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/lit/ - Literature

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11402382 No.11402382 [Reply] [Original]

I am having an emotional crisis (?). For some reason I am feeling very fragile and everything seems to be affecting me more strongly than before. I find it so easy to cry and feel empathy these days, especially when I am outside or when I am reading.

I read some parts of the Bible this morning and cried. I read Anna Karenina yesterday and cried. I read The Wreck of the Deutschland the day before that and cried. I read Master and Margarita that day before that one and cried.

What is the name of this affliction? Books for this feel?

>> No.11402485

It’s called being pregnant. You should get a pregnancy test. It’s all the hormones.

>> No.11402489

I haven't had sex in almost 2 years.

>> No.11402491

it's a good thing, you are experiencing life more than most people and I wish I would have the same emotional response to stuff as you

>> No.11402512

That's one way to look at it, I guess. It does feel debilitating sometimes, though.

>> No.11402521

I bet you are gay now.

>> No.11402668

>A dark cloud of grief fell upon Achilles as he listened. He filled both hands with dust from off the ground, and poured it over his head, disfiguring his comely face, and letting the refuse settle over his shirt so fair and new. He flung himself down all huge and hugely at full length, and tore his hair with his hands.
it's okay to feel feels, OP. just remember that it's unmanly to indulge in them

>> No.11402730

It's good that I'm not a man.

Lewd, but not.

>> No.11402757

People on here are very insecure about their masculinity.

>> No.11402765

post bobs

>> No.11402769

I feel empathy to a ridiculous degree in human interaction. Someone could be shouting at me and I will be able to handle it, but when they back down and apologise I tear up, maybe because I feel strongly when people display humility, it gives me faith in people.

>> No.11402778

You’re just about to get your period. Happens to me too bro.

>> No.11402797

The world is abrasive, and humans are incredibly fragile. So we tell lies to each other about our heroic efforts. You have probably just let go of the collaborative fiction that you ought to be violent in order to convince the world that you still matter.

I'd say the pain you feel now is just letting things in. It will pass. We all become repugnant again. You probably won't even remember what it is like to cry over a book.

I don't.

>> No.11402816

I sort of get into that mood at times. I find it a lot easier to focus on what I'm reading for some reason and burn through a chunk of my reading list.

I'd say, embrace it. Absorb the emotion while you're able.

>> No.11402825

OP i'm gonna tell you a secret: >>11402491
is correct. emotions are like sine waves, and to open yourself up to genuine experiences is to increase the wave's amplitude. consuming beautiful things can do this; falling in love can do this. me and my gf discuss it all the time. before falling in love neither of us cried, we were both so autismally independent and experience averse that we just ignored all stimuli all day, sheltering ourselves off in a weird shield from everything. i remember crying once, specifically, like 2 years ago, because i had drank too much and i was overcome by how much i love everyone i know and how little they know of it. that was a release of some sort, then i went back to my sheltered, shell like, faux-ascetic life.

being in love though! emotions are everywhere. i almost cried listening to a fucking ted talk yesterday, wasnt even good. what you're doing is living, OP, it's not debilitating, crying and laughing feels amazing just embrace it

>> No.11402841

You’re probably in the process of maturing right now. It’s ok to be vulnerable.

>> No.11402843

I feel like this only in books and shows, the characters in these books and shows seem more real to me, and I feel much more of a connection with them, than the people in real life.

>> No.11402848

You're reading oestrogenic books which are making you feminine

read some manly books and turn gay instead

>> No.11402867


>> No.11402876

love the option of feminine and gay

>> No.11402880

>I can't control my emotions
>being an impulsive whiny woman is somehow relevant to literature
How about you go get a tampon and stick it up your ass, bitch.

>> No.11402887
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this is a very cute post :-⟩

>> No.11402905

I hate this "let's never grow up xD" culture.

>> No.11402920

damn bro that’s sweet

>> No.11402948

lucky for you, it may not be as pervasive in the culture as you think. this is just my experience in the last like 18 months of my life. it's just easy for me to peddle because i'm young and in love, so why not live purely emotionally when i can afford to? we'll grow up when we graduate college, when our parents stop helping us live - when we have to. rationality is not for the young, and it needn't be. my future gets no happier or more optimal if i live like a jaded old man now. i'll get there when i get there

>> No.11402970

Beautiful post, thanks. I'm gonna have a better going to work now.

As for the others, have a hypothetical (You). You're dicks, but I still love you all.

>> No.11402979

Wow rude dude...

>> No.11402987

Back to r9k with you

>> No.11402993

I must be one cold son of a bitch then. I’ve never cried from a book even once. I’ve felt sadness form books, but I’ve never actually shed tears. Come to think of it, I don’t ever really cry. I can remember not crying when my first gf broke up with me, I was just like “okay then guess that’s that.”

