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/lit/ - Literature

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11386874 No.11386874 [Reply] [Original]

What are patrician, high-brow /lit/ YouTube channels?

I need to subscribe to as many as possible so that YouTube doesn't recommend me clips from late night shows and reality TV. Those fuckers are a time sink - I don't even know how I end up on them but once you're in the rabbit hole you can't get out.

>> No.11387183

why not just avoid jewtube altogether?

>> No.11387545

Good channels coming through.
>Center for Contemporary Critical Thought: various series of academic panels on philosophers

>Institut Henri Poincaré: Lectures on mathematics

>French Foreign Legion EASY PASSING TIPS Ansari: Indian dude in the French Foreign Legion and his video blog

>leokimvideo: Australian dude with black widow death pit in his basement

>tradarchive: Fantastic lectures on Islam

>New York Institute for the Humanities: Self explanatory, more academic panels. Their video "The State of Surveillance" is fascinating

>Caspian Report: 20 minute political realist analysis of global events, far superior to the evening news

>The Chess Website: famous chess matches, good way to waste a half hour

>Nicolás Guzmán: French or South American guy who posts good rare music

>> No.11387556

Stop posting my wife here for Gods sake

>> No.11387559
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>watching youtube videos to appear patrician

Imagine being such a 19 year old boomer middlebrow bugman

>> No.11387620

will check em out thanks

>> No.11387691
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The FUCK is this mate

>> No.11389163


Conservative archive, videos featuring Hitchens, Scruton and other conservatives.


The only intelligent alt-right channel on youtube, probably, although I can't agree on his race focused analysis.

>> No.11389182
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Stop being so obsessed with how you present to other people

>> No.11389185


>> No.11389243


>> No.11389779


>> No.11389785

For sci fi theorycrafting, I cannot recommend Issac Arthur enough. He has a lisp, but once you get past that, he gives a great rundown on concepts common in sci fi/futurism.


>> No.11389794

I enjoy the Yale Open Courses, though if you watch enough of them, you begin to realize most of the professors are miserable, overworked and sick of the political infighting. I would recommend John Rogers’ lectures on Milton to start with. https://m.youtube.com/user/YaleCourses/playlists

>> No.11390296

Avoid all lectures from liberal arts institutions like Yale.

Let me explain. I did two courses in psychology, one from MIT (from Open Course Ware) the other from Yale (Yale Open Courses)

Now psychology is a social science - it should be fairly scientific, although it can overlap with sociology, philosophy and other humanities, making it "softer" and less rigorous that things like physics. Still, it should be grounded in empirical data: experiments, clinical trials, neuroscience etc.

MIT's course was great in this respected. They focused on the science, covered a bit of speculative theory, and even the history and philosophy, from as much an objective standpoint as possible.

Yale, on the other hand, used a "psychology" course as a platform for political agenda. Everything that the lecturer taught had some political undertones and cultural commentary. Absolutely disgusting to have this kind of shit in a class room.

If you really want to look at stuff from prestigious liberal arts colleges, at least make sure it's a hard science, because they will fucking twist anything for their agenda.

>> No.11390324

>Yale, on the other hand, used a "psychology" course as a platform for political agenda. Everything that the lecturer taught had some political undertones and cultural commentary.
Any particular quotes or instances of the lectures you'd like to share with us to back your statements, anon?

>> No.11390339

Very sorry but I have a weird OCD where I have to keep checking a thread until it dies if I get into a debate, and I'm sure, whatever examples I give, someone will come to their defence and claim he's not doing anything wrong. I don't wanna be up all night, just watch the Yale Psychology course and see for yourself. Also, Stanford psychology - slightly better than Yale but not as impartial as MIT.

>> No.11390340

>Very sorry but I have a weird OCD where I have to keep checking a thread until it dies if I get into a debate

I've spent whole days on 4chan because of this shit lmao
Sometimes I need to tell my self to just not post in the first place

>> No.11390360

I'm not interested in debating you nor watching hours of Yale courses just to get to the parts you had issues with when you could've simply pointed them out in your initial post, I simply wanted to check what made you make that post.
Why post at all if you're going to make an assertion without backing it up, for someone with such an "OCD", that is the textbook way to start a debate.

