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/lit/ - Literature

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11382807 No.11382807 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11383357

The anglos are gonna get pissed

>> No.11383395
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>he thinks knowing his mother tongue and English makes him multilingual

>> No.11383405
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>when you hear she’s bilingual

>> No.11383457
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>tfw the world literally revolves around my mother tongue (American English)
It is simply the most powerful and important language in the world. Objectively speaking, the planet hangs on my every word. Every day millions upon millions of foreigners struggle to learn MY language simply to understand MY thoughts and perhaps, if they're lucky, have the opportunity of one day speaking to ME.

It's impossible to be humble when my brain hold this much depth and significance. When the aliens make contact, they will learn my language before any others.

>> No.11383508

Agreed. Native language + English is the run of the mill middle brow pleb-tier for non-Anglos.

>> No.11383611

>he only knows Indo-European languages

>> No.11383615

But I know some Japanese from watching anime, does that count?

>> No.11383624

>he doesn't speak four (4) languages
I should learn a romance language tho

>> No.11383636


And even that is quite better than your typical monolingual Anglo.

>> No.11383664

God that's hot

>> No.11383676

>learning languages
>not forcing other people to learn your language

>> No.11383993

I don't wanna be this way, anymore.

>> No.11384014

I know English, Klingon, and French. I'm such a nerd rawr xD

>> No.11384023

more like
>money, money, practical, big media

>> No.11384041

There's no point to learning other languages solely for their perceived literary value; you'll never understand or speak or appreciate them at the same level of a native speaker. Life is barely long enough to master one language, and too short to ever read all of its literature. Don't go sticking your toes in others just for bragging rights

>> No.11384045

>he said, in American English
Your mind is property of the United States, bitch

>> No.11384076

learning other languages can help you appreciate and understand your own language better

>> No.11384123

That's my motivation for wanting to learn Latin, German, and see where I go from there. I think it would be beneficial for my interests.

>> No.11384132

>Every day millions upon millions of foreigners struggle to learn MY language simply to understand MY thoughts and perhaps, if they're lucky, have the opportunity of one day speaking to ME.

trolling aside, most people learn english to talk to each other as a lingua franca, not necessarily to get into anglos heads

>> No.11384133

t. Monolingual

>> No.11384145

I’m pretty sure that Nabokov knew English much better than any person on this board who was born and raised in an Anglophone country.

>> No.11384602

Official rankings

Absolute pleb tier: Monolingual anglo
Shit tier: irrelevant language native speaker (Dutch, Swedish) + English second language
Good tier: relevant language native speaker (French, Spanish, German, Chinese etc) + English second language
God tier: English native speaker + literally any other language

But if you learnt because your parents spoke it then it doesn't count

>> No.11384736

>But if you learnt because your parents spoke it then it doesn't count
This reasoning is fucking retarded and it proves that (you)'re just looking to feel superior

>> No.11384823

>do nothing and realise that you are bilingual at 10 years old thanks to mum and dad without any effort whatsoever
Wow so based and intelligent

>> No.11384913

t. Anglo who thinks highly of himself because he learned 3 words of Spanish to talk with his spic cousins. Seriously though, unless you are fluent in at 3 languages, you might as well be illiterate when it comes to Literature with a capital L.

>> No.11384917

I know English, Japanese and Czech. Good combo?

>> No.11384970

>he doesn't speak five (5) languages
I know a romance language - absolutely worth it mate

Spoken like a true underachiever

>> No.11385059

Then speak romantically to me.

>> No.11385074

I'm trilingual without any effort whatsoever and probably could learn another three without much effort FeelsGoodMan

>> No.11385165

>thinking that speaking multiple romance languages makes you multilingual
>literally the same language copy-pasted with different squiggles on top

>> No.11385167

>he thinks any language besides the international scientific and diplomatic tongue is necessary
all diplomats, all scientists worth anything speak and write in English

>> No.11385178

I learned english from books

>> No.11385199

>Good tier: relevant language native speaker (French, Spanish, German, Chinese etc) + English second language

Then all the Pablos in murica are good tier

>> No.11385215

yeah hispanic native speakers are usually pretty trash tier
>they learned muh mother tongue entirely informally and vocally
>this makes them totally ignorant of their own language
>can't even write/speak properly outside of their local dialect

>> No.11385234
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>My language
>Amerifat flag
What did he mean by this.

>> No.11385244
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British English is REAL English, right, mate?

>> No.11385260

>american english

Yeah, simplified english is quite easy

>> No.11385265

It is, literally

>> No.11385326


>his language isn't the cultural hegemon of the world

feel bad for you desu

>> No.11385334
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We've fallen and we can't get up.

