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11396567 No.11396567 [Reply] [Original]

>tell your women to rob their Egyptian neighbors lmao
what did God Almighty mean by this?

>> No.11397153
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when you imagine the bible being written by a gang of snickering, sneering Jewish monotheist priests, rather than God.. it all starts to make sense.

>> No.11397239

If anyone else wrote that story, Moses would kick Pharoah's ass and become the new Pharoah. Jews write it and point one is "we get all your stuff."

>> No.11397263

The spoiling of the Egyptians was morally justified.

Jews didn't write the Torah. Moses was a Levite, not a Judean. Pharisaism didn't exist yet, and neither did the word "Jew." Identifying the ancient Israelites and Hebrews with modern "Jews," especially when they weren't even of the tribe of Judah, is playing into (((their))) game. Christians are the new Chosen People, who have superceded and replaced the Hebrews, and the New Testament including the very words of Jesus Christ Himself make it clear that the Pharisees are not the inheritors of Abraham.

>> No.11397308
File: 14 KB, 442x500, A76EE813-A4F7-43DA-9398-B2B43378A3E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews didn't write the Torah

>> No.11397318

They didn't. The people who call themselves Jews today have literally nothing in common with Moses.

>> No.11397549

>So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.
How did we lose the ability to turn staffs into snakes?

>> No.11397555

The magicians' trick was either stage magic or the work of demons, while Aaron's was a genuine miracle as evidenced from his snake eating theirs.

>> No.11397580

How did the sorcerers know that their magic wasn't from God? Wouldn't the dark lord they worshipped be God to them?
If all authority comes from God, did he appoint Hitler?

>> No.11397659

They were Egyptians. They didn't worship God.

>> No.11397713

Hitler was a tyrant and therefore illegitimate which is why he was defeated by one of God's true authorities (Stalin)

>> No.11397721


>> No.11397845

The New Testament is the biggest meme in the world, I don't know how you could unironicaly believe anything written there is somehow the word of god.

>> No.11397850
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1dso9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Away with thee Satan. Today is the Lord's day.

>> No.11397859

Metaphor. Aaron and the priests engaged in a literal dick measuring contest, which Aaron won. "Swallowing the other snakes" means his penis exceeded their penises in length. A man's authority is derived, at least partly, from the length of his penis. I'm being absolutely serious.

>> No.11397875

>mmmm grayons

>> No.11397879


>> No.11397886

My old youth minister, a Liberty University graduate.

>> No.11397908

>here have some commandments t.dog
>thou shalt not kill
>thou shalt not steal
>btw go steal this land and kill the inhabitants :--Ddddd t. Dog

>> No.11397909

I can believe Jesus is the Son of God, just not the Son of the God that some jewish guy beat in a fight.

>> No.11398050
