

I dig it.

>> No.11419316

holy shit a diver died trying to bring supplies to those thai cave kids, they are so fucked!

>> No.11419319

A good leg is never a bad thing to fetishize.

>> No.11419363

still here...

>> No.11419371

Hello, stalwart Anon! How is your night?

>> No.11419381
File: 999 KB, 1500x1008, 3BladeRunner2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you haven't yet, please read the following:

- synners by pat cadigan
- sprawl trilogy by william gibson
- snow crash by neal stephenson
- mirrorshades by william gibson and bruce sterling

thank you.

>> No.11419389

i was at the store and there was this lady there with a literally horrifying skin condition, i googled it, its genetic not contagious, but now im fucking creeped out so bad, god damn, why would u go out in public if u look like that, just use amazon fresh, i sort of feel bad for her of course, but on other hand going to the grocery store with a face like a horror flick is really inconsiderate ok

>> No.11419390

I'll give them a look, thanks for the recs!

>> No.11419396

you should be nicer to people who are less fortunate than you

>> No.11419404

What was the condition?

>> No.11419413

i did nothing that was not nice, but it just seems passive aggressive to go swaggering around the produce section when your face looks like a fucking abomination, humans have instincts ok when we see some shit that looks monstrous it's unsettling

>> No.11419422

it's the same condition that was an old school motivation poster meme of a chinese lady covered in tumors begging that says some shit like "gremlins: don't water them"

>> No.11419433

of course i realize the pope would probably kiss her cheeks and give her a foot massage or something, but like we ain't all on that pope level yet, u feel me

>> No.11419436
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Well it depends on the context. Civility has nothing to do with the ideas being presented (unless the person is talking about murdering you or is insulting you, using foul language, ad hominem etc), rather in the manner in which one presents them. Namely, with respect and patience. It's not uncivil to criticize something like an ideology or religion. The individual is not attacking you personally, but rather the idea. This is something that is altogether lost in modern society. You're thinking of a politically correct society, very much like the one in the West, where people are silent and do not express their opinions if they are outside of the mainstream. I don't think this is preferable to a free society.

Although, in a practical sense I do agree in some contexts it's just better to keep your mouth shut instead of inviting an unavoidable shitstorm.

>> No.11419558

I can't relate to the other depressed kids on here because they blame everything on everyone/thing but themselves. But I know I'm to blame for everything, I always have been and will continue to be until I kill myself.
The world is a decent enough place. I'm just too disgusting and broken to inhabit it.

>> No.11419572

Get over yourself, goddamn

>> No.11419643

I'm trying to read Aristotle but I can't seem to concentrate on the text, I've been digging through it with great comprehension by writing down nearly everything so as to commit the text more directly to my mind but it's been incredibly slow going, I want to actually finish the Ethics at some fucking point and I'm making single-digit-per-day progress like this.
I can't figure out what's causing it either, I just can't seem to focus.

>> No.11419649

maybe its cuz it sucks

>> No.11419665

Except that's wrong

>> No.11419914


>> No.11419929
File: 63 KB, 500x375, 6724B9F3-32F0-41D3-AE6C-EACA40A86FC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are going to get worse before they get better, and I need to buy some guns and stuff just in case

>> No.11420028

I need to end a relationship with the most amazing girl I'll ever know

>> No.11420074

Piss in her butthole and saddle her with a baby, then you'll not need end the relationship AND she'll no longer be the best girl

>> No.11420097

I keep thinking about Uruguay and how they can defeat us. I keep thinking about how bad it is going on with my girlfriend right now, how I'm just a coward for not leaving her, how I just keep hurting her because even though I would like to, I just don't feel like I'm in love with her.
I feel bad.

>> No.11420594

If aspergers didn't imply having shit motor skills i think i could be a pretty good soldier

>> No.11420734

21 years old aswell
I'm a weed addict, but smoking weed makes me hear voices, I wish I had the balls to kill myself so I wouldn't have to deal with the worthless shitshow that is life
I have a lot of friends who care about me, I have problems with my parents, but they don't hate me, we just can't communicate
I told my mom she should have aborted me
I see nothing wrong with that
Life is actually worthless anyways, although it's not and God ensures that for us, but if God is dead, then so is any value of life.

