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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 703x350, Capture_20180703090809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11406939 No.11406939 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys recommend old white dudes so often?

>> No.11406944

Imagine dating a late twenties western white woman

>> No.11407007

I go to the Art Institute all the time and have no idea what she’s talking about

>> No.11407019

If you can pretend to agree with them intellectually, they will let you do absolutely anything you want with them in bed.

>> No.11407025

>go to art museum
>old white men have went through great trouble to create beautiful works art
>some white whore displays her used fucking tampons thinks it should be rewarded

If i wanted to see human waste on display i can visit the local gypsy camp.

>> No.11407029

Isn't it time to die in a car crash?

>> No.11407033

I wish these people would just straight up admit that they think white men have it too good which is why they resent them too much

>> No.11407041

I'm not French.

>> No.11407042

They do, constantly.

>> No.11407051

It doesn't matter.

It's a strawman argument and why someone needs to explain this to you is the real reason why they resent you.

>> No.11407060

I have honestly never seen an art museum with (plain) portraits at all.
Ausfag desu.

>> No.11407062

Who said it was new?

>> No.11407074

Cause they make classics, no one is going to complain about the fucking monalisa being a portrait. also we do recommend stuff from like the 70s and 80s too

>> No.11407076

This board's IQ must have dropped fifty points in the past two weeks. /lit/ never used to be stupid enough to entertain such obvious bait. Why do you come here?

>> No.11407077


>> No.11407092
File: 176 KB, 894x599, wow seriously did you just wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupidity always garners attention. Even on 4chan. I posit that threads like these back in 2012-2014 are what gave these retards so much power.

>> No.11407094

weird that a girl is fucking retarded

>> No.11407095

25-35 year old 'white' Americans are the worst people on the planet.

>> No.11407103

I mostly recommend old Japanese women, but okay. Also does she think portraits are the same kind of rehash as making 3 different spiderman movie series in under 20 years?

>> No.11407107
File: 18 KB, 223x226, IMG_0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the summer, college "intellectuals" don't have to worry about flunking now so they spam bad books and never start with the greeks

>> No.11407113

That's a poor theory to explain how the particular tone of this board shifted so quickly. It's like being followed by packs of street dogs.

>> No.11407121

Recommend me some old Japanese women.

>> No.11407125
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1408543297950-559d0048a8f5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes.

>> No.11407127

Americans as a whole are a plague.

>> No.11407141

i hate girls and i hate niggers. i mean this

>> No.11407172


>> No.11407180

This is poetry.
Ono no Komachi, Izumi Shikibu
Yosano Akiko, Chimako Tada

>> No.11407207


Eww, thanks anyway.

>> No.11407212

this is even worse than making fun of reddit because at least reddits cl allows the person to explain what they mean and on the other hand if you think you have anything smart to say you should not post it on a website where you cannot even develop the idea so it promotes the box thinking where nobody can be introduces to ideas where nobodyu can be introduced to some part of an arguement that is critical to the formulation of the idea so its like pulling out a color and saying i dont like it but thats kids stuff youre all a bunch of dummies because your bringing that nonsense here and its like putting a cap on what can be discussed because the source is limited yes you are the posios of this boaadr even

>> No.11407233

Wtf is with white women using the term white derogitorily.

>> No.11407241
File: 17 KB, 136x102, 1530624972-libanais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a "guy", sir.

>> No.11407242

I blame the influx of Redditors over the last few years. Kinda like the European migrant crisis: bring in a shitton of people who don't share your values and way of life and watch what happens to your society.

>> No.11407255

How is it derogatory in this context? They are literally portraits of white men

>> No.11407260


>> No.11407272

If you want prose, Tokyo Story: A Literary Stroll has stories by Fumiko Hayashi, Michiko Ikeda, Kuniko Mukoda, Ineko Sata and Mayumi Inaba along with a lot of more popular writers like Mishima and Soseki. And I assume you know Tale of Genji but I might as well mention it since Murasaki is the old Japanese woman.

>> No.11407279


Because wh*te women are a fucking meme

>> No.11407329

Thanks, since you seem to know about this stuff, what's the 'best' translation of Genji?

>> No.11407357

To put out stupid bait for (You)s

>> No.11407370

Tyler or Waley. If you want the most accurate Royal Tyler is the best option. Athur Waley's is notorious for being cut down and taking liberties, but it's also so good that Japanese professors I know translated into Japanese.

>> No.11407386

Thank you.

>> No.11407473

Mods, the Tumblr raid strated early.

>> No.11407647

Inironically based.

>> No.11407656

Hitomi Tanaka is bretty good, definately reccomend her bidy of work.

>> No.11407688

If you can piss her off and laugh at her stupid ideas, she'll let you cum on her face anyways. What's it like having no backbone?

>> No.11407781
File: 11 KB, 229x221, Download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how they always blame society and get triggered by SJWs.

>> No.11407793

Most of the realism portraits are of white people as they are the ones who enjoyed it at the time

>> No.11407797

Why does /lit/ have such shitty mods?

>> No.11408669

>go to Dublin gallery
>contemporary portraits room
>one piece is a 20 minute video some woman recorded of herself staring into the camera in a blue shirt in a bath
what did she mean by this?

>> No.11408675

This might be boring but it's not any less boring than some fucking painting of Venus being raped by a Goat or whatever greek degeneracy you deem noble and beautiful

>> No.11408690

>Why do you guys recommend old white dudes so often?
daddy fetish tbph

>> No.11408712

I didn't deem anything noble anonymous. I'm sure at the very least the nice colours and shapes would make a more pleasant viewing experience than staring at a video of some woman.

>> No.11408726
File: 76 KB, 500x688, Hollywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that isn't kiked these days?

