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File: 16 KB, 220x349, samharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11398457 No.11398457 [Reply] [Original]

no one here takes Sam Harris seriously, right? this article completely disassembles his arguments on islam.


>> No.11398519

Sam Harris could dismantle that article with ease.

>> No.11398552

>Sam Harris is wrong about everything
The article can very well be filled with amazing arguments, but it lost me there. From my diagonal reading the tone of it is obnoxious.

>> No.11398566

The article is absolute bullshit and Sam Harris is extremely intelligent.

>> No.11398691

Sam Harris is good when it comes to Islam.

>> No.11398694

>Sam Harris is extremely intelligent.

>> No.11398695

ITT: Not an argument

>> No.11398702
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>> No.11398712


Inflammatory title aside, it fairly presents many of Harris's arguments and makes a well supported case that Harris basically is arguing from a place of willful ignorance and sophistry.

>> No.11398753

*touches your stovey wovey*
owo what's this??

>> No.11398754

Based argument. You totally got me there. I was totally #wrckd. hahaha, I'm pickle rick :)

I'll give it a try then.

>> No.11398858
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The funniest thing is that most of the people who will read this article and reiterate its arguments will probably be white, liberal, atheists.

>> No.11398865


Why is that funny?

>> No.11398893

I hate Sam Harris but whom I hate more are liberal orientalists who continue to peddle the artificial divide between what they find attractive in Islamic civilization (i.e. Islamic spirituality) and the negative stereotypes that are present in the Western world about Islam.

>> No.11398906

I find it amusing that liberal atheists often defend Islam as actually being some liberal circle jerk yet attack Christianity, a neutered institution that is really no threat. It exposes that these so called anti-theists are really just anti-western.

>> No.11398988

You know, enemy of my enemy...

>> No.11399004

Out of curiousity, do you see the west as your enemy? Why because?

>> No.11399007


>> No.11399012

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Sam and his endless talks about freewill may be annoying, but he is right about one thing, never suffer a Sunni to live.

>> No.11399018

Because capitalists and I can't even get ONE (1) job

>> No.11399050

He's a gatekeeper and he isn't being intellectually honest by refusing to engage with alt-right / racially conscious white people. He only has his echo chamber liberal jew friends on his podcast. I used to love him, but he's a gatekeeper.

>> No.11399068

Sorry im not the guy you were responding to.
Thats not my post.

>> No.11399091

the article is built on sand.
>I argue that if all the evidence we have for religion’s role in violence is the suite of Sam Harris’ arguments presented in his writings,
unfortunately for the person who wrote this article, it isn't.

>> No.11399097


>> No.11399110

>”I think that Muslims face a lot of discrimination and that we must fight anti-Muslim bigotry”

>> No.11399116

>liberal atheists often defend Islam as actually being some liberal circle jerk
name some

>> No.11399134


Ok, where are Sam's arguements then? If he can't express anything coherent in writing, how is he even an intellectual?

>> No.11399165

read the whole thing, great article.

Some minor things I would quibble about and also some things I would enjoy the author tackling (although that would require a lot more writing) but I really encourage anyone to read this (not just Harris fans or haters but people who don't care much about him too).

>> No.11399178

the point of this article is to show that Sam doesn't demonstrate any of his points and that there are better explanations for suicide bombings and other martyrdom than what he presents.

And if you read the article it delves into alternate reasons from other sources.

>> No.11399179

what on earth are you going on about anon? read it again
SH's arguments are in his writings. the moral landscape and so on
the author is saying that if SH's writing is all we have to go on, religion never killed anyone
the point is that SH's writing isn't all we have to go on. plenty of other authors have made arguments about the dangerous effects of religion

>> No.11399194

Muslims have never killed anyone, a violent muslim ain't a true muslim. Subhanallah

>> No.11399196

maybe he should have made that point in the first paragraph then
i mean jeez someone tell that guy about structuring an article

>> No.11399273

the author is not saying that you fucking moron, read the damn article.

>> No.11399600

Your response is telling.

>> No.11399687

>>”I think that Muslims face a lot of discrimination and that we must fight anti-Muslim bigotry”
Then you're retarded. Muslims don't face enough discrimination right now.

>> No.11399704

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.11399718

You are unable to separate the people from the ideas. A criticism of Islam is not discriminatory to Muslim, but you know what? I think anyone who can read the Quran cover to cover and tell me it is the truth or that the Prophet Muhammed, a pedophile and a murderer, is a good man SHOULD be discriminated against.