>> No.11403149

Mason Dixon

>> No.11403160
File: 94 KB, 909x909, 1506824389165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you havent fucking graduated college yet? what the fuck youre a child

this ruined it for me

i thought you had a legitimate reason for being sad

>> No.11403213

Genghis Khan cried when he felt he needed to. Why not you too?

>> No.11403733


>> No.11404038

>implying growing up means becoming an emotional robot

>> No.11404140

You couldn't tell by the way he writes he's clearly still a manchild?

>> No.11404146

unfortunately for many people (including myself) it does, doesn't mean that it should be that way though (I'm not the one you replied to)

>> No.11404342

>femanon that posts a scene from a Tarkovksy movie
marry me

>> No.11404368

Controlling your emotions is in a fact a part of growing up. You seem to imply that controlling ones emotions equals losing them. You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.11404373

you caught the gay from pride month

>> No.11404378

>not a man
sorry but trannies are still men

>> No.11404421

>Wreck of the Deutschland

>> No.11404443

I had the same thing recently, but without the reading part (I'm not a fag or something). I think it's just what happens when you emerge from autism.

>> No.11404768

most people, especially men, became more sentimental as they age. That's been the case for me anyway. My dad cried all the time watching movies and I would make fun of him for it, but now that I'm older I find myself crying while reading and watching movies or listening to music. I think it's healthy, and I think we all need that sort of catharsis at least once in a while. I am grateful for this change in myself, and I wouldn't want to go back to being an overly serious, under-emotional person like I was when I was younger. I think a lot of it is just exposure to life, experience. Basically the opposite of what you're saying.

>> No.11404810

is that a tarkovsky?
marry me

>> No.11404813


>> No.11404859

That's good OP. You should be happy that you can be more empathetic to the world as long as it doesn’t hurt you

>> No.11404889

>tfw bpd mother who went 0 to 60 in seconds emotionally
I remember being extremely emotional for a male kid until elementary school until it overwhelmed me with anxiety and depression. Supressed it for years until recently in my mid 20's. Feels good to have some of that depth back, and just to know that it's still accessible somewhere in my subconscious.

>> No.11404897

through elementary school*

>> No.11405112

Good, those are called feelings. People you're attracted to feel the same way, use your emotional empathy to talk and relate to them for companionship.

>> No.11405774


One of the most patrician pleb filters. Both The Deutschland and Tark.

>> No.11406402
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>> No.11406414

Damn, Jesus looked like THAT?

>> No.11407023

Are you the anon who started the Andrei Rublev thread? Feels weird to see multiple Tarkovsky OP images in the catalogue. Anyway, it's nice to see that most of /lit/ thinks your emotion is a positive; that sort of thing makes you a better person.

>i remember crying once, specifically, like 2 years ago, because i had drank too much and i was overcome by how much i love everyone i know and how little they know of it. that was a release of some sort, then i went back to my sheltered, shell like, faux-ascetic life.
Sucks, doesn't it? I used to take lots of hallucinogens, but after it became clear that no amount of "insight" from a trip is actually going to be enough to get me to overhaul my life.

>i thought you had a legitimate reason for being sad
Not that anon, but I was way sadder before/during college than I am now, and am definitely not alone in that. Being young and clueless is not as fun as it's made out to be.

>I think it's just what happens when you emerge from autism.
Sorry to keep talking about myself, but as someone who went from a moderately autismal kid to someone aware and adjusted enough most people wouldn't guess, this is intriguing. Wonder if there's any research out there about how habitually reading fiction can change us autists.

>> No.11408564


true. Crying and beeing overly affected by stuff once in a while is like taking a good shit. You need it regularly. Its a form of mental higyene. We are also born to piss, shit, shout, jizz, cry and wipe our nose from time to time. You need to use your pipes to keep em clean. Did I forget one ?

>> No.11408620

That's good. Emotional repression is for weak, tamed men who feel embarrassed anytime they're caught showing even a trace of feeling. Don't fall for the dated Hollywood depictions of masculinity. The so-called strong, silent type is anything but strong. Fearing everyone, viewing them all as potential threats, he makes himself invulnerable by shutting up. He's a small, damaged man who does all he can to keep life out. Strong men don't shrink away from life.

>> No.11409301

I agree that repression is a form of weakness, but there are some of us who have our emotions as an inferior cognitive function.

I am a strong silent type, not by repression, but by nature.

>> No.11409366

bobs and vagene

>> No.11409367

Read manlier literature, OP.

>> No.11409389
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1530196262662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will jerk off into your mouth faggot.

