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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11395985 No.11395985 [Reply] [Original]

Books to get into metaphysics?

Essentials for metaphysics?

>> No.11395990

you can see part of the tit
wow very hot

>> No.11395997

>Entry level
>Exit level
Derrida (one does not simply and purely 'exit' metaphysics)

>> No.11396001

stoics have exactly zero metaphysics neither does derrrida what a dumb post

>> No.11396007

disgusting sweaty underboob. how do human males manage to find these bloody-crotched atrocities desirable?

also aristotle duh

>> No.11396010

Have you read a book in your life?

>> No.11396011

do you like men?

>> No.11396023


>> No.11396025
File: 9 KB, 218x231, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends. Why do you wish to study metaphysics?

>> No.11396030

Then what? Goats?

>> No.11396032



>> No.11396035

>neither does Derrida
That's kind of the whole point, dummy.

>> No.11396041

Hey fuck you OP you made me break my nofap pledge.

Keep jezebels off the front page.

>> No.11396056

Jezebelposting should be a bannable offence

>> No.11396065

Unironically this.

>> No.11396081

should I like someone? something?

>> No.11396086

Anyone not acting like it should be an ordinary, commonplace thing and coolly understanding that's what should surround his everyday existence is a fucking incel.

>> No.11396088

yea unless your a fuckin FAG lmao

>> No.11396097

Are you seriously suggesting that surrounding yourself with half-nude women is "commonplace" and that anyone who doesn't is an anti-social virgin?

>> No.11396104

exactly, looking at hot chicks is what you're supposed to fucking do, lol at these nerds who think they will learn a trade and be a mechanic or something but they get trigged to death if they see a chick in a bikini, not gonna make it soilord

>> No.11396110


>> No.11396111


Wrong, you're NOT supposed to look. That gives them too much empowerment. Just act like it's normal, and don't give them too much attention, they are attention whores.

>> No.11396119

well ya but im saying if u go to some dudes garage and he has a beer poster on the wall with some chick in a swimsuit what are u gunna run out reeeing? thats fucking queer

>> No.11396123

If you are so weak that you lose off of that you should be ashamed

I'm OP and I'm on two weeks nofap

Stop being a fucking Cuck and control yourself

>> No.11396126

Wretched wenches

>> No.11396128

i just fapped two seconds ago but even then i dont care

>> No.11396133

Then you have a long way to go in developing emotional maturity, I'm afraid.

>> No.11396137

Adorno - Metaphysics

>> No.11396144

Metaphysics by Loux for analytic metaphysics

>> No.11396171

You shouldn't idolize it, that is for certain.

>> No.11396177

I don't have to develop anything. You have to develop an inferiority complex because I am winning severely.

>> No.11396226

because physics is too hard. all those equations, wow.

>> No.11396243

The fact that you need to defend your ability to look at lewd women on a Laotian numerology website means that you are, in fact, not "winning"

>> No.11396251


>> No.11396265

I don't need to defend anything. My girlfriend has DDs

I had to turn down a woman the other day.

I can guarantee you I am beating you. I'll bet you read only fiction too, don't care enough about the real world, is that it pleb?

>> No.11396269

Is NoFap just a meme or does it have some actual benefits?

>> No.11396276

it's a fuckin meme unless u consider fucking thots a benefit

>> No.11396282

What you need is not another shallow hussy to hit on you but a slap on the head and someone to show you how to find purpose in your life.

I truly hope you find that person.

>> No.11396306

Why couldn't that be a woman with DDs?

Man, I simply told you the awesome physical characteristics of my girlfriend, I didn't tell you anything about how she thinks or acts. I will grant you, based on what I've told you, she could be shallow OR virtuous.

But I'm telling you man, she is a very virtuous woman.

>> No.11396309

damn i was just fappin and i got jizz all over the fucking place, grody, its weird when im fuckin a chick and spray jizz all over its like fuck it, but when u fappin and u get nut on everything its like oh fuck ewww gotta clean this shit uuup fast

>> No.11396320
File: 97 KB, 1200x1005, c0f9583bc63126d4c93d3e0228b92348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if with her body she actually had a face signalling intelligence instead of one with a physiognomy that indicated meekness, incomprehension and a lack of self-control

>> No.11396325

I'm deeply engaged with the metaphysics of convincing a puspus like that to acquiesce to me.

