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/lit/ - Literature

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11394160 No.11394160 [Reply] [Original]

What was your major and what do you do for a living? Do you like it?

>History B.A.
>middle school social studies teacher
>yeah, it's pretty good and the school I work at is small and rural so I have a very light workload

>> No.11394165

>comp sci
>mobile dev
it's ok money

>> No.11394205

Majoring in German and Business, probably substitute for a while and apply for jobs, I don't really like business, but I might try working for the government or something.

>> No.11394208

>admin drone
>it's less stressful than music was and pays better, even if it does make me unbelievably cynical and a weekend alcoholic

>> No.11394263

>BA in German
>MS in Library/Information Science
I work in a large university library.

Feels good and pretty /lit/ to me.

>> No.11394300

I’m a doctor in general practice. I work 3-4 days a week, make plenty of money and get to deliver babies every week or so. It’s comfy.

>> No.11394335

See, shit like that would make me nervous. I'm glad I work with books. If I fuck up a book might lose a fore edge clasp or something.

>> No.11394395

>BA in toxicology
>Part Time for a chemistry

It's okay, I can get my hands on all kinds of substances and the pay is decent.

>> No.11394416

Wow, you all are losers.

>> No.11394420

It becomes routine after a while, and where I am there is plenty of support. Doing it out in the sticks or in a third world country is scary indeed.

>> No.11394423

What do you do you arrogant prick?

>> No.11394451

I'm the next great American novelist, just as soon as I start writing

>> No.11394462

not burger so no majors here but:
>psychiatry resident

school was horrendous, job is great

>> No.11394467

>BS in math
>about to be hired as a high school math teacher at a high performing charter school (background check and calling references stage)

I hope I don't fuck this up

>> No.11394471
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>BA Anthropology

>> No.11395317

A chemistry what?

>> No.11395334

nugu~~~ i miss you

>> No.11395339

>Staff Attorney for a federal agency
It’s incredibly comfy. 9-5, all holidays, dope benefits, intellectually engaging work, surrounded by interesting people, actually helping people in need.
I worked in a large law firm for two years before, and it was the worst life one could possibly imagine. So don’t even consider law unless you want to work for the government. Most of my lawyer friends in civil practice or even in criminal work (DA and PD included) genuinely wish they were dead.

>> No.11395366

>majoring in wildlife science
>a zoo intern
I'm also the only male intern. Missing days right now due to mononucleosis.

>> No.11395398

>BS in Math
>Data Analyst

I make a lot of money helping bug-men make even more money. It affords me the means to pursue other interests and save enough to exit the tech hamster wheel

>> No.11395400

How hard was library science?

>> No.11395422

>Looking for a job, will probably end up in a shitty accounts receivable position
Chances are I'm going to hate it and spend the rest of my life regretting how I squandered my education.

>> No.11395438

Sounds comfy anon. Which agency though?

>> No.11395469


>I can get my hands on all kinds of substances

Like what anon? Where do you work? Do you get to swipe some shitty low grade hoodlum cocaine from confiscated samples or do you get to purchase clean shit directly from Sigma Aldrich?

>> No.11395483

>Philosophy B.A.
>Cultural Anthropology B.A.
>Soc work with hospitalized people

I wanted to pursue a PhD and work as a Professor but I can't afford the debt and risk. Thinking about going back for a MLIS.

>> No.11395637

Easy. Lots of women, too.

>> No.11395643

Your PhD program should be funded Anon.

>> No.11395674

>software engineer

Hate the work and have no respect for anyone who does it, but the pay is nice.

>> No.11395784


How'd you pick up the skills necessary? Self-study? And how did that land you a job?

>> No.11395811


im accounting in big 4. kill me.

>> No.11395853

>Great Texts of the Western Tradition
>Director of Training for Security Firm
>Like any career, it has its pros and cons.

>> No.11395871

While I wish I could get such a job, I understand. If I weren't in so much debt, I'd go back to school and change careers.

>> No.11395882

Have you ever fucked one of your students?

If not, have you ever thought about it? Have any of your students ever made sexual overtures toward you?

>> No.11395904

Shimer College?

Middle school, dude...I get the high school level of this question but come on...

>> No.11395917


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11395926


>> No.11396201

>Middle school, dude
Answer the question.

>> No.11396257


why do you think you can only do AR?

>> No.11396275

>MBA in Finance
>Technical writer doing documentation for software developers
Shit job for mediocre money but it's still better than working in finance.

>> No.11396289

i don't have a degree
i'm a writer

>> No.11396293

My resume is pretty shitty.

>> No.11396307

Is military literary?
Specifically, is being a Marine-poet?

>> No.11396343

Considering a masters in psychology so I can be a practicing psychologist or psychiatrist. What do you fags think?

>> No.11396353

For the US? No way.

>> No.11396370

Self-study, yeah. Took about six months to be competent enough to land a job. I simply applied, they sent me a coding challenge, and after performing well on that they invited me to their office for an interview, where I must have made a satisfactory impression. Fortunately in this profession they often don't care about your educational background. One of my coworkers dropped out of high school. It's really easy. The only real difficulty is tolerating the tedium of the work. If you're disciplined you could get a job like mine within a year.

>> No.11396404

What did you find most useful for self study? Which language did you learn, anyway?

>> No.11396424

tell us more please

>> No.11396462

How do you like it? I'm in biochem but thinking about focusing toward zookeeping to keep me out of the lab

>> No.11396509

Never went to college. Didn't have the money and don't want to be a debt slave. I'm a delivery driver. It's wageslave tedium but I live a very ascetic lifestyle so my bills are paid and I have money left over to save. Plus I get to listen to audiobooks all day. Could be worse. Hoping to make money writing or save enough to start some sort of /lit/ bussiness eventually. Maybe naive but it's better than no hope.