I told myself I should definitely try when I'm 25 and still a virgin
from then on it's only going to get worse

>> No.11420738

im a sperg too but i dont think i could handle that, any kind of antagonistic confrontation makes me cry

>> No.11420788


>> No.11420863

My belief in God has been made faulty through the very fact that I exist - for if there were such a just God watching over us, he would have smited me long ago.

>> No.11420936

>implying Man cares about worthless Sons of Ants.
Do not dare to ask God for mercy, take it yourself. Either kill yourself or forgive yourself for how disgustingly wrong you are and how you'll never be equal to other human beings. There is no other option.

>> No.11421091

Very relatable, funny when people say "why are you digging up old wounds?"

I don't understand why these people delude themselves into believing they're good people. We're all bullies, bullying each other.

>> No.11421104

Someone's been spamming the /mu/ archive to ruin the search results. I'm bummed out that some people destroy things just because they can.

>> No.11421111

ive been trolling some guy on this board for like hours now and honestly im starting to feel kind of bad about it, hes so invested

>> No.11421139
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>mums boyfriend is screaming at her again
>*puts on headphones*

>> No.11421238

I'll clarify at least one thing - I'm not asking for mercy. I couldn't care less about my wellbeing.
However, I understand your sentiment - I'll be going down the acceptance route.

>> No.11421241

Can I be your new father?

>> No.11421247


>> No.11421298

God smote what he saw was wrong. So if you see yourself as wrong, you need to be forgiven, whether that is how you think what mercy or forgiveness is, is up to yourself. It is still forgiveness.

>> No.11421554

There was recent post going around on twitter, where a number of Millennials were auto-fellating in response to an article about Millennials not caring about country clubs. They really prided themselves on not taking part in what they termed as the vapid social practices of Boomers. It's honestly hilarious. Millennials really think they don't have their own superfluous inventions.\
It reminds of the "30-year-old boomer" meme. It really is prophetic. Millennials will turn out no different than Boomers in the end.

>> No.11421555

It's been seven months since the death of the last great novelist. I still can't believe it

>> No.11421576

Who was that novelist?

>> No.11421606

William Gass

>> No.11421621

Huh. Doesn't sound like he wrote anything I'd be interested in, but if he did it for you, that's cool.

>> No.11421724

Are you a skinny Argentinian with a penchant for self loathing and foreign gf?

>> No.11421729

nice digits but it is i who has been trolling u

>> No.11421731


>> No.11421789

not him but different strokes for different folks tbqhwy fampai

>> No.11421855

dude my windows laptop that i use for porn and trolling shows the weather for dc in the start menu for some reason, is some mother fucker intercepting my packets in dc? man in the middle attack? noided!

>> No.11421857

kick his ass u beta

>> No.11421896

>Allowing this
Beat him half to death

>> No.11421897

I feel like a cuck
how can ever redeem myself

>> No.11421902

plus the bf is obviously a soi since he's living with his gf's son

>> No.11421931

she just texted "you're everything I never hoped I could find". I don't give a fuck that she has a boyfriend, next time I see her we're making out

>> No.11421946

She sent that to her last bf and will send it to her future bf desu

>> No.11421949

keep in mind that every time you'll hang out with her she'll call her boyfriend to come fuck her after

>> No.11421965

possiblity, but 'tis better to have fucked and lost than never to have fucked at all, as Tennyson would say

>> No.11421994

give 'er one for me, lad

>> No.11422001

I feel sorry for you anon. The Lasch thread I'm guessing? It had potential. Hopefully someone posts a similar thread soon.

>> No.11422008

Should I watch anime or play videogames the rest of the night
>inb4 you should read instead
I've read 100+ pages today, I'd like to continue my bohemian lifestyle now

>> No.11422014

get out of the house

>> No.11422017

I'm just back from a short hike with my dog, he swam in a stream and played with other dogs
I may be a NEET but I keep active

>> No.11422025


>> No.11422031

Haven't read a book in more than a month. All I do is get drunk on the daily and listen to punk rock and sometimes go to small punk shows trying to pick up girls.

>> No.11422032

So let it be written, so let it be done

>> No.11422049
File: 18 KB, 280x255, 1530905556854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother has had some kind of gradually worsening senility over the past few years, at a too-early age. I have no idea what's in store for the next 10 years.

