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/lit/ - Literature

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11398176 No.11398176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you be /lit/ if you're middle class, or are only lower and upper classes capable of it?

>> No.11398188

It's the other way around, poorfags are not educated enough for lit or don't have time to read books and richfags are too alienated to have the mental life to enjoy literature, they are souless.

>> No.11398193

then why is calling people middle class the hot new /lit/ insult?

>> No.11398208

mate, writers and artist been calling things they don't like bourgeois or middle class since middle class appeared, it's nothing new. Middle class is just boring, and people from it are always playing it safe.

>> No.11398215


>> No.11398224

Yes, always. If you don't play it safe you'll soon be in either the upper or lower class.

>> No.11398230

But i didn't play it safe and made a good amount of money on cryptocurrency over the last few years, now looking for the second round of investment opportunity.

>> No.11398237

>didn't play it safe
So you risked falling into the lower class?
>made a good amount of money
And it paid off and put you in the upper class?

>> No.11398238

Because most people here are middle class and 4chan's thing is trying to make people feel insecure.

>> No.11398239

Because the middle class doesn't recognize itself. They feel too poor because they look at richfags, and they feel rich and privileged when it comes to richfags.

It's like calling you an idiot for being on 4chan. Which you are.
Hope you can see the irony in that.

>> No.11398242
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That's true, hence this thing popping up everywhere

There are smart people on 4chan. Being on this website typically indicates pathology more than it indicates a lack of intelligence.

>> No.11398243

> when it comes to richfags.
meant poorfags

>> No.11398247
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john updikes your man my dude

>> No.11398257

>tfw car mechanic dad
>neither parents finished hs
>first year STEM PhD program, /lit in spare time
poorfags are best fags

>> No.11398263

Keep all your money in crypto and you'll soon either be quite poor or very rich. You're proving his point.

>> No.11398266

Poors are genuinely incapable of reading in almost all circumstances. The noise at the bottom of the pit is overwhelming. What usually happens is genetic anomalies achieve notability; class has nothing to do with it except the degree of dicksucking or bottomfeeding you have to put up with.

>> No.11398270

I got out of it months back.

>> No.11398274

Middle class is middlebrow.

>> No.11398275

>>11398266 (me) case in point how many "rich"people live in your city, or in the best cities in the world? They outnumber the notable people that will come to your mind. Almost everyone is dirt. You can replace genetic anomaly with gifted by God if you're a revival member.

>> No.11398301

So now you are playing it safe!

>> No.11398305

I did call some stupid high brow posting middle class without having read the insult on lit about half a week ago. It's because the middle class are always looking for ways to intellectually elevate themselves, scratching at the walls of the pit like animals to do something the rich will do effortlessly through gifted training. You are not /lit/ unless you have read the great classical authors in their original language, but guess what, you will look as pathetic as you do now posting on the imageboard because you do not have class, and you cannot grant yourself class no matter how much effort you put into it. You will not become a /lit/god because you are pathetic slime looking for ways to become a /lit/god. The best thing you can do is fuck off and let the stormwinds carry you where they will.

>> No.11398329

that culture doesn't exist now though. There is no commonly recognized upper class culture, just as there is no middle class culture. Anything above poor now is solid bourgoise, who subsist as cultural parasites on foreign meals, music from the (black) lower classes, and occasional LARPing as the nobility they replaced (reading classics casually, listening non-intently to classical music or opera). Only the truly lower class produce authentic culture nowadays since they are cut off from the industrial monoculture. Maybe a million or so people in the US and Europe are really fucked enough to qualify.

The only way out is to find your own way and create your own culture out of unique experiences, and then somehow translate that to a commonly accepted thing at the top of the cultural hierarchy. Not sure how to do that yet but hopefully it's possible.

>> No.11398330

You do realize that probably less than 1% of high class people do those things, right? You have an unrealistic view of their lifestyles and child rearing.