>> No.11396550


a lot of it is how you present your experience. if your school has any resume help use it. i think if you got a decent gpa and practice interviewing and you have a degree you can get a better job in public/private. maybe start with an internship during the busy season when they need people?

>> No.11396557

I got a degree in logistics and work in that field. It's very secure because our economy seems to consist entirely of moving, storing and selling products. It doesn't matter what those products are and so if X market crashes and Y market is booming, I still have a job.

I like it but every project is so large that I often feel stuck in bureaucratic hell. When you see an idea come together into a meaningful improvement for everyone, though, it all feels worth it.

>> No.11396558

> BA in Literature
> Professional Poker Player

> Intellectual dead end, great way to finance freedom.

>> No.11396568

doubt it.
But if true-- tell me your story.

>> No.11396580

>ba in history
help lit

>> No.11396595

the place i wanted to go and was offered admission was not

>> No.11396628

I want my psychiatrist to call me a fag

>> No.11396639

I'm a Marine-Fighter-Pilot who has published poetry.
Yes it is.
Are you Marine? OCS?

>> No.11396646

Absolutely. Semper Fi, brother.

>> No.11396658

F-35 here.
When do we meet and make a new literary movement?

>> No.11396731

oh hey, just left a job at the f-35 plant in fort worth

thx for raping my ears every day

>> No.11396737

What do you want to know?

>> No.11396744


>> No.11396754

How'd you get into it?
You're not a "pro," tell me honestly: do you male a living entirely off of poker?

>> No.11396758

>MS in Library/Information Science

what school if you don't mind me asking? I was looking at UMich's program. $$$ though.

>> No.11396796

I. . . I thought Marines were the stupid and hot ones

>> No.11396801
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>Arizona Meme University, Barrett
I fucking hate it. If I didn't have any medical issues since the 8th grade, I would be out of this shithole state (the worst in education mind you) and would've graduated at the least within the top 5%. Got accepted to BASIS which is one of the top 50 charter schools in the country but declined to go because I moved out of its area. Now, my job prospects in physics is uncertain because Arizona State uses shitty Pearson books and hires shitty third world teachers with thick accents and beards. I got held back three times due to my medical conditions and my dad told me he won't pay for OOS tuition if I got accepted to an ivy league even though he makes a 6 figure salary because he thinks Ivy league is a scam.

My only hope is somehow convincing my dad to pay for grad school because getting accepted to a good graduate program in physics (and therefore getting a job) is a crapshoot because of all the fucking Indians who cheat their way through college. My dad unironically thinks India will be a super power by 2025 and thinks these countries produce smarter people because they study hard. They don't really study hard, they cheat on a daily basis although no one will ever measure the fraud in India because "Das racyst!". I once had to bubble in false answers because I knew this Indian was cheating on me so I waited for him to turn in his answers then I went back and changed them.

>> No.11396846

Reading poker strategy books, talking about poker with friends who have had success at it before me, logging lots of hands online to learn... yes, I make over 100k a year playing poker. Took years of breaking even/struggling to get here, but I did. More people than you think do this for a living. Read "Theory of Poker" by David Sklansky if you are really curious about how to wrap your mind around its stability.

>> No.11396864
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English B.A.
History B.A.

I just graduated. With two (2) useless degrees.

>> No.11396875

>3rd year Comp. Sci and Physics double major
>I'm not doing anything for living
I don't know why I'm on this board

>> No.11396881

I would read your writing anon

>> No.11396893

asu here too

>> No.11397051

They are. Don't let these pseuds fool you.

>> No.11397061

Associate's in English and a certificate in wildlife services. I go to a community college and have a transfer lined up for UCB.

I work as a copy editor. Life's good, boys. Community college was the best path for me.

>> No.11397124

Don't fall for this trick. Poker players just want more gullible idiots who think they can get good at the game playing, because that makes the field more profitable. Statistically speaking, it is unlikely you'll ever master it well enough to make a consistent profit. To do well in the game over the long-term requires both a specific mindset and a lot of experience.

>> No.11397160

No shit dude. I'm not trying to boost my winrate by saying that poker is possible(which is an insane supposition) It's probably easier in 2018 to make it as a writer.

>> No.11397192

Every thread, anyone with any initiative of their own gets peppered with 20 questions.
If you want to succeed like he did, go do your own googling it's not fucking hard. The only reason you want to know exactly what he did is so you can copy it, and leave all blame with "his" plan if you fail.

>> No.11397219

>computer science
>the hours are too long. i wish i'd majored in english teacher but this will do i guess. the trick is to get your writing done early in the day.

>> No.11397322


>Anthropology BA
>Carer for dementia sufferers & the elderly
>it's tough, but feels meaningful and is paid well

>> No.11397355

>Newspaper reporter
>I have an easy and enjoyable job but I'm stuck in an oilfield town away from any large cities so right now I feel like I'm in this purgatory state before I can move up to a bigger paper,bwhicu could take anywhere between another 1-5 years. I'm scared of wasting my youth in a southern religious hellhole surrounded by people I have nothing in common with.

>> No.11397493

Nice job, but aren't you worried about your job being automated pretty soon?

>> No.11397499

>English Literature
Currently I'm an English language tutor, but I can't do this forever. As much as possible I want to avoid becoming a school teacher. What should I do, /lit/?

>> No.11397509

become my twink

>> No.11397533

Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a RX-7FD and a vintage Fairlady S30 Z with a L28 engine combined with twin turbos. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average tripfag. There are many who far surpass me.
I also reached God of the internet status recently so now I will be mythified to hell and back and future archaeologists will unearth the internet and will think I was some kind of powerful historical figure.
By the way, do you have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it.
If I ever meet you in real life I'll snap you in half like a chocolate-chip cookie.
Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point that you are a bleating fool, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all overy your XXXL t-shirt. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk.
You are less admirable than an ant. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.