>> No.11422051

I masturbated today and I hate it. My hands are absolutely sullied.

>> No.11422052

Sorry to hear this anon. Prayers for you and yours

>> No.11422057

Get out, Rollins. No one wants you here.

>> No.11422076

Rollins doesn't drink.

>> No.11422079

fuck, i hate him even more now

>> No.11422086

I don't know how much longer I can work here, without slugging one of these fucking swine we call customers. I'm not sure of my place in the workforce. But, nothing has stuck, so far. I'm in my late twenties, and knowing my lower class upbringing might condemn me to a life of wageslavery, is enough to drive me fucking crazy.

>> No.11422093

where do you work anon?

>> No.11422106

I like him, but I get you.

>> No.11422115

>>11422086 How do people type consistent line breaks from their phones on 4chan also typing on a phone is fucking impossible to this day. Also tfw no one is making you do anything if you were really honest with yourself you wouldn't "do what's necessary by divine calculation" you'd wither and die

>> No.11422130

In customer service. Used to work in factories and such. But, I'm just kinda drifting along. Seeing what happens.
Can't disagree with that. I think I just felt like bitching. I'm genuinely happy with most of my life. Of course, some things here and there need addressed and hurdled. I've just been in a rut, lately.

>> No.11422472
File: 183 KB, 1500x843, Call-Me-By-Your-Name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAD respect for gay people.
I want to have the son of my mom's boyfriend as my little catamite, but I'll never be able because gay and family.
Imagine feeling like this all the time...

>> No.11422586

>The question is why -- sex is an essential part of many occult practices but why does it play a part in alchemy? Perhaps a metaphor of as-above-so-below, I need to look up the Aristophanes story bout Zeus and the beast with two backs...

>> No.11422644

My university library is such a comfy place. Last night I was dreaming random shit and and some point I thought of the uni library and how much of an abode it was. I was thinking 'should I go now or wait longer to save having the experience?'

>> No.11422645

Hmmm. Please report your findings.

>> No.11422646

you telling me people tried to transmute metals via sexual energy?

>> No.11422837

One of these days I'll be so depressed my mind will crack. I hope I'll have created a respectable piece of art by then.

>> No.11422845


>> No.11423124

Remit not paucity
Remit not paucity
Remit not paucity
Rip, tie, cut toy man

What does it even mean?

>> No.11423150
File: 3.28 MB, 5312x2988, 20180706_201343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The apartment I'm staying in for the month up to college is occupied by myself, my mother, and a divorced couple who cannot seem to stop fighting. The place was filled with animal shit when we came, and we cleaned that up, but the drainage is fucked up from car litter and I woke up with a headache from the smell of urine. Despite all that, it's not a complete hovel, but god damn do I want out of lower class America. It sucks here.

>> No.11423153

Writing porn is hard.

But I written a failed attempt at a seductive scene. So I feel better.

>> No.11423167

how you do that

>> No.11423174

there's scripts that let u snipe digits it hits refresh super fast and looks at the latest post id, and then when the next post is the one u wont it submits it, idk how it gets around the captcha tho maybe u pre-enter it and then it refreshes until the post u want comes up, there was some shitlord on /mu/ who used to abuse those giving himself dubs too much

>> No.11423242

>you telling me people tried to transmute metals via sexual energy?
Why do you think they keep trying to do it without evidence of success?

>> No.11423246

why no one likes me?

>> No.11423252

I mustn't run away.
I mustn't run away.
I mustn't run away.
I mustn't run away.
I mustn't run away.

>> No.11423268

crunch into chocolately greatness :3

>> No.11423270

run away
you must escape

>> No.11423347

I was writing a scene today in which the protagonist discovers some rotting dead bodies covered in maggots, and I was feeling a little disgusted with it so I said fuck it, I'll take a break and set up the chair I bought today. I open up the box and the first thing I see is a bunch of mealworms writhing around on top of the plastic.

>> No.11423495
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>> No.11423502

If and when I finally finish writing something and even self publish it and put it on Amazon, if even one person on this Earth reads it and enjoys it I will literally die happy.

>> No.11423670
File: 108 KB, 648x674, IMG_1186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does libertarianism even supposed to work? Like i get that you want freedom and shit but taxes are necessary for roads, public service, and all these other facets of life. Yeah you might have a plan to defend yourself but little jimbo doesn't and needs the police if he gets robbed.