>> No.11396328

the worst part about gettin jizz on everything is like then u cant tell whats sweat and whats nut its like oh fuck is nut dripping down on to my nuts, or is that sweat? fuck why is the back of my neck all wet? thats sweat right? fuck

>> No.11396336

If that person is her, more power to you. I'm not particularly interested in her breasts however, nor how much you enjoy "beating" other men.

>> No.11396341

beta much?

>> No.11396348

Funnily enough, she's the one who's a high-flying model and entrepreneur with dreams of making it big in America while you're impotently and possibly unironically judging her with a dead pseudoscience on an image board. But sure, you're 'intelligent', so that's nice.

>> No.11396349


Dude, I know we live in a modern world full of civility and what not but lets get something clear. If you haven't personally killed a man by yourself out of will then you haven't beaten anyone. If anything, you're doing okay at a game that means literally nothing. Stop being an idiot and overvaluing women.

>> No.11396350

Bullshit, other people have souls man. Sure SOME people only care about looks, but that's not everyone in society.

Don't go full psychosis on me here...

>> No.11396351

>implying obsessing over and projecting your mating capabilities isn't the epitome of the beta

>> No.11396356

damn dude could u get more homoerotic, this sounds like the beginning of a gay porno

>> No.11396358


Not hardly. I'm just saying that ever claiming that person A beat person B because of some arbitrary pursuit is some weak shit and not even "winning".

>> No.11396359


>> No.11396361

i'm still not sure what to do about the cum situation, i now have one pair of boxer shorts drenched in jizz draped over my hamper, and a slightly moist paper towel folded up behind my monitor, im going to have to piss soon, when i open the door a cloud of jizz stank is gonna hit the hallway, i need a plan of action

>> No.11396362

depends on the person, if you're addicted to fapping (2-3 times per day, looking at porn a lot) it might help to quit cold turkey for a while and see the other side. if you aren't that dependent on masturbating though it might not do much if at all for you.

>> No.11396377

>the only kind of measurable virtue a person can have is the ability to kill another one
>espousing this idea on a literature board

You are the dumbest person alive, and I’m going to muder you.

>> No.11396381

Try murdering me instead, I'll try to deflect and talk you out of your thirst for violence!

>> No.11396382

should i try to sleep? like u know how sometimes u nut in ur dreams and it wakes u up but ur like fuckit thug life and go back to bed and then its dry like nothing happened in the morning? (i bet thats whats happened to most of these nofap fags, they just nuttin in they sleep, not saving up mystical man mojo) but anyways

>> No.11396400


Let me explain since you're stupid.

1. I believe in Virtue. It is good.

2. I acknowledge that virtue wouldn't (necessarily) save me or anyone from excessive force.

3. force may not make right, but it makes right irrelevant.

4. One poster says he's "beating" someone (at what, by the way? life?) else because they get laid more.

5. I unironically know how to fight properly (three years krav maga)

6. Out of all the hills to die on, you are defending the "I fuck more bitches than you lol" guy. Nice.

7. It doesn't matter what board or what venue of discussion, a certain propensity for violence ought to exist in all of us and if it's nonexistent (in you or anyone else) then it would be hard for me to even justify not literally killing you for being a drain on our species.

>> No.11396403
File: 37 KB, 600x528, forty keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I unironically know how to fight properly (three years krav maga)

>> No.11396420


Nice meme you fucking mongoloid

>> No.11396435

>My purple belt is more valuable than the ability to procreate.

I can’t wait to beat your ass once I’m done tracing your IP. Better brush up on your Jewish wrassling moves, bitch, because I’m unironically coming for you with three years dance & tap.

>> No.11396441


I mean most Krav Maga was taken from other, nonjew, disciplines. Plus, you missed the purpose of everything I said.

If you can't get laid at all, you are worthless. If all you are able to do is get laid, you are worthless. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.11396444

>krav maga

yo i think mods really did ban the nazi for a while cuz he would have been all over this thread by now

>> No.11396569

>My girlfriend has DDs

post em

>> No.11396574

>If you can't get laid at all, you are worthless. If all you are able to do is get laid, you are worthless. It's not that hard to understand.
I mean, I was the original poster who started all this, and I agree with this statement. :/

Normal people don't have their girlfriends' tits saved on their computer.