>> No.11399720

Thanks proving my point as well Rabbi!

>> No.11399729

>Islam apologists

neck yourselves

>> No.11399740

it's asking

>> No.11399746

I dunno man, you see a bit stand-offish, everything okay?

>> No.11399747

> I think anyone who can read the Quran cover to cover and tell me it is the truth or that the Prophet Muhammed, a pedophile and a murderer, is a good man SHOULD be discriminated against

You are unable to separate the people from the ideas

>> No.11399751

>the author is not saying that you fucking moron
it literally says it in the first paragraph
if that's not the point the author is making, he's doing a bad job of it

>read the damn article.
why? i don't care about either sam harris or whoever wrote the article. it's just some clickbait blog post by some internet nobody that some turd posted on here where it's only just barely relevant

>> No.11399757


>> No.11399765

He's a bit obtuse on certain topics and most of the time he's a predictable boring upper middle class liberal with nothing to say.
But he did do that race and IQ podcast, forever triggering his reddit fanbase. For that, he has a special place in my heart.

>> No.11399773

Just a pathetic post. You should be embarassed.

>> No.11399775

Can someone honestly point out to me how islam is a religion of peace and liberal friendly?

>> No.11399776
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>> No.11399808

What original ideas does he have?

>> No.11399815

>religion never killed anyone
>I study the Islamic State for a living
Anyone that doesn’t think they’re a religious group is eating paste. I don’t actually even know where to fucking begin with a statement so utterly fucking retarded.

>> No.11399820

>I think anyone who can read the Quran cover to cover (and who would thus know it is only in its original Arabic that the Quran can have this name), and tell me that, that good and sincere man who so humbly expressed that what was revealed to him was the truth and that he was the prophet of the one true God, is in reality a pedophile and a murderer, SHOULD be discriminated against.

>> No.11399824

>violent radicals overthrow monarchy of france
>install new extremist secularist form of governance
>ideology spreads and topples or gradually replaces traditional european polities
>these new regimes, informed by a radical ideology, subjugate the entire world through colonial empires and force their form of governance and ideology on them
>"muslims are violent radicals that want to conquer the world!!!"
>no face for this cognitive dissonace

>> No.11399828


>> No.11399830
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Harris talks about Islam, whereas this article talks about religion.
The premises the article gives:

>1. Religious beliefs are conveyed to believers by religious texts.
>2. These religious texts and religious beliefs encourage particular acts of violence.
>3. Religious believers do in fact perform these particular acts of violence.
>4. These particular acts of violence are caused by the religious beliefs held by religious believers.
>Conclusion: Religious beliefs, conveyed directly to religious believers by religious texts, are the cause of particular acts of violence.

That's how the article present Harris arguments. Now, we aren't talking about Islam specifically, but religious beliefs. That can mean literally anything.

The fair premises have to replace Religious beliefs with Islam and Religious believers with Muslim. That is what Harris is talking about. Then, the article would have been of interest.

>> No.11399835

>clickbait blog post

rest of the article is very well researched and is the opposite of a clickbait blog post, even the intro is not that clickbaity as Sam is wrong on most things and only pretends to be intelligent

>> No.11399836

The problem is that your standard for reading a text which expresses religious meaning is based upon the framework which is just as contingent as that text: a framework which for some reason assumes 'liberal friendliness' is desirable. What I have a problem with is that conservatives don't want to conserve that great Islamic tradition.

>> No.11399838

I think he's a dishonest piece of shit. He tried using Luke 19 as an example of Jesus telling his followers to kill unbelievers but Jesus was clearly telling a story where a character within that story tells his followers to others. I would never trust him to accurately represent his opposition because if he wasn't being intentionally deceptive than he's incredibly stupid.

>> No.11399841

rest of the article deals explicity with muslims a good 75% of the time, the other times it points out that Harris' attempts to deride islam as somehow unique in suicide bombings is wrong by comparing it to other religious (and fundamental non-religious groups ie Tamil Tigers) who use the same methods.

>> No.11399842


You didn't read the article. It talks about Islam specifically.

>> No.11399843
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based secular humanism! the true religion of peace

>> No.11399856

Explain, I dont doubt it but explain.

>> No.11399864

If it is in the middle east that this happens, and you people never step foot in the west then I don't care what you think buddy.

>> No.11399865
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The only people mad about Sam Harris' views on Islam are:

1) Western, white, shitlibs who know that the only hope of having a population tractable enough to control (for political purposes) is by having them be sub-90 IQ mystery meat immigrants who are crippled by centuries of consanguinity and pastoralism. Notice how well the majority of Mohammedans fall into this category.