>> No.11398342

yep, all upper class parenting nowadays is just behavioural training for upper management positions and the management of capital. True nobility requires a society where dominance is established through something beyond military or capitalist leadership

>> No.11398349

>True nobility requires a society where dominance is established through something beyond military or capitalist leadership
That never existed though

>> No.11398395

>artists fall within the class system
there are always two notable figures in any country: the leader and his drug peddler. combined and without a country, you get art. it's the basic distinction between power and creation

>> No.11398425

There's no such thing as middle class and if you believe there is you've fallen for bourgeoisie propaganda designed to make you feel better about yourself and those with even less than you

>> No.11398461

middle class IS petit bourgeois, while upper class is bourgeois or nobility

though usually what people mean by middle class is upper working class

>> No.11398470


Nah mate you either own the means of production or you don't and if you don't then oh well proltariat

>> No.11398496

what I mean is that middle class is bourgeois, in the old meaning of that, so they own the means of production, but they own small businesses, and there's also upper bourgeois who own big businesses, banks and so on and in some countries you still have some remnants of nobility. Also, some people include highly educated people such as doctors, lawyers or architects as middle class.

>> No.11398539


Small business owners are just as dependent on capitalists as the rest of us therefore they are proles along with doctors, lawyers, architects, etc

>> No.11398557
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>literal god tier
1%er aristocrat trained for rule over plebs since birth

>okay tier
Upper middle class
working class anomaly who made it to the top through sheer talent and hard work

>mostly garbage tier
working class

>genetically worthless and the physical embodiment of human mediocrity tier
lower middle class

>> No.11398565

small and middle business owners own the MoPs and often exploit wage labourers, however they are exploited by big bourgeois. Thus they cannot be proletarian, but they are a different class, called usually middle class or petit/petty bourgeois.

>> No.11398569

Class would be better defined by

>how often one is coerced into doing something they do not want to do
>how often one is prevented from doing something they want to do

>> No.11398706


I get what you're saying but if you're dependent on a class above you I'm sorry but you're a prole whether you have a business or not because owning a business =/= means of production

>> No.11399037

Imagine believig this

>> No.11399067

Does this mean poor Buddhist monks are high class?

>> No.11399072

nice. only problem is identifying true wants and wants influenced by mass culture though.


>> No.11399085

odd definition of class, and I think you'd run into serious definition problems where the word 'coerced' is concerned

>> No.11399188

>expecting a social class that is the epitome of conformity, which has zero interesting life experiences, which never has any independent thought in their brain, which is ready to destroy everything slightly out of line, which lacks compassion for the poor and deprived, which has never known suffering strong enough to start questionings social conventions, and which can only produce sadistic escapist pornography, to be capable of writing literary masterpieces
The only the middle class is good at is porn and choosing the most fascist leader around because they had been raised to obey authority and feel anxious when there's none. An absolutely conformist person who craves authority and wants order can never produce anything of worth. Sure, they can get rich by writing romance and porn, but give a century and no one will give a single fuck, since it's too much focused on a certain social stratum. James Joyce has expressed the difference between a true artists and the middle class in the characters of Shem and Shaun.
I know Wilhelm Reich isn't kosher to speak, but his Mass Psychology of Fascism or Listen, Little Man, explains pretty well why sexually repressed masses (which the middle class is - just look at 4chan) can't achieve anything of artistic worth. Also, it's kind of interesting that Reich said, in Character Analysis, that he found the most sexually healthy people working at factories. (Flash info: Reich was one of the first psychologist who didn't want to treat rich people only, but reach the wider public. His books, Character Analysis and The Function of the Orgasm feature moving story from poor people, One example, is about a mother who was suffering from neurosis because her husband left with three kids alone and she had to somehow survive without time for her own.)
Say that a History Masters working in retail.

>> No.11399622

I'm the guy you quoted and I was just shitposting, I actually agree with you, lol, nice post.

>> No.11399669

true priestly case members that aren't just LARPing for money are objectively superior to the upper class as defined by money.

the Pope >>>>>>> Bill Gates