>> No.11423673

All walls, all white. She is caught in the villain's grasp, plastic death against her temple. The man is confounded, his friend ejected by the villain like debris, forever falling to the eternal chasm. She tells him to let her go. He refuses. The villain's demands of the man are clear: betray his country or betray his love. The choice is crystal, but maybe there's an alternative. In a tense moment, this alternatives presents: the station suddenly yaws, giving the man the chance to jump at the villain's makeshift gun. Pugilism in microgravity has major drawbacks, especially when grappling over handheld lethality. The man manages to turn the barrel on the villain, and stains all 6 walls with crimson.

Below the station the next great human hell has erupted, and within the station a scale model of it has begun and ended.

>> No.11423686

anyone got a pdf of that new captain america comic written by tanahesi coates? it was funny-embarrassing in that article in the nytimes about it to see him like explaining stupid comic book shit like "and in this scene hydra comes in, hydra are really bad guys, who are like even worse than regular america" etc, i would put it in my cringe compilation but it will be in the nytimes archives for all eternity for future generations to cringe to

>> No.11424122

went to a psych ward over last weekend. I had to pick a book to read in my downtime. All selfhelp books

>> No.11424125

Why do I feel beaten by an image that never became. It's like I build entire worlds in my head, made of bodies and skin, atoms up from the inside out until Ive made a face collecting every skin cell I have ever wanted on a human being, on the human I have made in my head in their image. Why is this demolition so painful. I don't know. It may be the collapse of unfulfilled desire, but more than likely is the realization of mistakes. Of desire dripping out of me, through the seams of my scars, drowning them like amber kept mosquitoes full of blood, like bogs kept murdered children young, and gorgeous. Perhaps I am dragging the carcass of my inner child, the poor bastard who gutted himself believing that television is real and that the fractured, looping mannequins he has made of his crushes and enemies react the way he'll want them too, kiss him how he wants, relieve him of the guilt of being, justify his sorry ass, embryonic still, featureless, sexless, stomach to to stomach with his mother, with nothing to give, with all to take. I guess it's guilt at my idiocy, perhaps it's absolutely nothing. Most likely, it's that kid and his impulse, wanting to believe the world speaks to him. Wanting to believe that he will someday somehow not be terribly wrong.

>> No.11424301
File: 59 KB, 540x360, 1525132815265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feed up with being surrounded by ugly people. I work at a public pool, and every day all I see are deformed freaks. Their bodies are twisted in a plethora of different ways by the pounds of excess fat lumped across their forms. I see people that look like literal goblins, people that can barely walk, people that just float there soaking up the burning sun in their folds and receding hairlines. They come from all races and creeds. They are all hideous

>> No.11424302

Read The Bell Jar.

>> No.11424329

I genuinely favor "trashy" fiction over a great many significant literary works. I've enjoyed a lot of the classics but overall I'm coming to the sneaking suspicion that most "Great Works" are overrated and really not worth the time of people who read books for fun. I'd much rather enjoy my hobby rather than cede it to an intellectual pissing contest where the only joy I get is from dick measuring with pseudo-intellectuals and actual psychopaths.

>> No.11424334
File: 30 KB, 600x600, glad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11424301 projection much?

>> No.11424353

It makes me happy to be reading Roberto Bolaño alongside a few of you. Halfway through The Return now. The story about the ex-porn start, Joanna Silvistri, was fucking great.

that part where the porn star is getting double teamed and a hush comes over the film crew because of her old fling stopping by

that part when the dude is a sad old porn star dying of aids

seriously the fact that i wouldn't be reading him right now if not for 4chan almost makes this insufferable pit of racists, philosophy majors, anarcho-primitivists, tao lin, teenagers, trolls, NEETs, shut-ins, communists, losers, teachers, LARPers, anime enthusiasts, geniuses, incels, jordan peterson disciples, dickheads, bitches, finnish bastards, fascists, friends, and visceral realists worth it.

>> No.11424363

I understand. I won't ever speak of it in public or in any company without anonymity. But just know I feel the pain,

>> No.11424370

Hey man, I'm a philosophy MINOR.