2) """Woke""" diaspora 2nd generation immigrant Mohammedans who would never dare to live in one of dozens of countries ruled by Islamic law rather than their comfy Western nation of residence. These """people""" know they will never belong in Western nations (the Bedouin desert death cult of Islam is so foreign and noxious to Westerners) so they design their entire ugly identities on and around Islam. This of course means even the slightest critique of Islam by a Westerner is akin to genocide.

So, OP, which one of these cancerous classifications best describe you?

>> No.11399868

>You are unable to separate the people from the ideas. A criticism of Islam is not discriminatory to Muslim, but you know what? I think anyone who can read the Quran cover to cover and tell me it is the truth or that the Prophet Muhammed, may peace be upon him, a pedophile and a murderer, is a good man SHOULD be discriminated against.


>> No.11399874


Scripture is always in a process of interpretation. This argument is as bad as pointing out some brutal old testament passage and saying it reflects on all the many different Christians today.

>> No.11399880

Oh no I was born in Iraq but have been living in London for the past 4 years.
I'm sure we would get along bud

>> No.11399886

Has he ever been able to make a case for atheism?

>> No.11399894
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Islam is a based religion, the only problem is that its current practitioners tend to be <100 and even <90 IQ. If Europeans and East Asians would be Islamised they would create a new Islamic Golden Age.

It will happen, at least in Europe.

>> No.11399900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11399921
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>> No.11399935

But it is unique to Islam what Islam breeds in Muslim minds to commit suicide bombing, the article doesn't prove it isn't. It just state the oblivious that other religious believers can also commit suicide bombing.
The article attacks Harris for his lack of clarification when he says: "we know" and "There is every reason to believe", then reach the Godwin point.

>> No.11399937
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>unironically using the term “Mohammedan”

>> No.11399957

Demography is destiny.

>> No.11399960

Imagine believing that Islam is really a religion of peace.

>> No.11399964

Islam is bad and I want strong borders
We should support islam to finally end the farce of western christian civilisation.

>> No.11399967

It is as long as everyone is actually Muslim (real Muslim not moderate or Shia scum or the like).

>> No.11399968

What more proof do you want, of it not being a uniquely Islamic phenomenon, than the fact that it entered modern usage through the Tamil tigers?
That it is prevalent in the Muslim world, and that the Muslim world is in a spiritual and post-colonial crisis is obviously true; but here the explanation is already obvious and tying it to simply the scripture or the people is futile reductionism.
It is about the triangle of Muslim-Islam-the contemporary world and how they relate to one another. This struggle (jihad) is too great to end without everyone of the three also being changed radically.

>> No.11399996

He is though. You can't do what he does without a 135+ IQ/some learning. You're mistaking what people think with intelligence when the correlation isn't even close to 1 and you should be deeply ashamed.

>> No.11400004

I mean without getting too much into the thick of it, they are absolutely a religious fundamentalist group. They declared the caliphate, that wasn't just some accidental ploy; they truly believed the conditions for that had been set and it was of Islamic necessity to do so. I wish I could find it, but there's a very good article detailing the theological discussion within the Islamic State on this issue; but essentially it was declared because if they didn't the Caliph would have been deemed un-islamic and going against Allah.

More than that, all of the writings of The Islamic State and Jihadists in general are written in highly coded theological language. The people who write their letters, magazines, and propaganda are extremely well versed in what they're talking about; especially when it comes to the doctrine of Takfiri; something that explicitly calls for the death of those not deemed sufficiently Islamic/or of the right branch of Islam. They didn't just accidentally wander into a Jihadist organization in order to profit off the situation as mainstream news seems to like to portray it as.

As for the fighters themselves, they're extremely religious. I have an extremely interesting piece from West Point that breaks down the psychological motivations of people who lived under the Islamic State. And shockingly; Islam is very important to them.


I can pull up more arguments and papers if you're interested. But I mean, anyone that argues groups like this don't commit violence because of their religious beliefs are retarded westerners injecting their own political ideologies where it doesn't belong.

>> No.11400012

>but here the explanation is already obvious and tying it to simply the scripture or the people is futile reductionism.
But it literally is down to the scripture. Consider the mindset of the suicide bomber. Is he thinking about "the triangle of Muslim-Islam-the contemporary world and how they relate to one another"?
Or is he thinking about the afterlife, as tell in the scripture, and fulfilling his utmost duty as a follower of these scripture?
No doubt the Muslim word is in crisis for a number of factors, but ultimately, Islam is at its root.