>> No.11409493

Can't wait for this faggots gf to leave him and for him to revert back to his real self to look back upon this brief Wertherist faggotry with cringe

>> No.11409518
File: 380 KB, 600x600, 2-sunspot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books for this feel
try holderlin's hyperion

I've felt that way for a while now. I mostly try to repress it, making it turns inward to form clots of undigested doubt, I vacillate between intense empathy on one hand, and some disgust towards myself and the various patheticism I inwardly partake in. The ouward ineffability turns into what I understand to be arrogance. The originality or authenticity of any such expereiences as is profoundly religious, elevating or plainly emotional flips into a disgust at my own yearning of second-degree fetishistic hedonism, or the vanity of it all.

This makes it all cool down, and every little annoyance you feel from anyone else makes it all turn into some flat, generalized "No One Cares". And it's the truth, no one really cares. That's why you ultimately need God.

>> No.11409556
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>> No.11409562

you’re just a faggot with unstable mood and hormonal imbalance you probably don’t workout and don’t have sex with women often either

and if you’re a woman no one fucking cares what happens to you

>> No.11409580


Sage for shit thread and blogpost, OP.

>> No.11409644

this desu

>> No.11409934
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>t. boomer

>> No.11409964
File: 118 KB, 500x502, nobody-exists-or-purpose-nobody-belongs-anywhere-everybody-is-going-2960995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.11410004

Wouldn't that just make him more right?

>> No.11410191

The euphoria of serotonin mate

>> No.11410200

last year I was a young soft college senior, now alas I am become a boomer

>> No.11410254

>Not that anon, but I was way sadder before/during college...

That's the point. Everyone feels sad and angsty when they're young. But if you're older and you haven't gotten a grip on things, or at least haven't become inured to misfortune, there's an extra dimension to your sadness and it's all the more tragic.

>> No.11410882
File: 231 KB, 758x1017, H E A L T H .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a blood test. Your hormones are fucked up.

>> No.11411100

Nice picture OP. Mind if I save it?

>> No.11411210

I saved it too. Tarky's cinematography is amazing.

>> No.11411422

>reads the Wreck of the Deutschland

W-where are you from, fair lady, and are you s-single?

>> No.11411479

Hate this meme.

>> No.11411493

>when he looks back and a gust of wind with impeccable timing blows the tall grass in the other direction


>> No.11411535


>> No.11411540

maybe it's just a brain tumor then

>> No.11411629


Sounds like you're maturing. I can't be bothered to read the rest of this thread but what you've described is largely the reason I spend almost no time on social media sites these days. It's all doom and gloom whereas internally I'm like yo there's no reason to actively go out of your way to spend time speaking negatively about everything.

Having emotions is what autists and bitter people on the Internet lack. Embrace it.

>> No.11411870

>people in thus thread implying not being emotionally immature immediately means you're a repressed emotionless robot
Imagine being so insecure.

>> No.11411893

Read antifragile

>> No.11412163

There's really nothing profound about this issue you are having, then. It's just the typical emotional realities of being a woman.

>> No.11412206

And you are a woman too so you know? Fuck off to r/incel.

>> No.11412212

>u just cant get sex
The sophistication of the feminine intellect continually surpasses itself

>> No.11412222

can you please shut the fuck up

>> No.11412244

Your bitter, sexist remarks imply you understand women. What gives you the idea that you do?

>> No.11412251

Go back2theclub harlot

>> No.11412253

im not bitter, and i am only sort of casually sexist. I dont care that much about sex differences

it's a fact that though that women fly to 'ur a virgin' at warp speed in internet arguments. if the guy is clearly not a virign then they settle for 'i feel bad for your gf' or something like that. Basically it's always framed wrt sexual prowess

>> No.11412275

>u a roastie
The sophistication of the masculine intellect continually surpasses itself.

It's not my fault for locating you within the /r9k/ crowd when your post resembled their shit so much, is it now? It had nothing to do with sexual prowess or power dynamics in my mind. It's just the most arbitrary way for me to insult you based on what I read. It was an eye for an eye, because you implied women are walking emotional crises.

>> No.11412289

>The sophistication of the masculine intellect continually surpasses itself.
This was me, first post in the thread, you pulling your incel shit.
>I'm a woman I'm a woman
>Did you srsly just call me a woman?

>> No.11412312

Of course I will respond when someone is implying women are infantile emotional wrecks (like you are doing now). And also no, I didn't go about being a woman: I just made that clear because some people started going down the ''you are gay/feminine'' path. I wanted to make it clear that that's not the case. Why does it matter anyway? The thread could have just gone on with that being clear. But no, it's much better for everyone to be a cunt, right? Jesus Christ, why do I even come here.

