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11395258 No.11395258 [Reply] [Original]

These stories make me genuinely angry at Joyce for having so much talent. How can any one man paint so grand a scene with so little canvas?The economy and the power of his exposition is infuriatingly good, I hate the son of a bitch with all my heart. Every page offers insights into the life and character of humanity in an otherwise unremarkable time and place made vivid and timeless. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I actually have an elaborate picture of this Irish nowhere and its inhabits in my mind, a place I would never visit made flesh, 5 or 6 pages at a time. What are your favorite Dubliner stories why and why?

I think mine is Araby, it captures actual sentiments I've felt and resonates beautifully as this tale of maturation and disillusion. I had known the very same ostentation and readiness in love, and found it hollow. It really spoke to me on how romance is by definition a departure from the real.

>> No.11395264

the most well regarded story in dubliners is the dead but the one most likely to be assigned to first year fags is araby u utter pleb

>> No.11395287

yo I haven't read Dubliners (or anything else) yet but I got a similar feeling reading Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, just an overwhelming sensation of THIS NIGGA IS A GODDAMN GENIUS, mainly during the last chapter

>> No.11395292

explain what's so great about it please

>> No.11395378

the prose is fantastic, mostly

>> No.11395389

>muh prose

the last refuge of dumbshits, p.s. the prose sucks ass

>> No.11395404
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I finished the first story called the sisters, and it wasn't even about the fucking sisters. It was about some kid or guy who visited a dying man and chilled with him. Anyway it wasn't that good compared to the tolstoy story i'm reading about soldiers. Does dubliners get better?

>> No.11395410

even pushkin has better stories that one about the duelist guy i dont even remember how it goes but it was better than any joyce shit

>> No.11395436

I already did in the OP...

>> No.11395442

no you didn't, be specific

>> No.11395456

>Joyce took the offer, and The Sisters was published on 13 August 1904 using the pseudonym Stephen Dædulus, a name given to one of Joyce's semi-autobiographical literary characters in his later novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses. The Sisters was the start of a series called Dubliners that he hoped the Homestead would continue to publish. In fact, Joyce would write two more stories for the Homestead, Eveline and After the Race, before complaints stopped the paper from publishing any more of his stories.[2]
Why are geniuses never appreciated in their time? Or after? Your post makes me sad anon.

>> No.11395460

Maybe reading isn't for you.

>> No.11395464

not an argument

>> No.11395468

How was i supposed to know it was a biographical account? If you don't tell anyone it's not going to be seen that way, it's just laziness for you not mentioning it in the fucking book.

>> No.11395470

I think my favorite is "A Painful Case". I haven't read anything else by Joyce yet, and as much as I like Dubliners I don't feel particularly motivated to either.

>> No.11395473

actually you're the dumb one, and the stuff you like is the shit that sucks

>> No.11395546

>this total lack of reading comprehension
This thread is making an excellent case for why Joyce should be read, but not by /lit/.

>> No.11395572

Regardless of the “genius” of the story, it’s not good. Tolstoy’s The Raid is much better then this snooze fest about a priest

>> No.11395686
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Me too.
>tale of maturation and disillusion
Have you considered that it's actually a tale of shifting illusions? Imagery of light and darkness are a huge key for understanding this (imho more interesting) reading of Araby.

>> No.11395752

If you lacked the level of reading comprehension necessary to understand that guy’s post then you’re probably not ready to read Joyce

>> No.11395775

I prefer Salinger’s Nine Stories. Maybe I’m a pleb.

>> No.11395781

maybe, I'll see if the next story is good, the encounter i think it was called

>> No.11395864

>The Virgin Anon vs. the Chad Mick Eproctophiliac

>> No.11396327

A Little Cloud devastated me. Dubliners is for sure the most emotionally depressing book in the world, despite not containing any "disturbing" scenes (rape, murder, torture, betrayal, violence in general etc.) cept for maybe the end of Counterparts. But that part isnt the disturbing part of Counterparts. Its the dark just... realism of it.

Yet it disturbs me alot. The reality of it. I think dubliners will kick you in the gut more than any old russian drama will. It also has nice stories, Clay, A Painful Case and Grace for example. I don't think i'll ever read dubliners again though, but i constantly go back to and flip up pages of Portrait Ulysses and the wake.

Its funny how Joyce btfo's any other writer who strives for realism, and then abandons it and masters artistry in prose and language.

Idk joyce is the supreme god tier artist. He said it all and more. I used to think he was just interesting and was canon but i really feel like hes lodged deep into my heart and will disturb and comfort me forever.

I think he really scratches and breaks through the surface of achieving a closeness to nature and real life in the most absolute and immortal way. You feel it when you read him. Im so shit with words i cant describe that feeling but yeah, im in literal awe of joyce

>> No.11396332

The Sisters isnt a good example of dubliners. Also read the book b4 you complain

>> No.11396997

underrated post

Joyce is a god at depicting the real and it's...falling short. And he does it in this abrupt fashion that really deepens the effect.