>> No.11400014

Do you mean to tell me that Barack Obama lied when he said ISIS had nothing to do with Islam? That's crazy.

>> No.11400015

Origin-wise it ain't, but the west (starting with its growth in Rome) certainly took it willingly for the most part, I think. It's western now.

>> No.11400022

I mean you can pull out tons of root causes as to why the Islamic State /exists/; poor governance, bad education, sectarianism, etc. etc.

But saying they aren't Islamic is peak Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.11400025

Take a look at a map that tells you where christianity is popular, and then stop being christian. thx

>> No.11400033

they are khawarij, which is a heretical sect in Islam

>> No.11400041

That's a pretty meaningless assertion.

Calling them Khawarij is merely just propaganda in the opposite direction in order to assert a sort of theological superiority over them.

Their basis is rooted firmly in Islamic theology and Wahhabi tradition. They aren't outside of the (mainstream) to any significant extent. And if you think they are, you clearly don't understand how an insurgency functions, and you didn't read the psychological breakdown of the Sunni Iraqi males.

>> No.11400051
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literally everything in this post is wrong

>> No.11400054

The article was pretty well made.

Never heard of the site before, this made me look through the archives to find more gems: I was very disapointed.

>> No.11400066
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Yeah definitely.

Salafi-Wahabism is not a key driver of the religious ideology behind the Islamic State. They're akin to a 7th century rebel group and not at all a manifestation of the 20th/21st century.

Sure showed me.

You got any other hot fucking opinions like "the CIA created the taliban".

>> No.11400083


Why is Islam at the root? It doens't seem to follow to me that if this imaginary suicide bomber, moments before death, is thinking about Islam that that means Islam is the root cause of his behavior.

>> No.11400098

I’d suggest Dougma:The Button. It’s a documentary that follows Al Nusra suicide bombers as they prepare to blow themselves up on the battlefield.

Now sure you can argue there’s tons of socio-economic factors that /lead/ towards radicalism. But arguing they’re not motivated by these things is just sticking your head in the sand.

If I go into a school and shoot it up, and proceed to tell everyone I did it because girls don’t like me, and spend years posting online about how I hate women and I want to kill them because they don’t like me. That’s my obvious motivation. Not that when I was young my parents were poor.

>> No.11400100

Killing people is considered part of the mainstream though. The ahli sunnah has historically recognised themselves and one another in their refusal to revolt against their rulers (so long as the teaching of the faith was permitted).

>> No.11400104

That doesn't mean modern Jihadism isn't firmly rooted in Wahabbi-Salafi religious ideology.

>> No.11400210

>wahhabi tradition
>began in the 20th century

>rooted firmly in islamic theology

kek check yourself

>> No.11400238

>18th century dude started a tradition centuries later


>> No.11400289

My point its not a long standing tradition. Its an innovation.

>> No.11400308

I wouldn't classify reform as innovation desu.

>> No.11400367
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>> No.11400397
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Where on Earth did Sam Harris's fanbase come from? I ask because I've only ever heard about Harris in passing; I've never met a fan of his personally and I was never made to pay attention to him in his rise to popularity.

>> No.11400409

>135+ IQ/some learning

He is well under that. You don't see to understand how much of an underachiever he is compared to what he projects himself as. He has done NO neuroscientific research himself and got his degree only for poorly interpreting the results gained from experiments he didn't administer. He hasn't even read what Hume has to say about moral philosophy, despite also having a degree in that, because he finds reading his ethics to be 'boring'.

>> No.11400564

His area of study is mostly consciousness, and did research on it directly through meditation in Asia for years.
You shouldn't judge his IQ (and achievements) only by the degrees he hold, the academic research he did and who he didn't read.
He's half jew, finished two degrees, went through two years of silent meditation retreat, wrote a few good selling books, host a successful podcast and got a wife and kids. Safe to assume he's not a brainlet. Even if that was the case, who cares. It dosen't change the ink on paper and the soundwaves he produced.

>> No.11400575
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>His area of study is mostly consciousness, and did research on it directly through meditation in Asia for years.

>> No.11400580

That's not it. Most liberals don't see foreign religions and other races as anything other than tools to attack the 'other kind' of white people with. Muslims aren't people to them, they're playthings. This is also why your typical white liberal would never actually go to a Popeyes restaurant despite his love for niggers.

