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File: 623 KB, 593x594, X_YJ0LfSQQWX9nG9i_X7V8GVWxGe_ZZfSLslEMscLxQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11403966 No.11403966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Never should of come here

>> No.11403973

Would be interested in seeing/reading about Peterson and Japan.

>> No.11404164


>> No.11404168

I can't figure out if he's doing all this on purpose or not.

>> No.11404268

I just don't get why is he so popular. He isn't radical. He's just an old man complaining about millennials and women. He's literally someone's grumpy grandpa

>> No.11404273
File: 113 KB, 992x975, jbpcrybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I yield! I yield!

>> No.11404343

I don't know how he's doing it, but it's clearly working. A close friend of mine plus my fucking PARENTS are all aware of him. My parents have read his fucking book!

>> No.11404365

>gets known through an internet video of him doing something lightly controversial which is seen as agreeable to certain types of people
>it involves him, who looks authoritative and mature, being calm and composed while arguing with a bunch of queers, who appear disgruntled and frenzied
>those people who like this video look into him some more and find he is a professor who has some entry-level philosophy shit, and he already had a youtube channel going
>those people easily latch onto what he's been doing, because they yearn for an authoritative figure to tell them what to do and who to be, then he feeds into them by basically telling them everything they'll like to hear
I think it's pretty obvious. And this was during like 2016 I believe.

>> No.11404375
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There are those who would silence the Dragon's truth! But not I! Not Peterson! His word will be known! May Jung guide you. Always.

>> No.11404388

Why does he never smile in pics? Lighten up buddy.

>> No.11404393

>I just don't get why is he so popular. He isn't radical. He's just an old man complaining about millennials
This is what *everyone* wants. We hate millennials. Them and their stupid iphone-related brain injuries have single-handedly destroyed political discourse in America.

>> No.11404396

>daily peterson threads on /lit/
I fucking wonder.

The userbase of 4chan may be small compared to the english speaking populace, but it is widely spread if nothing else. Double that for reddit and double reddit for youtube. That's a wide net of coverage that feeds into itself, reintroducing peterson as a topic and enforcing his virality.

>> No.11404405

The fact that he's still gaining popularity unlike a lot of those other anti-SJW people is testament to his salesmanship.

>> No.11404425

Because leftists can't help but shit the bed like a bunch of retards whenever they so much as hear his name. Every time they complain about him, he get's stronger.

>> No.11404435

His life advice has resonated with some people, particularly men

>> No.11404437

Liberals can't contain their autism and have to make one zillion articles of why this guy is a fascist or whatever.

>> No.11404441

>He's just an old man complaining about millennials and women.
wtf why wasnt i told sooner, absolutely based

>> No.11404452

>complains about women
This is considered radical by the neoliberal hegemony.

>> No.11404453
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Try again.

>> No.11404459

>using non-prescriptivist definitions of postmodernism near /lit/
he has far worse things due him than unpopularity

>> No.11404527

Why. Won't. You. Die!

>> No.11404532

Gimme one good reason how come

>> No.11404539

2 years into his 15 minutes of fame and he’s still rising. Fascinating stuff desu

>> No.11404560

Because it's in the perfect tense and the auxiliary verb used for that verb is "have." But I do think that "of" will be considered grammatically correct in the future due to it's usage on the internet.

>> No.11404568

His increasingly expensive taste in suits is fascisting

>> No.11404632
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>> No.11404636

Replace blade with lobster and you have gold

>> No.11404639

I thought of that, but it really doesn't work because he's literally holding a sword. I almost threw in a "bucko."

>> No.11404644

Change the pic you fucking autist

>> No.11404647

>find he is a professor who has some entry-level philosophy shit

He has a Bachelors in Political Science and a PhD in Clinical Psychology anon..

>> No.11404648

And yet he completely misinterprets Nietzsche and admits to have never read Foucault despite constantly bringing up the two.

>> No.11404652


>> No.11404655

sounds like the credentials of an entry-level philosophist to me

>> No.11404663
File: 424 KB, 562x349, julian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And destroy the meme that was essentially served up on a golden platter? No

You could do that with any other pic of Peterson at any other time, this only works because we got this madness dropped in our lap today. You want them lobster upboats, knock yourself out, Gimp is free.

>> No.11404684

As is his pure steak diet!