>> No.11424371

At least I work out man. When your job involves you having your shirt off for most of the day, you want to put the effort in to not look repulsive.

>> No.11424427

>working out for vanity instead of health

>> No.11424435

also he's a lifeguard so you gotta wonder...

>> No.11424499

I need a kindle man

>> No.11424530
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>> No.11424532
File: 48 KB, 740x466, folks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since Donald Trump opposes the international system of political oppression and supports traditional labor, manufacturing, and unions

>> No.11424545
File: 370 KB, 633x420, Presidential Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far greater damage than anything Donald Trump could do by making Rick Perry (useless) head of the EPA (even more useless than Rick Perry)
Is this a joke? Scott Pruit was head of EPA, did deliberate and lasting damage to the organization as a matter of anti-state principal, and is now leaving the organization. He has been replaced by Andrew Wheeler, not Rick Perry. Everything you said indicates you have paid zero attention to the actual events of the administration. Frankly I don't blame you. If I'd voted Trump I'd be out to brunch, assuming he's doing a good job, and not actually paying attention to him, the same way dems do when their shitty ilk is elected.

Trump is not anti-capitalist. I long suspected his wall idea is just a way to award huge taxpayer contracts to his buddies in real estate and construction. He's a mob boss. Any appearance of ideological principles he has is just a temporary grift in order to attain something else unknown to the public. He's an apolitical sociopath, albeit a senile one with brain worms, being steered by younger reptiles.

>> No.11424578
File: 144 KB, 360x277, timecube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until you can tear and burn the bible to escape the EVIL ONE, it will be impossible for your educated stupid brain to know that 4 different corner harmonic 24 hour Days rotate simultaneously within a single 4 quadrant rotation of a squared equator and cubed Earth. The Solar system, the Universe, the Earth and all humans are composed of + 0 - antipodes, and equal to nothing if added as a ONE or Entity. All Creation occurs between Opposites. Academic ONEism destroys +0- brain. If you would acknowledge simple existing math proof that 4 harmonic corner days rotate simultaneously around squared equator and cubed Earth, proving 4 Days, Not 1Day,1Self,1Earth or 1God that exists only as anti-side. This page you see - cannot exist without its anti-side existence, as +0- antipodes. Add +0- as One = nothing.


We have a Major Problem, Creation is Cubic Opposites, 2 Major Corners & 2 Minor. Mom/Dad & Son/Daughter, NOT taught Evil ONEism, which VOIDS Families.

Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life Intelligence - or you die evil.

Evil God Believers refuse to acknowledge 4 corner Days rotating simultaneously around 4 quadrant created Earth - in only 1 rotation, voiding the Oneism Evil 1 Day 1 God. You worship Satanic impostor guised by educators as 1 god.

No 1 God equals 4 - 24 hour Days Rotating Simultaneously within 1- 24 hour Rotation of 4 quadrant created Earth. Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days will Destroy Evil Humanity. I am organizing Children to join "Cubic Army of 4 Days" to convert Evil 1 Day Adults to 4 Day mentality existence, to serve perpetual humanity.

"Nothing on Earth more Evil than a human educated as 1, when composed of opposites that cancel out as an entity." In fact, man is the only 1 Evil, and will soon erase himself by ignoring Cubic 4 Day Creation. If a Man cannot tear a page from the bible and burn it - then he cannot be a scientist, or participate in Symposium - to measure Cubing of Earth with Cubic intelligence wiser than any man or god known. Educators have destroyed the human analytical brain to a single perspective, in spite of all creation within Universe being based upon opposites, binaries & antipodes, including Sun/Earth binary relative to the

human male/female binary. No ancient insignificant dead 1 Jew godism can match or exceed the enormity of the Sun/Earth Binary. His heart is not big enough for sharing with the vastness of created opposites. 1 has no heart beat or breath, constituting death of opposites. God in Human form has human

limits as body controls activity. You are taught Evil, You act Evil, You are the Evil on Earth. Only your comprehending the Divinity of Cubic Creation will your soul be saved from your created hell on Earth - induced by your ignoring the existing 4 corner harmonic simultaneous 4 Days rotating in a single cycle of the Earth sphere. Religious/ Academic Pedants cannot allow 4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God.