>> No.11400593

>You shouldn't judge his IQ (and achievements) only by the degrees he hold

I'm not though, I'm judging it by his writing and achievements, which are thoroughly mediocre all round. He half asses almost everything he does and yet claims to be the kind of master that others should look up to for guidance. There is not a single thing he's done that would require the kind of smarts you claim he has.

>Even if that was the case, who cares.

I like that you had to add this. Millions of others have achieved at least as much as he has in their respective areas and yet aren't as famous. He is exceptional in no field except the public arena.

>> No.11400596

“Huh, you claim that blacks are not subhuman apes, but you have never eaten in a Popeyes restaurant. Hypocrisy much? Libtards BTFO”

>> No.11400651

Dumb frogposter being a dumb frogposter.
>claims to be the kind of master that others should look up to for guidance
He doesn't. He literally says so.
>There is not a single thing he's done that would require the kind of smarts you claim he has.
Obviously. My only point is that his IQ is probably not "well under" 135+.
Also, who cares indeed.
Only the discussion of specific things he said or created are of interest.

>> No.11400736


Personal connections and wealth. This is his mom.

>> No.11400783

I'll be honest I didn't read anything in this thread or the article that OP posted but I can't see how anyone could take Sam Harris seriously after reading through his "debate" with Noam Chomsky.

>> No.11400799

Atheism on reddit is dead, it's filled with christfags and goatfuckers like yourself

>> No.11400805

Most atheists aren't liberal, they're Libertarian.

>> No.11400809
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>> No.11400827

why he debated noam in the first place

>> No.11401553

Dude, shut the fuck up. Meditating doesn't count for shit when studying consciousness.
>Also, who cares indeed. Only the discussion of specific things he said or created are of interest.
The argument started when someone brought to up that he probably has 135+IQ. Have some fucking dignity and shut your trap.

>> No.11401558

Do you have any data to back that up?

>> No.11401575

Pfffthahahahaha. Sucks to be you, then. You sure seem to know a lot about Reddit, though?

>> No.11401580

They are more than anti-theists, they're Satanic; that's why they reflexively defend Islam.

>> No.11401609

His point is that liberals do not spend any time around blacks and live in rich communities to expensive for them. People in the north of the US, where there are less blacks, for example, have a better opinion of blacks than people in the South, where the most of them are. It isn't prejudice, it's post-judice.

>> No.11401613

Islam is an evil ideology is not synonymous with Islam is the only evil ideology

>> No.11401617

>haha you can’t be part of muh sekrit klub if you are even vaguely familiar with some other massively popular website
Oh do fuck off

>> No.11401627

Go crawl back to whatever shithole you came from you useless fucking faggot.
>but muh everyone uses reddit dude!!!
You solipsistic little fuck. You're not welcome here and you'll never be.

>> No.11401641

pure postmodern nonsense.

>> No.11401675
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t. basic shitlib

>> No.11401759

You sure owned that stupid shitlib, my fellow Kekistani.

>> No.11401880

I bet you typed that really hard

>> No.11402791

Put your hand on a hot stove already you little bitch.

>> No.11403025

Lmao, his eyes aren't in line with one another

>> No.11403058


Haha, I bet that /pol/tard is running scared now. You seem just not not okay, and you do realise that's actually a good thing.

>> No.11403067


more passion put into that post than a neutered leddit gimp could muster if his life depended on it, i'd guess.

>> No.11403079


No one would give a fuck about muslims if they only existed in their countries. Any member of an out-group deserves to feel uncomfortable when their shitty values transition into actual social or political action.

>> No.11403081

>liberal atheists
Literally what. That makes the least sense. I would like to see actual example of this, as the other poster asked for.

>> No.11403134


>> No.11403147



>> No.11403328
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>Meditating doesn't count for shit when studying consciousness.
>Have some fucking dignity and shut your trap.
No you.
I'm arguing on your level now, hopefully you'll get the point.

>> No.11403534

Nah they're 'economically conservative, socially liberal'.

>> No.11404550

Yes, agree. They are Jewish indeed

>> No.11404879

Idk about his other stuff, but at least his moral theory is pretty lacking.

>> No.11405706

his "original" book condemning religion during the bush administration and showing up on more popular people's podcasts

>> No.11405967

new atheists are one of the lamest intellectual movements. talking about god not existing but then making moral arguments, but from that lame materialist utilitarian stance.

If you're going to be a materialist who doesn't care about anything other than pleasure, at least be an antinatalist so you can be entertaining.