>> No.11404722


that is unironically how he talks desu

>> No.11404744
File: 1.34 MB, 903x777, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is what 19-34 males are idolizing?

>> No.11404748

You are either a millenial or 40+ years old and posting on a peruvian claymation bulletin board, in which case, you're more pathetic than any millennial.

>> No.11404750
File: 491 KB, 337x823, Skull_Crushing by Thomas Ligotti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we should be terrified for our skulls at every second
That's actually Ligotti. I always liked that line.

>> No.11404751

Whoops, he said "out of our skulls..."

My bad, but the Ligotti excerpt is still pretty thought-provoking.

>> No.11404755

he's the internet dad for a generation of rudderless wankers

if you've never read a book in your life just being introduced to some light jungian shit by someone who talks well is probably fairly mindblowing.

>> No.11404765

was this meant to be read as free verse poetry because it sounds especially compelling read aloud

>> No.11404771

stop scaring you're mom

>> No.11404779
File: 160 KB, 248x454, 1501883453280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, watch out for yer head
>It's, like, super important
>Ok dude?
Deep man

>> No.11404784

>smiling on demand like a monkey

Catch me in the moment or make me laugh. I'm not smiling like a dufus for some dumb photo.

>> No.11404789

I think it was meant as a poem, yes. I can't track down where it is printed originally. I found it in a Youtube thing read by some dude that an heroed. I've looked up the source and it wasn't there, but also I barely tried.

>> No.11404788

dude after the fourth i heard my neighbor making suspiciously loud and clumsy sounds, not that i've ever actually seen him but still,.

>> No.11404791


>> No.11404808

That's not even wrong. Chesterton makes essentially the same point.

>> No.11404837


>> No.11404845

Dude has definitely stepped up his game in the wardrobe department, he's verging on being /fa/ now, at least in an old man sort of way.

>> No.11404858
File: 12 KB, 646x167, derived_e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the video from >>11404789


Fun Fact: The guy who left this comment also killed himself. They were all Antinatalists who took their pessimism very seriously.

>> No.11404866

aka, not philosophy, certainly not the philosophy of the people he condemns like Derrida.

>> No.11404871

Not working on this board anymore, rabbi, scoot along to the next one.

>> No.11404906

Just wondering if he has any reception there.

>> No.11404919

I am technically a millennial, but grew up without smartphones or even cell phones. I remember the world before the internet and social media. I dislike the millennial obsession with status and material things, as much as I dislike it in their parents, except millennials have a terminal case of dunning-kruger.

>> No.11404924

Have this (You)

>> No.11404956

How is this relevant? Stop forcing your ideology at every turn claude

>> No.11405233

>derived energy killed himself

Holy shit, I found this guys channel a few months back.

>> No.11405276
File: 31 KB, 470x470, sips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>groups differences arent real everyone should be proportionately represented

youre sounding like a liberal there cletus.

>> No.11405280

>Want proof? Visit pastebin

so they admit that their theories belong in the trash?

>> No.11405308 [DELETED] 

it's part of trumps whitelash. don't worry all these idiots will be dead in 10-15 years and we can move on as a species.

>> No.11405319

He's a surrogate dad to young men with absent or negligent fathers.

>> No.11405348

I bet you think you're really fucking special yet here you are posting on fucking 4chan. As much as people are wasting their youth on facebook, they at least manage to squeeze a shag out of it once in a while, you barely get any (you)s

>> No.11405377
File: 8 KB, 59x71, 1502089396739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made you want to actually improves your life in a climate of toxic white people first problems political regurgitated
>gezz why this clinical psychology is so popular xDDD

>> No.11405414

fuck this mind virus

>> No.11405443

it's because pathetic little people want/need someone to lord it over them and have made him into their big man

>> No.11405874

Shalom Rabbi! Let the genocide commence!

>> No.11405912

Refute this
Heh...thought so, bucko

>> No.11405915


>> No.11405922

oh yeah? refute this you bloody marxist
you can't, i've done the multivariate analyses, the data is IN and THAT'S THAT.

>> No.11405932

No radical is going to come from the academic world these days.

>> No.11405943

>the reason why people listen to this person are because these people need someone to listen to because they are stupid and weak unlike me who doesn't listen to anyone except people who disagree with this person I am strong and smart

>> No.11405959

I really hate how people are looking at this kind of person and saying "oh boy, listen to him speak and listen to him sing and listen to him debate." And they are his core fanbase, and they love him to death.