>> No.11397551


>is asked two questions by curious anons
>armchair psychologist concludes that it is because the ones asking him questions are fuck-ups with external locus of control who are looking for someone to blame

Come now lad. I asked the first question because I find it inspiring to hear that you can land a job on skill alone in a time of rampant academic inflation.


Pretty cool anon.

>> No.11397737

>wasting my youth
As opposed to wasting it shitposting on a mongolian throat singing forum?

>> No.11397782

>English b.a

I should just be an English teacher, right?

>> No.11397825

Lol nice as hominem, exactly what I'd expect from a useless turd who spends his whole life blaming others for his failings ;)
If I'm wrong you wouldn't have sparked up, oopsie :)

>> No.11397836
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You genuinely should take your own advice but google 'local therapist'

t. someone else

>> No.11397862

>t. someone else

>> No.11397863


That took you way too long man

>> No.11397880

Salty af

>> No.11397906

fuck you, youre the homo

>> No.11397935
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6 months of self studied coding is enough to land you a job?

What the fuck have I been doing all this time

>> No.11398047

in my experience most SS teachers in America are terrible at their job and just put on movies and spend weeks having students copy notes from a powerpoint they downloaded of google

>> No.11398228

Well, I was NEET during the six months and studied for hours everyday, though I know of others who have found jobs after less than a year of studying too.

>> No.11398439


Whatever I want.

Yeah, it's okay though I will admit to getting FOMO once in a while but then realise that 99% of the stuff is useless shit made to distract me or simply make me consume for corporate interest. No thanks.

>> No.11398476

No, if you think I just check books in and out you clearly haven't been to a university library. I work in conservation to repair art, archival, and rare books.

>> No.11398515

I've been a hobbyist for several years. I have an extensive portfolio of personal projects, and I even made some money selling my stuff on app stores.
But because I don't have a degree, employers won't even talk to me. I only got my current job because I came in as an intern and was promoted up.

What you're describing may be possible in massive tech hubs, but it's absolutely not in the rest of the country.

>> No.11398586

>History (BA equivalent)
>Yes and no

I want to jump the border

>> No.11398700

what does
>...BA equivalent
mean lmao

you either have the BA or you don't

>> No.11398738
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>> No.11398868

How hard was it to find a job with an MLIS? I'm interested, but it seems that library jobs are hard to come by.

>> No.11398892

how did you get into law from a philosophy ba? curious cause i'm doing the same

>> No.11398898

how did you get into law from a philosophy ba? curious cause i'm doing the same

>> No.11400137

there's no such thing as an equivalent to a ba.

neets love to claim this and note that they "studied" on their own for years. it's not true.

>> No.11401273


>> No.11401276

Then it wasn't really that great of a program anon, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.11401278

Get out of the fucking STEM meme and change course ASAP.

>> No.11401280

English degree
Retail, phone customer service, sales support, database programming, event marketing, school bus driver. Still working on the writing

>> No.11401284

Post qt twink user or GTFO.

>> No.11401618

>stopped caring at this point

>> No.11401647

I've always thought I'd enjoy being a teacher, but I can't even afford college. Feelsbadman.

>> No.11401656

>Bachelor of Business Management(Human Resources)/Bachelor of Arts(Political Science)
>file manager of a small law firm (turnover ~3 million)
>file management = keeping all the files in order for the solicitors and managing the paralegals
Reading people's files is great for inspiration.

>> No.11401659

>English and Theatre BA, minor in Philosophy
>Retail until I graduate
>Kill me
Thinking of changing from Theatre to Psych. Should I do it, bros?

>> No.11401667

how the hell would we know? do whatever you want.

>> No.11401674

Man, I don't know what I want. I just want to do something meaningful that involves helping people, and even though I fucking love theatre, I want to do something bigger than that, or maybe more academic. I'd talk to somebody about it but it's Summer and I seriously doubt anybody will talk to me about it right now.

>> No.11401683

>third world country is scary indeed.
You'd be surprised, a lot of undeveloped or developing countries have much better medical standards and often facilities, too. Especially compared to USA. Such is the Western tolerance for so-so incompetence.

>> No.11401685

I thought comp sci made good money???

>> No.11401689

how much money do you make, and how many hours do you work? Please respond as I am currently majoring in computer science, and I am asking to see what it is like after school.

>> No.11401812
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Same here. Currently working in a small office. Low salary, light workload, no responsabiliy. Boring. Im totally expendable.

>> No.11401844

I have useless degree and otherwise I'm unemployed. Wageslave is hard to get and then it is crushing 12 hours shift work with no free time. Honestly I do not care and it is too late to do anything about it for me.

>> No.11401896

>mfa in philosophy
>freelance film editor
it's not bad, i get by

>> No.11401975

>master in political sciences
>market research and surveys in a bank
Pay is decent, don't work a lot and I have 50 days off per year. Really comfy

>> No.11401997

>nearly 26 with no qualifications, job experience outside of a few weeks in kitchens & living on dole bucks

both terrifying whilst also not giving a single shit. i'm slowly getting back to writing but i'm past trying to assume a role in anything seeing as there never was a role outside of a socially adopted identity which i've always lacked the ability & foresight to do .

>> No.11402062

Not him but I used to work for IT companies. It will depend per company but there will be deadlines/milestones to be met depending per project so you have to work during odd hours and weekends if needed. It will also be a constant learning process due to emerging new technologies. Pay is usually ok, especially when the company has sufficient investors.

>> No.11402068

Private or public school? You mentioned your BA but not your teaching cert. Did you know you wanted to go into K-12?

>> No.11402069

BS Psych, not AB. So you can use it as premed if you want.

>> No.11402808

My god I wish that were me.

>> No.11402822
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>MFA in philosophy
You aren't fooling anyone anon.

>> No.11402863

How does one become a copywriter if you have no experience in the field?

