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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 544 KB, 1536x1966, wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11395450 No.11395450 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't already listened to the whole Ring Cycle with full attention to the libretto, you should leave this place and never come back.

>> No.11395458

sorry i don't speak nazi now you go back but to the trash!

>> No.11395459


>> No.11395492

I pity you, for you will never know such joys

>> No.11395550

Wagner - The original Neckbeard

>> No.11395583

just find a dvd with english subtitles.

watch this first as an introduction.

>> No.11396504
File: 369 KB, 644x609, I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.11396556

I bet you don’t even play an instrument. It’s always the most insecure pseuds who make the “if you haven’t done x then get out” threads.

>> No.11396562

>& music
now fuck off lesser human

>> No.11396581

Unironicaly best post on /lit/ at the moment. I love Wagner, great music.
>all the subhuman pseuds itt hating on Wagner
kill yourselves

>> No.11396585

caca brain

>> No.11396899

plenty of marxism shill on this board, shame, they would´ve never recognized talent even if their pathetic lives depended on it

>> No.11396909

I bet you only pretend to like classical music

>> No.11396913

There are plenty of socialist and Marxist takes on Wagner. Everyone wants to claim him as one of their own.

>> No.11396914
File: 41 KB, 458x504, 1512445136651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don´t pretend baby, i really love classical music

>> No.11396922

>There are plenty of socialist and Marxist takes on Wagner. Everyone wants to claim him as one of their own.

really? how embarrassing!

>> No.11396924

ok that's really nice then

>> No.11396945

The Ring Cycle is boring. Tristan is the true patricians choice.

>> No.11397136

Shaw's The Perfect Wagnerite is an early example. Zizek is also very fond of Wagner.

>> No.11397249

>intro the trash

seriously is embarrassing when people on this board unironically recommend zizek

>> No.11397303

>literal neckbeard
>slew legendary amounts of pussy anyway
irl ubermensch tier

>> No.11397958

I've been playing the piano for 12 years and I know a lot of Wagner by heart

>> No.11397961

Try listening to the first scene of the Ring cycle while reading the libretto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjP7R0UQjGE
What a majestic genius :)

>> No.11397965

poor incel Alberich, at least he destroyed the world in revenge

>> No.11397967

>Der Welt Erbe gewänn' ich zu eigen
durch dich?
Erzwäng' ich nicht Liebe,
doch listig erzwäng' ich mir Lust?

>> No.11398132

I dead ass listen to gotterdamerug every day

Siegfried's Rhine journey is LOW KEY LIT, am I right?

>> No.11398271

Wagner is great but god can you fuck off

>> No.11398466

Middle period- Tannhaueser, Lohengrin- checking in. Wagner's /lit/ because he (almost an anomaly) wrote his own very fine librettos.

>> No.11399610
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I don't hate Wagner; he's objectively good. He's just not literature.

By this logic Tarantino is /lit/ because he writes his own dialog. Literature is work that is primarily text, not work that happens to have text.

>> No.11400034

>By this logic...
Zweig and von Hoffmannstahl wrote librettos, and the latter's Electrica is unquestionably literature- as is Wagner's Ring.

>> No.11400542
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So you concede that Tarantino (or some other director; pick your favorite) is also literature? Or are operas different from film in some relevant way?

>> No.11400679

Yes but not good literature. There are very few screenplays which could qualify as such (and it would be the screenplays, not the finished film)

>> No.11400688

If you haven't read the first 100 issues of Lee/Kirby's Fantastic Four, you need to go back to Tumblr

>> No.11400701

I concede the possibility. Wagner is part of the German literary curriculum fwiw.