>> No.11396575
File: 928 KB, 1474x1080, 1529366626899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. I believe in Virtue. It is good.
Stopped reading.

>> No.11396587

>Normal people don't have their girlfriends' tits saved on their computer.


>> No.11396592

>Normal people don't have their girlfriends' tits saved on their computer.

Um, yeah, they do. Unless you're a boomer, it's pretty normal for guys to have their gf's nudes.

>> No.11396598

The mods should ban anyone who mentions their girlfriend's big gazongas and doesn't post pics.

>> No.11396602

Bullshit man, I was in a relationship for over a year and I never once had nudes of my GF.

I had loads of pics of my GF sure, but never nudes. You are a fucking pervert.

>> No.11396603

>Sh-she doesn't go to this school... She's from Canada!

>> No.11396609

you're a prude

>> No.11396616

>going to school

Graduated four years ago

>> No.11396617
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal people

You know the drill.

>> No.11396623

Boomer confirmed.

>> No.11396649

what gets you goin? men? women? goats? cats? Or do you simply have no feelings of desire for ejaculation/orgasm?

>> No.11396666

>everyone on 4chan MUST be an incel like me
Why must I laugh so hard.

>> No.11396693
File: 119 KB, 1080x793, 1529501526392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11396705

>stoics have exactly zero metaphysics
t. total fucking retard

>> No.11396707

why is her left tit so huge and her right tit so small hahahahahaha what a noob lmao

>> No.11396742

i'm assuming you meant me, the anon he was talking to. (i'm not based poster)

nothing gets me going. women are attractive i guess, and i bust a nut to their image once every couple of weeks. but a clam is just a sweaty un-fused ballbag. tits are just fat. a butt is a butt is a butt. it's all just tiresome smelly meat. the wasted effort and psychological drama the genders put into distinguishing and estranging themselves aren't worth stressing over. i'm trying to live a life here, i don't need to be chasing skirt much less pounding quim. i don't want to be a father, or chained legally and financially to some mentally deficient ghost-woman who i resent after three months. fuck this planet. i'm trying to get to heaven, see. i don't have any heart to spare.

>> No.11396756

what the fuck is quim hahahaha

>> No.11396761

ask your dad

>> No.11396768

Holy fuck hnnnnnGgggghhhhGhgghg

>> No.11397145


>> No.11397150

> thinks sweaty underboob is a turn off for males

>> No.11397159

nothing in life has gotten me more pussy than ignoring women. We live in a bizarre world.

>> No.11397163

that was a loaded response lol

>> No.11397167

that is a good response lol

>> No.11397169

Having a solid, self-sustaining personality is an attractive feature. Drawing people to you isn't about convincing them that you care about them, it's about making yourself an object of their admiration.
This is really obvious shit but modern society just destroys peoples' ability to engage with one another properly during adolescence and a lot of people never recover.

>> No.11397185 [DELETED] 

you could get a lot of unwanted followers that way, men and women. this entire thread has nothing to do with /lit/. it's the same people slowly collecting to talk about the same shit. imagine those people just following you around, needing you to be a certain way.

>> No.11397430

Who is this semen demon?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this cock dock?
Who is this erection ejection?
Who is this dick tick?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this seed steed?
Who is this prick chick?
Who is this cock stock?
Who is this seminal sentinel?
Who is this phallus chalice?
Who is this anus ignoramus?
Who is this smegma enigma?
Who is this beef curtain hurtin?
Who is this cunt runt?
Who is this jism prison?
Who is this ballbiting ballerina?
Who is this dongle mongle?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this chin chin bin?
Who is this scrotum sorceress?
Who is this wiener cleaner?
Who is this pole populator?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this pillar pimper?
Who is this column culminator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this sperm specialist?
Who is this glans gladiator?
Who is this frenulum fractionizer?
Who is this foreskin fornicator?
Who is this penile private?
Who is this smut sergeant?
Who is this cock captain?
Who is this orifice officer?
Who is this rear admiral?
Who is this cummander?
Who is this lewd lieutenant?
Who is this meat major?
Who is this cunt colonel?
Who is this wiener witch?
Who is this phallus phalanx?
Who is this cock commandant?
Who is this dong deity?
Who is this seminal fluid druid?
Who is this jizz wiz?
Who is this benis burglar?
Who is this wang waxer?
Who is this schlong sentinel?
Who is this dick dastard?
Who is this jizz jezebel?
Who is this tally wacker packer?
Who is this schlong sorcerrer?
Who is this weenie genie?
Who is this chode road?
Who is this male reproductive organ Gorgon?
Who is this shaft shaft?
Who is this ding dong dungeon?
Who is this scrotum totem?
Who is this ballsack knapsack?
Who is this testicle vestibule?
Who is this ball butter nutter?
Who is this cock cream captivator?
Who is this man milk mephistopheles?
Who is this smegma smuggler?
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Who is this semen sommelier?
Who is this urethra barista?