>> No.11406039

>I'm just criticizing islam bro!
>btw muslims should be discriminated against
90% of "islam critics" are like this, just like the "it's a religon not a race!" folks, trying to obscure racism using empty semantics

>> No.11406054

It can be both, you know.
Islam is a shitty ideology, but we don't need any more brown people here either, regardless of their religion.

>> No.11406061

>It isn't prejudice, it's post-judice.
yeah the formerly slaveholding territories that until today long for the days of cotton pickin and negro lynchin are careful judges of character

>> No.11406064

>It can be both, you know.
one is used as a cover for the other because the lesson most people internalized from the last 70 years isn't "racism/discrimination is bad" but "being seen as racist/discriminatory is bad"

>> No.11406069

If you punched someone would you want them to punch you?

>> No.11406082

>"being seen as racist/discriminatory is bad"
Discrimination is never a "nice" thing and so we're usually discreet about it in our daily interactions.
But yeah, saying you want to preserve your ethnic or racial identity shouldn't come with such a stigma. Both sides are to blame though, the "racist" people should have set clearer boundaries in the past and it wouldn't have come to this. You try to be nice and they drag you to this SJW nonsense, you give a hand and they take your arm...

>> No.11406089

Wish i had mind reading powers like you dude.

>> No.11406095

it's a burden but I manage to muddle along somehow
>You try to be nice
>you give a hand
genuinely delusional

>> No.11406134

>genuinely delusional
Europeans have been very liberal, "anti-racist" and welcoming of non-white immigration for decades. Tons of aid has been sent to the 3rd world. This is in fact still the mainstream policy in pretty much all Western countries. They could have easily said "fuck you, you're not coming here, we owe you nothing". How am I delusional?

>> No.11406155

you're delusional because you think anyone is being "nice" or "giving a hand", the reason why they were allowed to come is to create an underclass that will take the shit jobs, be exploited and if it ever gets rowdy in asking to be treated as equals they can be shipped backl to wherever they came from or just killed/imprisoned
as far as the "tons of aid" goes, they wouldn't need the aid if they weren't devastated and getting sucked dry of their resources by the first world, which then processes those resources and sells them back the products for much more, not to mention IMF's famously humanitarian "loans"

>> No.11406167

>After we conquer the whole world by any means necessary there will be peace

>> No.11406173

>the reason why they were allowed to come is to create an underclass...
Of course, there are opportunistic reasons for immigration too, but they by no means exclude the general attitude, which is very welcoming.
>they can be shipped back
How? You mean if an apocalypse happens? They are now European citizens, with all the same rights as everyone else. (I'm not talking about the ones that just arrived recently.)
>they wouldn't need the aid if they weren't devastated and getting sucked dry of their resources by the first world
Now you're just being dishonest and you know it. The African countries with the best living standards are those that had the most European influence.
Although I do admit that meddling in the 3rd world in general was a mistake and the US foreign policy is an ongoing disaster.

>> No.11406181


>> No.11406198

>Now you're just being dishonest and you know it.
lol no I'm not, you're the one putting blinders on himself because it makes your whole story of white plight fit right in your head
you're trying to spin the fact that the europeans left some shit that they made to be used to subjugate the people of the land like railroads etc. as if it was charity, it's ridiculous

this is the definitive source for most of it:
tinyurl com / yawz2sfm
the rest you can find here:
tinyurl com / 4fa5zk

>> No.11406199

still waiting for those names

>> No.11406383

Popeyes is delicious
t. straight white male

>> No.11406721

That guy is legitimately pathetic. Imagine ever unironically going to Reddit for anything, especially atheist crap, holy shit. And these GENUINELY believe we're all in on it but refuse to admit it.

>> No.11406738

Thats my new desktop

>> No.11406755

Sam harris has never read anything other than google and chris hitchens clickbait on the topic.

>> No.11406985

For someone who doesn’t believe in free will he sure does spend a lot of time talking about morality.... Reeeeeeaaally makes you think don’t it?

>> No.11407782

>My goal is not necessarily to prove the case that religion never causes behaviour, or never causes violence (though, I also don’t rule this possibility out). My claim is narrower in scope: I argue that if all the evidence we have for religion’s role in violence is the suite of Sam Harris’ arguments presented in his writings, then the conclusion must be that religion never killed anyone.
The author won't admit that religion EVER causes behavior or violence? That's just insane. How am I supposed to take an article seriously when its only point is to call someone a retard but it's obviously written by an even bigger retard?