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11408703 No.11408703 [Reply] [Original]

Bit of an edgy question, but what's the most graphic depiction of torture you've ever read?

>> No.11408744

if this is a man

>> No.11408774

That's a good one. Bridge over river Drina has a really brutal description of impaling

>> No.11408785
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>> No.11408788


The nastiest passage in the entirety of 120 days of sodom, near the end :^)

>> No.11408790

her not texting back

>> No.11408796

go to rekt threads. graphic 'depictions' are over. literature is over. all is image.

>> No.11408804

wrong board, kiddo

>> No.11408807

That V. chapter about the rhinoplasty. Got even dizzy

>> No.11408808

i'm a postmodernist

>> No.11408811

You bothered to take a photo for my thread? Thanks, anon, that's very considerate of you.

>> No.11408817

Pretty overkill desu.

>> No.11408831

The scene with the hooker and the rat in American Psycho.

>> No.11408850

Especially since he likely did kill Cyrus

>> No.11409075

>Bridge over river Drina has a really brutal description of impaling

First thing that came to my mind.

>> No.11409161

Viking stuff. There was a blood eagle in one book, but I forget which one, and in Eaters of the Dead, they bend down two trees, tie one end of a guy to each tree, and then let them go. ripped in half is pretty bad, I'd imagine.

>> No.11409175

Damn, what book?

>> No.11409182

Plutarch's lives

>> No.11409472

I came here for this.

>> No.11409490

>[cries in serbian]

>> No.11409495

lives of saints are always good for a story or two

>> No.11409504

Foxe's book of martyrs
Read it and repent, lads.

>> No.11409509

Justine/The Misfortunes of Virtue - De Sade

>> No.11409513

>inb4 scaphism

>> No.11409569

what is going on right now? I read wikipedia right now, if he killed Cyrus, then didn't they should give a reward, not a punishment?
the main dude of revolt killed, so their power must be dismantled quickly;
judge who give that punishment must be in line with the person with power, who gave most benefit from his behavior;

>> No.11409628

Artaxerxes (the king) wanted everyone to think he killed Cyrus himself so it would seem that he was a better warrior (which he wasn't). You can catch a glimpse at the top of the page above.

>> No.11409636

Is Sade the original edgelord?

>> No.11409656
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The previous page

>> No.11409673

I don't read much torture literature but Ciardi's translation of the inferno has quite the description of the two backstabbing criminals in the last circle of hell, frozen up to their necks and one gnawing the hair, flesh, and brains out of the other eternally that has always been really unsettling to me.

>> No.11409695

Not really an edgelord. He was mostly just a degenerate freak who liked weird sexual butt stuff done to him

>> No.11410242

I've read Blood Meridian, but the imagery in it wasn't that heavy in the scenes of cruelty.
I guess I'll have to say it's the Mongol torture in Windup Bird.

>> No.11410339

Too late

>> No.11410404
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I guess pic related.
Also, Farabeuf, a novel by Salvador Elizondo contains a very graphic description of the method.

>> No.11410445

That's not really a very graphic depiction of scaphism, even though the act itself is stomach churning

>> No.11410710

The MLP fanfic Cupcakes.

>> No.11410716

The cat scene in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.11411299


towards the end he'd stopped writing out the ideas in detail and was reduced to notes like "woman is impaled on a spike attached to a saddle on an untamed horse, which is released". he didn't even bother with trying to bracket the ideas with having one of the storyteller whores say "I once knew of a nobleman who..."

it was like he knew he was running out of paper and had to fit the whole thing into a limited space.

>> No.11411301

how many edgelords had a prominent place in the French revolution and then went to prison for their writing? NONE.

>> No.11411475

He set the standards pretty high.

>> No.11411489

Kafka's "In the Penal Colony"

>> No.11411727

Yes. Good one.

>> No.11411760


>> No.11411785


>> No.11411853

No, it's not that graphic. Buts it's the most graphic that I've read.

>> No.11411878


Was just going to post this. My source however was 'The History of Torture' by Daniel Mannix.

Best written depiction of torture? 'Star Rover/The Jacket' by Jack London.

>> No.11412611

Semi-related, are there any good books involving cute boys being tickled without mercy... or otherwise erotic depictions of ticklishness...

>> No.11412723

Entire books devoted to that?

>> No.11412844

So far i'd have to say the pulling of hair out of the head in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Not scalping with any knives but literally bare hand scalping. That whole book is full of many painful tortures but this one actually shocked me the most. Not long after I read that Muammar Gaddafi was captured and if you watch the video you can literally see his scalp hanging just from people pulling on it. It made me sick for a few days.

>> No.11412875

Oh yes the blood Eagle is mentioned in the book: Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney.

>> No.11412878 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11412890


>> No.11412926

I'm gonna need a list, for entirely 100% fetishist reasons.

>> No.11412940

Why I whould share them with you?

>> No.11412951

Because if I were in your position I would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.11412954

Never got the meme with that. I've unironically wrote worse fanfics.

>> No.11412979

Not necessarily entire books. I wouldn’t expect that anyway, outside the realm of pornographic fiction. But mmmm... scenes, evocations, memories...

>> No.11412989

there is so much gruesome stuff in Hard to Be a God by the Strugatsky brothers. good shit

>> No.11413028

I found the torture in 1984 hard but other than that i havent read any other book with harsh torture so far than your basic beatings and starving

>> No.11413057

All the historical novels by Gary Jennings are chock full of rape, pedophilia, gore, torture and general violence. Aztec and Raptor are probably the two worst.

>> No.11413065

the torture garden by octave mirbeau is edgy as fuck. you can probably crank one out to it though

>> No.11413080

>17 days

>> No.11413109
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you mean pic related? Its last story is about a gang of vikings who assault a christian village. In one part, they practice a bloody eagle on an old man they come across when they arrive at the coast. Later, they take a bunch of monks, tie them to a tree and set them on fire.

>> No.11413117

It wasn't properly described, just talked about, but forcing a swarm of human eating roaches down a woman's throat so that she could be devoured, healed with magic, then devoured again and so on until she was completely broken in Overlord was pretty hardcore.

>> No.11413269
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I was always disgusted by this page

>> No.11413285

Is this Sotos?

>> No.11413288


>> No.11414645

either 1984 (the end) or American Psycho (most of the book, but especially the part with the rat)

>> No.11414692 [DELETED] 


[Spoiler]My diary, desu[/Spoiler]

>> No.11415448

Thanks man! I saw it in a bookstore years ago and I didn't have the cash on me to buy it. You glorious book angel, you!

>> No.11416929

Read the argentinian Nunca más.

>> No.11417156

glad to be helpful, anon

>> No.11417946

the scenes in Dan Simmons' "The Rise of Endymion" where Cardinal Lourdusamy is torturing that trooper in VR were pretty nasty.

> pressed button labeled "red-hot sword blade shoved down throat"

>> No.11417950

i bought that for the alleged torture and all i got was a french guy watching as his girlfriend fainted from being a dizzy airhead all the time.