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/lit/ - Literature

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11402292 No.11402292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As more and more attention is given to the World Cup, I began wondering why we watch it. But the idea of a major competition such as the World Cup can be applied to any type of sport. What do they provide to the viewer? Once a team/player wins the highest type of award from a given sport, what else is there to win? What enjoyment does it provide to the audience? Is it cathartic? Is it patriotic? What is your take on sports?

>> No.11402300
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Sports stars were the earthly equivalent of Greek gods, often claimed to descend from them in laudatory odes. They represent humanity at their physical peak, and provide an inspiration to us all.

>> No.11402312

The skill of the athletes and the teamwork is entertaining to follow, especially if you practise sports yourself. The community around sports is a big social thing for many people as well. Once the highest award is won there is a new award to win next season.

>> No.11402323

It's a test of strength, speed and skill. It's fun to play, and interesting to watch some of the best of human athletic ability. The pseud hate for "muh sports-ball" is just dumb, the physical and the mental are both worth developing and honouring. Setting them in opposition to each other is harmful.

>> No.11402325

sports are the war, since war became just too horrible in the 20th century

>> No.11402334
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>> No.11402345

why ask such general questions, isn't it obvious?
>sense of communion
>energy release

not even a sports fan

>> No.11402348

Outlet for in-group tribal aggression allowing the repressed individual to express his violence and go through a proxy power process in something ultimately meaningless through identification with proxy alphas and ego ideals with just enough similarity to make it plausible (e.g from same country as me)

>> No.11402360

They best way to unite humans is dividing them into two groups.

>> No.11402368
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>> No.11402377

>Did you ever wonder why the Jews are such great proponents of democracy? Whether in Indonesia or Pakistan or Serbia or you name it, whenever there is some threat to universal suffrage, the Jews are ready to send the U.S. armed forces in to bomb and kill until everyone is permitted to vote. Why is that? Why can't the Indonesians have an Islamic theocracy if they want? Why can't the Pakistanis have a military dictatorship? Why can't the Serbs run their own country the way they prefer? What is the appeal in making sure that people whose minds have been wasted by Alzheimer's Disease vote? Well, let's not beat around the bush: the appeal of mass democracy lies in the fact that in essentially every country in the world today, the number of persons unable to think for themselves is substantially larger than the number able to make independent decisions. Those unable to think for themselves have their thinking done for them by the people who control the mass media. Which is to say, democracy is the preferred system because it gives the political power to those who own or control the mass media and at the same time allows them to remain behind the scenes and evade responsibility for the way in which they use that power. And the more inclusive the democracy is -- that is, the more Alzheimer's sufferers and Mongoloid cretinsand paranoid schizophrenics and people who live in empty packing cases in alley ways and Jamaican immigrants and football fans are able to vote -- the more certain is the grip of the media masters on the political process. Those voters who buy astrology magazines at the checkout stand and spend their time watching soap operas, game shows, and Oprah absorb their general attitudes on things through the television screen. They learn which ideas are fashionable and which are not by noticing the facial expression and tone of voice of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather when the news is announced each day. Their opinions on specific issues are formed as they view televised sidewalk surveys taken by reporters. The only uncertainty about these people is whether or not they'll be able to pryt hemselves loose from their couches long enough to vote for the designated candidates. That's why it's important to have lots of them. And wherever there are lots of them, the men who control the mass media also will control the outcome of elections. It's a much surer way of controlling governments than bribing corrupt dictators or slipping seductive whores into the king's bedroom a la Esther and Ahasuerus -- or Monica and Bill. Believe me, one day soon the Jews on both sides of the great water will institute a web-TV voting system that allows the couch potatoes and the ball game fans to vote without having to getup from their couches, just by clicking their remote controls at their TV screens to select the next President or prime minister. That will be real democracy.

>> No.11402398

>Why can't the Serbs massacre innocents, commit war crimes and wage a war in Europe, destabilizing all the neighboring countries? Why would anyone want to prevent them from doing that?