Just recently graduated with a BA in English so basically I'm a useless piece of garbage with no real marketable skills. However I can sometimes be kind of crafty with language so I figure writing copy would be the only possible way to crawl into the professional world without people realizing I'm useless. Any tips on how to do that?

>> No.11402912

>History B.A. by December
>PhD program application afterwards
>teach history at a Catholic school on the weekends
I believe I am going to become some sort of professor.

>> No.11402921

>B.S in Health
>B.S in Philosophy
I'm currently working as medical staff at an Olympic venue, and that is pretty fun. It has long shifts, but there is a lot of down time to read and study.
Currently I am torn between applying for medical school and working on my way to get a PhD, though right now I am drifting towards the latter. Fitting combo, though.

>> No.11402926

>/lit/ careers

being a published author?

I'll get there.

>> No.11402932

haha nice

>> No.11402936

Where would you apply for a PhD program and what else do you have behind you? I'm not going to imply that it's not possible, because I don't know you, but it is fairly difficult to both get in and be in a doctorate program with just a BA. Don't get me wrong, you could be incredibly bright.

>> No.11403083

Good selection of research oriented people (one of whom I have already met last summer while doing research) to work with, working on apps already.

3.8 overall GPA, 3.9 upper div GPA. Scored in top 5% GRE percentile, have had four professors out of the blue offer to write me a letter of recommendation, also doing research with one of my professors this summer.

I will be done with undergrad after a total of 2 years and 1 quarter, this fall being my last quarter.

>> No.11403152

Chemical engineering, masters in water treatment.
Now I'm an operator of a reverse osmosis water treatment plant.

>> No.11403215

Good for you man! I guess getting to know one's professors DOES help.

>> No.11403262

It's actually pretty interesting if you're an aspiring academic of sorts. Professors tend to be more nerdy, love if you can have banter and if you're willing to run to their office and get something in the middle of lecture within 3 minutes!

People always say its about connections, it's more so about being friends with non-idiot non-assholes

>> No.11403811

>it's more so about being friends with non-idiot non-assholes
so, connections.

>> No.11403880

The only program they offer at my school is a BS.

>> No.11404087

What school offers a master's in water treatment?

Have you ever fucked one of your students?

Do you at least have zany banter with Dwight and Jim?

>> No.11404197

Sounds actually pretty nice, I’d read it as well.

>> No.11404205

I wish I could own my own publishing house.

>> No.11404383

What's stopping you anon?

>> No.11405185

well, the former head of the apa serves as the dean there, and personally reached out to me after reading my sample to offer a lump sum of money to help with his current research, which i'm very interested in.

the program is highly regarded.

just a private school so it doesn't receive state funding.

>> No.11405193

$ dumb shit

>> No.11405421

Go for it

>> No.11405435

What did you get for your undergrad? Asking because I'm trying to decide if I should just switch.

>> No.11405452

i clear over 100k american. right now i work over 50 hours a week, though at times i've worked more (70-80) and at times i've worked less (45). programming is a lot different than CS class - the workload is "lighter" in the sense that you aren't staying up until 3AM memorizing shit for theory class or working on a graphics project, but more dull because you also have to deal with the bureaucracies and politics of office life. the code base is much larger than i was used to in school. i work in a fairly large office for a well-established company. i assume if you go the startup route the conditions are slightly worse.

i got exactly what i was looking for when i graduated university. the problem is i wasnt looking for the right thing,

>> No.11405484

>i got exactly what i was looking for when i graduated university. the problem is i wasnt looking for the right thing,
What do you mean by this?

>> No.11405510

BA in Japanese Studies (Linguistics/History).
Work translating from Jap to English/Portuguese/German.

Decent pay, workload can be rough at times, job allows me to live in Nippon so it's fine.

>> No.11405525

before someone asks what I translate

it's mostly technical translation (machine parts, usually for automakers) - however, I've translated some shitty variety shows and other low-tier media before.

>> No.11405540

BA International Relations
At this point I'm thinking about going back to school at doing something more lucrative or getting a commission in the navy/army. My country is hiring like crazy apparently.

>> No.11405551

He's saying that he thought he wanted this, but now that he has it, he realizes that he set the wrong goal.

>> No.11405559

There are plenty of private schools with well funded PhD programs anon.

>> No.11405568

also inquiring this question

>> No.11405618

if you see yourself being a psychiatrist, go to med school plus residency. that's one of the most highest paying psych related career. also industrial organizational psychology (masteral or doctoral degree needed) dealing with companies, quite good pay. you can also do IT related stuff like UI/UX specialist. just jewgle anon. still boils down to what you want to do and value most plus financial stability your career path will provide in the long run.

>> No.11405666

That's pretty cool. How do you like Japan?
I have always thought about moving there to teach English, do you have any insight into this? Not a weeb, I just want change and the bigger the better. I have a master's in statistics but I dislike my job and office life. I've also heard it's easy to land a teaching job but I wouldn't care if it was technically "under me" as I am 25 and want to say fuck it while I'm young. Thanks

>> No.11405671

Yes, if you are fluent with the in-demand technologies. also new technologies emerge so it's a continuous learning process. Consider also IT management positions, or business/finance related trade.

>> No.11405743 [DELETED] 

noice paycheck, do it anon.

>> No.11405847

Also curious about this.

>> No.11405902

Money. I'm poor and lack the skills to start a success business.

>> No.11406015
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 28wghh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? No other course will ever come close to understanding the Universe and perhaps even death. Religion is a generational scam put together by people who barely have a grasp on normative ethical relativism. No one man can assure me a God exists through prayer just as they can't be so sure about the afterdeath. I've had Mormons come by to my house and say that Jesus did walk on water because he's the son of God and he can do anything. The laws of physics dictate that this is impossible even if you are the son of God. For me I prefer a more empirical based approach to understand the Universe rather than spiritual.

>> No.11406811

In Bulgaria 1-2 unis offer it. I got it in Burgas.