>> No.11385339

>american english
>simplified english
If you want to compare simplified slang American English to something then compare it to simplified slang British English. Do not make the mistake of comparing simplified slang American English to proper British English. Proper American English is still a legitimate language - and, truthfully, it varies very little from proper British English.

>> No.11385344

Is Scots English any more real than American English?

>> No.11385382

Finno-Ugric is the true master race language family

>> No.11385410
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Please, continue.

>> No.11385473


Nabokov had a live in English teacher and French teacher essentially from birth. He is not the example you want to use

>> No.11385564

>The amount of asshurt comments
Point proven lmao the seething manlet rage seems to confirm this post

>> No.11385619

English isn't even my third language

>> No.11385650

it's colour not color

>> No.11385655

>still can't write a decent book

>> No.11385889

>my language
>t. Juan Pablo Schikenguhren y O’Murphy-Chang

>> No.11386080
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>A passion for linguistics prompted him throughout his life to study new languages, and he was able to speak and write not only Portuguese but also Latin, French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Chinese, Occitan and Tupi.
My objective in life is to be like him

>> No.11386086


>> No.11386088

Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen. —Goethe

>> No.11386107
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>Speak 3 languages
>Shit at writing in all of them

>> No.11386126
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*blocks your path*
>Engels spoke 32 languages, among them Ancient Greek, Old Norse, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Frisian, Gothic, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Persian, Portugues, Romanian, Russian, Scottish, Swedish, Serbo-Croatian and Spanish.

>> No.11386132

>be anglo
>finally getting to the point where I can read a book in French without having to look up a word every other sentence
Sublime feels lads. It also makes me want to start learning a third language but I know I really shouldn't for another year since I'll overextend myself. Plus I can't decide what language to learn next.

>> No.11386136

Just learn another Romance language like Spanish and/or Italian.

>> No.11386141

Great way to get completely confused if you're not firm enough in your knowledge of French.

>> No.11386216

Australian is the only language that matters

>> No.11386228

That's why I want to learn french

>> No.11386255

If showing off is the point you should go in for latin instead. Lots of us can drop French casually so you won't stand out that much. If you roll in speaking latin people will feel overwhelmed at the size of your 'cerebellum', you can read academic poetry nobody here will ever dream of reading where they can muddle through a french poem like it was antiquated english, and it will help your credit when all those new christians begin converting to catholicism to hold on desperately to the feeling of legitimacy.

>> No.11386357

>be anglo
>can skim a simple text in a foreign language and vaguely understand some of it
>"yeah I'm basically fluent haha, I love learning languages just like Goethe and Nabokov, do you think I should I learn Pashto or Basque next?

>> No.11386411

I speak Portuguese so I think I can speak Spanish but actually I'm just doing an accent.

>> No.11386428

>never living in a country that doesn't speak your native language

>> No.11386699
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>speaks english to natives anyway

>> No.11386889

We're you, but stronger

>> No.11386905
File: 33 KB, 546x512, BOEzRxJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only subhumans and boomers refuse to learn foreign languages. Ignorance like this is a clear sign of irreversible low IQ.

>> No.11386916

Shit literature though
T. Finn

>> No.11386935

Adult language learning is hopelessly middle class.

>> No.11387954

Anglo who also speaks Greek here.

Get on my level plebs.

>> No.11388013

Sometimes I'm amazed at the nonsense of some comments. It's probably a bait, but still

>> No.11388424

Did any of these multilinguals ever try to have a crack at Finnish?

>> No.11388446

Paha musta poika, hyvva kiitos!

>> No.11388448

Tolkien had a hard on for Finnish language and myths. He tried learning it but never got far.

>> No.11388642

Mina ei ummarta.

I'm not surprised, lol.

>> No.11388748

Kek I do the same but backwards. Spent a month in Brazil as a kid and came back speaking portuguese. Forgot all but some phrases but I still can understand/read it.

>> No.11388766

I know binary and learned it for fun. Does that count? Same with Morse code.

>> No.11388984
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>> No.11389097

Speak French + English, taking Italian next semester which is in 2 months, and also (((self-learning))) Japanese.

>> No.11389148
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>> No.11389701

I'm trying to teach myself French right now. After hearing all the anons here talk about how reading translations just isn't the same I figured I'd buckle down and kearn a language. If I'm succesful, I figure I'll try and tackle others.
Its slow going, but I guess I'll see where it takes me.