>> No.11390834

good thread

>> No.11390910


he gave an account of his experience watching taped courses in a thread about youtube channels, it may help others in the thread. it's you with the problem

>> No.11390917


>> No.11390918
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>Boomers got all their information from the talmudvision
>now Zoomers get all their information from JewTube

Like poetry.

>> No.11390946

is that an actual term or did you just come up with it?

>> No.11390957
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yeah hit me with the good /lit/ pop collectibles,
the /lit/ breakfast cereals
the /lit/ approved duvet cover
the /lit/ pornstar
the /lit/ video game
the /lit/ addiction
the /lit/ lego set

>> No.11390958

You don't go on /v/, then.

>> No.11390962

nah, pretty sure I've heard it used for shooter games, but never applied as a generation title for post-boomers, it's pretty fitting

>> No.11390992

better idea: go to author talks/readings at colleges, bookstore, etc. usually free and sparsely attended. unless you live in a podunk shithole, there’s probably at least a few a month near you.

>> No.11390998

Sasha Grey

>> No.11391012
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>tfw no chess gf to play with

>> No.11391022
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>it's Jello Biafra

>It's FrankJavCee's 2nd

>channel for lovers of music or something like that


>he is the shit rn

>it's dead now but I liked it



>Star Wars and porgs and bs


>> No.11391025

Why is this guy important? What are some of his works that i should read? His views on GOD are fucking retarded just as Hitchens.

>> No.11391032

this looks LIT af

>> No.11391034
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Pewds talked about Mishima in a recent video.

>> No.11391063

>race focused analysis

>> No.11391083


s m h

>> No.11391111
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I'm very sorry

>> No.11391113

>korean man

s m h

>> No.11391282

asia carrera

>> No.11391360
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I recommend to watch Jo Bonten, red pill quality

>> No.11392590

Lets put everything aside and admire that nordic beauty that is going to fade away within a few decades. Shame he is such a dyel.
Not gay btw.

>> No.11392609

some Guy talks about star wars novels.

He liked TLJ though and in general is kind of full of himself. Look up worst star wars novel. He also wrote a book so bad he made a video about it

>> No.11392624

His book on human nature is really good

>> No.11392659

Legit quesiton to a fan of Scruton, how can you trust his writing after the Tobacco thing?

I can't read someone writing about a contentious area if they've been so flagrantly corrupt in their personal life. I just can't presume good faith and spend ages searching everything for tricks and sophistry.

>> No.11392692

Post-boomers are Millennials
Post-millennials are Gen-Z = Zoomers

>> No.11392706

>you are the problem because you pointed out someone else's bad behavior
is that you, mother?

>> No.11392721


The last word on Jordan Peterson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQiFef_OKaM

>> No.11393237


>> No.11393348


>> No.11393359

I can’t say anything about social science courses, but the history and literature courses I watch almost uniformly refrain from politics. Maybe the most political course was John Merriman’s course on modern France, but that’s unavoidable, given that 19th century France was basically one insurrection after another.

>> No.11393374

>Tobacco thing?

Should i ignore him as just another pop philosopher?

>> No.11393380


>> No.11393385

For instance at one point, Merriman recounted the life of a Parisian anarchist but made it clear that he (Merriman) was not an anarchist. No doubt he said this because of how Yale kicked avowed anarchist professor David Graeber to the curb.

>> No.11393411

>The only intelligent alt-right channel on youtube, probably
Look up Jean Francois Gariepy and watch his 8 hour videos.

>> No.11393430


>> No.11393524
File: 86 KB, 785x749, neocentrism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His "How to be Conservative" is a good surface level - but wide ranging and accessible - philosophical review of basic conservative reasoning.

>> No.11393529

Why the fucking shit has no one said Gregory Sadler yet?

>> No.11393561
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Hispanismo MANDA. Tomad nota anglos.


>> No.11393567

there's little nothing wrong with being paid to promote things you already believe. It's kind of the whole point of being a non-fiction writer.

>> No.11393580
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Also, Why no fucking Cliff?!

>> No.11393610


>> No.11393618


>le sex and le death are le only worthwhile themes xD


>> No.11393626

looks like such a poser twat
would love to clock him in the face

>> No.11393654


As a French-Canadian myself I dislike the guy.

