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11395346 No.11395346 [Reply] [Original]

>"That phenomenal, or becoming (that is to say, that which transcends the superficial, but not the absolute, spatial layer) thing is apprehended by popular Christianity, and it is apprehended quite well; however, that is all popular Christianity apprehends. This is not to say that esoteric religism, otherwise known as transcendent Christianity, does not apprehend the noumenal. In fact, this true Christianism not only apprehends the object and the subject, that is to say, God, but it is the only organic system, meaning that it is the only system which achieves apprehension of the Absolute without abstraction from phenomena.

Lmao. Who knew that Nick Land of all people would be the guy to finally Btfo fedora-fags

>> No.11395355

what a fuckin pseud, u gotta be a really pleb to think that is insightful

>> No.11395367

The cry of smooth-brained atheist. Dawkins may be convincing on a simple level, but philosophy proves religious truths

>> No.11395371

which essay is this from?

>> No.11395397

i said nothing about theism, nice try tho pseud, but lets be real if u werent a pseud u would be a tenured professor instead of shilling your shitty book to low iq kekbois

>> No.11395426

Yes, of course. I'm sure you prefer Sam Harris

>> No.11396116

In a world divided between theistic enthusiasts and secularist depressives there is little patience for the atheist who nurtures a passionate hatred for God. The mixture of naturalism and blasphemy that characterizes the Sadean text occupies the space of our blindness, to which Bataille’s writings are not unreasonably assimilated. If there is contradiction here it is one that is coextensive with the unconscious; the consequence of a revolt incommensurate with the ontological weight of its object. That God has wrought such loathesomeness without even having existed only exacerbates the hatred pitched against him. An atheism that does not hunger for God’s blood is an inanity, and the anaemic feebleness of secular rationalism has so little appeal that it approximates to an argument for his existence. What is suggested by the Sadean furore is that anyone who does not exult at the thought of driving nails through the limbs of the Nazarene is something less than an atheist; merely a disappointed slave
t. nick land

>> No.11396129


>> No.11396140

>you shitty book

You aren't suggesting that Nick Land is actually the one making that post are you? My god what an idiot

>> No.11396153

of course he is, or someone from his publisher, absolutely no one else gives a shit about your shitty pseud books

>> No.11396172

Nice try, Mr. Land.

>> No.11396175


Please stop saying "your". I'm not the OP, I'm not Nick Land, and I haven't read any of his essays. You sound fucking crazy.

>> No.11396188

holy shit land founded the publisher that prints his books haha this fag is a literally self-publish self-shiller, wow man that dude's life is just cringe hey bro i saw u shilled up one sale on ebay last month, what's that come to like 5 bucks in profit after all those paypal fees? ballin!

>> No.11396193

ya u just randomly come on here shill shit written by a self-publishing nobody that u havent read, cool story, better than any shit in ur lame book at least lmao

>> No.11396198

Is he still sperging on Twitter about BAP's book? He's a serious basedboy.

>> No.11396199

>being this upset that you can't understand nick land's ideas

>> No.11396204

haha ok pseud failed academic look at how cringy these excepts u post are, that shit is terribad, just like all self-published garbage

>> No.11396214



>> No.11396216


how ya doin buddy

>> No.11396229



>> No.11396236

wut up nick land the self-publishin man, how's self-publishin treatin ya these days? shill up any sales to alt-right frogposters?

>> No.11396241


Frogposters are not welcome

>> No.11396244

the first few essays in Fanged noumena arent self published

>> No.11396247

who else would buy that shit

>> No.11396292


I'd rather sit in my HK apartment with tons of copies of my WONDERFUL essays then sell them to gay frogposters who get on 4chan for tasteful banter with "waifu"

>> No.11396298

why dont u shill over on reddit they;ll fuckin love your stuff, also try the incel forum

>> No.11396305


Redditors downvote me to hell and I'm not even sure what an incel is. Please buy my books.