>> No.11402414

Total hate towards sports is stupid indeed, but seeing people escaping through "sports" in the wider sense gives a morbid feel.

>> No.11402426 [DELETED] 

beta men love to live vicariously and the pinnacle fo their cravings for vicarious achievement is called the sublime

>> No.11402430
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beta men love to live vicariously and the pinnacle fo their cravings for vicarious achievement is called the sublime

>> No.11402437

But Ariel Sharon expressed his support for Serbia during the Bosnian war

>> No.11402440

read norbert elias.

>> No.11402444

the feeling opposite to alienation

>> No.11402446

>not watching football to dub over the players/referees/everyone whenever the camera zooms in and thus creating narratives

>> No.11402457

This. Ultimately it’s just being overly invested in a game, a glorified game with a lot of ritual around it, as well as a good outlet for physical and emotional energies, but there’s no deeper meaning behind it. Then again, a lot of life is just glorified games which are outlets for certain energies, if not all of it. It’s just some games are more “sophisticated” and some less. There’s the painting-game, the literature-game, the science-game, the money-game, and so on.

>> No.11402460

Repressed homosexuality

>> No.11402471

Comradeship through a shared hobby. It’s not for everybody, but for those involved there is some sort of tribal ecstasy happening.

>> No.11402474
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Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11402494

which team in the wc is the most /lit/?

>> No.11402546

We're drawn to observing people who do what they do exceptionally well because that's how we learn anything since the time we're born.
And if you brainwash yourself into supporting one of the teams then you have a second reason, but that one should be pretty obvious to anyone I think.

>> No.11402674

>identification with proxy alphas and ego ideals with just enough similarity to make it plausible (e.g from same country as me)
>tfw half or more of every european team consists of males from subsaharan africa

>> No.11402695

its enterntainment you autist

doesn't have to have a point

>> No.11402702

>Why can't the Serbs massacre innocents
Proven untrue by the UN.

>commit war crimes and wage a war in Europe
American war crimes and bombings of civilians doesn't count. No American has been charged with war crimes after being responsible for millions of deaths in the last few decades. Albanians ethnically cleansing Kosovo doesn't count because they're the good guys!

>destabilizing all the neighboring countries?
Only legitimate concern, if only the intervention hadn't replaced one source of instability with another, and given every warmongering country on earth the legitimacy of precedence when they invade another country, in effect worsening european stability.
Serbs, Croats and europeans were on the brink of ending hostilities and drawing up plans for an end to war when you forced the issue and accidentally the entire Balkans.

>> No.11402714


the average IQ is 100, meaning that half the population has a sub-100 IQ

surely you can bring yourself to admit that universal suffrage was a mistake

>> No.11402763

Because today's society is all about celebrating, if you can read french you should check out Muray

>> No.11402833

Death by a thousand cuts - slowly the uniform and the civic identity becomes the ego ideal rather than any discernible racial gestures

You didn't think sports was exempt from propaganda now did ya

>> No.11402854

To see the prowess of man. Think of the sports games in the Iliad

>> No.11402859


>> No.11402864

man is a competitive being by nature

>> No.11402865

Based. When will mods learn?

>> No.11402883

>tfw citizen of the world and dont cheer for a team because nationalism is bad

>> No.11402909

oh i see you´re a commie, please, go back to re-ddit

>> No.11402914

I think nation vs nation is cool but I can't really get into supporting a sports team otherwise. It seems pretty arbitrary to become a lifelong fan of a team which players have nothing in common. Just because they were hired by your city doesnt mean much. They should at least split it up politically or something

>> No.11402924

I watch and enjoy the world cup but give zero fucks about football in other contexts.

>> No.11402933


commies, get out of my board

>> No.11402939

Marxism (revised for the current zeitgeist) is the future

>> No.11402951
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>> No.11402952
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>tfw ascended neoliberal, failing to understand why everybody shouldn't win