Also here's another channel, this one not right-wing at all.


French guy does analysis of classic books, entertaining and informative.

>> No.11393657

Two moves in and she still has to stop and think?

>> No.11393745

dude you got some issues. she might be waiting for her opponent, she might have been asked to pose...

do women trigger you this bad all the time?

>> No.11394234


>> No.11394275
File: 262 KB, 680x661, smug pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know of a cute twentysomething Booktuber grill with good taste and under a hundred thousand subs that none of you know of
>mfw I'm not even joking

>> No.11394314

>so that YouTube doesn't recommend me clips from late night shows and reality TV.
They'll do that anyway. They don't actually recommend you shit you want to watch. My recommendations are full of livestreams of kittens and Nigerian gospel. Every couple weeks they spam me with a bunch of footie recommendations even though I hate it and they constantly suggest videos about Fortnite even when I tell them I'm not interested.

>> No.11394333

I envy you
keep her safe
keep her pure

>> No.11395033

I would never share my booktuber here

>> No.11396423

The early middle ages course from Yale is incomparably comforting for some reason. Like a bedtime story about devastating societal collapse

>> No.11396519

My favorite part of this course is when Professor Freedman discussed the creation of medieval universities as places of quiet contemplation meant to nurture the life of the mind, which is why he became a professor. Then he began to talk about how his job was nothing like his dream, how he was overworked and overwhelmed by bureaucratic paper shuffling. That made me sad. It also explains why Professor Freedman enjoys writing about American cuisine instead of being stuck in New Haven. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6X2N28TnFI

>> No.11397489

Look at the score sheet. It's the French defense but someone threw a weird third move at her. Looks like Na3. She might be considering whether to exchange a Bishop for a Knight if it wrecks White's pawn structure.

>> No.11397522

>and is as well a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

WHAT! England is such a fucking joke.

Thanks, anon. I knew there was something off about this curmudgeon.

>> No.11397531

Which /lit/uber is the closest thing to Anthony Fantano?

>> No.11397553

I watched his Recognitions review a few weeks back

didn't expect profound insights but it was literally just him drunkenly rambling about how massive the paperback is

>> No.11397569

Charls Carroll

>> No.11397579

I watched the first minute of that last week, the first thing I've ever tried to watch from this Clint guy, and I backclicked out of it less than a minute in. Dude seemed like the most annoying human being on the planet, literally couldn't stand it.

>> No.11397589

Der Literatursnob (for Germans).

>> No.11397643

low effort

>> No.11397660

To be fair, that video was from some years ago. He's a lot more serious in most of his more recent vids.

>> No.11398034

r u a clint fan?

>> No.11398062

you should probably base your own opinions of the guy on more actual exposure to his content

>> No.11398252

so yes?

>> No.11398278

Because he's a sheep

>> No.11398290
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Who will win, /lit/?

>> No.11398292
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>Thomas the Train channel/Black Widow channel

>> No.11398322

>Apple Jacks
>Kelsi Monroe
>The Witcher
>(you can't become dependent on) LSD
>using Indiana Jones sets as Rudyard Kipling colonial India sets

>> No.11398327
File: 23 KB, 272x347, 1528371374939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jello Biafra

>> No.11398338

>tfw no qt chess gf who will play the french defence against me

>> No.11398366

Best YouTube channel of all time

>> No.11398459



>> No.11398481



>> No.11399081

How didn't anyone mention this channel? It's the best history channel if you're interested in Rome's battles and politics

>> No.11399099
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>> No.11399155

I already watch and enjoy this channel.

>> No.11399170

>even with the help of prefabricated memes he can't create anything original

pitiful really

>> No.11399182

Mang, Jello Biafra and Varg VIkernes are both bretty cool guys. Even if you disagree with either Jello's or Varg's politics, can't you still agree that they were both great musicians? Nothing wrong withbeing a liberal cuck or a conservative retard, as long as you're able to compensate for that shortcoming in some other area of your life (e.g. music).

>> No.11399200

anyone know a youtube channel that steals audio books and uploads them?

preferably a less known one so it doesn't get taken down too soon.