>> No.11397432


>> No.11397439

Who is this insemination destination?
Who is this moneyshot honeypot?

>> No.11397452


>> No.11397554
File: 98 KB, 702x1247, cuddly bootee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is giga-cute and extra cuddly. So I wanna cuddle.

>> No.11397626
File: 20 KB, 333x499, 41YebOyAtyL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite
By Eric Perl

Best introduction to Platonic realist metaphysics, which in the One True Philosophy.

>> No.11397816
File: 37 KB, 318x457, 34456073[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11398594

Disgusted that this is still up.

>> No.11398601
File: 21 KB, 460x276, 1527203418965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pathetic.

>> No.11398690

Its a meme
The real redpill is dropping pornography altogether

>> No.11398728

What happened to that vehement nofap anon that would write essays every time someone said they beat their meat?

>> No.11398739

Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. The jezebels guy is right and this post is not an homage. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

>> No.11398747

Fuck you guys I just wanted a thread on metaphysics and posted the last image o saved. Your all cunts.

>> No.11398764


>> No.11398768

spotted the incel.

>> No.11398790

Nice assumption retard.

>> No.11399051
File: 98 KB, 612x612, 15128859040244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You started this.

>> No.11399892

Dubs of truth

>> No.11399905

go to bed aurelius

>> No.11399910

>saving thots

you deserve it

>> No.11399928

Shooped half her stomach away at her left hip. Can even see the blurry edge. Hot females don't need shooping

>> No.11399930

Aнacтacия Квиткo

>> No.11399945

>human males

>> No.11399946


>> No.11400057


He has a point. I certaintly don't look at women like beaches or as "mice things" but as living (human) beings that I am able to procreate with. This feeling is *probably* somehow rooted in evopsyche but I don't care to follow the thought much deeper.

>> No.11400211

It's OK to be gay, /r9k/.

>> No.11401228

Thats extremely vague. Metaphysics as applicable to what?

>> No.11401395


>> No.11401407

there's a reason sexual desire is linguistically equated to hunger in many languages

>> No.11401429
File: 58 KB, 704x470, news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you hear?

>> No.11401448

i really want to have sexual intercourse with her for with the intention to fill her vagina with my semen in order to conceive a child within her womb if you know what i mean

>> No.11401451

ty for the rec

>> No.11401494

you lost me

>> No.11402492

Imagine someone in a position of power being asleep for this long.

>> No.11402892

God this board must be very easy to moderate since you don't seem to have to do anything.

>> No.11402910

WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse temptation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my ear, whispering, "I want you, I want you now," in that chocolaty croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.11402969

Good to know this pasta isn't stale yet.

>> No.11403573

And it never will be until mods start taking more action.

>> No.11403574

Who this thot is?

>> No.11404251


>> No.11405302

anastasiya kvitko

>> No.11405878

Just want to see how long OP's pic will be allowed to stay up.

>> No.11406541

Introduction to metaphysics - heidegger

>> No.11406600

is OPs pic pornography

>> No.11406931

If Rupi Kaur published this it would make Gorillions.

>> No.11407733

You are a fag, or a woman

>> No.11409578


>> No.11410840
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1460469361476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. I believe in Virtue. It is good.
>Not understanding that it's enough to make others believe you are virtuous while acting in what ever way you need to achieve your goals

>> No.11410883


>> No.11410916

Who is this fat legged whore?

>> No.11410934

Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Aquinas, Ockham, Suarez, Leibniz, Wolff, Spinoza, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Whitehead.

>> No.11411377

i wish i was this /based/TM

>> No.11411385

posting softcore porn should be a bannable offence

>> No.11412821

Your mom