But then there are retards like everyone in this thread, including me, who are talking in this thread and forming opinions on someone for the very same reasons why people like him. We are just on the other side of the coin. The questions about why people care about the core-conservative for the past couple of months is based retard bros coming to the lit for the first time, I guarantee. No, let me amend my previous thought to be a little bit closer to what I contend is the real battleground, over still the same strawman. Those on /lit/ who are retarded enough to be in the second camp, and those retards on /lit/ who are browsing a thread like this at the past-midnight hours of the day and assuming a level of what is believed to be cogency. Mind that our differences are not in what we believe, but we still hate each other. Well, I hate you at least. And while the retard is there along for the ride, wasting away his days (the coin in this metaphor, both sides of the same retard), there comes thoughts of this being a waste of time and this being a good way to spend time. On the level of difference, our mind becomes infatuated with what we are infatuated with (as is the case of weighing things in waste) and look at someone like Peterson with a stink eye or malevolence. Forget his ideas, where is his hate but a manifestation of our waste?

>> No.11405964

Nice pasta.

>> No.11405974

I should also day that I didn't want my post to come off as a defense of him, but I really don't know why you'd expect him to be radical or expect anyone truly radical to become popular. He creates so much outrage because he's from the type of environment where people will try to convince you that James Baldwin is some sort of dangerous radical.

>> No.11406014
File: 271 KB, 854x1280, 1489506165537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh postmodern neo-Marxism

Not only are those in direct contrast to one another, the only way these two meet is the fact that society is already postmodernist, and that the current youth movements we see are just people trying to throw a net out in a society without grand narratives and large truths, and partially unreliable tools and theories.

A feminist wants to defeat the patriarchy by promoting female equality, the patriarchy is a very simple and straightforward problem with an even more straightforward solution, these movements are modernist to their core, not to mention the fact that virtually all Marxists are modernists.

Neo-Marxism is also impractical to call a coherent movement or set of ideas, if anything it's just different academics being thrown together under the same coat, most of them would have rejected the statement that they are neo-Marxists.

Jordan Peterson is the one-eyed king in the land of the blind, great to get people who just watch people like Sam Harris and other pop-politics on Youtube to read and try and better understand these subjects, but from there you really have to start growing yourself by reading the people he's inspired by and from there on out move into areas that interest you.

>> No.11406025

>is a very simple ad straightforward problem
people don't even agree that there is a problem to begin with. Your bias has been revealed. be gone

>> No.11406035

Poorly executed.
Every line should be different you uncreative fag.

>> No.11406041

very good post

>> No.11406049

>A feminist wants to defeat the patriarchy by promoting female equality, the patriarchy is a very simple and straightforward problem with an even more straightforward solution,
Feminism is a little too broad to be making generalizations like this.

>> No.11406051

wtf, all I've heard from him is that marxist thinkers transitioned toward postmodernism.
He doesn't think they're the same thing.

>> No.11406084
File: 250 KB, 1080x1350, 1526391416813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bias are you talking about? I'm not politically affiliated, I'm a Christian-Existentialist very much like Jordan Peterson.
If we are going to criticize something we disagree with, let's at least know what the people we criticize believe and where those believes positions themselves in the world.
And most of all, let's not twist and simplify facts to our own hands, Jordan Peterson most of all would avow that statement, since he believes in truth and honesty.

Marxism is purely modernist, with a systematic, materialist theory of inevitable historical development.
Marxism makes strong claims, has a moral agenda, and are more than willing to construct conceptual systems.
Lastly postmodernists are playful and nihilistic, often somewhere in the middle of both, would you say that modern Marxists, feminists, or the Black Lives Matter movement have playful aspects and nihilistic attitudes?

Jordan Peterson is fundamentally wrong about postmodernism, and his followers would greatly benefit from reading some postmodernists, even from reading some simple postmodernist literature like Vonnegut.
Postmodernism is not an ideology, but a lack thereof, it's the corrective to the naïveté that everything can be explained, so any coherent ideology is therefore by default not postmodernist.
Faux-controversial movements like internet feminists are rejecting gender and whatnot because the postmodernist age can no longer prove the Darwinian-Bateman paradigm as rigid.
Feminism simply substitutes this lack of scientific structure by casting out an even bigger net of coherent ideas, by clinging to personal favorites, not by rejecting them as a postmodernist would.

