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/lit/ - Literature

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11389019 No.11389019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me some pro-holocaust literature, not holocaust-denial literature which I have no interest in but books that specifically affirm the justness and righteousness of the holocaust and explore the reasons for this. I'm sick and tired of being force-fed non-stop the notion that the holocaust was the worst thing ever. Without making any value judgments myself I'm interested in hearing the other side simply out of curiosities sake. This sort of book for any other genocides I would be curious in too but the holocaust is mainly what I want to read about.

I don't know if there are any books like this published by professional publishing houses with proper editing and typesetting etc which is what I'm looking for and not a link to some neonazi screed online. If anyone knows about books like this that they could direct me to I would be very grateful. I just think it's amazing that for something that is focused on so much in the modern world that we only ever hear one side of it (that it was bad).

Thanks :3

>> No.11389034


Shut the fuck up, you fucking Nazi.

>> No.11389038

its universally agreed to be bad because it was universally bad

>> No.11389047

This. Saged. Why don't you go back to the Daily Stormer and ask them OP, I'm sure they'll only be too happy to spoonfeed you their koolaid.

>> No.11389066

((((Dramatic Irony))))

>> No.11389082

Damn these JIDF diswashers sure are SEETHING tonight!

>> No.11389082,1 [INTERNAL] 

go back to pol fuckboi

>> No.11390194


The 'three-face' at the end signifies either a copypasta attempt, or the fact that you are incapable of rational thought. Ether way you're still retarded.

>> No.11390206
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I'm seeing a lot of butt-hurt replies but no book recommendations. I thought this was supposed to be a literature board.

>> No.11390232

Just read Mein Kampf or ask /pol/ why jews deserved ot

>> No.11390240

vomit on my balls frognigger

>> No.11390244

But that's not the same as seeing those arguments developed in a well-thought out way and in enough detail to fill an entire book.

>> No.11390248

Well that's all you're gonna get brainlet

>> No.11390264

I actually have an IQ of 147, it's my intelligence that makes me curious to understand controversial opinions and minority views. Only the truly intelligent enjoy and relish the contradictions involved in understanding and synthesizing opposing views.

>> No.11390279

Look the basis for the holocaust was that jews, and other, were subhumans parasite who needed to die. Do you agree with this? Then you have your answer.

Just look at other genocides and the reason behind them. The holocaust isn't special.

>> No.11390288
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Ironic or not this post is fucking funny

>> No.11390310

Sex and Character is a great start desu, of course Mein Kampf really sets the tone

>> No.11390316

I've heard Weininger is good but I'm specifically looking for something written after it happened.

>> No.11390329

Hannah Arendt - The origins of Totalitarianism
Theodor Adrono - The culture industry
Baruch Spinoza - Theological-political treatise
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical investigations
Jacques Derrida - specters of Marx
Karl Marx - The German Ideology
Walter Benjamin - Illuminations
Karl Popper - Open Society and Its Enemies
Leo Strauss - The City and Man
Raymond Aron - The Opium of the Intellectuals

>> No.11390351


People speak about moral relativism all the time, but the holocaust is our benchmark for evil. I don't think what you're looking for exists.


The strange thing is that even the majority of neo-nazis are capable of seeing that the holocaust was pure, unbridled evil. I mean, they hate the jews and wish death upon them, but even they have to deny that the holocaust actually took place because it's beyond justification.

>> No.11390359

I understand why you would want that, but it would be better to examining the reasoning as to why people went into and supposedly did the holocaust, rather than the rationalization after the fact of why it was alright