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11408376 No.11408376 [Reply] [Original]

Which Theologans and Philosophers have he read except Nietzsche and Jung?

>> No.11408384

>implying he has read Nietzsche

>> No.11408392
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He mentions on many occasions that he read Foucault.

>> No.11408397

Nietzsche is one of his favorites, just like his idol, Jung.

>> No.11408405

Neech, Jung, Dostoy, and Solzhenitsyn are literally the only 4 writers he has ever cited.
never heard him quote Foucault literally once in all the hours of his shit I've wasted my time on.

>> No.11408426

but He takes shit on nietzsche, he said a lot of unacceptable thing for someone whose favorite phliosopher as nietzsche

>> No.11408431
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>> No.11408434

How so?

>> No.11408442


You can recognize someone as an intellectual inspiration without accepted everything they believed to be the case.

>> No.11408446

He mentions Hegel, Kant, and a bunch of other philosophers too

>> No.11408465

he was literally quoting that from the article he retweeted
>This first thesis—that all discourse is fundamentally about power—finds its philosophical origins in the likes of post-modernists such as Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. To quote Foucault, “Discourses are tactical elements or blocks operating in the field of force relations.” Thus, on Foucalt’s view, if all discourse is, at heart, really just veiled force relations between competing groups; if language isn’t fundamentally capable of being about objective truth or about the world in any meaningful sense, then the ink symbols written on the page and the shaped air admitted from one’s mouth in the forms of ‘rationality’, ‘facts’, ‘knowledge’, and ‘truth’ are just another set of weapons in a person’s overall arsenal to seize and maintain power, no different in kind from weapons of a physical sort.

>> No.11408482

Mentioning a philosopher in an offhand way is not engaging with their material and actually citing them. His analysis of Being in Heidegger is one of the cringiest undergraduate things I have ever read, where, once again, he never uses a single quote from his work.

>> No.11408513

He often refers to Derrida when he's on one of his "postmodernism boogeyman" rants

>> No.11408738

He hasn't read him, he has said Nietzsche was a nihilist and the nihilism he describes has more to do with Strider than Nietzsche himself.
I don't blame him though, he is a psychologist not a philosopher (though he getting into philosophy is his fault)

>> No.11408756

>implying he reads

>> No.11409001


>> No.11409251

Bastardises a lot of what Emerson talks about, but has never referenced him to my knowledge.

>> No.11409272
File: 57 KB, 596x398, peterson rand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan Peterson was born in Fairview, Alberta, and lived there until he went to college. As a teenager, Peterson became close friends with his local Member of the Legislative Assembly, Grant Notley. Notley was the leader of the provincial socialist party, the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP). Peterson became an NDP activist and got to know Grant Notley’s daughter Rachel, who would later become Premier of Alberta.
>Peterson was brought up in a Protestant church-going home, but he abandoned Christianity because he could not reconcile the Bible’s account of Creation with Evolution. He subsequently developed a keen interest in books and politics. West writes:
>“At thirteen, he started reading serious political books. Authors of interest included Ayn Rand, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and George Orwell – three authors who warned against the evils of collectivism and totalitarianism.”

>> No.11409293
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>Peterson became an NDP activist
>socialist New Democratic Party
>Peterson became a socialist activist
what did he mean by this??

>> No.11409328

Manchurian candidate, etc, etc

>> No.11409340
File: 33 KB, 870x455, 1518728388012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serious political books
>Ayn Rand, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and George Orwell

>> No.11409345

He's read the Gulag Archipelago and Road to Serfdom, that's about it outside of Jung.

>> No.11409355


I'll never tire of this picture. It has just the perfect expression of weary disgust.