>> No.11424580

go to bed, eugene
also apologize for richard

>> No.11424801
File: 13 KB, 208x250, 1448776499934s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one day, after your death, you will be remembered for the last time

>> No.11425094
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I wonder if they shifted from calling it "drug abuse" to "substance abuse" in order to account for people huffing paint.

>> No.11425130

I'd love nothing more than to get shot in the head when I'm out for a night run

>> No.11425254
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one acquire the life of an anime protagonist?

>> No.11425259

*anime school romantic drama protagonist

>> No.11425365
File: 1.87 MB, 1500x780, NTPbKrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been feeling like absolute shit for the past month and I can't seem to pull myself out of it. Maybe my depression really is getting out of hand.

The drug taking doesn't help, although it's a good thing that I binge on weed and stimulants only once every few months and not more. Sometimes, I think that the recovery from such benders is my only source of goodness. Like it's the only thing in my life that is somewhat fulfilling. They say convalescence is the best part of being ill.

I've managed to save some money over the last two years but it's come at a heavy cost. I've sacrificed almost two years of my life. I have no social life, no girlfriend. This is compounded by the fact that I live in a really shitty small town in Australia. There's fuck all to do outside of drinking piss and playing football. Intellectual and spiritual stimulation are something that I am starving for, but it’s practically non-existent in a place like this.

I want to go to a cafe and smile at the waitress who brings my coffee.

I want to go to the cinema and watch the people walk through the door.

I want to order some delicious food and unwrap it like a Christmas present.

I want to walk somewhere new and take pictures.

I want to join a club, a club where there are nice people and pretty girls.

I want to go out.

I want to go out.

I want to go out.

I want to go out.

I should leave but I can’t just yet.

Soon I’ll be able to do these things. I just need to hang on for a few more months and I then I can go anywhere I want and do what I love. Travelling and teaching. I think I may use my money to open up my own school or gym. That’d be pretty nice. I’d be able to train lots of people, to help them become stronger and healthier.

I’d have a small room where I’d teach people English, where we’d talk about cool films and books. I’d get to know my students well and they would invite me to parties, weddings, barbecues. They’d introduce me to their friends and family.

I would come home each night, at peace. Grateful.

We all need to find our place.

>> No.11425378


>> No.11425630

you have to go to school in japan ten years ago and be handsome by nip standards

>> No.11425666

Same bro. Semper Fi.
Alien terrorists beware.

>> No.11425678

I had to take alazopram just to leave my house today

>> No.11425708

With a name like that you just know it's a placebo

>> No.11425710

I need to shit

>> No.11425728

it's xanax

>> No.11425755

it's way too fucking hot. i need to live somewhere colder. i guess i'll go to work because i'm a programmercuck who needs to put in more time or i'll get fired and they have decent AC there

>> No.11425792

I read somewhere that five cigarettes a day puts you at increased risk of cancer and heart disease. Today I only smoked four.
Today was a good day.

>> No.11426290

I just got an autograph from William Shatner at a local convention but I kinda sperged out b/c nervousness. Anyone else ever meet an actual celebrity?

>> No.11426319

At least 4chan offers anonymity. Imagine if you had to broadcast your ethnicity when you posted.

>> No.11426322
File: 165 KB, 736x1076, moebius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My social anxiety is strong when I use my own name. I want to write under a pseudonym or rather post what I already have under a new name. I don't want to be a fake, but I want to be anon.

How do I make this not be extremely cringy? I'm alright with something which is obviously a pseudonym from the get go instead of a fake apparently real name. I want to create a persona out of this, but with nothing but my own opinions and how I write about them.

Anyone here has a pen name, pseudonym, or something of that sort?

Pic related. Moebius, pseudonym of Jean Giraud, aka Gir.

>> No.11426330

I'd like to fall in love with someone to distract me from the fact that I'll probably amount to nothing significant.

>> No.11426337

>he lives to have done and not to do
This is why you shall always live unhappily and in fear of death.

>> No.11426398

I posted this in the crit thread. I just wrote it because I just woke up and it happened.

>I had a dream about her again last night. We were lying in bed, naked and cuddling in anamnesis of how much we reminded ourselves of each other. When I awoke, I added it to my growing pile forgotten dreams. It's nights like these...

I then cried after 3 minutes being awake. I want out. Please. Take me out.