>> No.11412313

It's the HRT, bro
Happened to me too

>> No.11412314

>walking emotional crises.
i mean maybe 'emotionally turbulent' is a more polite way to put it

>> No.11412316

Go cry about it

>> No.11412325

This desu

>> No.11412342

when i first fell in love i didnt cry at all, everything was just amazing for a few months, then me and my gf cocooned ourselves too much into each other and it was a problem

what you're describing sounds like a small amount of mania

>> No.11412744

Wuh oh. Is it possible to be only a tiny bit bipolar? Or manic/ depressive? The last few years I go back and forth between periods of living "slow" then being super productive, I thought it was just the creativity cycle. That ted talk crying thing was the day after I visited my hometown and got all sentimental and wrote 2 songs in one night

>> No.11412753

i think there is a spectrum between normal behavior and bipolar. you are probably within the normal range, if it isnt affecting your life in a bad way.

>> No.11412906

Anyone have book recs to make me more emotionally sensitive? I want to feel, I'm too cynical and cold.

>> No.11412927

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.11412943

I already am. I hope you're happy.

>> No.11412947

Read Ulysses by Tennyson

>> No.11412970
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I'm jk I love you don't be sad.

>> No.11413110

Watch movies/TV, much better for sheer feels

>> No.11413156

You'd made me so sad. ;_; But OK, we're cool.

>> No.11413251
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>> No.11413293

All they said is that it's beautiful to cry and laugh when you can
Not only is there anything intentionally immature about that, as you just implied, but there's really nothing immature about it in any sense except perhaps some shallow and outdated iteration of stoicism

>> No.11413336

This entire thread is why women shouldn't be allowed on /lit/.

>> No.11413470

That'd be a bit gay

>> No.11414005


>> No.11414505

imagine being this autistic

>> No.11414655

Maybe you /rk9/ shitters will fucking leave when more women will come.

>> No.11414687

>almost cried listening to a fucking ted talk yesterday, wasnt even good.
Was it this one?

>> No.11414920

This was me all from age 9 or so up until 22/23 when i started coping with my ex moving on to a better life without me. Now i barely have self awareness and think alot about death and how i'm gonna be faceless and not leave a mark in this world. I don't cry from beauty or love and i'm starting to think that art is meaningless. I do agreee with the finality of love being the only redeeming thing in life and that it forgives almost all hardships. But i dont know. I dont know how people cope without the small spoils that im privelieged to have.

Anyway good post, made me feel warm that more people are the same as i was, it was a great state of being

>> No.11415034

But then I would have no reason to come here. I'm not joking when I say the only reason I post on /lit/ is that there might be women out there reading my words.

>> No.11415139

You got hormone issues my dude.
I dunno try not eating like Shit and get some exercise

>> No.11415160

God I wish that were me.

You can be both empathetic and strong, both affectionate and passionate.

But you can only be strong if you lack empathy, affection, or passion. But by then you may not even be motivated to strength, and just crumble instead.

Be glad OP. Write your feelings and be glad to be alive, to be Human, and not stone.

>> No.11415203

btw read Les Miserables.

>> No.11415512

Ur a woman
I thought you had something interesting to say

>> No.11415569

Lol I haven't had sex in like 5 years and guarantee my diet and fitness is better than yours

>> No.11417035

Jesus Christ just transition already you gaylord

>> No.11417053

>tfw cried listening to one (1) Sade song after one (1) beer yesterday

>> No.11417054

come on man

>> No.11417059

Ah, disappointing.
You're just on your period desu.

Perhaps you just got pregnant and haven't realized it yet. Congratulations

>> No.11417071

/lit/ - Literature

Normal people see: /lit/ - Literature

Neurotics/Narcissists/Bipolar and literal faggots see: My Personal Blog

>> No.11417095

Nah, periods don't do much damage. It's a big meme people use as an excuse to whine. At least in my case it's nothing a painkiller can't solve.

My family would disown me unless it were through the Holy Ghost. My grandmother once called me a Hester Prynne to my mother when she saw me talking to a boy.

I will one day. I am reading the Russians now.

What song?

Nice post. I can't write for shit, so anything creative is out of the question. Might star keeping a my diary desu soon.

>> No.11417131

Do you eat a lot of sugar/milk?

What are your test levels like? You're probably low T get it checked, before you go trans.

>> No.11417395
File: 73 KB, 311x471, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this OP, it's going to heal you surely.
Also, someone please recommend me books like this, I wanna feel crushed again

>> No.11417815


>> No.11417836

>i almost cried listening to a fucking ted talk yesterday
this brought me to tears... laughing though ha. Nice text overall though. Wish I was in love (or rather the other person too ha)

>> No.11417853

I understood this post the way that what >>11402825 said is the more desirable option and those hiding everything behind a shield of irony are the cancerous ones. Hmmm