>> No.11408767

This cover is antisemitic

>> No.11409104

how do you think this shits gonna play out? will everyone just grow up and lose interest? will there be a war? will we just stay in constant conflict for another 60 years until the planet becomes uninhabitable?

>> No.11409117

>Great music for Jewish Kids
Anyone know of great books for Jewish kids?

>> No.11409132

>Seething over the fact that Europeans commissioned portraits back in the day
>OP Seething (baiting) over the fact that white dudes wrote most of the western canon.
I can make a similar argument about how instagram is filled with thots.

>> No.11409289

yeah, heh

*jerks off*

that'll show them

>> No.11409300

You don't date them, just hookup with them.

>> No.11409356

Frankly, I'd rather watch a goat rape some chick than some dumb bitch sitting staring in a bathtub.

>> No.11409617

Old white dudes killed it

Maybe because Contingency but nevertheless they killed it

>> No.11409675

the bible

>> No.11409703

They despise white men.

>> No.11410306

Yeah high five brother those anti-sjws are so bad!

>> No.11410308

Mostly just left-wingers.

>> No.11410310

It's mostly envy. For negros its white envy, for women it's success envy and for your "democratic" socialist types it wealth envy.

>> No.11410604

t. hasn't been to many art museums

>> No.11410717

right-wingers in that group are worse, exact same people but they think hacky journals like the atlantic makes them thinkers

>> No.11410888

>and then, get this, he said “why does a country that was 100% white until 30 years ago have to apologize for that?”
>oh my god what a nazi

>> No.11410914
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1530430263762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the jews say white countries have to be multicultural now, so we clearly don't have a choice ... but to kick these fucking kikes out again.

>> No.11410926

Wow, it's almost as if people who hold political beliefs are capable of making facial expressions!

>> No.11410960

Imagine being so mentally vacant that you actually make the comment in OP's picture

It's like trying to imagine being blind.

>> No.11410963
File: 66 KB, 757x422, blame us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not jews you're thinking of, it's amoral capitalists

>> No.11410965

Solution: see films that have an unique plot, it takes 5 minutes to determine the quality of a film before investing your time and money into it.

Same solution if you dislike pieces in an art gallery, just keep walking to the next painting lmao

I don't see how this is a "problem" at all really.

>> No.11410982

Those damn tyrants from Capitaliststan again, ofc! No, redditbitch, it's jews.

>> No.11410988

Anon the problem is that fewer unique films are being produced and with weaker budgets and weaker box office prospects (which reinforces the trend towards conceptual entropy), not that previously existing original works are being destroyed.
I didn't think it could be done but you actually managed to post something more stupid than OP's screencap. Well done.

>> No.11410990

Insidious people don't have to come from some external country, you do realise? There are plenty of people from your own race who are very capable of being evil and selfish

>> No.11411001

I think it is just meant to be a portrait

>> No.11411008

Explain what is wrong with my solution? If you follow my solution, you aren't funding the less original, tropey, capeshit universe type of films.
What is the solution that you propose to the problem of people funding those type of films?
I'll wait patiently for your response, and cringe when you post it.

>> No.11411013

And those people weren't half as bad as they are now under the jewish global capitalist system. Many like Ford had noblesse oblige but jews are just hateful and see whites as potential enemies, which is why capitalism is 10x more destructive for those people now. They are blatantly disenfranchised and attacked because they are seen as the enemy of the jews in charge, both the neoliberal jews on the left and the neocon jews on the faux right. You're blaming abstract shit that isn't real; the issue is the nature of the people making the decisions.

>> No.11411020

I wouldn't say weaker budgets, budgets are centralized into fewer (shittier) films

>> No.11411034

we have evolved to only care about the people we grew up around, our family or tribes, it is human nature - so good luck changing that.

>> No.11411035

go away

>> No.11411037

Modern capitalism arose mostly from Anglo-American (along with some French and German) world domination in the late 19th century as a result of the incredible access to resources colonies and foreign markets gave them, which then gave them the income to maintain the giant militaries needed to defend their possessions.

There were certainly Jews who benefited from this, but also many Jews who didn't benefit from it at all (such as the Jewish peasants in the Russian empire).

>the issue is the nature of the people making the decisions.
I agree, your average ExxonMobil CEO who lobbies for reduced natural protections doesn't give a fuck about anything other than company profits. There's a lot of powerful bastards out there, and while some of them are Jewish, it's not exclusive to Jews by a long shot.

>> No.11411039

Which is why capitalism cries out for strict regulations

>> No.11411051

>neoliberal left

overcoming our animal instincts is human nature

>> No.11411054

The problem is jews. It's jews who are promoting mass immigration into white countries from both the left and the right and pushing policies that are global and harmful for the nation, because the international jew is a counter-national force. Jews have been the main culprit in incentivizing these problems in white nations and they are who must be dealt with in order to fix them.

A "capitalist" is a not a person; it's an abstract scapegoat to keep people from rightfully blaming the jews.

>> No.11411062

There is no incentive to overcoming our greedy and selfish nature, how are you going to incentivise compassion and working for complete strangers?
no psychedelics allowed

>> No.11411064

Further, how are you going to dissuade people from taking advantage of these kind strangers?

>> No.11411067

>A "capitalist" is a not a person; it's an abstract scapegoat to keep people from rightfully blaming the jews.
I mean, I could say that a "jew" (in the /pol/ sense) is not a person, and just an abstract scapegoat to keep people from rightfully blaming the capitalists..

>> No.11411075

confirmed. dated a girl with a b.a. in gender studies.i made vile jokes a lot. she q=was a squirter which was kind of gross.

>> No.11411224

That's why whores exist.

>> No.11411375

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/177468131