We can begin by at least admitting that Marxism has understandable grievances, and that Marx himself has contributed to modern economics and not entirely reject his contributions to the works of Vellen, Robinson, Shumpter, Sweezy, and Keynes.
Let's also stop pretending like Marx fundamentally rejects capitalism and its best economists, Marx was a big supporter of Adam Smith and David Ricardo.

>> No.11406124

Cultural marxism, by its own definition, is a critique of western civilization. That's fine, western civilization is imperfect, but the more it does for people, the louder and angrier they seem to get.

Do these people think that lgbt rights, women's rights, the lowest amount of racism in history, and democracy are all bad ideas? Even corrupt as fuck shitholes put up the illusion of democracy.

When does the time and money spent on making things ever so slightly better in the west become better spent making things massively better in the third world? From a purely utilitarian standpoint.

>> No.11406130

>the patriarchy is a very simple and straightforward problem with an even more straightforward solution
Elaborate please

>> No.11406140

Can somebody please post that funny jbp mashup video that implies he is a sexual predator?

>> No.11406141

the sentence in the game is "should've"

>> No.11406159
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Modern Marxists have transitioned towards postmodernism the same as everyone else has, but there are still some who are modernistic in their approach, or at least Marxian thinking has been in some ways revived in orthodoxy.
But it has always been there in orthodoxy, it's nothing new, and therefore Jordan Peterson's over-reliance on these orthodox Marxists is a bit silly.
He never mentions Marxism or Marxists after the failure of the '68ers or the dissolution of the USSR, he's always talking about Marxists who practice Marxism in orthodoxy, before talking about Marxists who would fundamentally agree with him about both Socialist/Communist regimes and postmodernism.
And Jordan Peterson more often than not says "postmodern neo-Marxism" like a coherent set of ideas, and then doesn't explain what he means, but if you happen to have any videos of him explaining his argument then that would be great, I've watched a lot of his content and I've never seen take these two apart as different things.

I think the western societies are radicalizing fast, and plenty of people are accepting these grand narratives to the point where even governments can't ignore them.
But I think Jordan Peterson is not focusing on other grand narratives however, and is clearly showing personal grievances which landed him between the other internet conservative figureheads in the first place.
Yes, there are weird ideas that have passed academia prematurely because there really isn't anything to measure them against, but these ideas in some ways easily pass through academia because they come from subjects that are touchy and taboo, and are often based on historical events that we like to remember as not to let them happen again.
This is why so many people are fighting ghosts, because the event has already happened, but they are trying to force it back into a society that no longer lets the grievances of these events hold as much power as it once had.
Grievances reach the people better than opinions, but if a good chunk of society griefs with you, then the opinions will spread easily.

But these movements are extremely controversial, you only have to look at the internet and the way people react to seeing parts or ideas of these movements represented to understand how controversial they are.
They might have caused some non-binary bathrooms in universities, and a strange law in Canada, but there's bigger fish to fry, democracies falling apart, movements like the Golden Dawn and the Communist party in Greece, Putin, a rise in identity politics from virtually all sides, etc.

>> No.11406171
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Patriarchy is the idea that men hold abnormal levels of power compared to women, it's a male-dominated society, the solution to patriarchy is equality in different strata of society according to the governing body's demands.

It's a grand narrative that doesn't exhibit a lot of pluralism, is often used to explains several different societal attitudes, economic policies, societal structures, etc.

It's modernist in that it makes very strong claims, has a moral agenda, and has constructed a conceptual system, in this case the patriarchy.

>> No.11406191

My biggest problem with Jordan Peterson is that his fans often misunderstand postmodernism and Marxism's place within it, and therefore themselves cast a grand narrative over both postmodernists and Marxists as having an agenda of deliberate destruction, and a wide system they forcefully want to implement, and Jordan Peterson isn't saying anything about it nor is he explaining postmodernism or Marxism very well.
The crazy third wave feminists disrupting his events are in fact not postmodernists, either hold Marxism in orthodoxy which people have for decades and has never gained a foothold in western civilization, or fragments of Marxism, and in fact argue against the pluralism of a postmodernist society.

>> No.11406283


No one would care about him if he ended every lecture with "I hate daddy and I like sex".