>> No.11406847

You know their are countries other than America with university systems different?

>> No.11407018

>start undergrad with goal or becoming optometrist some day
>become lazy pothead
>quickly drop premed in favor of history, which is something I’ve always enjoyed
>graduate, realIze I have no skills
>work at law firm as admin assistant, get promoted to office manager
>while doing that I went to grad school for urban planning
>currently work for a large suburban municipality
It’s an interesting job and not that difficult desu but the pay is mediocre and I’m becoming a government drone. Wish I could go back in time and give my younger self a good slap in the face. Pick a smart goal when you go to undergrad, kids, and stick with it.

>> No.11407376

I taught English here for a while.
Not worth it IMO - you see, I'm a non-native speaker of English so the countries I can teach English in are limited to me, but it's possible in Japan.

If I were you, I'd go with Taiwan.
>but why

While Taiwan is not as developed as Japan, it's still quite developed and a very good place to live in. Taiwanese are much more open and friendlier than Japanese people in general, life there is more relaxed than in Japan (this includes work life) though not as relaxed as China. Pay is decent and it's very easy to find work (because most people end up going to China/Japan/Thailand).

Now, if you insist on going to Japan, there are a few things you should know

You'll likely need a TEFL/CELTA for anything worthy of consideration. I'm assuming you're a native speaker of English, so if you have a Master's in Statistics you're already more qualified than 99% of the dweebs I see teaching English here. But make sure you do get that CELTA/TEFL - Personally, I'd recommend CELTA simply because you'll get to actually teach non-native speakers, and this will help you get a "feel for it" and it'll help you decide if that's what you actually want to do. Bear in mind that the CELTA is somewhat expensive, usually around 1.5-2k for the program (lasts for 1 month if doing it full-time, usually 3 months if part-time).

Salary - ranges from as low as 220k to 275k (starting) - since you have a masters and you're a native, you can shoot for something that'll pay you 250k at the very least. Accommodation is usually not covered but they'll help you find it. Traveling expenses may be paid for by your company but that's not always the case - if they ask you if you have a driver's license, say NO, or be honest and say you're not willing to drive in Japan. This is usually a big NO-NO from what I've seen, they'll ask you to drive to really far away schools and you'll get fucked in the arse paying for petrol. You're also more likely to get stuck in a shitty location if you say yes.

Teaching in Japan is weird... you may find a very good position where you barely work and just have fun with kids or you may get a position where you're literally required to spend 8 hours @ a school (without teaching anyone, just being there). This may seem like "cool" to some people, but the reality is dreadful. You'll be treated like shit and be seen as worthless, and it's not like they'll allow you to shitpost on 4chin during that time. They may ask you to clean toilets or something retarded like that.

Personally, if I were you and you really wanted to teach in Japan, I'd try ALT positions. They're usually more relaxed and when you have to teach you have (often) a Japanese teacher helping you in class.

Just remember that there's no going up (in 90% of the cases) teaching English. You're not getting "promoted". You'll likely have the same salary for as long as you stay in Japan.

>> No.11407384

No, I already have a qt Catholic gf, feelsgood

>> No.11407391
File: 34 KB, 550x423, Cocteau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend my days telling retards how to turn on their internet

>> No.11407395


I personally love it here (I'm originally from Brazil) but I wouldn't have stayed so long if I were still teaching English. Japan is extremely safe and convenient. I love the culture and the language - though the work culture is indeed fucked up no matter where you work at... that's unless you get hired by a foreign company in Japan (not my case though).

>> No.11407705


lmfao, are boomers really this delusional?

>> No.11407747 [DELETED] 

American Literature BA
Professional shiller for /litpat/
No, it's a dirty job but someone has to do it

>> No.11407777

>mfw no ThinkPad gf

>> No.11407799
File: 27 KB, 600x402, BvvIb8RCAAAVvz5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom's buyin me a laptop for college and macbook airs were on sale but i told her i wanted a thinkpad did i make the right choice

pic unrelated

>> No.11407858

What do you mean by ALT positions?

>> No.11407902

I went all the way through a Master's in lit with my plucky, optimistic self thinking the sjw contamination would eventually phase out, not rot the discipline to the core. Finally gave up after every school I looked at for PhD work wanting specialization in worthless and banal critical theories and went to a trade school, got a two year in computer programming, and now I'm a system admin. Comfy, easy job, affords me plenty of time to read and write. I enjoyed my time studying lit in school and wouldn't trade it, but I wouldn't work professionally in that field until the whole thing burns to the ground and has to start over.

>> No.11408223
File: 749 KB, 750x750, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bachelor of Science in Finance
Master of Business Administration

both from the top schools in my region

unemployed because I have aspergers and cannot job interview worth a shit.

>> No.11408368

Thank you anon. This is very helpful. I appreciate it
Curious as well

>> No.11408697

read this

>> No.11409022

change to what?

>> No.11409047

what would a smart goal be? t. environmental studies major starting junior year this fall

>> No.11409375

high school english teacher
comfy job, get to teach what I love. My school implemented a system where with core subjects you move up grade levels with your students and rotate back around with a new set once the old ones are graduated, so you build those relationships and get to plan differently each year instead of getting stagnant. Currently teaching three freshmen classes and two honors sophomore classes.

Absolutely love it. I get to teach the best subject in the world and talk about what I love, why I love, and instill in kids the values of close critical reading and argumentative skills.

For anyone looking to become an english teacher, or even a teacher ITT. you should:
1. Love working with kids, or at least have a high tolerance for it. They don't give a shit about your subject, so you have to bring them around in fun ways and build a strong mentor-student relationship
2. Be willing to work for relatively low-pay. If your district has a pay-lane system, like mine does, you can do professional development courses to move over pay lanes (currently have my masters+x amount of PD credits - making $59,000-60,000 a year - 7th year of teaching).