>> No.11389789

I learnt Spanish, great language, I think I could live in America only speaking Spanish in their barrios

>> No.11389933

what if you got two mother tongue

>> No.11389942

tfw quadrilingual (quintilingual if you count Latin, but I don't, since it is expected to know Latin.)

>> No.11389969

show bob and vagene

>> No.11390049
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>> No.11390070

What's the matter brainletto? Are you annoyed? I speak, all in all

I am learning Czech as we speak. I am the Austro-Hungarian Uebermensch, and you are Z E R O. Don't kid yourself, child.

>> No.11390078

I don't remember asking you for a list, sweetie. Maybe try working on your reading comprehension.


>> No.11390079

>his language isn't an official language in multiple counties

>> No.11390082

>separate languages

>> No.11390083
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>whole thread is in English

>> No.11390086

Be stupid somewhere else, seethie ;)

>> No.11390117

>Anglo: only English
>Weeb: native Indo-European language speaker + Japanese
>Mexican: Spanish native + American English
>Nigger: any African language + anything else
>Mainland: Native Euro language + English
>Lazy Purist: only speaks one language tree, usually neighboring countries (Dutch, German)
>Artistocrat: German + French + English
>Polyglot: any four language combination
>Chad: raised among Wolfs, doesn't even communicate with humans

>> No.11390121

"Austrian" is more different to Low Saxon than SlovENE and serbo-croatian, and they are both dialects of singular "German".

>> No.11390130

Lol proof he actually spoke those besides wikipedia

>> No.11390139

Aristocrats don't speak germanic languages, only Romance ones.

>> No.11390925

>norwegian in the 19th century

>> No.11390930

>Scottish so decided to learn Galic

>> No.11390935

feral children are absolute plebs

>> No.11391004

This but unironicaly

>> No.11391007

this but ironically

>> No.11391037

english, french, tagalog, mandarin.

obviously canadian

any recommendations on next language to learn?

>> No.11391060

:^) same my dude. Two mother languages + english. What are your two? Im trying to learn spanish as my fourth.

>> No.11391097

unfortunately unironically this. My rich-ass turkish uncle (10's of millions) barely knows any english (or any other language) and when I asked him why he doesn't learn another one he says he can't be bothered to take up room in his mind that could be used to make money.

Kind of a goon, but it's true.

>> No.11391114

With the growth of wearable technology and AI, we could be see wearable real-time machine translators that work at near-native fluency. Something you stick in your ear that translates everything you hear for you. Will everyone, or at least those with access to such technology, revert to being monolingual ?

>> No.11391121

your uncle is lower class

>> No.11391158

Yes, and then years later people will revert back and rediscover language learning

>> No.11391217
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>learning the language of a country you don't live in and have no ethnic ties to

>> No.11391225

that's what's up, relearning every single signifier you know over again but with different sounds is a total waste of your life

>> No.11391241

were all related if you go back far enough

>> No.11392304

>wasting time learning another language when anyone worth talking to speaks English anyway and all important literary works are translated into English
wew lad

>> No.11392422

Reading translations of poetry is mostly meaningless

>> No.11392438

Joyce was a multilingual and he tried to learn Finnish

>> No.11392446

Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Latin, and Middle Egyptian.

I'll answer any question.

>> No.11393947


>> No.11393962

How did you learn a second-langauge?

>> No.11393967

The anon wrote "Artistocrat". Don't know if it was a spelling error or just an attempt at a clever pun.

>> No.11393990

Do you know English?

>> No.11394001

>middle egyptian
why not coptic

>> No.11394202

You are to learn Attic Greek.

>> No.11394380

I do agree. Then again as >>11384076 says, the effort of wrapping your head around a different language's grammar will help you figure out your own language's grammar better. It of course also helps if you plan on spending any time at all in the country of the language you want to learn. For literature alone learning another language would be quite useless, but usually you'd have more than just the literary aspect weighing on your choice.

>> No.11394389

Pretty sure the only benefit of knowing English is for its lingua franca value, which means that "relevant native language + (fluent) English second language" would really be the winner. "Native English speaker + other second language" is only as useful as the relevance of the second language.

>> No.11394398

Is there anything more disgusting than uncultured nouveaux-riches? Back in the old days, at least the upper classes were worthy of respect.

>> No.11394414


>> No.11394444

This but unironically

>> No.11395640
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Learned english, german, russian, french, chinese, latin and sanskrit throughout my life. Feels good not being an ignorant monolingual cunt.

>> No.11395647

>when you hear she’s bilingual
It's like having two gfs in one gf.

>> No.11395680

>not starting with the greeks

>> No.11395695
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You'd be surprised how many don't speak even their mother tongue at all, let alone English.
And those who do speak English, often stop at a really basic level where they can barely make sense of what they hear and say.