>> No.11406321

Your thinking too much. Jordan's actual academic work revolves around statistics and research into alcohol, pretty standard stuff for a research psychologist. He is just saying all these things because it has made him a ton of money and fame as well, he sees him self as some kind of messiah. He doesn't understand Marxism or post modernism in the least.

>> No.11406360

everything of any cultural value to emerge from the U.S. has come from jews, the gentile stock that chose to emigrate to the new world were all losers

>> No.11406399

Jews are a parasite race that has presided over the downfall of western culture, and who are neurotic and deluded like you. They cause nothing but harm.

>> No.11406434


>> No.11406435

he's right

>> No.11406444

I don't know. When I think about the greatest cultural achievements to come from the US, very few Jewish artists come to mind.

>> No.11406450
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>> No.11406457

>all those literal good goys (You)ing this
Kill yourselves. The US is an Israeli lapdog.

>> No.11406470


>> No.11406484

underrated and based

>> No.11406502

Peterson writes short sentences. why would he do this? It's a stupid question. the answer is obvious. To make them take it at face value. To have his readers not get bored. Stupidity, after all, is no mistery. critical thought is the mistery. Why doesn't peterson actually engage with left wing people? Not a mistery. He would get shown to be a fraud. Why does peterson use vague , grand language and speak so broadly? Not a mistery. How can peterson be so delusional? There's the mistery.

>> No.11406508


>> No.11406510

To understand what is going on with peterson, read listen little man by Wilhelm Reich, you can find the first third for free online.
In Reich's terms, Peterson is a little big man.

>> No.11406519
File: 62 KB, 542x540, 5678998765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow dude, you sound so special. Sucks being born in the wrong generation ammi rite?

>> No.11406524

His life advice is the only thing he says that makes any sense. His philosophy is just a bunch of slippery eel dad nonsense

>> No.11407247


>> No.11407262
File: 81 KB, 834x1196, tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is shopped right? His hand looks weird.

If it isn't, then YIKES.

>> No.11407284
File: 141 KB, 1901x264, aerheafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His fans are unironically all low intelligence cucks who love to be told how useless they are. Then they think you're left wing if you disagree with them, because they see the world as left and right, black and white.

>> No.11407303

Make some fucking suggestions then
Everyone says Peterson is babbys first psychologist/philosopher, and that he only echoes better men but nobody dares to suggest better

>> No.11407306

>he doesn't want to be a high-pitched qt3.14 grill getting overpowered and ejaculated into
what a faggot

>> No.11407322
File: 130 KB, 668x690, Boomer peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is the greatest philosopher of the past 2 years.

>> No.11407345
File: 24 KB, 333x499, as65f1sda6dfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ligotti is unironically based

>> No.11407701
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, 1530563118929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they talking about? Do you think they left a tip for their waitress?

>> No.11407707

shut up normie, rot in hell

>> No.11407720


>> No.11407721

explain this then shithead


>> No.11407727

>because they see the world as left and right, black and white.

like the sjws ammirite? ;)

>> No.11407843

>Harris: hey ben why aren't you sitting accross of me?
>Sharpiro: inequality is a fact of life. Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.11408012 [DELETED] 

Peterson is such a dork holy fuck.

Like that one kid in high school who wouldn't shut the fuck up about magic cards

>> No.11408029

yeah basically

>> No.11408036


>> No.11408061

I will never understand how can people claim this when we live in a society that has solved so many "facts of nature" problems and spends so much of it's own time concerned about their own feelings. Most of these people's arguments rely on their feelings and intuitions, which they in turn try to sell as reality itself precisely because they can't find any rational explanation for said arguments, and yet they claim to abide by "facts of nature". Really retarded.

>> No.11408078

I mean if there is ONE thing that seems constant and verifiable about human nature is the formulation of supernatural systems and the world-changing activity that comes from this. That we have solved so many material problems (or certain parts of humanity did anyway) should probably follow that we worry more and more about micro-agressions and this type of shit. Once you've solved (at least on the outside) a lot of the big problems, the little problems start to arise. This is common in every part of life. To try and use biology as an argument for anything while we live until we're 90 and most people couldn't feed themselves without a supermarket seems a bit dishonest to me, literally nothing else about human activity seems biological or "natural" anymore.