Overall it's a fun job and the hours in my opinion are nice (7:40-3:00 pm, but you only teach for about 4 hours and 20 minutes of that time - two plan periods), just be ready for kids to not give a fuck about literature/reading and be ready to be shot down by your dept. chair about introducing new/different texts into curriculum

>> No.11409590

>I get to teach the best subject in the world

In your opinion.
And lol @ that statement.
I mean, lmfao you've got to be fucking kidding me.

English is a shit language. A grotesque mixture of French and German topped with a bizarre pronunciation of some Latin words - add in retarded rules and exceptions and voilá, you have this abomination.

>love working with kids

Says you. You don't have to teach kids - you could teach business English @ companies or become a tenured professor. Teaching kids is entry-level garbage for fresh graduates. Well, that, or you actually like teaching kids, which seems rare nowadays. Not judging, just saying - you treat it as if High School and Elementary Class are the only available places one could teach English at. That's not the case at all.

>> No.11409605

>Lit Writing

Web development is more tedious than difficult. It's a better career than teaching or copywriting, I can tell you that much though.

>> No.11409613

Are you me?

>> No.11409615

Something else. I am not your life coach. Do some searching for yourself.

>> No.11409619

Well you avoided getting stuck with a Mac so that's a good deal there.

>> No.11409634

English as a language =/= english as a discipline. That's the first fundamental flaw in your statement. I teach more than just grammar. I do lit, argument, speech, research, technical writing, creative writing, etc. I do agree in a purely technical sense it is a shit language

I hope I didn't come across as that - I meant love working with kids to be a secondary teacher. I actually thought about doing a professorship, but I hate the way literature courses are run - I have a distaste for the straight lecture format - and lit professors seem inherently against the idea of changing their pedagogical approach. I also didn't want to join the paper mill of academia.

and I genuinely do love working with teenagers. They bring something new to the table everyday. It's not something I'd expect the bitter, jaded cynics of 4chan to understand.

>> No.11409954

Mate, I'm a suicidal, bitter and jaded alcoholic and even I can understand the appeal of working with teenagers (perhaps precisely because of my "qualities").

But my point was more towards your statement that English is "the best subject in the world" - which it really isn't. No statement is possible, it's too personal. I mean, from your own post it seems to me that what you actually like is the aspect of working with teens/being a teacher rather than loving English as subject - that's what I get from your posts but maybe I'm wrong?

Anyway, I agree with you on the fact that teenagers are fun to work with, kids, I'm not so sure... what age are you talking about? Babies are somewhat annoying to me, but I'm fine with teaching kids who are 8 years or older.

The best, I think, are around 12-16. The problem is that it's hard to keep their attention.

>> No.11409966


don't you mean every day Mr. teacher? :)

>> No.11410114

I work with ages 14-18

well of course it's subjective. I personally think it's the best subject, hence why I majored in it. I love the subject, and passing my knowledge of the subject onto others.

It is almost universally known that foreign language teachers care more about grammar than us ELA teachers.

>> No.11410172

I have a B.A. in journalism but I never found a way in, I'm three years out of college now. How'd you do it? If I had to spend a few years in bumblefuck I don't think I'd mind it too much.

>> No.11410176

you’re a parasite
another retarded and incompetent parasite
wow look someone with skills

>> No.11410193

>Graphic Design B.A.
>Freelance Web designer
>its ok. i might just take a break and go teach english in china or something though

>> No.11410381

>didn't go to uni and dropped out of college, did resistant materials, engineering and art as GCSE choices, then did carpentry at college
>web development
>freelance is fun but need something more stable really

>> No.11410393


Just wanted to say you seem to be a great teacher. I wish I had one like you to get me into literature at a younger age. Keep fighting the good fight, anon

>> No.11410406

BA, English and philosophy double major
Masters in accounting

Originally wanted to be a lawyer, then I realized I just like to read and that I’m not a big fan of writing. Very happy I decided to become a cpa instead

>> No.11410423

Thanks again. I'll look into this. I meant to ask more about your last post:
>though not as relaxed as China
I thought China was very uptight, especially regarding education
>Salary - ranges from as low as 220k to 275k (starting)
Surely you mean 22k to 27.5k? If we're talking USD
And, would you say Japan is a more useful language? Than Mandarin, that is.

>> No.11410451

>chemical engineering
same but thankfully I was saved by my piss poor networking skills and am getting my PhD in something that won't give me soul cancer.

>> No.11410590

bachelors in philosophy

currently doing a masters in philosophy (includes teaching) and working at a cocktail bar

haven't decided if i want to try to do a phd or go to law school or what yet, feeling pretty hopeless about the future desu senpai

>> No.11410598

I'm doing an English degree not sure what to do after I'm done I might be doing some wageslavery. Any other Englishbros here? What's your plan?

>> No.11410606

>Major in cognitive science
>Head roaster at small coffee roastery.

Money could be better but work is great.

>> No.11410617

Minus the work and current masters, are you me?

>> No.11410618

>Finishing my graduation on sociology
>Poor, unemployed, parents want to kick me out

>> No.11410622

Which is what?

>> No.11410625

wtf how old are you ppl and why are you in fking 4chan still... u sound like 40

>> No.11410627
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Holy shit BTFO'd all of them! What do you do? Shitpost on /lit/ for a living?

>> No.11410636 [DELETED] 

>I work with ages 14-18

cool, so you can fuck your students.

>> No.11410639

t. 18 year old newborn who likes to rebel against the boomers.
Advice from this boomer: Lurk more.

>> No.11410642

>They don't give a shit about your subject, so you have to bring them around in fun ways and build a strong mentor-student relationship

and how exactly are you doing this?

>> No.11410670

>I thought China was very uptight, especially regarding education

Not when it comes to teaching English, though this varies from place to place of course - but in general, when teaching in China, you can be pretty "lazy" and still do well. It's certainly not anywhere near what Japan is going to ask of you.