>> No.11395747
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>tfw learnt japanese purely because I wanted to read raw manga and tease all the EOLs about it
feels good because it succeeded

>> No.11395794
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Gentleman [ ]
Scholar [x]
Pure Evil [x]

>> No.11395851

Portuguese is my mother language. I speak English since a very young age, and currently teach it.

Also learning modern Hebrew. What's a useful next language?

>> No.11395858

That you, Thrasymachus?

>> No.11396392

American English is not a different thing to British English. They're like identical twins, dressed identically, except maybe their shoe laces are different colours.

>> No.11396466

Ok puto

>> No.11396763

The problem is that there isn't a language or culture I'm passionate enough about to actually learn. I've tried with many different languages, but my interest has always waned. I guess taking a course and learning alongside others could help hold me accountable, but I'm not sure.

>> No.11396931

and yet most american "try" to learn french who is only used by niggers and frogs who doesn't bathe... i recommend to learn german, russian or italian (spanish you will learn it even you dont want it gringo)

>> No.11396988

kafka trap

>> No.11397785

I'm no expert of languages, but considering Portuguese is your mother tongue you could learn Spanish pretty easily if you don't know it already. Though it's hard, Chinese/ Mandarin is probably going to be the most useful language moving forward

>> No.11397792

Nobody wants to speak to you, you obnoxious cunt

>> No.11397808

multiple > 1
2 > 1
2 is multiple
knowing 2 languages is multilingual

now if you wanna argue that knowing only 2 isnt anything impressive or whatever thats fair but its literally in the definition of the word you buffoon.

>> No.11397915

Native portuguese speaker here, and I too, learned english very young. I learned italian, it was pretty easy, you can reach an excellent level within a year. It is easier than french but harder than spanish, its my favorite modern language as well.
If you want something easy, go for spanish (specially if you are brazilian, there are plenty of job offers that have spanish as an extra), since we can already read it without having studied it. If you want a more challenging one but still very easy, go french or italian.
Or as other anon suggested, learn some oriental language, though it must very tough to learn

>> No.11397937


>> No.11397975

I know english, polish, German and latin. Is that a good Combo?

>> No.11397991

>irreversible low IQ

What is grammar?

>> No.11398170

>He is a linguistic cuckold forced to forsake his mother tongue in order to communicate with any community of relevant size or importance

It's our world, you're just living in it.

>> No.11398183

No, because Japanese is honorary Indo-European.

>> No.11398313

God Bless the US

>> No.11398383


>> No.11398408
File: 33 KB, 685x385, methode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fb31ec5bc-0ce7-11e8-9ed2-93cf9d74a2fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never understand or speak or appreciate them at the same level of a native speaker.

>> No.11398472

My native language is English but I speak Hebrew fluent and I'm learning French. Do I pass?

>> No.11398490

What are your learning resources?
~B1 Spanish here after 6 months. I use

>Duolingo (mostly for the Duolingo Stories now)
>Memrise for flashcard learning
>Podcasts in Spanish
>Once-weekly Skype talk with a Spanish person
>A2/B1 level stories in Spanish for Kindle

~1 hour per day

>> No.11398521

>One soldier’s diary from around 1900 was, for instance, written in four languages—in the soldier’s local Slovene when he was recalling his girlfriend, in German for regimental matters, in Serbian when he composed songs, and in Hungarian when he related his sexual fantasies.

>> No.11398631

Your only really valuable resource is the skype. Do more of that if you have the opportunity.

>> No.11398683

I agree that Skype is the most important thing to do. I'm working on using it more.

>> No.11399291
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>live in anglosphere
>learn dying language that won't help me get ahead in life at all

>> No.11399416

>somebody learns languages for traveling
I know that useless subhumans consider everything mental a burden. Just don't stand in the way of passionate people you so ynigger

>> No.11399498

everything is pointless wahhhh wahhhhh

>> No.11399515
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>make fun of monolingual brainlets
>the low IQ monolinguals get belligerent and aggressive
It's like poking retards.

>> No.11400003
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Daijoubu, anon-kun!

>> No.11400560

This, but unironically

>> No.11400952

Should I learn German for the purposes of reading philosophy?

>> No.11402037

They didn't

>> No.11402042

Any good books about polyglots?

>> No.11402057
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>Being sufficient in multiple languages but a master of none

Speak to immigrants. The longer they speak English the more they forget their original language. If you're not born with English as your first language you're going to be seen as an idiot for the rest of your life.

>> No.11402065

how does it feel to have a cultural inferiority complex?