>> No.11408092

based low iq autist poster

>> No.11408127
File: 26 KB, 524x400, nietzsche-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh mystical evolutionary jungianism
pseudoreligion for the last man

>> No.11408178

funny how you spelled 'privileged people'

>> No.11408231

>we have solved so many material problems
If "we" means white people, and specifically white men. Without whites there is no humanity on earth.

>> No.11408247


>> No.11408249

What the fuck does that even have to do with any of the points I've raised. Also, "whites" as a group seems like a rather arbitrary way to group yourself with people who actually did shit, because it's absurd to claim only whites helped with technical progress (as it would be absurd to claim they didn't help at all).
I don't even wanna mention how white society relied (and still does) on non-white labour so it's autistic fever dreams can get realized because this seems like kicking a dead dog.

>> No.11408339

Whites are responsible for every luxury you enjoy. There is no shared "humanity" or equal distribution of abilities, and what you call "progress" is the result of white ingenuity, which is a product of evolutionary conditions and selection pressures.

>> No.11408378

Only if you consider mediterranean and levantine peoples white. What you're probably thinking of as white (germans, saxons and other such autists) only gave us genocides, technicalization of life and protestantism.

>> No.11408398


>Yes. Even those that descend from literal nobility are losers because they wanted to leave a dark, drab, shitty continent.

>> No.11408499

Leave this board, mudblood. We don't want retarded nonwhites like yourself hanging around here anymore.

>> No.11408515


>> No.11408552

Meds are white.

>> No.11408606
File: 134 KB, 1600x900, bwjftcz5ingfji28la3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11408686

Calm down wh*toid, just because you're more propense to melanoma doesn't make you literally Leibniz.

>> No.11408691

Read the books he talks about, Jordan Peterson is like a preface to a really great book, you understand what it's about, you just don't understand anything else.

Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Jung, Arendt, etc, read them all.

>> No.11408710

>using propense instead of propensity

try hard AND a wog? fuck

>> No.11408731


>> No.11408742

because a small selection of society is controlling what people think and hear everyday regarding the news.
Kikes are generally far left.

>> No.11408751

>I'm living in a postmodern society and am using Marxist analytical characteristics and post-68 quotidian Marxist philosophy to supplement my heavy dose of Hegel and the Hegelians, but practically nothing remains within my thinking that could be proclaimed Marxian.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11408795

Yeah, that's the reason why society is getting more and more pro-worker control of the means of production.
Accept it, american liberals aren't the left, they're not even left-wing most of the time.

>> No.11408810

Jews aren't actually ideological. They'll take up any ideology they think furthers the interests of jews and weakens the society jews are living in.

>> No.11408821

>Not only are those in direct contrast to one another,

Yeah and he say so himself.

At least hear his arguments before shitting on his meme version. Jesus.

Yeah but equality is impossible because of difference between male and female. Feminism refuses to acknowledge that and say that if there's an inequality, it must be because of sexism or whatever. The argument is that everyone is the same, which is why it mix so well with the LGBTQBRAAP bullshit and the BLM conman. All of those movement are based on the belief that groups are equal and if they're not it's because there is an evil force oppressing them.

It is used to explain stuff like economy and societal problem but it's honestly the equivalent of a /pol/tard blaming everything on the jews. The main goal isn't to resolve problems but to grab power and to make everything fit into the patriarchy theory.

It's designed to be broad, easy and to have a constant, undefeatable Satan that can be found everywhere so that it can sustain itself.

>> No.11408893

Then don't blame it on communism, retard

>> No.11408905

Communism was just a 19th and 20th century tool of the jew, blame is reserved for the source.

>> No.11408913

There's nothing more annoying than a philosopher who gets something wrong in the first round of premises but then runs with it for like 5 books or an entire career or something and literally everything he's ever said is either wrong or accidentally right because of that one error.

>> No.11408932

I think he's overrated but the general critique of the guy is appalling, especially on /lit/. He's not even hard to grasp yet people take him on as if politics is the only thing he has to express. It's almost no one actually reads or listens to the guy beyond maybe some slam clips on youtube.