>Surely you mean 22k to 27.5k? If we're talking USD

No, I was telling you what your potential salary in Japanese Yen would be. 250k p/month is something like, 2.2k USD... bear in mind this is your gross salary, I'm not taking into account health insurance (most employers will pay for this though), commuting expenses, taxes etc.

Depending on where you live (and how frugally you live) you could save around 80 to 120k p/month. Heck, I know a guy who lived in Tokyo and saved 150k from his 250k salary... he was living VERY, VERY frugally though (and was a shut-in so bear that in mind - going out in Tokyo will eat out your wallet quickly).

>And, would you say Japan is a more useful language? Than Mandarin, that is.

Useful for what exactly? I can't answer that. My mentality is that a language is as useful as you want/make it to be. In my case, I started learning Japanese for anime and that was more useful than any other language to me at the time. I have no use for Spanish, so it doesn't matter to me that it's one of the world's most spoken language - and also because I fucking hate it. So if you hate Chinese, then you'll likely end up dropping it. Anyway... There's a lot that needs to be translated from Japanese to English, and the Japanese (from my experience) are usually WORSE than the Chinese at speaking English... Much worse in fact. Speaking both languages is good, but you need other skills too. And bear in mind that you need at least N1 (Japanese language Proficiency Test) to be considered as "able to speak Japanese" here.

The thing is, you don't need to know any Japanese to teach English. You'd only need to learn the language if you liked it or if you wanted to work with translation, or if you're in any other line of work that requires it - but never for teaching. Of course knowing the language will help you finding accommodation, paying your bills and dealing with everyday life - but most of the English Teachers that I know (in Tokyo) don't seem to know more than Arigatou.

You're fucked if you end up in a smaller city though - expect absolutely no one to be able to comprehend even basic English.

>> No.11410697

>work in a grocery store
>going to good university in the fall
>want to study environmental science or natural resource conservation or something, I don't know
Am I lit?

>> No.11410873

What uni, anon?

>> No.11411025

What grocery store, anon?

>> No.11411118

Okay, thanks for bearing with me anon. I will think through this carefully.

All the best

>> No.11411137

That's pretty much what I had to do, internships were the key to getting it. I'd say if you don't have any internships yet you should look into finding one, or just try starting to do some freelance work online or at a local alt news source.

>> No.11411139

damn it must suck so bad to be you i hope you get less bitter, anon.

>> No.11411153
File: 102 KB, 767x768, 9kCau58FFb_ULOXg1Nr0QGy2xZ5OBlSdWMACVaqGgb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do for a living? I'm not super passionate about much besides music and art in general. I've thought about being an English teacher because I've always performed well on the subject and I feel like I would enjoy teaching. The salary dissuades me though.

>> No.11411252

>BA Philosophy
>unemployed past 6 months
not even burger joints want me. I feel like I've been blacklisted.

>> No.11411273

Hey I'm an MA Phil and I'm excelling in my table waiting career.
Tbh it wasn't worth the extra 5k debt for a stupid MA that didn't get me into a PhD but wtv at least I can still pretend I'm secretly a genius.

>> No.11411291

Nice, secret geniuses unite. My sampson option is to join the military.

>> No.11411296


>> No.11412375


The education system needs more passionate teachers like you.

I taught elementary for 3 years at a brand new school. Loved the lesson creation, loved getting to know the kids so I could integrate their interests into said lessons, but hated everything else about the job. My campus took away most of our planning period during the week and crammed it with pointless meetings. Admin became hostile. Diagnostics, data analysis, and testing seemed to overshadow everything else over the years so I got out while I could.

I resigned after this school year finished and I'm going back to grad school full-time this fall for a masters in library science so I can still remain in the education field. The role is changing in the elementary environment--it's still very much about inspiring a love of reading, but embedding research skills and media and digital literacy. Probably the biggest regret for me will be not getting the opportunity to know the kids at the same level as a classroom teacher, but it's a trade-off I'm willing to make to not have to deal with the bullshit. I wish priorities were in better places in our field, you know?

>> No.11412381

all educators, literati and cognoscenti are parasites.

>> No.11412685

>BS in Biology
>Research Technician

sick of it, looking to get out of science

>> No.11413155

go to law school

>> No.11413191

What’s with this fetishising of catholic girls on 4chan lately?

>> No.11413279

i went to film school. i realized i was too introverted and anxious to be on professional sets, and i was too depressed for """networking""" when i had the chance. i let the friendships i made there wither away because i was strongly considering killing myself and wanted to minimize the amount of people who would care when i did. now i work retail and struggle with writing screenplays. things i've written in the past has been appreciated by strangers, so that holds the self-doubt at bay somewhat, and i have nothing better to do really

>> No.11413295


>> No.11413459

I´m currently finishing my Anthropology BA and my interests are pretty similars to yours, care to share a little about your experiences in this field anon?

>> No.11414201


>> No.11414222

>Double major in history and economics
>Work in communications for an NHL team
>Yeah, easy job, good money and lots of hot chicks

>> No.11415054

MA in japanese studies.

About to teach social sciences and norwegian at a fairly high end junior high. Next year Ill get to do a creative writing or japanese class.

Fairly /lit/ I suppose.

>> No.11415057

Most companies Ive known accept n2 as competent enough.

None of the people I know who work at companies in Japan have N1. The ones that do tend to work at unis in some capacity.

>> No.11415063

Are you retarded?

>> No.11415067

Was it autism?

>> No.11415073

Go for the PhD.

>> No.11415458

>History Phd
>Love to read
>love to TA
>hate to write
>can't write for shit
I truly don't belong here. I just hope I can land a job at some community college

>> No.11415461

by here I mean academia , not the chinese cartoon image board

>> No.11416047

how many of you live at home after getting your degree

>> No.11416048

What resources did you use to study if you're even still alive in here

>> No.11416062

I did poorly on my thesis. So no chance of a phd, or interest for that matter.