>> No.11426472

This is me. I am realizing that I have a lot on my mind now. So, I am sorry for the forthcoming emotional vomit, but I feel it may be therapeutic to engage in some sort of a release.

I am so lonely. I hate waking up to being myself and God it's so hard trying to go out and do my best everyday when I my faith in the world errodes. An eroding faith in living, not in people. I wish I had someone to vent to, life has got me so far down that I actually never want to come back, but I will not kill myself, for it would be too big of a tragedy for my poor family.

Suicide does seem appealing though...to be able to have everyone assume that I would have achieved everything I'm doing, had I stayed alive. To be remembered with fondness and to be missed. Boy, that would be a nice experience. It's too bad I wouldn't be around to experience people's fondness of my company. A change from the usual tension filled awkward silences that slowly populate my conversations that culminate with the other person inserting some abrupt bridge so that they may leave.

I've woken this morning sad, in the purest sense.

All these feelings on the inside...and just a sigh that communicates them on the outside.

I am so lonely.

>> No.11426788


Started writing down all the weird shit that's happening to my body. I'm 27. I should not be feeling weird electrical shocks down the left side of my body. I have knobs in places I should not have knobs. My knees lock when I squat down. I have chronic pain when sitting. after about 15-30 minutes I'm in agony because I'm pretty goddamn sure I broke my assbone and it healed wrong or some shit. I've been dealing with this shit for years. I just never fucking said anything because I "assumed it was normal"? I guess? Fucking why?

>> No.11427383

For fuck's sakes, dad, don't give up on us, you're gonna make it through

>> No.11427396

Just be yourself

>> No.11427405


More like



>> No.11427452

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I try to. I'm pretty comfortable in my skin, but when I am myself the most, people are deterrent. That means when I'm most comfortable being myself, the feedback I get from the world is that it's off-putting. So overall, it makes me want to just leave, find a cave, and never come out of it.

>> No.11427463

That's all xe wrote.

>> No.11427588

I'm not a fapstronaut like those Robert Paulson loosers call themselves, but I think a human being able to masturbate when he wants is like a dog that can mop his arse in the ground as much as he likes. It's disgusting and pathetic at the same time. Hence, I will cease this habit or at least diminish the max as I can. Not because of some weeb shit about superpowers or changing my shitty life like those neckbeards. Anyway, life is becoming more and more a pattern of beliefs and habits that look less appealing everyday. Maybe only when I'm old and ridden from the necessity of fucking and having everything I'll finally be free and just wait my death in peace.

>> No.11427845

I work on a production line 12 hours shifts, days and nights, I have been obsessed with sucking cock for more than 10 years and I have lived in three countries in my life. And I dont even consider myself to be gay and I'm also obsessed with women as much as with cock, kinda like a mental dissonance. its hard to explain in short how fucked in the head I am

am I big enough freak to get published if I write this shit down. Every day my life is in front of my eyes and if I dont pour it out, I will die

>> No.11427861

forgot to add, I have been with both women and men, have done drugs and shit like shoplifting, and lots of image boards

am I /lit/?

>> No.11427866

Your interests are esoteric and meaningless. People like yourself should be used to create a new and grateful slave class. Obviously you shouldn't be writing, you should be serving.

>> No.11427867

Everything I like is disappearing under highways, subdivisions and commercial real estate. Donald Trump probably deserves to die with most other politicians and real estate investors

>> No.11427875

It doesn't matter if writing today is great. Men are too arrogant to encounter the great writing of their time. Women are too fucked. Platform is everything. Marketing is the many holed whore that stands slobbering before all endeavors

>> No.11427878

you should be serving, faggot. changing country at age 6 and then going back at age 13, and then living abroad for 2 years at 25 is enough for a book on its own, to add on top of it my bisexuality and drug abuse and the nature of god and existence, its not a good book?

not that Im saying Im a good writer. What have you experience in your life?

>> No.11427881

Are you fucking retarded? Your melancholy is like 20 years out of date. Commercial real estate is in major decline. Infrastructure is stagnating. Go snap your urban decay pics you absolute failure.

>> No.11427885

Life seemed pointless 10 years ago when I was 12. It still seems pointless at 22. It will also seem pointless at 32.