>> No.11408949

I'm not any kind of Peterson fan and all I know about him stems from his Rogan interview years ago, but I swear to fucking God the most annoying people on the planet are 19 year old retards like you who love to come out and claim he is "wrong" like you know anything. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11408962

It's funny because the main arguments that communism was a tool of the jew are two lies from antisemits that are quite jewish in nature:

1)that german commie revolution
Yeah it was mostly jews. So let's say the antisemits are right on this one and that it was an attempt by the jews to take power. That means that the jews are a bunch of incompetent retards that failed in around a week and got gunned down by the very same governement that is also supposed to be rotten with with jews.
So it doesn't make the jewish threat very strong, unless you're a retard who only give a fuck about the fact that the leader where jews.

2)A list of jewish bolschevik leader by some english guy who was in russia. I don't remember his name but basically the guy just made the list up. He doesn't mention some leader while inventing other. This is quite dishonest and, let's be frank, jewish.

Then there's the protocol of zion which is basically the equivalent of a modern clickbait hitpiece from cnn, believed by naive fools. You know, the new channel ruled by jews.

Anyway, this lead me to the conclusion that /pol/ is extremly jewish and should be put into an oven as soon as possible.

>> No.11408975

It's actually the exact kind of argument you see on shitholes like Resetera and /leftypol/. We already have /pol/, so I'm a bit surprised we have their opposite, but equally retarded, brother.

>> No.11408977

You are clearly retarded, illiterate, and shouldn't be posting here. Go defend kikes on r3ddit.

>> No.11408988

Well, prove me wrong then, shlomo. It shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.11409005

You seem early into your understanding of the JQ and are trying to straddle the line. For now at least stop using their language: "antisemit."

>> No.11409011

Calm down anon. You don't know shit about me either. You don't even know what I'm objecting to here. You've got a lot of hot assumptions there and no particular reason to put them on me.

>> No.11409026
File: 37 KB, 189x166, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell do you people read like bots ?

"Oh you don't believe my paranoid delusion, you must learn more about them"

I swear, I got this answer a dozen time. At least, try to address the actual argument instead of pitpulling, tall nose.

>> No.11409034

I know all about you. You are some brainwashed leftist who doesn't like what Peterson has to say about Marxism and postmodernism.

>> No.11409057

>paranoid delusion
The JQ is a transparent and objective reality. One need only look at institutional control throughout the West. Our institutions have become jewish ethnic rackets up and down the line.

>> No.11409069

*beep bop, I'm a jew, please trust me*

>> No.11409074

>Not only are those in direct contrast to one another

>implying he doesn't know this

>> No.11409076
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1505518776382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're just a fanboy.

>> No.11409093

>Why the hell do you people read like bots

Because they are, stupid.

>> No.11409103

The cat isn't going back in the bag, juden.

>> No.11409110

peterson is based and redpilled

>> No.11409113

This is an oversimplification and it is not true.

>> No.11409140

No one really cares about him until he started putting his nose into politics so of coz they would only attack that part

>> No.11409145
File: 28 KB, 1012x244, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MoM is shit too, save yourself the time and read something like GR instead

>> No.11409162

sam harris is the second smartest person at that table

>> No.11409166

>filters and post hiding
>Hide thread stubs
>save settings
>hide thread

>> No.11409181


>> No.11409202
File: 41 KB, 927x198, 1521541338613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.11409209
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>> No.11409248

>shitposting on fedorist redditors
based desu

>> No.11409265

>you have to have a useless degree to comment on postmodernism

>> No.11409271
File: 93 KB, 680x866, direktzuKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11409280

behold the rabid petersonite in his natural state of confusion.

Go call your dad.

>> No.11409305



Mhmm yes anon, study accounting, work in a bank, make money for Mr. Shekelstein, it's useful unlike that silly philosophy, whenever did civilization truly need that? Civilization needs accountants and software engineers and plumbers, yes, useful work, very useful. Be a useful person.

>> No.11409306

Agree with point 1, disagree with point 2, point 3 come on. In the least?

>> No.11409313

right after Dave "Live on the youtubes" Rubin

>> No.11409329


>> No.11409343

>spending thousands in tuition to read books and write shitty essays just so you don't have to grow up and face "the man".
the absolute narcissism

>> No.11409357
File: 34 KB, 193x266, 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad can beat up your dad haha

>> No.11409377

so why do mods delete threads that are actually at least tangentially about literary or philosophical topics while leaving this thread with a contentless OP and a picture of a pop philosopher?

It's not even attached to a witticism, not even an attempt of a joke. Just a line from a video game.

>> No.11409384

holy shit is this real?

>> No.11409393

what is with sam harris' manspread