>> No.11416205

>Master in Civ Eng
>starting first job in my professor's company that does vibroacoustics in 3 months
I hope to escape having to deal with business people all day since they mainly do research. Not a /lit/ career in the slightest.

>> No.11416215

Everyone I know that went to University is still living with their parents, even those who have a successful career

>> No.11416478

im technically homeless, but id rather be homeless than live with my parents desu

>> No.11416553
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, i648gmqsk74y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the Computer Science meme

>> No.11416583

the only truly /lit/ response in this thread.

>> No.11416785

>Phd in Astronomy
>Have a double major of English Linguistics
>Possibly minor in French
Am I fucking up? My only interest today are reading and writing. This is the only career path that has stuck out to me

>> No.11416813

Just take the LSAT and make sure you get good grades. doesnt mayger what your BA is, and philosophy is one of the most helpful majors in terms of law school success.

>> No.11416895

>BA in English
>Client/ Warehouse Management + some Accounting

Not very /lit/ but it pays and I work with good people

>> No.11416925

I want to kiss a girl's pelvic area!

>> No.11416960

>Data Analyst
>It could be better but the company I work for is in the baby stages of data collection and organization

>> No.11417078

How is it a meme?

>> No.11417492
File: 10 KB, 300x225, 28168797_1786022094762882_5721607288920430038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, does grades really matter? Will my work be forgotten cause i will probably only be above 50-60% of the class ON PAPER?

>studying Creative Writing in the most prominent young and free university
>best lit career in my country as it is full of canon writers
>have shit grades till now, didnt realize academic bullshit is different than creative old fashioned essays
>even tho is the best literature career out there, it is full of normies that write simple shit and get A's, while I fucked my brain to get real original and well written shit, but because of format bullshit i would still barely pass test and stuff
>Tfw i was the only one doing some real innovative and New things and everyone noticed but I was too asperger to get help
>just realized i was wrong last week. The only investigative work i did was A
>Tfw just got 2 and a half years to claim my till now invisible empire i have built
Am i fucked?

>> No.11417695


>> No.11417745

They totally are... These anons are jokers.

>> No.11417799

You are a moron for writing these posts.

>> No.11418107

>currently in business school for BBA, probably going to concentrate in Management Consulting or Finance
>working as a lifeguard/swim instructor in my hometown over the summer
>fun and pretty chill, used to work here throughout high school. I have a pretty solid relationship with my boss, so I pretty much get to choose my hours and work with all my old friends.

I have a question for all the budding academics/liberal arts majors in the thread. How did you guys go about paying for college? I come from a fairly well off, upper middle class family, but my parents won't be able to pay for more than 2 years of my tuition. The business school I'm at is notable for having one of the highest mean starting salaries for undergraduates in the United States, but it's also known for being one of the most expensive private universities in the country. Even if I get a job on Wall Street right after I graduate, I'll be paying off loans for years. Those of you guys who majored in Philosophy or English or any of the other quintessential liberal arts, what was your game plan for college fees? Did you guys attend community colleges or in-state public schools to keep tuition low? Did you get scholarships for being smart? Did you just take the loans and say "fuck it" and graduate with a ton of debt? Did you just come from a family rich enough to allow you to study whatever interested you without fear of tuition fees? I've got all those earning statistics from earlier backing me, and I'm still going to be graduating with tens of thousands of dollars of debt which will take me years to pay off. What did you guys do?

>> No.11418770

source on that, please

>> No.11418886

>chemical engineering
>water quality engineer

the work is ok, mostly spreadsheets and shit. i work overtime every day and i’m frequently too tired after work to enjoy reading or anything that’s not drinking or watching bad tv. the pay is good enough for me to ride this out for a few years in case i decide i want to look for something else.

>> No.11418924

It's a meme to think liking computers or liking video games means you'll like programming. There is NOTHING more satisfying to me than creating and executing a complex piece of software - the idiots in this thread who majored in CS and haven't found a comfortable job as a consultant or an architect that respects your work-life balance never actually enjoyed programming to begin with and will never be promoted beyond their current station. Creating software is at once a creative and mathematical endeavor, requiring you to think up and try new and interesting ways to solve problems and then break those down to patterns and algorithms.
If you do not:
>feel compelled to create software on your own time
>find patterns and discrete mathematics interesting
>care for graph theory or linear algebra
DO NOT because a programmer because there will be no reward in your work.

>> No.11418952
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Money and job stability are pretty good rewards compared to the whole lotta nothing else I feel no passion about

>> No.11419523
File: 263 KB, 500x640, orson-welles_anthony-perkins_le-proces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through film school at the moment and I've been pretty much experiencing the same things as you, faggotries apart. My passion for film has kept me controlled, however. Would you mind to tell me where you from so that we could, why not, work outside of uni together?

>> No.11419547

I would say go for psychiatrist if you are willing to prescribe medicines for mental issues. If you would see them as a last resort, psychologist is better. (This is coming from a STEM major so i dunno lol)

>> No.11419716

>le passionate programmer meme

I mean I'm fine with it if it keeps the plebs away and keeps my salary high, but that's a whole lot of aspie bullshit you wrote there.

>> No.11419726


Yes anon every famous writer had straight A's and loved school and was a good boy. Believe anon believe, there's no other way to make it..

>> No.11419762

Considering the same

>> No.11419774

Nice! I’m a transfer from cal as well, feel free to ask questions

>> No.11419786

I did exactly this but I'm going to be a consultant

>> No.11419797

hey don, is white noise good?

>> No.11419818


>> No.11420013

Do the Gary Halbert's 30 days copywriting challenge: https://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com/newsletters/zfkj_hands_on_experience.htm

keep practising and always remember that copywriting is salesmanship in print: you write to sell not to impress,. but your BA in English will help

>> No.11420103
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>> No.11420834

do you live in the US?