It's the same tapes on repeat, the details and commentary just become more subtle. People are garbage, the victims of a disgusting society geared toward the nihilism of those at the top. The vast majority of humanity will never see beyond their conditioning, never break out of their programming. They're cattle.

Anyone who self-actualizes seemingly disappears. Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. Well my back's sore already.

Suicide is the only vibrant choice in life. It's no longer motivated by a fear of living, it's become a modern day hermitude. How else can you be free from this farce?

But I won't end my life tomorrow or the next day. No, I'll go to work. I'll pick up a second job, I'll toil in the dark just so I can say I've outsmarted by fellow man, outmaneuvered the system. More lies to damn us all even further.

>> No.11427888

housing developments and the spread of strip malls are not in decline, infrastucture is stagnant not in decline especially not in the growing tech dominant cities. You’re just mad he said donald trump should be blamed because you’re an unthinking peon

>> No.11427900

Woah, it's almost like we live in a heterogeneous world. Were different places experience different things over time. No shit this part of an on going disaster, were I live in NW Arkansas things are accelerating. Donald Trumps administration is making things worse, of course he isn't the real problem, but he is a major pest.

>> No.11427905

The ghost towning of civilization is 100% the biggest trend happening right now. You might read the occasional article, you don't know what's actually happening in the industry right now. These mixed use lifestyle developments are the last cry of a dying business culture. It's nust amazing people can fixate on a problem that is so irrelevant to the demons and depressing shit of the world we actually live in. I wish we lived in a sweet and simple time where malls are bad and the big business guy is an asshole, but reality is much worse and further gone.

>> No.11427915

>The ghost towning of civilization is 100% the biggest trend happening right now.
Unless "ghost towning of civilization" is a colorful way of saying "biodiversity loss" you are wrong
>but reality is much worse and further gone.
Enlighten me, oh redpilled one.

>> No.11427916

You’re insufferably presumptive, you have no idea what I know. You just included my whole perception of the hypetropic development of our technocapitalist society with the other persona.
>the big bad business guys
like the ones who are overdeveloping the suburbs around San Francisco, Atlanta, Seattle, Charlotte, Portland, Vancouver, Tortonto, Melbourne? The business class aren’t the ones who are even doing this its finance capital and the tech industry that’s driving up rent and bloating the sattelite cities of the major metro areas with cancerous low cost rental housing for the canaille nigger populations being shipped in from asia and mexico who will perform most of the part time labor since they’re liquidating whites with homosexuality, bpd, and neetism (and obviously white death, opioids). Fag, talking past me like a fox news host.

>> No.11427943
File: 123 KB, 613x531, 1528805822444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald Trump's administration is making things worse

>> No.11427945

Tech industry inflating housing prices is forreal. Whether subdivisions get built or not is just part of the machine. I just think you or whoever original comment doesn't realize that real estate has been on the low since 09 and downsizing a LOT. Retail is way way down. Tech is 100% bubble which makes it that much more insufferable and economically unreliable

>> No.11427957

the left can't meme

>> No.11427974

Hey moron, those places I love that are disappearing? Are actually disappearing. Why do you think you know what goes on in my own home better than I? And most of the commercial real estate is apartment complexes and store fronts, worse still are the rich people's homes.

>> No.11428013

Guess your love wasn't worth that much. Should've spent more money at those places

>> No.11428029

My birthday is coming up and I want to completely lose my shit and change into a whole new person. I just want to not give a fuck and go after crazy things. I don’t know how it’s going to happen. Maybe I’ll just begin an Adderall addiction.

>> No.11428030


>> No.11428048

Don't be such a pussy

>> No.11428059

I don't know if it's better to die a virgin or have sex with as many virgin men as possible.

>> No.11428069

You're not from a gene pool where virginity is still a thing lol, you should try and find a rich paki who will enslave you

>> No.11428084

That would be terrible. Why would you willingly be enslaved, by a paki of all peoples? Just asking to be viciously beaten, raped and forced to be a maid to the next rich paki's fucktoy.

>> No.11428090


>> No.11428118

No kidding

>> No.11428147

yo make a new mind thread this shit is bump limit

>> No.11428517

I don't have any advice, but know that I feel the same way and plan on doing the same thing

>> No.11429362


Yes precisely but I do not fear death. How does one enjoy doing again?