>> No.11399218

Drunken Peasants (even though there hosts are retarded) and Deep Fat Fried.

>> No.11399235

>Not knowing about generation x.

>> No.11399248

I went to school with this girl. Why the fuck do you have this image saved?

>> No.11399276

You'd have to be an absolute prole to find the Drunken Peasants enjoyable.

>> No.11399383

How old are you?

>> No.11399503

I know that feel

>> No.11399517

23 phaggot

>> No.11399521

>Alexander Argüelles' you tube channe, pretty good, a lot of helpful insight


>> No.11399536

>WARNING mental fast food WARNING

>> No.11399542

Damn bro, I know that feel. In fact I was in almost the exact same situation - except I dated her, and instead of booktubing she was a camwhore that did it for "fun" and not the attention or money (while at the same time only wanting to have sex with her actual boyfriend - me - like once a month).

>> No.11399541

Damn. I'm 22 and I'm having trouble finding new friends because I'm sick of faggots like you.

>> No.11399557

stop being retarded then.
poast yt

>> No.11399568

Damn bro wtf lol. I'm having trouble too because I just moved and don't have any friends because for some reason I CAN'T find any phaggots like me.

That much, at least, you and I DO have in common. . . so maybe we could like, you know, be friends or something, or at least swap places.

just hmu at cucklover92@gmail.com

>> No.11399597

>That much, at least, you and I DO have in common. . . so maybe we could like, you know, be friends or something, or at least swap places.
>just hmu at cucklover92@gmail.com

>> No.11400006


>> No.11400306

>JF garepy
pedo rapist tardfucker, also brainlet failed academic

>> No.11401285


>> No.11401289

better than food, man

>> No.11401616


>> No.11402128

Yuck! That pork feet or whatever it is, is just too greasy and fatty.

This whole series is a bit too staged and misleading for my taste. The YA fiction version of farm life. Life is not "easy mode" like this.


>> No.11402130

Right answer, love this channel. He is a fucking reader for sure.

>> No.11402284

I wanna cum high on her brows

>> No.11402447

>"you fucking cuck"

Anyone else seeing that? Is this guy /ourguy/ or what is that?

First video I've watched of him, highly enjoyable.

>> No.11403210

>>Nicolás Guzmán: French or South American guy who posts good rare music
Holy shit this channel is amazing. Thanks man!

>> No.11403243

You're saying that while spending money on nice clothes, makeup, signaling to impress people, etc. Everyone is showing off all the time and you want us to let up our efforts so you can get ahead.

>> No.11403854


>> No.11404326

Literally who?

>> No.11404372

Survive the Jive is really interesting on pre-Christian European culture


>> No.11405311

The only correct answer is Katie Loves Classic Books. Everything else is a meme.


>> No.11405329


Only one I could recommend. Not even shilling, he deserves more views so he can make more videos.

>> No.11405338


> I did two courses
> watched youtube videos


>> No.11405916

Looks like you might be in need of education, so I'll explain this to you. A course isn't just a lecture - it is extra reading, assignment, and exams. You can do those through the internet.

I know you're thick as shit, but please try to at least understand things before talking about them.

>> No.11406114

East Bay Ray was a great musician what music did Gelatin write for the Dead Kennedys?

>> No.11406224

If you want to learn languages this guy is great, and if not he's just adorable

>> No.11406397


>> No.11406576

>Yale, on the other hand, used a "psychology" course as a platform for political agenda.
You mean Jordan Peterson?

>> No.11406747 [DELETED] 

This pussy should simply shut up an write instead of being a 'creative' reviewer. It must be terrible to be a person who has read this much and not possess the means to express. He doesn't talk from the point of view of a reader but someone who still has a desire to be a writer. Sad really, to see such anxiety and disintegration.

I like his taste though.

>> No.11406759

This pussy should simply shut up an write instead of being a 'creative' reviewer. It must be terrible to be a person who has read this much and not possess the means to express. He doesn't talk from the point of view of a reader but someone who still has a desire to be a writer. Sad really, to see such anxiety and disintegration.

I like his taste though.

>> No.11406767 [DELETED] 


>> No.11406959

slave morality

>> No.11406977

literally did nothing wrong

>> No.11406986

I cringed.